Topic: Birthing Day

Mara Mallory

Date: 2013-04-20 19:32 EST
Dreven City; Spring, 1258 Eleven years ago ...

Eric Mallory was in a particularly foul mood that day, one that had the servants tiptoeing about the manor trying to stay out of his way. No one knew the reason for his mood and no one dared asked. His son, Duncan, knew well enough to stay out of his father's way when he was in such a mood or he risked a lecture if he was lucky, a beating if he wasn't. He had learned from past trial and error to make himself scarce when his father was in such a mood, and today was no exception.

The man would most likely not even notice his son gone, and if he did, the servants would make excuses. The boy was well loved by the servants, if not by the father who paid them. There had been a time when love and laughter had rang through the halls of Mallory Manor, but that time had long since passed. Today, of all days, he refused to let his father's foul mood ruin his plans. Today was a special day. Today was a day he had been planning and looking forward to for weeks. Today was his best friend's birthing day, and he was looking forward to making it a special one.

Duncan snuck out of the manorhouse at his earliest opportunity, abandoning his studies for the day, and taking his horse - a sleek black stallion that was the boy's pride and joy - to the streets to another house in another area of the city that had been forbidden. At the tender age of sixteen, the boy already had plans for his life and for the girl he was about to meet, though he had mostly kept those plans to himself for now. He had secretly vowed to make his own decisions about his life, no matter what his father wanted or thought of him.

The house he was bound for was certainly located in a less fashionable area of the city, but by no means a place of poverty. The people moved more freely between the buildings here, were more open in their dealings with one another, and knew everything about one another. But it wasn't the gossips or the traders that concerned the boy - almost a man - riding through the streets; it was the owner of a particularly pretty laugh, audible through an open window raised only a little above the level of his shoulder as he sat astride his steed.

Mara Devine, the daughter of a well-known courtesan many years now in her grave, was just visible, flaxen-gold hair tumbling down over her shoulders as she teased her nurse, governess, and guardian all rolled into one. She was not fit company for a boy of Duncan's station, but that had never bothered either of them. It was only the grown ups who had a problem with it.

He could just see her from the street through the window and a smile crossed his face at the sound of her laughter, warm and rich and girlish. He caught sight of her hair and knew it was her, but even without seeing her, he would know the sound of her voice anywhere. He wasn't worried about what people thought of him in this part of the city. Here he could just be himself and not have to worry about keeping up pretenses of being the son of a wealthy, prominent businessman. Mara was one of the few people he let really know him. When he was with her, he was just simply Duncan. He smiled as he eavesdropped at her window, listening to her tease her guardian, who pretended not to know where her charge often disappeared to or with whom, though Duncan suspected she knew well enough. He waited a moment before he whistled soft and low, a pre-arranged signal that Mara would know well and that told her he was here to carry her away.

"Now just you try to behave yourself today, my little lady," the often-at-her-wit's-end Elise was saying, loud enough that the words carried easily out to Duncan where he sat astride his stallion. "That Del Sol boy is here to see you again. Honestly, the effort he puts into amusing you, the least you could do is give him the time of day. Your mother would have."

The woman's voice faded away as Mara's countered the mild scolding with a cheeky snicker. "But it's my birthing day! Don't you want me to have fun?"

Elise's answer was inaudible, lost in the crowd as Duncan's whistle cut through. Mara's head half-turned toward the window, and she began to back toward the open aperture, hands innocently behind her back and making an interesting wriggle in greeting to the friend whom Elise was sure was going to get her in trouble one of these days.

"Aren't you going to show him in?" the girl asked her guardian as she stepped back into the sunlight, the play of shadow highlighting the contours of a gown whose style she had been denied until this birthday's arrival. She was a young woman now, by all accounts; she had to begin dressing like one. As Elise rolled her eyes and stepped out of the room, the golden-haired girl spun suddenly, hitching up her skirt to climb up onto the windowsill with a giggle, her hand reaching out to Duncan. "Quick, before she comes back!"

Duncan scowled when he overheard the name of his rival - a boy who had hated him ever since he could remember, and he wasn't even quite sure why. It wasn't just the rivalry the two boys had for Mara's attention. It went far deeper than that, beginning with the rivalry between their fathers and a history between the two men the boys hadn't even begun to understand. But none of that mattered right now, except for the fact that Duncan knew if he and Mara wanted to get away for a little while, they would have to hurry before Mara's guardian arrived back with her charge's young suitor. "Careful!" he hissed as he offered her a hand to help her out the window and onto the back of his horse, who was complaining lightly, but remaining still for his master.

Her hand smacked into his, firm and completely trusting that he wouldn't let her fall, no matter how clumsily she moved. "Oh, don't be such an old woman," she teased him cheerfully, exhilarated that he had made it in time to save her from more of Stefan's stilted love poems and bad jokes. Even dressed as she was, in woman's garb, corseted and laced with silk stockings visible to the knee at her escape, she made it through the window with a laugh, landing with a gentle thump at her best friend's back, astride his horse without much care for how unladylike the position was. Her arms wrapped snug about his waist as she grinned. "So how fast can this old nag go, then?"

He held the horse's reins in one hand and her fingers in the other, watching her carefully in case he needed to catch her, but then she was thumping down behind him, her arms going around his waist. "You could have worn something more practical," he scolded, getting a strange feeling inside as she snaked her arms around him. The horse tossed his head and snorted, either issuing a warning that he was growing restless or offended by the girl's insult.

"Nag?" Duncan echoed with a snort of his own. "I'll show you nag." He kicked his heels against the horse's flanks and gave a yank at the reins, and off they went. "Hold on!" he called back over one shoulder, kicking the horse into a run, hooves clattering against the cobbled streets as they headed out of town.

"I didn't have a choice, this is what Elise put me in this morning," she explained through her grin, her voice changing timbre as she imitated the woman who had raised her after her mother's death. "You can't run around in little girl's clothes any more, Mara. You're a young lady now." She snorted herself at the words, knowing the future expected of her was as far from a lady's as was possible without falling from her precarious station as it was. The lurch as the horse broke into a trot and canter brought her to tighten her arms around Duncan, any hint of a bad temper or irritation with her nursemaid forgotten in a gale of delighted laughter as the speed picked up, setting her hair to flowing behind them as he bore her away from a day imprisoned with interested parties. And behind them, the exasperated sound of Elise's return faded away into the crowded street. "Mara - Mara!"

Mara Mallory

Date: 2013-04-20 19:32 EST
"She'll be cross with you now," he called back over his shoulder. "We can still go back if you want." He already knew her answer without asking. She would not have come at his beck and call if she wanted to spend a boring afternoon in the presence of Stefan Del Sol.

"Don't you dare!" she laughed into his ear, indignant at the thought of giving up an afternoon with him in favor of playing at being a halfway respectable girl well on her way to womanhood. Stefan Del Sol was in the market for a wife, everyone knew that; Mara was deathly afraid that she was the wife he was looking for. "I'll black your eye if you try it, Duncan Mallory."

