Topic: Promises and Plans


Date: 2015-12-11 23:43 EST
The first family dinner at the Dugan farm with everyone in attendance had gone off without any enormous hiccups. Though there had been some tension between Eli and Mahon, it had been overcome by the determined good humor of Cody, Nate, and Brona, who had gone out of their way to make the time pass amicably for the sake of everyone at the table. Now, as darkness fell outside, the house grew quiet. Evening chores were being done, the barn and house being secured in case of a mutant incursion, but in the main family rooms, all was still.

Nemone knelt beside Aedan's bed, the little boy still wrapped up in her arms as he slept. She was afraid to leave him, afraid that doing so would mean that this wonderful dream was over. Her lips brushed his red curls tenderly as he sighed in his sleep, smiling still at the memory of his quiet goodnight.

Mahon stood in the doorway, having finished his chores in the barn and, along with Eli and Nate, made sure the house was secure against attack from mutants. Though the two men had hardly said a word to each other, a kind of quiet truce seemed to have settled between them, and Mahon had realized it was hard to stay angry when Nate was around. Now he had returned to the house to say his goodnights and settle in for the night ahead. He watched as Nemone held the boy close, knowing what it felt like to not want to let go. He'd felt the same way at first and had spent a few nights sleeping on the floor beside his son's bed, reluctant to leave him.

He moved over to the bed, bending over to touch a kiss to the boy's curls that were so like his mother's. "Sweet dreams, my bonny lad," he whispered quietly to the boy.

Nem raised her head as Mahon bowed over them both, knowing she had to let go sooner or later. They would only be in the next room, after all. "He looks so much like you," she whispered to her husband, reluctant to disturb the sleeping child in her arms. "He's so handsome, and brave. He's everything I could have hoped for."

On the contrary, Mahon saw more of her in the boy than himself - her hair, her eyes, her quiet courage. "He'll still be here in the morning, love. He's not going anywhere," he whispered to her, though he understand her reluctance to leave him, after being away from him so long. It had broken her heart to have to send him away, and yet, by doing so, they had insured he would live. One day maybe he'd understand and thank them, but for now, all they could do was love him and try to make up for lost time.

"I know," she murmured, reluctantly easing her arms from about Aedan. He protested quietly, but she tucked him in warmly, brushing another kiss to his forehead. "I love you, little man. Have sweet dreams." In a graceful motion, she rose to her feet, having to force herself to leave the room before she tried to get into the bed with their little boy. "This is ridiculous," she said, her voice a more normal volume once she had passed through the doorway and into the bedroom that was now, apparently, hers to share with Mahon. "No one is going to hurt him here. I'm never this clingy, why am I so clingy?"

He might have suggested she stay with him this one night or even that they bring the boy to bed with them, but they had a lot to discuss and they had already disrupted his life enough for one day. "Because he's your son," Mahon replied, a soft smile on his face as he closed the door quietly behind them. The boy was just next door - close enough that they could hear him if he needed them, yet far enough away to give them a little privacy. Thankfully, he'd already bathed, so there was little to do that would take him from her side tonight. He tugged her by the hand until she was safe in his arms. "I'm sorry about before. I was being an ass."

Tugged into Mahon's arms, Nemone sighed softly, trying to get a grip on herself. The last time she had felt this out of control had been ....She cut that thought off, tightening her arms about Mahon's waist. "You were protecting our son," she reminded him softly. "He isn't holding it against you. He's pleased to have his papa back home with him, anyone can see that." Like Mahon, she, too, had bathed earlier, wrapped in a warm robe that was simpler and somehow more luxurious than anything she'd worn before. Brona had shyly produced it from a chest of clothes that had belonged to her mother.

Mahon was dressed in a simple shirt and pants, clean but a little worn - hand-me-downs from someone in the village or maybe something his father had once worn. He didn't much care about clothing so long as it was clean and comfortable. "He's a good boy, Nem. Uther and Han and Brona did well with him." He held her close, burying his face in her hair to breathe her in, not because she was clean so much as because she smelled like his Nemone again.

It was a scene that would never have come to pass in the valley, even now. But Nemone was no longer the Captain of the Guard. She no longer had any reason to pretend to be the forceful one in a relationship that had taken her completely by surprise; no one in Pax would think twice about a woman who leaned on her man, and for the first time in her life, she was allowed to be the weaker of them. Held close in Mahon's embrace, she breathed him in, nuzzling gently to his throat. "We'll do well," she whispered. "We owe him that."