He laughed at the idle threat. He'd taught her to swing a punch or two, but he was too quick on his feet to ever let her win at such a game, unless she happened to take him by surprise. The busy streets of Dreven quickly faded into the distance, a warm spring breeze stirring their hair as the black took them away from the city and the responsibilities and expectations of each of their stations. Lake Silvermere was shining like a diamond in the sunlight and it was toward that goal he was riding, with a surprise in store for the girl who was his closest companion.

Each galloping stride the stallion took shook them closer together, until they rose and fell against the wide back in tandem. Mara never enjoyed herself so much as when she was with Duncan, and always more than ever when he took her outside the city that was all she had ever known before she'd met him. He didn't need a specific goal to delight his friend with a ride through open air and warm breezes, rewarded just for the freedom of speed and companionship with more of her abandoned laughter as she hugged to his back. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise!" he called back, turning his head just enough so that she could hear him over the sound of the horse's hooves and the wind in their ears. The city behind them, the landscape opened up before them, surrounded by farmland to the east and west, mountains to the north, the lake a jewel that shone to the south and their destination. A little over an hour's ride, and small cottage-like houses dotted the shores of the lake here and there. Here was where those who could afford it came when they wanted to escape the city. He gave her no hints as to where they were going, until he slowed the horse to a trot and started down a gravel path toward a small but cozy-looking cottage on the lake.

Even had she been outside the city with anyone else but him, Mara would never have come here without Duncan's influence. This was a place of the truly rich, the truly powerful, and though she delighted in seeing the beauty around her, the cottages where the wealthy played at being poor for their own amusement with none of the harsh realities, she was acutely aware that she didn't belong here. As the horse slowed, she hugged just a little tighter to her friend's back, her cheek resting between his shoulder-blades, wondering just what they were doing here at all. Was it going to be another disastrous attempt at introducing her to his parents"

She needn't fear anything of the kind. He'd given up on her meeting his parents long ago. His mother couldn't stay sober long enough, and his father would hear nothing of him carousing with a girl so beneath his station. No, this was of Duncan's own doing. He brought the horse to a halt not far from a cottage that, while sturdy enough, looked like it had seen better days. He patted the horse to calm him and climbed down, reaching for Mara to help her down from the black beast.

The ride had done nothing for the ladylike position of her skirts, the only blessing being that she was still just a little young to be completely aware of just how inappropriate it was to be astride a horse with your skirts hiked up about your thighs. Swinging her leg over the saddle, she dropped down with Duncan's help and a slightly wild smile, the speed and joy of the ride still clinging to her windswept face as she looked around. "Where are we?" she asked him again, one hand in his as might have been proper in young lovers, the other poking teasingly into his stomach like a child. "You're being very mysterious, Mal."

He was old enough to appreciate the sight of her in that dress, the first real look he'd been able to get of her until they were done with their flight. He felt a swell of jealousy at the thought that he might have to share her company with Stefan or anyone else for that matter, though he didn't quite understand why he felt that way when he knew she preferred - even favored - him over anyone else. He admired the cut of the dress and the way it accentuated curves he hadn't noticed until now, the flush of exhilaration in her cheeks that matched his own, green eyes dancing with life. It made his heart swell with joy to see her happy, to be the source of her happiness. "Close your eyes," he told her, giving her hand a light squeeze.

"Why, what are you going to do?" Such suspicion ....but then, you'd be suspicious too if the last time your friend had asked you to close your eyes, you'd both ended up in the canal. Through no real fault of Duncan's, but the lake was right there. She grinned up at him, sparkling with bright laughter in a way that might make her a courtesan as famed and well-favored as her mother had once been, given time.

He didn't want to think on her following in her mother's footsteps, and there would come a time when they'd argue about it, but hopefully not today. Today was her birthday, and he had a very special surprise planned. He looked a little hurt by her distrust of him, a little too sensitive for a boy his age, though he tried hard to hide that side of him from those around him, feeling it more a weakness than a strength. That's what he'd been led to believe anyway. "Don't you trust me?" he asked with a frown.

Her smile only widened, refusing to give into the waver in his temper as she teased him, reaching up to tweak his nose playfully. "Fine," she acceded with a giggle, obligingly closing her eyes. "But if you drop me in the lake, you're explaining it to Elise."

"If you keep taunting me, I just might," he warned, though there was no malice in the warning, another idle threat. He smiled as she finally conceded to his wishes and he led her carefully by the hand through the tall grass to an overgrown walkway which led to the door of the cottage. He glanced at her to make sure her eyes were still closed, not quite trusting her. He let go of her hand and stepped in front of her, the sound of a key heard clicking in a lock, and then he was taking hold of her hand again and leading her past the threshold and into the cottage itself.

For all her teasing, his golden-haired companion did trust him enough to keep her eyes closed, relying on him to guide her on unaccustomed heels over grass as she was led from the horse to the threshold. She couldn't help teasing him still further, though, unable to keep her mouth shut and just enjoy the moment. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to woo me like that stuffed shirt back in Dreven."

The accusation stung a bit, but he knew she didn't mean it. He wasn't trying to woo her. At least, he didn't think so, but his feelings for her were slowly changing, growing deeper and more complex, even if he didn't realize it yet. "Can't you just let me do something nice for you without poking fun for once?" he asked, his pride pricked.

She heard the sting in his tone, her pale face coloring in response, ashamed of herself for upsetting him even this little bit with her refusal to take life as seriously as everyone else seemed to expect from her. The last thing she ever wanted to do was upset Duncan, though she had no idea truly why she felt that way. "Sorry," she mumbled, thrown by the lurch inside that came with knowing she'd gone too far, by however small the distance.

"You can open your eyes now," he instructed, ignoring the apology, preferring to pretend his feelings hadn't been hurt. He was fairly confident she'd like his surprise, once she realized what it was. The surprise was the cottage itself, which he had spent the last several weeks cleaning and sprucing up and though it was nowhere near as nice as the apartments she shared with Elise, it was comfortable and warm and cozy enough to serve as a temporary home away from home. There was even a bed, a quilt carefully spread across it. A picnic box was set on the table that would provide lunch for the day. "Surprise," he said quietly, and just a little bit uncertainly.

Mara Mallory

Date: 2013-04-20 19:33 EST
Green eyes opened at his word, blinking for a moment in the change of light as her head turned, looking around herself as though searching for something other than what she immediately saw. Her irrepressible smile rose on her face as she turned all the way around in a swirl of heavy skirts, her eyes finding his once again. "What am I supposed to be looking at?"

He rolled his eyes at her in utter disbelief that she could be that dense. "This!" he exclaimed, raising his arms to indicate the cottage in its entirety. "I'm giving it to you for a birthing day present!"

Score one for Duncan - the look on her face was priceless. "No! Really?" Wide eyes looked around once again from above a mouth half-open in shocked incredulity. One thing Mara was not struck with, however, was any kind of false modesty or shyness. It never occurred to her to object, gracious gratitude for any gift given already trained deep into her. She let out a soft squeal suddenly, and threw her arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to her friend's cheek as her feet left the ground. "It's amazing, thank you, Duncan!"

He was pleased with her reaction, even surprised by it a little, not quite expecting her to be throwing herself at him and flinging her arms around his neck. His arms went automatically around her before her feet left the ground, flushing just a little at the kiss she pressed against his cheek. "But you can't tell anyone!" he warned her as he set her back on her feet. "It has to be our secret." He had his reasons for that, which she could probably guess.

"Why would I tell anyone, silly boy?" she demanded, too buoyed up by the sweet surprise and priceless gift to take offense at his warning. "I promise, not a word. But you have to do something for me." Green eyes glinted impishly, daring him to say no as she stepped back, at once unaware and acutely aware of the curves that had blossomed and were now almost on display in the gown she'd been coaxed into that morning. At sixteen, she still had some growing to do ....but the potential was almost achieved, and with that achievement was fast approaching the day when she would have to put herself to work, or starve.

He gave her a stern look, stormy gray eyes eying her steadily under furrowed brows, almost reminiscent of the man he would one day become. He bristled a little, taking slight offense at being called a boy, when he knew he was well on his way to becoming a man. He was growing taller every day, it seemed, though his face was still as smooth as a baby's, and his frame had not yet broadened into a man's. Time and hard work would take care of that, but not just yet. He hadn't missed the curves that couldn't be hidden in that dress and found himself having to force his gaze upwards to focus on her face and not on what was hidden beneath the silk of her bodice.

"What?" he asked, his turn to feel suspicious.

Mara was beginning to notice certain things about herself when she was in Duncan's company. Like the way she felt when he leveled that look on her, so stern, so stormy, and so easy to provoke, but always with the undercurrent of safety, of knowing he wouldn't ever do more than raise his voice to her. Even at her age, she knew there were worse things a man could do when his temper was pricked. But there was something else that stirred under that look, too; something hot and writhing that she didn't have words for, something that made her blush and smile and avert her eyes for a moment, knowing she was about to push the line again. "You have to give me a birthing day kiss," she told him, recalling the year before, when he'd grimaced and shaken his head, refusing to even hold her hand for the rest of the day for asking something so girly.

Predictably, he rolled his eyes again, snorting at the request, even as his stomach curled up in knots at the very idea of kissing her. He'd found himself daydreaming about it lately - what it would be like and whether she'd kiss him back - but he'd never risk their friendship by admitting it to her. Not yet, at least, too afraid she'd laugh at him or compare him to Stefan, whom he'd chased off more than a few times when Duncan deemed he was getting too fresh and too forceful. If anything, Duncan was a gentleman and it was a trait that would follow him into adulthood, even as he mastered the art of flirtation. "Are you going to laugh at me?" he asked, one brow arching to eye her steadily. He was convinced this was some kind of trick.

Her hands landed on her hips, that artful turn of expression that came so naturally to her youthful face producing a smile that was equal parts outrage, incredulity, and laughter. "Are you too scared to kiss a girl, Mal?" she teased him, deliberately taunting her friend, sheltering in the belief that nothing she said could possibly get him to risk catching something like breasts from her with a kiss. "Even on my birthing day?"

"You are teasing me again," he told her with a stormy look, struggling to keep his eyes level on her face. It wouldn't be long before he'd shoot upwards and tower over her in the coming months. "So typically female. I give you a present and still you want more." He exhaled an exasperated sigh, as if she was trying his patience. Well, he couldn't look too eager, could he" He didn't even bother to argue with her about the matter of courage. That was a matter of pride. "If you must have a kiss, then close your eyes again." He crossed his arms stubbornly while he waited for her to comply with his request.

"Why, think I'll put you off with my feminine wiles?" she laughed, expecting him to do something that would make her laugh and forget the challenge to kiss her like everyone else seemed to want to do on the anniversary of her birth. She dropped her hands to her sides, sticking her chin out defiantly, and closed her eyes, obeying his condition with twitching lips.

He was half tempted to do just that. She deserved as much. He could have tickled her or tweaked her nose or merely kissed her cheek, but somehow once she closed her eyes and shut that smart mouth of hers, he found himself wanting to do it, longing to do it. The more he thought about it, the more his insides seemed to turn and twist into a tangle of knots, but he'd be damned if she called him a coward. If there was one thing he wasn't, it was that. He dropped his arms to the side and stepped closer, studying her a moment, waving a hand in front of her face to make sure she did indeed have her eyes closed.

She felt the air move in front of her face, guessing what he was doing, and couldn't help another giggle, the smart mouth that frustrated her best friend so much opening once more to add in the silence, "Don't you trust me?"

Though she couldn't see the look on his face, he was scowling. It was not so much a matter of trust as it was of embarrassment. He'd never kissed a girl before except on the cheek, and he wasn't quite sure how to do it properly. She was the daughter of a courtesan. She would know a good kiss from a bad kiss, and he so wanted the one he gave her to be a good kiss. He didn't bother to reply, choosing to take a chance and meet her challenge. What was the worst that could come of it' He studied her face a moment. She was an odd mixture of girl and woman, and he was afraid what would happen if he crossed the line between friendship and something deeper. He sighed and leaned closer. It was only a kiss. His own eyes drifted closed as his lips touched hers, lightly, softly, gently, but with a lingering warmth that was more than friendly, more than brotherly, a hint of feelings that went deep, even if they weren't understood just yet.

He didn't give her enough credit. She was the daughter of a courtesan, yes, but her education in those arts that were the bed and board of a courtesan had not yet begun. She, too, had never kissed or been kissed except on the cheek or the hand, except by force and unwillingly, and he'd been there to prevent those moments from going any further. He was right; she was an odd mix of girl and woman, still innocent in many ways, unaware yet of the allure that innocence held when matched with the face she had been born to wear, the body that encased the spirit that had made him such a fast friend.

But to her, he was an equally odd mix of boy and man, and deeply confusing when she felt that strange stir in her heart in his company. The kiss was at once not what she had expected and everything she could have hoped for, soft and gentle, a touch of lip to lip that undid all her brash confidence in a moment. She stilled as her best friend kissed her, reaching for him without conscious thought, startled out of coherent thought by the swell of feeling in her heart and, yes, in her body at that chaste touch.

Mara Mallory

Date: 2013-04-20 19:34 EST
He felt a stirring too, but not only a swell of feeling in his heart, but a warmth that spread throughout his body like nothing he'd ever felt before. Oh, he'd felt desire. He was old enough to know what that was, but this was different. This was a confusing mix of feelings both physical and emotional for someone he had always thought of as a friend. He'd chased Stefan off for trying to kiss her, and yet, here he was doing the same thing. He felt his face flush as he reluctantly pulled away, waiting for the inevitable chastisement or teasing laughter, unsure just what her reaction would be. Was this what love felt like, he wondered" Or was he imagining it"

She almost didn't let him draw back, instinctive sensuality swaying her body into the warmth that radiated from his as her fingers found purchase on his sleeves, resting lightly without strength on the fine cloth. Her own cheeks were flushed, her breath shallow and quick, and for a long moment, she stood there, caught between child and woman, half-afraid and half-longing for the heat and tenderness she had just been shown. Slowly, her eyes opened, and in the sparkling green depths was evident the affection she felt for Duncan Mallory. More than a friend's love, more than a child's gratitude. And for once, that smart mouth quirked into a softer smile, opening to offer up three words that reassured and invited in one breath. "Do that again."