"I know we will," he replied, confident now that they were free of the valley to raise their son on their own - and with the help of those who loved him - he would grow to make them proud. Mahon was proud of him already, proud to claim him as his son and proud of the woman who'd given him that son. "It's over, Nem. We're free now to live our lives as we see fit, and to raise the family we always wanted." He wasn't sure why he was telling her this - was it because she needed to hear it or because he needed to make himself believe it"

Perhaps it was both. Nem smiled against his neck, raising her head to look up at the man who had opened her heart and taught her that love wasn't the burden she had been taught to expect. "Does that mean I have to start wearing dresses and behaving like a good little girl?" she asked him impishly.

Mahon chuckled in amusement at her remark. "Not for me, you don't," he replied, tugging her toward the bed, not just because he wanted to hold her close but because it had been a long day for both of them and he knew how tired she was - especially if Brona was right and she was with child.

"Might have to in a while," she grumbled quietly, only too happy to be drawn onto the bed with him. She nestled close, unused to an actual bed rather than padding laid on a stone ledge. It would take time for her to get used to the house and the farm; everything was very different here. Tucked snugly against his side, she lay still for a long moment before raising her head to look up at him. "Do you think Ember still has some of that borlis root left?"

It had taken some days for him to get accustomed to the luxury of a soft bed when he'd first returned, but he'd had a little time to get used to it before returning to the valley. "Borlis root?" he echoed, arching a brow at her as he put out the light and lay down beside her, tucking her close, the only light cast that of the moon. He wasn't a healer and didn't know much about herbs and potions, but he remembered what borlis root was for. "Brona thinks you're with child."

Nemone's expression was soft in the moonlight, the contrast between this moment and a similar one three years before so pronounced as to make them wholly different. "I think Brona might be right," she told him quietly. "I don't know for sure, but feels the same."

"How can we know for sure?" he asked, not wanting to get his hopes up too high just yet, until they knew for sure, though the thought of another child was an exciting one, even if they had only just moved back to the village.

"Use the root, if there is any around here," she mused. "Or we wait and see if I really have stopped bleeding and started swelling." She shrugged, a faint smile on her face. "Figures, doesn't it' First night of freedom, and we might already have a stranger in the bed with us."

"Check with Brona in the morning. If there's any around, she'll know." He touched a kiss to her forehead, smiling in the moonlight. "Not a stranger, love. Our son or daughter, just like the boy in the next room. I can't say I'd be unhappy to have another child, even if it is unexpected."


Date: 2015-12-11 23:44 EST
She laughed softly, reveling in the freedom to be held like this, in the arms of a man she no longer had to pretend to despise, with their precious son only feet away from them. Together, for the first time in years. "I'm not unhappy about it, either," she admitted quietly. "We're moving on, all of us."

"We're living, Nem," he corrected her gently. Moving on, yes, but in his mind, it was more important that they were living at last, not just surviving. "No matter what happens, we'll always be together," he reassured her for quite possibly the hundredth time.

Her smile warmed as she looked up at him. "Always," she agreed softly, nuzzling close to him. There was a creak from the door into Aedan's room, and she looked up to see a small, Aedan-shaped shadow lurking in the doorway, watching his parents.

"Looks like we have a visitor," Mahon murmured quietly, more amused than anything else. He had a feeling the boy was going to want to join them at some point during the night, but he wasn't expecting it quite this soon.

"Looks like," Nemone murmured, hiking herself up to smile over at the little boy lurking in the shadows. "You lonely, little man?"

The Aedan-shaped shadow nodded, and abruptly pattered at speed across the rug to scramble up onto the bed and flop down on top of Mahon, wriggling until he was wedged between his parents in a way he had never been able to do in his lifetime.

Mahon laughed as the boy launched himself onto the bed and wriggled his way between his parents. It was just as well - the big man was too tired to do much but sleep, and he'd sleep better knowing his family was close. "Just for this one night," he warned, though he had a feeling there would be nights other than just this one.

Laughing, Nem wriggled back a little way to make room for the small bundle of giggles now inhabiting that very comfortable space right up against Mahon's side. All that worry, for nothing. Aedan had only needed a few hours to recognize that his parents were finally home, and staying with him.

"No nitmoos," he informed his father in almost an identical tone, making Nem snort with laughter even as she looked over at Mahon.