His eyes were slow to open, reluctant to break the spell that had been cast between them. He couldn't have imagined it, could he" He saw that same look in her eyes, wonder mingled with longing and just a touch of fear. For all his daydreaming, this first kiss was more than he could have ever imagined. He wondered if he should apologize, but then she was asking him to do it again. Was she just teasing him or could she possibly be feeling even half what he was feeling" "Are you-are you sure?" he asked, uncertainly.

His uncertainty was the last thing she expected to see, doing nothing for the confidence that had urged her softer smile into place. Slowly, as the perception dawned that he might not want to kiss her again, Mara's face fell, color creeping into her cheeks as she glanced down at herself. Her hands fell to press against the firm boning of her unaccustomed corset as she swallowed, not quite able to take what she saw as a rejection as graciously as a grown woman might have done. "Don't ....don't you want to?"

"No....I mean, yes, I mean..." He sighed as he tentatively reached for her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing her knuckles like a proper gentleman should court a lady. He couldn't deny that he wanted to kiss her again. His lips burned with the memory of that single chaste kiss. He wasn't quite sure what was happening between them, but he knew in that moment that he wanted to be more than just friends.

The stammering undid the damage of his uncertainty, though she still held that unaccountable shyness about her as she looked at her friend. Newly sixteen and wanting to be more than a friend to a boy so much higher in station than herself was an awkward place to be, even if she hadn't known she was there until a few moments before. "Duncan," she said his name almost crossly, one arched brow rising over her pointed gaze. "Do I have to make you kiss me every time I want you to?"

He blinked sharply, looking startled as she called him by his birth name and not the nickname he had been dubbed with by most of his friends. He gave her a puzzled look, his own feelings confused, muddled. She'd been his closest friend for so long, he was worried how this might change things. "How am I supposed to know when you want me to?" he asked, equally as confused as she was and trying desperately to sort out what he was feeling.

She stared at him as though he was growing a second head in front of her, something close to flabbergasted and left at a loss as to what she could possibly say that would make him stop thinking about whatever it was that was eating at him. Casting around mutely, she frowned herself, chewing at her lower lip. "I ....well, I ....For goodness' sake, I'm asking you to!" she blurted out suddenly, stamping her foot for good measure. "I don't know if I'm allowed to kiss you first - Elise always says it's the man's prerogative to decide when the woman who loves him kisses him."

Love" Both brows arched sharply at that comment. She loved hm' Or was she just quoting the rules of kissing as told to her by her guardian, who Duncan assumed disapproved of their friendship, as most adults around them seemed to do. "What if I give you permission to kiss me whenever you want?" he asked, tossing the matter of decision making back in her lap. He had no qualms about her kissing him, if she wanted to, and that way he didn't have to worry about trying to figure out when she wanted him to.

"But that doesn't tell me if you want me to kiss you," she pointed out, still a little cross with him for not doing as he was told in the first place. "How do I know that kissing you won't make you all grumpy and stand-offish' You do that, you know," she added. "Anytime you hear or see something you don't approve of, you clam up and start looking down your nose." No, she hadn't mentioned love again, which was perhaps as well. How many people their age really knew what love was"

"I wouldn't give you permission to kiss me if I didn't want you to, would I?" he pointed out, refraining from another roll of his eyes. Girls really were kind of silly and dense at times. It hadn't yet occurred to him that she had practically told him the same thing. "I don't get grumpy," he retorted with a scowl, gray eyes turning stormy, like thunderclouds rolling in. "You're the one who has a tantrum every time you don't get your way!" As evidence by the stomping of her foot, though he was exaggerating more than a little.

"You didn't give me permission, you said what if you gave me permission, and ....and ..." For a moment, she was speechless, having run out of words to express her growing frustration with him. He was her best friend, and she loved him more than she could recall loving anyone but Elise, but Duncan Mallory did know how to pull her strings to best and worst effect. "Fine, then," she pouted finally, disappointed and bemused by how hurt she felt. "I won't ask you again, since you obviously can't even answer a straight question without being obtuse."

"Obtuse" I'm being obtuse?" He laughed ironically, no humor in it. "You are the most stubborn, confusing, obtuse person I know!" he blurted, his cheeks coloring with frustration and annoyance, a little hurt by her accusations, even if she didn't mean them. "If you want me to kiss you, then just say so!" Of course, she had already done just that, and he was no longer sure just what their argument was about. He wanted to kiss her, so what was the problem'

There went that foot again, stamping in a childish manner that really didn't go with the rest of the picture she presented - the tumbling flaxen-gold hair, the defiant line of her jaw, the youthful form so new and almost a woman's. "I did say so, you insufferable!" Of all the insults, she had to come out with the one that did no damage whatsoever, didn't she"

He blinked again at her outburst, surprised that she'd called him a man and not a boy, more confused than ever. Why was she wearing that dress" When had she become beautiful" Oh, she had always been pretty, but not like this. What was she trying to do to him' Was she just teasing him again, talking about love and about kisses" What did she know about love" What was he to do' Should he give her what she wanted and kiss her" He hadn't meant to make her angry. He'd wanted to surprise her on her birthday. He'd wanted to make her happy. Was another kiss so much to ask? He didn't want for another insult or retort. His face flushed, partly due to anger and partly to embarrassment, as he took hold of her arms and pulled her toward him, kissing her hard upon the mouth, harder than before, demanding from her what she had so nicely asked for from him.

The squeak that erupted from her was part outrage, part delight, vibrating against his lips as his mouth found hers. Mara had always known that you could only push Duncan so far, but again, she'd underestimated him. She hadn't thought he'd do this ....or how remarkably wonderful this would feel. It wasn't so much the flare of heat or the flip and spin of butterflies in her belly, though they were a lurch she couldn't ignore; it was more the swelling again in her heart, the feeling of being about to burst with shy pleasure at the fact that he was kissing her.

Mara Mallory

Date: 2013-04-20 19:35 EST
Long-fingered hands came to rest at his hips, unable to bend her arms higher as he gripped her tight, as her eyes closed to savor the second kiss of her lifetime asked for and given by someone so very dear to her. A shy prod of knowledge from books and gossip made itself known and, with a tentative gasp of breath almost stolen from his lungs, she dared to part her lips and taste his kiss. This wasn't something sweet and chaste between friends who were like siblings; there was something far more immediate tugging at her heart now.

He'd never kissed a girl in such a way as this before. Oh, there had been a few innocent kisses. Even as a boy, those of the female persuasion had found it hard not to notice a boy with a face as handsome as his. A few kisses had been stolen over the years, but none such as this. He felt a strange flare of heat somewhere deep inside his body, curling and coiling in the pit of his stomach, hard to ignore, which only confused him further. He was old enough to know what desire felt like, but not experienced enough to have ever acted on it, other than in the privacy of his own chambers.

He wasn't experienced enough to know what to do when her lips parted and she wordlessly invited him to deepen the kiss, stealing the breath from him, leaving him trembling and shaken. He had to rely solely on instinct and what his body told him. The kiss that was returned was awkward and clumsy, as first kisses tended to be, but it was full of warmth and longing and something ever deeper, something that made his heart feel almost as if it might burst wide open.

They were both too innocent to go much further, too constrained by lack of experience to be more than clumsy this first time - and no doubt many times after - but as they parted, Mara could not have imagined a more perfect moment. Her soft smile had returned, green eyes sparkling with happy delight at how well their argument had resolved itself. "Only you could make an argument out of a kiss," she accused him cheerfully, her tone fond and gentler than it had been before, fingers flexing against his hips, reluctant to let go.

He smiled back at her, flushed from the kiss, and drew a deep ragged breath. "And you had nothing to do with it, I suppose." The hold he had on her arms loosened and he dared to touch her face, his fingers brushing a caress against her cheek and pushing a stray golden strand away from her face. His heart was thumping hard in his chest, and he wondered how it was she couldn't be aware of it.

For the briefest moment, their eyes locked, and she wasn't a child verging on womanhood but full-grown, her gaze promising him a world of adoration and desire if only he would make her his. It was a look she would never master in the years to come for anyone but him, no matter how hard Elise and her tutors tried to bring it out of her. But from that moment on, it belonged to Duncan Mallory, though she was still young to be aware of it. And as quickly as it came, it bled away into a bright smile, as one hand took his and the other grasped hold of her skirts. "Show me around," she ordered him sweetly, eager and childish as ever.

As their eyes locked for the briefest of moments, it was as if his heart was open to her as it had never been before. His eyes seemed to tell her all the things he couldn't say, all the things he didn't understand enough to tell her. In her, he saw his future. He secretly promised they'd always be together, no matter what. They had been best friends, but now, though they had not spoken of it, it seemed they were something more. Beware anyone who might hurt her; they would earn his ire. She broke the spell again as spoke, her voice drawing him out of his thoughts as she took hold of his hand, his fingers finding hers, her hand feeling so right wrapped in his.

"There's not much to see," he told her with a shrug of boyish shoulders that in just a few years would grow broad and strong. He turned a glance at their surroundings. "This is where we used to spend our holidays before Dee..." He broke off with a frown, leaving the rest of that thought unspoken. This was the place where it had happened - where his sister had drowned - and neither his mother or father had been back here since. A faint frown furrowed Mara's brow for a split second, before she remembered who Dee had been. Her hand released her skirt, wrapping about his elbow with a gently supportive squeeze, not offering any condolences. She'd learned the hard way not to dwell on some of Duncan's worse memories. "So ....well, why am I here, Mal?" she asked him curiously, drawing him by the hand to the window to stand in the sparkle of sunlight. "And don't you dare say it's just for my birthing day," she added with an almost teasing smirk. "You never do anything without thinking it through seven ways from Hawk's day."

He was drawn along with her toward the window, his face momentarily darkening with the memory of his sister's death, for which he blamed himself, though he'd been a child himself - a death which had destroyed the family, his mother unable to deal with the loss and his father unable to forgive. "I..." It took him a moment to pull himself out of the despair of that loss and bring himself back to the present. "No one ever comes here anymore, Mara. I thought maybe....Maybe we could make it our secret place." He frowned uncertainly, unsure if she'd like the idea. Whether she did or not, he'd already decided this place would become his own refuge, a home away from home, a place where he could be at peace from the turmoil and tension that filled the manor.

Secret place" For a moment, she didn't understand what he meant. Then she remembered. She wasn't a lady of his station; she was destined to be a courtesan, just as her mother had been, and though she might well move in his circles when they were older, it would never be seemly for him to be seen in her company unless he was paying for it. A secret place ....a place where they could both forget their responsibilities and rank and just be themselves, just Duncan and Mara appealed to her even more in the wake of what they had seemed to have begun since arriving here. "How will I get here, if you want me to be?" she asked thoughtfully, seeing only this as an obstacle. She had no horse, no means of transport, and the ride had been almost an hour from the city to this lovely place.

He'd thought about that, too, and wasn't quite sure how to work it out. When she got older, she might have a carriage at her disposal, but if a driver brought her, it wouldn't be much of a secret. She was capable enough with a horse, but she didn't have one at her disposal. "We'll have to sort out a means of communication. A signal maybe, and then I'll come for you."

"Should I hang my bloomers out through the window?" And there was the smart-mouthed runaway he was used to, grinning up at him, unconcerned with the ins and outs of how this would work, certain only that it would. She squeezed his hand, daring him to take offense at the thought of seeing her undergarments floating in the breeze.

The thought of that made him laugh, amused by the idea of her bloomers blowing in the breeze, more than embarrassed by it. "I should like to see that!" he exclaimed with a grin, his mood lightening as he turned to face her. "Are you hungry' I packed a picnic lunch." He had packed the lunch and brought it there earlier in the day, before he'd gone to fetch her, taking care to make sure everything was perfect.

"I saw!" She was beaming now, the rush of exhilaration from the horseback ride returned with the thrill of just being allowed to play at being herself for a few hours. "Are you going to wait on me hand and foot, or do I have to kiss you again to find out what?s in the basket?"

"I wouldn't mind if you kissed me, but you don't have to," he replied, a little shyly, not wanting to push that issue or his luck too far. He tugged at her hand to pull her over to the table where he'd left the basket. He'd even managed to snag a bottle of wine from the family's wine cellar to celebrate the event. "Do you want to eat inside or out?"

"What if I want to?" She might almost have been starting that argument again, but for the giggle that erupted as he pulled her out of the sunlight and over to the table. His question made her eyes light up, the simple pleasure of eating a meal outside truly beyond her sphere of experience thus far. "Outside! Definitely outside. Won't people see us" I don't care, you said we could eat outside." She bounced on her feet, her smile widening to a grin once again. "Should I carry something?"

Mara Mallory

Date: 2013-04-20 19:36 EST
"No, no one is here yet. It's too early in the season." These were mostly summer retreats from the heat of the city, and it was only spring. Once summer arrived, they would have to be more careful, but for most of the year, the place was quiet and sparsely populated. "You can take the blanket," he suggested, handing her a plaid blanket for them to sit on before taking up the picnic basket laden with goodies that Beryl had helped him pack, once she'd learned what he was up to.

Mara hugged the blanket he handed her, not entirely sure what it was for but prepared to do pretty much anything he asked her for the rest of the day. It was so easy to make her happy, to surprise her with the simplest of things and watch the childlike awe grow until the excitement radiated from her like an ever-swirling cloak. "Where are we going?" she asked him, taking advantage of the fact that his hands were full to bounce up and kiss him with that impishly smiling mouth when he couldn't retaliate.

"Outside, silly girl!" He smiled back at her, all too willing to let her steal as many kisses as she wished. He offered her his free arm - or hand - whichever she wished to take hold of, and led her back outside and around to the other side of the cottage where the sun was sparkling likes jewels off the silvery water. The breeze held just a hint of cool air left over from the long winter, the afternoon sun warm and bright. It was a perfect spring day, and a perfect day for a picnic.