"Nightmares," Mahon translated with a small frown. The boy had spent plenty of nights in his father's bed because of them, even though his life in the village had been fairly peaceful. "No more nightmares, lad. There's nothing to be afraid, so long as we're here to protect you," he told the boy, tucking the blankets over them both - wife and son.

"Ah." Nem nestled in just a bit as Mahon covered them all with the blankets, curling her arm about Aedan as he settled down between them. Her lips touched his forehead in an echo of the kiss his father had given her not so long before. "No nightmares, baby," she promised him softly. "We'll keep all the bad away. Only good dreams allowed in this bed."

The little boy smiled, already yawning as he dropped off to sleep once again, this time sandwiched close between the parents who would still be there when he woke up.

Mahon turned onto his side so that he could drape a protective arm over them both, a soft smile on his face. "Love you both," he whispered, though the boy was already drifting off to sleep. He wondered what the boy would think of having a younger sister or brother, but there was no point in sharing that bit of news until they knew for sure.

Little did he know that there was a quiet witness to the little family curled up together beneath the blankets. Brona had paused to check on Aedan, as she always did, only to find his bed empty. But he hadn't gone far. She smiled to herself as she drew the door between the two rooms closed, leaving her nephew's bedroom to make her way out of the main family rooms to the bedrooms upstairs, intending to say goodnight to Cody before she turned in herself.

The little family didn't notice that they had an onlooker and even if they did, they wouldn't have changed a thing, except perhaps to say goodnight. On down the hall, the door to Eli's room was cracked open, lantern light spilling into the hallway, and a thumping sound heard coming from somewhere inside.

Despite her best intention not to disturb Eli, Brona found herself wandering toward his cracked door, drawn on by the noise from within. Normally, he was out like a light by now, having pushed himself hard all day. She wasn't used to seeing a light in his room on her nightly rounds. Raising her hand, she knocked gently, pushing open the door to look inside. "Everything okay, Eli?"

He looked up briefly to find Brona in his doorway, ducking his head again as he seemed to be folding shirts and pants and stuffing them into a bag. "Fine, I'm just packing some things. I'm leaving in the morning," he informed her rather abruptly. It wasn't the way he'd planned on telling her, but now that she'd caught him in the act of packing, there didn't seem to be much point in lying about it.

It was not easy to shock Brona Dugan, but he had just managed it. She bit down on the immediate denial that rose up in her throat. He was a grown man; it was his life to lead as he saw fit. "But ....where will you go?" she asked him softly, hurt by the implication that he would have gone without saying goodbye. "Do the others know?"

"Nate and Cody know," he replied, purposely not looking her way - not because of the shiner her brother had given him, but because if he saw the look of disappointment on her face, he might lose his resolve. He knew this was the best thing for everyone, though he wasn't so sure about himself. "I'm getting married," he told her, which, though shocking, wasn't a lie either.

Reassured that he had, at least, told his brothers, no matter how sudden it was, Brona's expression smoothed a little as she watched him. "Who to?" she asked quietly, though she could make a guess if she had to. He'd only been gone overnight, after all.

"Dale Ryder," he replied, once again telling the truth. There was no point in lying, at least not to Brona, though there were a few truths he was going to have to keep hidden even from her. "This isn't about your brother, if that's what you think." At least, not entirely.

"It is a little, though," she countered gently, letting the door swing to the crack behind her again. "You're just too much alike. I really am sorry ....If I'd known they would be back today, I would have been here. Nothing would have happened." She reached out to gently touch his arm. "Are you sure this is what you want to do?"

He paused as she touched his arm, reluctant to look at her, not wanting her to see the bruise left there by her brother or the hurt in his eyes, but she had her own family, and he wasn't really a part of it. He wasn't sure what had made him think he ever was. He shrugged. "She's all alone out there. She needs someone to help with the farm, and I've got nowhere to go." No, he didn't love Dale - not yet, anyway. He might in time, but right now, he just needed to be needed, and she clearly needed him.

She looked up at him for a long moment, trying to gage the whole truth from what little he had told her. "She's good woman," she offered quietly. "Keeps mostly to herself, 'cept for market days. Will you be happy with her?" Because that was all that really mattered to Brona. If Eli could be happy with Dale, then there really was nothing standing in his way.

That was the big question, wasn't it' But when had Eli's happiness ever mattered, except maybe to Brona? He'd been father and mother and everything else to his brothers for so long, he wasn't sure what he wanted for himself anymore or if he knew how to be happy, but it was a start. Nate and Cody didn't need him anymore. Neither did Brona or Aedan. Dale did - it was as simple as that. "Maybe. Not sure my happiness matters much."


Date: 2015-12-11 23:45 EST
"Oh, Eli, of course it does!" She was horrified to hear him say that about himself, shaking her head to deny any truth in that. "None of us want to see you go - no, not even Mahon, despite the bad beginning. But it's your decision, and we'll want to know that you're happy in your life. And no matter where you are, we'll worry about you. Because you're family, and family doesn't stop just because you're not there."

He sighed, smoothing the front of a shirt before stuffing it into the bag. "Your brother's back, Brona. He's your family. Aedan and Nemone and Cody are your family. I'm just in the way here," he pointed out as gently as he could. His mind was already made up, and besides, he'd promised Dale he'd be back. He was just going to be back a little sooner than planned.

Her expression crumpled into a guilty frown. "I'm sorry," she whispered, looking down at her feet for a moment. "You're not in the way, but I can understand that's how you feel. Just don't disappear on us, all right' I don't care what you say are family." She surged forward to hug him, the first embrace she'd bestowed on the touchy eldest Mullen since they'd met.

"No, I'm the one that's sorry," he replied quietly, as he suddenly found this sweet, gentle girl in his arms - a girl he'd come to think of as a little sister. "I never meant to hurt you, Brona. I was desperate. I thought Cody was gonna die, and I couldn't let that happen." Her guilty frown was mirrored by his own. He'd been over this already; he'd apologized already, and yet, it never seemed to be enough. And if her brother ever found out the truth, there would be hell to pay - of that, he was sure.

She squeezed him gently, raising her head to meet his gaze once again. There had never been even the faintest glimmer of attraction between them; Eli had become the brother of her heart, just like Nate, and she liked having a group of big brothers to look up to and hide behind. "You never hurt me, Eli," she told him firmly. "Frightened me a little, but never hurt me. And I know you'll do whatever you can to look after Dale, and she'll do the same for you. I just don't want you leaving here thinking that you're not welcome or wanted, because that's a lie. Your brothers need you, they'll always need you, even if it's time they start living their lives for themselves. You can't get away from being the big brother, Eli, and they'll be happier if you're happy where you choose to settle. And I like having lots of big brothers, especially the two scary ones who can't even say hello without throwing punches." Her lips flickered in a gently teasing smile, wanting to see the guilt on his face fade.

"Just so you know, he threw the first punch," Eli explained, a slightly amused smile on his face, despite his mixed feelings. "You better not let Nate overhear you. He's fond of you, Brona, and he needs to belong somewhere." It was just like Eli to think of his brother's feelings before his own. "Anyway, I already promised Dale I'd be back, and what kind of man would I be if I broke that promise?" So, obviously, he had already planned on moving to the Ryder farm before Mahon had returned home, and Mahon's return had always been an inevitability Eli knew he'd have to face sooner or later.

"Oh, I know that," she nodded. "I'm not completely in the dark when it comes to you two." She smiled, glad to see even a flicker of his smile as she drew back. "Are you planning on taking the preacher with you?" she asked curiously. "Marriage doesn't take much around here - promises spoken, no need for witnesses. Some people don't even have a ceremony, they just move in together and start popping out babies."

"I don't know. I haven't thought that far ahead," he replied with a small frown. He'd figured he'd move in as a farm hand and see where things went from there, but he had promised to marry Dale, not just work for her. He glanced past Brona to make sure the door was closed, not just because he didn't want to disturb anymore, but because he didn't want to be overheard. "I would have been back, but it was getting dark, and there were mutants. It's dangerous out there, and she refuses to let it go. The farm is all she has, and she's determined to keep it."

"I figured you'd bedded down at one of the homesteads," she nodded, rather touched that he was seeming to confide in her. "She asked you, didn't she" But you didn't want to give her a firm yes or no until you spoke to your brothers."

"Yeah, she asked me," he admitted, sighing as he took a seat on the bed and pushing a hand through his hair. "I'm not getting any younger, and I haven't got many prospects. And please don't tell me about all the available women in town who'd love to be with someone like me because it's not true. I'm not like most men. I'm not even like Cody or Nate. I'd only disappoint them. But Dale is different." Or maybe they'd disappoint him.