Her hand fit snugly into his, though the differences in their height and build were beginning to make themselves known. It wouldn't be long before he was as tall and broad as she was small and slender, his dark to her gold, a contrasting match of face and personality that would fit almost as snugly as their hands sat together. Mara was absolutely enchanted by the cottage and its surroundings, her mouth half-open as she drank it in, tugged along in Duncan's wake as he led her to where he wanted her to be. "Is that Lake Silvermere?" she asked him, skipping to his shoulder as she squinted at the water. "Can we swim?"

"Yes..." he replied to the first question, laughing at the second. "No! It's too cold. In a few cycles, the water will be warmer. We can then." He didn't remark again on how his sister had drowned there, pushing those darker thoughts down deep where they couldn't blacken the happiness of this day. "Besides, what are you going to swim in" Your bloomers?" he smirked, teasing her as they reached the place he had in mind, where they had a picturesque view of the lake and its surroundings. "You know, the Crosswinds Tavern isn't far from here. Maybe I'll take you there someday," he said as he let go of her hand and set the basket down so he could take the blanket from her and spread it out on the grass.

She laughed with him, too buoyed up to take offense at how amused he was with her enthusiasm. "Do you have something against my bloomers?" she demanded as he took the blanket from her, bending and hiking her skirt and petticoat up above her knees to show off the underwear that fit her snugly to her knees. "They're not that bad, are they?" The prospect of a trip to the infamous Crosswinds, however, was enough to distract her from her teasing once more, her skirt falling back to skim the grass as her eyes widened with hopeful cheer. "Really' You'd really take me to the Crosswinds Tavern?"

He couldn't help but glance at her bloomers, since she was giving him a peek and though there was no chance of him seeing anything he shouldn't, his face still flushed hotly at the peek at her underthings. He didn't really understand why girls had to wear all those layers. All he had on was a tunic and cloak over a pair of trousers, which were tucked neatly into his boots. He finished spreading out the blanket and reached for her hand so that she could join him. "Of course I'll take you to the Crosswinds! What makes you think I wouldn't?"

"Well, isn't it supposed to be where all the foreigners and outlanders gather?" she asked with a grin, dropping her hand into his to let him tug her onto the blanket with him. "And aren't they all supposed to be so strange and violent and not understand anything about Shadokhan and the way we are" What if one of them thought I actually was a courtesan?" Green eyes offered up a twinkling challenge. "Would you fight for my honor?"

He gave her that look again that told her she was being stupid in more ways than one, and talk of her ever following in her mother's footsteps was enough to set his teeth on edge, but for her sake and the sake of the day, he made no mention of it, not wanting to argue yet again. He'd already been making plans in his head to change her future someday, though he'd never spoken of it. "Of course I would. What kind of question is that?" He reached for the basket and set it on the blanket between them.

"The kind that I ask just to watch you get all bristly and protective?" she offered cheekily, knowing that if she persisted in being deliberately playful and cheerful, he was either going to have to join in or risk being made to cheer up, which inevitably ended up with one or both of them in a highly compromising position, usually just as someone who knew him came by. Just to soften the blow, she blew him a kiss, interested to see if he reacted in the same way to a pout of her lips as he did to a touch of them.

The truth was he'd been protective of her from their very first meeting and would continue to be so long as she let him. He reacted to the blown kiss with a scowl and a furrowing of brows, though it was more due to her ridiculous questions more than anything else. "You are impossible," he told her, not knowing that he'd be accused of the same things in the months and years to come. He wasn't going to let her ruin his mood with her teasing though. He had looked too forward to this day to let anything ruin it. A mischievous smile appeared on his lips. "Would Elise miss you if you stayed out all night?"

She giggled at his reaction. Teasing Duncan was one of her favorite things to do; she never knew quite what the response was going to be, which added an element of danger to these silly interactions. His question, however, completely threw her, treating him to the sight of Mara goggling in astonishment for a moment. "I ....Well, she'd know I wasn't home," she managed after a moment. "She knows I'm with you, though. Why, what?s going through your devious mind now?"

"Well, I..." He shook his head. "No, it's a stupid idea. Never mind." He didn't want to do anything that might question or risk her honor. "It's just..." He smiled again, that same hint of mischief in his blue-gray eyes. He opened the basket and pulled out a bottle of his father's finest wine, a bottle of Island White he'd been saving for some mysterious occasion.

"You don't have stupid ideas," she informed her friend, thumping down onto her backside comfortably, leaving her shoes on the edge of the blanket to enjoy the warmth of the spring sun on her silk stockinged feet. He should have known by now that she didn't have a reputation to risk, and though her virginity would probably garner a high price in the years to come, it wasn't something she could lose and be vilified for, unlike the girls of his station. His mischief was making her smile, though, distracting her from the bottle he'd produced from the basket. "What is it' Don't make me tickle it out of you, I know where all your weak spots are."

He looked aghast at her threat, brows furrowed again. "You know how that will go, Mara. It will end with you begging me to stop." Tickling her, that is. She might start it, but he would certainly finish it, and then they'd find themselves in one of those compromising positions again, but there was no one around to see them. "It's Island White," he explained with a devious smile. He knew he was risking a beating when his father found out, but hopefully, he wouldn't realize who it was that had pilfered his prize bottle of wine.

"That wasn't what I was asking," she laughed, reaching over to poke at his side playfully, knowing full well that if she started tickling him, she'd end up being the one at his mercy. But it was fun, and fun wasn't something either of them had much of these days. "I meant ....what?s the idea you're being so smug about' And isn't Island White ludicrously expensive?"

Mara Mallory

Date: 2013-04-20 19:37 EST
"Well, I can't very well take it home, can I?" It seemed rather obvious what he was proposing. The wine was far too expensive to let go to waste, and he wasn't sure how long it would last once they opened it. If they ended up a little drunk, they might have no choice but to stay the night. He shrugged at the price of the wine. It was only money, and she was worth so much more than a bottle of his father's prize vintage. "It's a special occasion."

"You're deliberately being difficult now," she accused him through her smile. She'd never had wine before, it being one of those acquired tastes that Elise was saving the money to be able to teach her when she would be able to make use of the skill. Drunk was certainly on the cards. "Not that special," Mara added with half a shrug. "It's just a birthing day. Unless you're celebrating something else?"

There was that frown again as she shrugged off the importance of the day. "Don't say that. It's the day you were born and if you'd never been born, we'd never have met, and if we'd never have met..." He wasn't quite sure how to finish that statement without embarrassing himself further. "Never mind," he said, setting the bottle aside. "I'll put it back. He'll never know it was gone." Maybe it was better that way anyway. Did he really want to risk a beating over a bottle of wine"

Her eyes narrowed as he produced his frown once again. She didn't mean to distress him with her lack of excitement over her own birthing day, but if she was honest, it really didn't mean anything. When her mother was alive, it had been a day when the richest of her clients came to call with trinkets for the tiny girl that she never saw, for they were always sold to pay off extravagant debts. Though Elise and Duncan tried, there was no way to banish that knowledge from Mara's mind, and the older she got, the closer she knew she was coming to being just like that mother. But she didn't let it weigh on her mind or tarnish her mood, and she wasn't going to let it bother him, either. As her friend put the bottle aside, she launched herself at him, long fingers already moving to tickle him out of his bad mood. "Just so you know," she declared, scrambling over the blanket to thump herself into his lap for easy access, "you're definitely asking for this."