"You know ....I've been wracking my brains trying to think of someone you might like who'd like you," she admitted ruefully. "I couldn't think of anyone. The girls in town are sweet, but they're a bit ....well, sappy. You wouldn't have patience with a girl who needs absolutely everything doing for her and only wants pretty babies. I never thought of Dale. Like I said, she keeps to herself." She moved to sit beside him on the bed. "What made you decide to marry her?"

So, maybe she did understand, at least a little, but making her understand why he'd agreed to marry the girl was a challenge when he hardly understood it himself. He shrugged. "She asked me," he replied simply and bluntly, though there was more to it than that.

Brona considered him for a moment. "But you're not a man who would say yes to a question like that unless you had good reason," she pointed out quietly. "I'm not intentionally being nosy, I promise. I just want to understand."

He sighed again, not a man of many words usually and certainly not the type who was used to being asked to explain his actions or his thoughts. "I don't know how to explain. There's just something about her. Something about her being all alone out there. It's not about me being a White Knight. It's more than that. Do you know she greeted me with a shotgun" She would have shot me, too, if I hadn't proved I was who I said I was."

Brona snorted with laughter at that mental image, but the smile on her face died as she remembered something pertinent. "She's had to do that before," she said in a low voice. "I laid Bart out, after he died, and the man who did it. She got him six times with that shotgun before he went down - I figure her aim is better now. Living all alone out there ....she's got reason to be wary of travelers passing through."

"Never met anyone as stubborn as I am, but I think maybe I've met my match," he told her, a serious look on his face. "Truth is, my brothers made the decision for me. Maybe it's time we all settle down, and this seems as good a place as any long as no one chases us off again," he added for good measure, purposely not mentioning her brother, though he was the person most likely to do so. "I know you already have a brother, Brona. He's lucky to have you. I didn't come here to take his place."

"No one's going to chase you off," she promised him firmly. "Any of you. They'll have to get through me to do that, and to get through me, they'll have to get through Mahon and Nemone and Ethan and Ember and everyone they can rally, too. So stop worrying about it. It isn't going to happen." She nudged his shoulder gently with her own. "You know ....I am gonna marry your baby brother. That kinda makes me your baby sister, too. There's room in me for all my family, and that includes you."

"Yeah, well ..." he started, smiling a little at the nudge. "Maybe I need a little time to get used to being part of something like that," he admitted, more truthful than even he cared to admit. "Anyway, your brother is here now, so it's probably time I go, but I'm not going that far, Brona. You'll know where to find me."

"Just don't be a stranger, okay?" she told him, raising her brows in expectation of a promise. "Otherwise I'll just have to pack up Cody and Nate and his girl, and we'll all come and visit you together, and then you'll have to survive Dale's temper about being surprised."

He actually chuckled at her threat, which wasn't much of a threat really. "You should come out and visit. I think you'd like her," he said, making no promises, though it was hardly likely he'd become a stranger, so long as his brothers were here. "Nate tells me you've been playing matchmaker."


Date: 2015-12-11 23:46 EST
She offered Eli an innocent smile. "All I did was put them in the same place," she defended herself. "They're the ones who started smooching for all to see." She flashed him a grin. "Oh, and, uh ....okay, I did kinda get Nate a job at the mill if he wants it. But that's all!"

"Hmm, sounds like there's gonna be more than one wedding," he said, a teasing smile on his face, though he didn't mention to which wedding he was referring. It could have been any of them now that they were all promised, in a way, though it seemed Cody and Brona's wedding would likely come first.

"Could be," she chuckled, hugging his arm. "I better go and see my own man before he starts worrying about what we're doing in here." Rising to her feet, she kissed his cheek. "Don't leave without saying goodbye, okay?"

He'd hoped to sneak away early the next morning, but he couldn't very well do that to Aedan or Brona who he'd come to care for like family. "Promise," Eli told her, smiling a little as she touched a kiss to his cheek. He might never tell her he loved her, but he'd come as close as he'd dared when he'd alluded to thinking of her as a little sister. It was more than he'd admitted to anyone but his brothers in a long time.

Smiling, she eased away, pausing in the doorway to wish him a warm goodnight before slipping out of sight. She stilled outside his door for a long moment, her expression quietly troubled with the knowledge that her mistake in leaving Aedan and Cody alone on the farm had driven Eli away. If only she'd taken them all with her ....But even then, Eli would have returned and had some kind of confrontation with Mahon. So many if onlys and what ifs, and none of them could be implemented now. Sighing softly, she brushed a hand through her hair, continuing along the hall to knock quietly on Cody's door.

If Eli had known she was second-guessing herself, he would have assured her that nothing she had done or not done would have made a difference. He had made a promise that he intended to keep, and like Cody and Nate, he needed to make a life for himself now. The confrontation with Mahon might have sped things along, but he had been planning on leaving soon anyway.

Hardly a moment passed before a voice replied from inside Cody's room, "Come in!"

Settling a soft smile on her face, she slipped in through Cody's door, closing it quietly behind her. Though they weren't married yet, their relationship was no secret in this house; there was no need to protect her reputation, or his. "Hey," she greeted him softly.

"Hey," he replied with a soft smile, setting the book he'd been reading aside and patting the spot beside him on the bed where he was relaxing a little before bed. "Everything okay?" he asked curiously.

Brona chuckled a little. She really couldn't hide anything from Cody. He'd learned to read her without her ever realizing she could be read. Easing down onto the bed beside him, she leaned into his warmth, sighing softly. "I just spoke to Eli."

He pulled the blanket up over her to cover them both and warm them against the chill of the evening. A small frown touched his face at the mention of his elder brother. "He's leaving," he said, more statement than question.

"In the morning," she confirmed quietly. "He won't go without saying goodbye, though. He very nearly promised me, so that's as good as." She rolled toward him, wrapping her arm about his waist as her head found a place against his shoulder. "At least we'll know where he is. I know Dale Ryder a little."

"I think he's a little sweet on her, though he'd never admit it," Cody remarked, one arm going around her shoulders to hold her close. Though they weren't yet married, they often spent their evenings together just like this, and no one had dared tell them otherwise ....yet.

"He must be," she agreed with a faint smile. "He wouldn't agree to marry her if he didn't at least like the look of her. She's even smaller than me, you know?" She laughed quietly, wondering how that was going to look in practice. "I think they might be good for each other."

And Eli was the tallest of the three Mullen brothers. Dale Ryder was only a name to Cody. He'd never met her and knew nothing of her, save what Eli had told him and Nate earlier that day. The brothers had been surprised by Eli's news, but not unpleasantly so, and yet, Cody had the same reservations as Brona. He just wanted to make sure his brother was doing this for the right reasons. "I've never told you this, but Eli gave up everything for me and Nate. He didn't have to do it. He could have found us homes in the village, but he didn't because we're a family. We were all each other had left. And now, with me and Nate settling down, he's probably feeling a little bit lost."

Brona lay silent against him for a long moment, thoughtful in the gentle glow from the lamp. "I feel like I've driven him away, because I made the mistake of leaving you with Aedan today," she admitted softly. "If I hadn't gone, the fight wouldn't have happened. I'm just glad he's not going too far. We'll be able to visit him, and they'll be able to come here, too."

"Is that what you think happened?" he asked, turning his head to regard her as she rested against his shoulder. "How do you know the fight wouldn't have happened anyway, whether you'd been here or not' Your brother isn't so very different from my brother. They're both hotheads. They were both doing what they thought was right - protecting Aedan. They'll get over it. Maybe you should think about it another way - you have two brothers willing to put themselves at risk to protect you and your family. Three, if you count Nate." He didn't count himself in that equation, since he wanted to be a lot more than just a brother.

She raised her head, smiling a little as he laid out the real meat of what had happened. "I'm very lucky to have three big brothers like that," she agreed affectionately, sidling a little closer to brush her lips against his. "I'm luckier that you love me." She would always feel a little bit guilty for Eli's abrupt departure, but Cody was right.

"No argument there," he replied before his lips met hers. If not for the kiss, he might have said more on the matter. He was curious about this woman his brother had agreed to marry, but it could wait until later. She was wrong about one thing, though - it was him who was the lucky one.

They could have argued that one back and forth all night and not come to an agreement. Brona smiled as she felt Cody's lips moving with hers, fighting hard against the by-now familiar spike of desire lancing through her. One encounter in the barn had not slaked her hunger for him; if anything, it had piqued her interest even further, but they both seemed determined to behave at least nominally like respectable adults. "Shame it's cold out," she murmured impishly against his lips. "We could've tested out the hayloft again."