He laughed as she launched herself at him and he found her in his lap, falling to his back on the blanket and pulling her along with him. There they were in that compromising position already, though he was only trying to defend himself from her attack of tickling. He batted her hands away. She was the only person who knew all of his weak spots, and the only person who had ever attempted to find them. At least, since his sister had died.

"Mara, stop!" he warned, before he had to take more desperate actions to stop her. "You are going to be sorry if you don't stop!"

She let out a loud gale of laughter as he fell back, overbalancing for a moment that nearly threw her bodily on top of him. She'd never listened to his warnings to stop before; there was no reason to think she would this time. The warning did, however, bring a brighter glint to her grin as she batted back at his hands, wriggling her fingers into the folds of his clothing to distract him with a fresh attack. "Are you going to spank me, Mal" Is that what you're going to do?"

"Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you? You little minx!" He wasn't sure where the words had come from, but she had teased him long enough. He hadn't grown to his full height yet, but he was still bigger than her and easily able to subdue her attempts at tickle torture. Catching her around the waist, he shifted his weight to roll her onto her back, pining her down with the weight of his body.

Another loud peal of giggles described her arc from on top of him to pinned down below him, wriggling as though she had a hope in hell of ever getting even one hand free, much less the rest of herself. She knew what was coming next, and he was right; she was going to be begging him to stop if he started tickling her back. And even knowing this, that smart mouth and its smart smile were all kinds of goading him on as she grinned up at her best friend. "I'm a minx now, am I?" she demanded through her laughter, innocent of the way that new dress changed things more than a little in this position. There were some gifts given by puberty that necklines cut to show off womanly attributes couldn't hide, not for all the platinum in the land.

He caught her hands so they couldn't plague him further and pulled them up over her head. They had played this scene time and again, rolling on the grass, two innocent children at play, but something seemed to have changed his time. He felt his face go hot as he felt her wriggling beneath him, caught between the straddle of his legs and pinned to the blanket. As hard as he tried, he could not keep his gaze from drifting downward, to gawk for a moment at the womanly heave of breasts that hadn't seemed to be there the day before, and he felt that uncomfortable swell of heat and desire inside him again. Instead of tickling her, all he wanted in that moment was to kiss her again, to feel her lips burn against his, but he found all he was doing for a moment was staring.

Caught, pinned, and well and truly helpless in his grasp, it took a moment for Mara to realize that her companion was distracted yet again. As she noted the flicker of his gaze, she actually blushed, surprised with herself for that reaction to his interest in a form he hadn't even noticed had changed until this morning. But the way he was looking at her ....he was at the same time the friend she'd known and loved for so long and a stranger who set her blood to boiling for more of the stirring darkness in his eyes. Her own gaze darkened in answer as she took note of the dominance with which he held her down, forgetting to be annoyed with it in the face of that newly-vocal part of her that was really rather enjoying it. "Duncan?" she heard herself whisper, out of breath beneath him. "I ....I want ..."

His blood was pounding in his ears, like a tidal wave threatening to drown him in its wake. She said his name again - his birth name - and he shifted his gaze upwards to look at her face, to really look. She had changed, it seemed, grown up over night. She was a woman, and he was on the verge of becoming a man. His heart lurched as he met her gaze, falling into her emerald green depths. Was she always this beautiful" How was it he had never noticed before" "What?" he asked, his voice unusually soft, quiet, barely a whisper. "What do you want?" He would give her the moon, if only she asked for it.

Her fingers flexed in his grasp, a mild, instinctive arch of her back bringing a soft gasp to her lips as she realized just how close they were. Her eyes flickered from his as he spoke, suddenly fascinated by the movement of his lips, the scent that clung to him, even the heat of his body over hers. Until a moment ago, they'd been children playing a silly game. Nothing could be further from the truth now. Green eyes rose to meet his, longing written plain deep within. "Kiss me?" she breathed, adding one word that proved his prediction that she would beg true enough. "Please?"

She didn't have to beg or even to say please. He wanted to kiss her, longed to kiss her. There was nothing he could have wanted more in that moment. There was a little fear in him. They were crossing a line from friendship into something else, and somehow he knew they could never go back. One day he would make her his wife, he was sure of it. He'd take her way from this place and they'd be together forever, away from his father and Stefan and all the other people who wanted to shape their lives and tell them how to live. No, he wouldn't be what his father wanted. He would make his own life, and he would make it with her. Someday but not today. He could tell her nothing of this, not yet, but soon. Instead, he only granted her wish. It was her birthday, after all, and he could not deny her. His lips plied hers, soft and tender and with more feeling than he expected, deepening the kiss softly and slowly, less awkward than before, bolder, less timid.

Despite all her teasing and taunts, this was what Mara wanted. She just hadn't known it until it was happening, until her silliness had pushed that carefully held line further back than either of them had realized it could go. Only one person had ever tried to kiss her like this before, and it had ended badly for him, thanks to Duncan's timely intervention. She was never going to be able to tell her dear, wonderful best friend how very grateful she was that he had been there that time, and every other time, unknowingly saving this discovery for himself. Her adolescent frame softened beneath his as he kissed her, easing her hands from his grip over her head to tentatively trace his face with her fingertips, daring to comb those fingers through hair that was as soft as she had imagined it would be as she surrendered entirely to a kiss that was as wonderful as it was thrilling. Elise's oft-repeated warning flitted through her mind. Love the love, not the man. Too late for that now. Even at sixteen, Mara Devine was hopelessly in love with Duncan Mallory.

Mara Mallory

Date: 2013-04-20 19:38 EST
His hands loosened their grip on hers, lost as he was in that kiss - a kiss like nothing he could have ever imagined. A kiss so intense, so full of feeling, he felt his heart lurch and swell, and though he didn't yet know it, didn't yet recognize the feeling for what it was, he was falling just as hopelessly in love with her as she was with him. He felt her hands touch his face and comb through his hair, stirring those feelings further. It wasn't the gentle touch of a sister or the fondness of a friend. It was a lover's caress, warm and affectionate and all too intimate. It wasn't as if she'd never touched him before, but never like this, never with such heart-felt desire to know him in ways no one had ever known him before.

He, too, knew the warnings, like beacons going off in his head. He'd been warned time and again. He knew her fate, he knew what she was to become, but he'd already decided to take matters into his own hands. One way or another, she would be his. Her heart belonged to him and no other. Her kiss told him that, even if her voice did not. And if she wouldn't have him, then he would die of loneliness. It was as simple as that.

If only they could have taken off in that moment. If only they could have been spared the pain and heartache of the growing that was still in their future. But for now, that future was still a way off, and in that moment, they'd shared an unspoken promise, sealed it with a kiss that took them both by surprise. A kiss that Mara did not want to end. Some unknown instinct, urged on by the flip of heat that burned in her and set her heart to thumping wildly in her chest, made her shift, her legs parting in innocent seduction, her knee rising to press to his hip as he lay over her, as he kissed her, wanting to be closer, but not yet knowing how.