"It's warm enough here, though," he told her, rolling to his side and leaning close so he could kiss her again. "Marry me, Brona," he whispered against her ear. Now that her brother had arrived, there was no reason to wait any longer, and every day spent waiting was becoming more and more like torture.

She smiled tenderly, the tip of her nose circling his as they lay together, warm beneath the blanket. It was going to be a long walk back to her own cold bed when it came time. "Anytime," she whispered back to him, pressing close in his embrace. "Whenever you want." She had told Mahon it wouldn't happen tomorrow, but it might well do. There was no reason to wait.

Tomorrow was as good a day as any and what was the point of waiting when they both knew what they wanted was right in front of them. "Is tomorrow too soon?" he asked, unsure if she wanted a fancy wedding or if a simple one would do. He was willing to wait as long as she wanted, but they were both quickly growing impatient, especially after what had happened between them in the loft.


Date: 2015-12-11 23:47 EST
She giggled softly. "No, it isn't too soon," she promised him. "We'll probably have to wait until the afternoon, though. Eli might be taking the preacher with him when he heads out in the morning." She grinned at Cody warmly. "Dale won't let him stay under her roof unless they're married. She's pretty hot on protecting her reputation."

"Why don't we just go with him' We could have a double wedding." Triple, if they included Millie and Nate, but that seemed unlikely. They'd be lucky if they could pull off one wedding on such short notice, much less three.

Another quiet giggle. "You think he can convince her to come into town and marry him side by side with us?" she asked hopefully. "Wouldn't it be lovely to have Nate there to see it happen?" Mahon, she didn't need to mention. He would be there, come hell or high water, to see his little sister get married.

"I'd like to have my brothers there," Cody admitted. In fact, there was no one he wanted more to witness their marriage than the brothers he'd known and loved all his life. "Do you think she'd come?" he asked, touching his fingers to her cheek.

She considered that for a moment, smiling as she felt herself distracted by his gentle touch against her skin. "She asked him," she pointed out. "If she really wants him, she'll be on a horse before he gets the words out."

"You really think he'll do it?" he asked, hardly believing it himself. It wasn't his wedding to Brona that astounded him, but the thought of Eli getting married to anyone. "She must be a very special woman to have convinced him to marry her," he said. Either that, or Eli was in deeper than even he suspected.

"Seems like he will," she mused quietly. "I don't know what makes her special, but the way he talks about her ....he sees something in her that touches him. She needs him, Cody. Not just a random man to help her look after her land and protect her from the mutants. She asked Eli, and that makes him just as special as she is."

"Maybe there's hope for him after all," Cody said, settling down beside her and drawing her close against him. This was where she belonged - right here beside him. Not in another town or house or even room. There were people, including her brother, who might think they were being hasty, but Cody knew that life was too short, and he was sure of his heart and sure that this was right where he belonged.

"There's always been hope," she murmured, nestling close into his arms. Perhaps she wouldn't make it back to her own room before dawn, but where was the harm in sleeping side by side the night before their wedding" "He brought me to you."

If Eli hadn't brought her, Cody might not have lived, but he most certainly would have never met Brona. The brothers would have moved on, like they always had, and none of this would have happened. "I'm glad he did," he replied, turning his head to touch a kiss to her lips. If they were going to spring their plan on the others in the morning, they were going to have to be up bright and early and long before Mahon or Eli.

Smiling lips touched his affectionately as she sighed softly. "May I stay here tonight?" she asked him in a low voice. "I don't want to be on my own anymore."

"It's your house, your room, your bed," he reminded her, though all that was about to change in another day. He'd be as much as part of her family as she was of his. The Mullens and the Dugans would be brought together to become a family, just as Cody and Brona would be joined in marriage. "You never have to leave my bed again," he told her, touching another kiss to her lips before settling close. Whether they chose his room or hers didn't much matter, so long as they were together.

She giggled quietly under his kiss, trying not to think of all the imaginative ways they could do their chores without leaving the bed at all. It would certainly make home visits to her patients interesting. But she understood what he meant. This time tomorrow, they would be married, bound together for the rest of their lives. Everything that was hers would be his, and vice versa. No, she would never sleep alone again, secure in the comforting warmth of knowing that Cody loved her as she loved him. If that wasn't enough to give her sweet dreams, nothing ever would.

((Could the Mullen boys make it a hat-trick? We'll just have to wait and see!))