Even the most wonderful moments must at some point come to an end. He had to come up for air at some point, lest he drown in her kisses. When his lips at last broke from hers, his breath came in great ragged gasps, like he had just run a long distance when all he'd really done is kiss her. He looked down at her in amazement, if only for a moment, meeting her gaze, wondering once again if she was feeling even half of what he was feeling. He felt her heart thumping wildly, nearly in time with his, tasted her sweet breath, lost himself in the green gaze of her eyes, as lovely as a summer day. He felt her legs part beneath him, and the heat of desire coiled tightly inside him. He knew enough how it was done - how a man and a woman came together physically - but he was inexperienced in the ways of love, untried and a little more than afraid. In that moment, he was unsure what she wanted of him. Was she silently asking him to continue"

Oh, how he wanted to, but he couldn't, wouldn't. She was a lady, and he wouldn't ruin her this way. His heart ached with the thought of ever sharing her with another. He wanted to not only be her first, but her only. "Mara..." he whispered, his lips so close to hers. My darling, my love... "I-I can't..."

For a single breath, she showed him the woman she would become in time, smiling tenderly as he gazed down at her, as their breathless heave brought them close only to retreat with each in and out. Her fingers played against his cheek. "Not yet," she whispered, promising that one day it would be his. Then the young girl reappeared in the cast of her impish smile as she nuzzled to him affectionately. "I like this birthing day," she teased softly, suddenly kicking up to knock him over onto his back, straddling him with slender hands reaching to pin him down with a quiet laugh. "I haven't kissed you yet, though."

He had wrestled with other boys often enough and was learning how to defend himself, mastering the art of swordsmanship, but this was different. With very little effort, this slight girl bested him, tossing him onto his back with little effort. He looked up at her from his back, a little bewildered, making no effort at all to resist her, even though he had told her they could go no further. His eyes widened, wondering what she had in store for him. Hadn't that last kiss blazed dangerously between them' He could think of nothing that could match such a kiss, other than taking her and at last making her his.

If he thought the fire that blazed was dangerous, he was going to be startled by what she planned to do now. Mara wanted to play with the flame, their barely acknowledged agreement that it would go no further than a kiss the safety line that gave her that confidence. She giggled at the look on his face. "You look like I just said I was going to strip down and fiddle with you," she told him playfully, bracing her hands above his head, releasing his arms as she leaned down. As the flaxen-gold of her hair fell about their faces in a shimmering curtain, her lips brushed his once, twice, offering up smaller, teasing kisses that slowly began to grow deeper, giving him control despite their change in position.

He wasn't quite sure what to do with his hands. He wanted to touch her as she'd touched him, memorize her so that he could call up that memory deep in the night when he was alone and surrounded by darkness. He had no way of knowing that the memory of her would burn brightly in his heart and his head for many years to come, when life became hard and the loneliness was too much to bear. It was this sunny day he would return to in those moments, these moments of youth and innocence, when love was still new and he was full of hope for the future. It was this moment, in later years, that kept him going, the flame of love still burning brightly, no matter how dismal life seemed. He reached to touch her face, gently, tentatively, fingers sifting through the soft curtain of gold that shimmered in the sunlight. He returned her kisses, his lips increasingly warm. Cupping her face between his hands to deepen the kiss, his lips parted, inviting her to taste him, giving himself to her with an unspoken promise.

He was met with a delighted smile as she felt his invitation, one hand lifting from the grass above his head to trail over his shoulder as she took the invitation, opening her mouth to his, teasing the tip of her tongue against his own. Her palm lay flat for a moment over his heart as her young body swayed instinctively, sweetly innocent friction through cloth that stoked the flame a little higher, coaxing her on to let that hand smooth over his chest, his side, grasping at the fine material that was all that stood between his skin and her touch. She, too, would cling to these moments in the years to come; when life seemed dark and impossible to breathe through, she would remember spring sunlight, a dappled lake, and Duncan's kisses in the first flush of love.

Her touch, as innocent as it was, set his heart afire, his body aching with longing, having a mind of its own. Though he could not have her, not now, not yet, the longing was there, an unfulfilled ache that was painfully sweet. The innocent friction of her body against his only stoked that fire higher, maddening in its intensity. It was dangerous, he knew, tempting. It would be easy to lose control, to let their bodies decide for them, but even at the tender age of sixteen, he thought first of her and not of himself, his own needs and desires second only to hers. Despite the aching need that was like a sweet torment, he savored every kiss, every caress, his fingers sliding through her hair and down her arms, across her slender waist and over the slight curve of her hips. His tongue tangled with hers, tasting her, breathing her in, kisses slowly growing less awkward, boldly, surer.

Slow and growing in confidence, she breathed him in, feeling the tug and ache of duty against desire, of her often-hidden shyness threatening to well up and overwhelm the wanting that colored the sweet surge of first love in her heart. Gently, Mara drew back, lowering herself to lie atop him, braced on her forearm as her hand curled to play with the tousle of dark hair that crowned his head, nudging the tip of her nose to his. "I wish today could go on for always."

She had given him the opening that he needed, but was he bold enough, sure enough to speak his mind" If he told her of his plan, would she mock him' Would she tell him it was impossible? Nothing was impossible, where love was concerned. That was what his young, idealistic heart told him, and he chose to believe it, not yet knowing the heartache that awaited them just a few years hence. "It can, Mara. It will. Someday we'll be together. I promise." His eyes were hopefully bright, nearly as blue as the sky in that moment, shining up at her, all the love he was feeling for her reflected in that gaze. He touched his nose to hers, a caress of fingers against her cheek, loving and tender, needing her to believe him and to trust him.

Even at sixteen, he felt a strong desire to protect her, to keep her safe, to take care of her like she deserved. As he grew into a man, those first feelings would grow into a strong sense of right and wrong, of duty and responsibility, of truth and honor and justice. And though he would one day become a warrior, he would be a warrior who abhorred killing and desired only a simple, tranquil life.

Her smile softened, saddened a little, touched deeply that he thought he could promise her something so against the grain of their differing stations in life. But someday ....she could hold onto someday. When they were older, when he came into his inheritance, when no one was telling him what he could and couldn't do any more, he'd be able to make her his mistress. That was a someday she could hold onto. The sadness lifted as swiftly as it had fallen, and she kissed him again, shifting to nestle close. "Someday," she promised him back quietly, for once not finding something to tease or laugh about.

His smile brightened, like the sun coming out of the clouds, as she seemed to agree with his plan, even though she had misunderstood it. He had no intention of making her his mistress. He didn't care what the norms of society were. One day, when he was able, he would make her his wife, and they would raise a family of their own and live a peaceful, tranquil life. It was all his heart desired; nothing else mattered so long as he could cling to that one fragile hope. But today was not a day to be worrying about the future. Today was her birthing day, and it was a day for celebration, for without the event of her birth, he would have never known her. She was his one saving grace, the light amidst all the darkness, though he was not good enough with words just yet to tell her as much. "Happy birthing day, Mara," he said as he smiled happily up at her. I love you.

((We just couldn't resist the urge to fill in a little backstory! Massive, awesome, phantasmagorical thank yous to Duncan Mallory's player for, well, being AWESOME!))