Topic: A Christmas Surprise

Desmond Granger

Date: 2013-12-24 17:42 EST
In any family with small children, the night before Christmas is anything but quiet and still. There are last minute preparations to make, presents to wrap, stockings to fill ....and in this particular house, Des had done most of that himself while ever so slightly tipsy following the Granger Christmas party, while Lyneth slept upstairs and Piper was at Midnight Mass.

Bedtime for the adults in this house had come about around 2 am, and unfortunately for them, the tiny Fae girl they loved so well was already awake at the crack of dawn. Thankfully, however, Lyneth had been distracted by the stocking left at the end of her bed, losing at least an hour in unpacking the goodies from inside with the help of her fairy friends. But sadly, all good things must come to an end, and as the morning sunlight peeked through the blinds to illuminate Piper and Des where they slept, their bedroom door burst open to disgorge one very excited two year old, singing at the top of her lungs. "Get dressed, you merry merchants, may you play and play and play, for it is Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas Day!"

Lyneth's merry singing might have amused a well-rested Desmond, but a sleepy, groggy, slightly hung-over Desmond who hadn't gotten more than a few hours of decent sleep only managed to mutter a groan, roll onto his side away from the chirpy little girl, and bury his head beneath a pillow.

Piper was a little more inclined to deal with it, sitting up to gather Lyneth into her arms. "And Merry Christmas to you, too, little woman," she smiled, hugging her daughter warmly.

Lyneth beamed, cuddling into her mother's embrace for a moment before poking her little toes into Des' back and resuming her song from where she had left off. "It's Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas Day - it is Chri-i-i-i-i-istmas Day, Chrissy-mas Day, it is Chri-i-i-i-i-i-istmas Day!"

Des groaned again, his voice muffled beneath the pillow. "Yes, I know it's Christmas Day. You needn't remind me!" He wasn't cranky exactly, just half-asleep. After another moment, he sighed and peered one eyed-out from beneath the cover of that pillow. "What time is it?" he asked, groggily, knowing it was morning. It was light out at least, just barely, but he'd only fallen into bed a few hours ago.

"It's the mornin', silly!" Lyneth declared, wriggling out of Piper's arms and under the covers to cuddle up against Des whether he wanted it or not.

Piper chuckled, sliding out of bed herself. She was rather relieved Lyneth had come into them, rather than gone downstairs, seeing as there was a living present down there who needed to be checked on before the tiny girl got her hands on him.

Oblivious to her mother's retreat and disappearance, Lyneth crawled over Des underneath the covers to plant a big wet kiss on his cheek. "It's Christmas mornin', an' you said we could have strawberries an' popcorn for breakfast."

He groaned again as he got climbed on, though he could never stay grumpy for too long in Lyneth's company. "Popcorn is not breakfast, young lady, and you know it. I said strawberries and waffles. You can have popcorn later." Des glanced over at the clock to find it was just barely past dawn. He wasn't over surprised, though. He'd been expect an early morning wake-up. It was Christmas, after all. "You haven't cheated, have you?" he asked, as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I had my stockin'," the little girl confessed, quite happy to be cuddled up in his arms. She was pretty sure Mummy would be making breakfast and letting Loki out to poop and all the other things Mummy did first thing in the morning. "And I didn't blow my whistle even though I had it because I knew you and Mummy was sleepin' and I had my orange and the fairies were playin' with my nuts, and I like my neckliss an' and my bracelit, and my fluffy hair thingy, and why was there a aminal collar in my stockin', Daddy?"

Oh, god. He'd had about four hours sleep and she was already hyper, but he patiently listened to her as she relayed her morning in that perfectly cute Lyneth way of hers. "Was there?" he asked, tilting his head and feigning surprise at her question.

"Yes, there was," she nodded firmly, enjoying a little bit of quiet time with her sleepy Daddy under the covers until the excitement got too much. "An' it said Ker-nip on it, that's what Oisin said, and then he wouldn't say anythin' else and he went downstairs, and I played with my puzzle box a bit and then the sun came up and then I came in here, and here I am!"

"Does it?" Des asked, trying hard to hide the smirk from his face now that he was finally waking up. He pushed a tangle of hair away from her face. "Hmm, I wonder what that means. Should we go downstairs and find out?" he asked, though he didn't mind staying in bed as long as he could. In another few minutes, the scent of perking coffee and frying bacon would make its way up the stairs drawing them both from bed.

"Is there a aminal called Ker-nip downstairs waitin' for me?" Lyneth asked with a sudden upsurge of excitement. They'd been downplaying any hint toward a pet of any kind for the last couple of months so much that she'd been certain that none of her presents would have a pulse this Christmas. Even the suggestion that one might be alive was enough to send her into hyperactive overdrive.

"I don't know. Are you sure it's not a new collar for Loki?" he asked, teasing her just a little, having fun playing this little game with her on their first real Christmas together as father and daughter. "Maybe it got in the wrong stocking," he suggested.

"Why'd a collar for Loki have a wrong name on it?" she demanded, sitting up and taking his covers with her as she poked at his stomach. "And even if it was in the wrong stockin', that still means someone's gettin' a new aminal or maybe a small person like a troll. Ooh, are we gettin' a troll" Only they smell unless you keep 'em very clean, an' Oisin doesn't have time to clean the house an' me an' Loki and a troll called Ker-nip."

Known for his ticklishness, Des flinched when she poked at his stomach, biting the insides of his mouth to stifle a chuckle, both at her and at the poke. "We are most definitely not getting a troll," he assured her, poking her back the same way she'd poked him. "You, Little Miss, are too curious and too smart for your own good!" And with that said, he rolled over, pushing her onto her back and tickling her sides to pay her back for waking him and Piper so early.

She squealed happily, knocked over onto her back and wriggling around under the onslaught with delighted giggles. There was no threat to wee this time, although it was a pretty safe bet if he didn't let up in time. Lyneth hadn't had a proper family Christmas before, so this was going to be a very special day, no matter what happened.

As soon as Desmond smelled breakfast downstairs, he eased off on the tickling, knowing Lyneth could only take so much. "See what happens to little girls to wake their fathers too early on Christmas morning?" he teased, repaying her smooch with one of his own, just as wet and just as loud against her cheek.

Out of breath and flushed with giggling excitement, the tiny Fae-girl beamed up at him, flopping back onto the bed cheerfully. "They get tickled and then they get strawberries and popcorn for breakfast?"

"No, they get tickled and then they get waffles for breakfast!" he insisted. "And maybe if they're really good, they can have popcorn for dessert. How's that?" He really had no will power when it came to Lyneth and was in danger of spoiling the little girl, though he was of the mind that little girls were meant to be spoiled by the Daddies. He smooched her cheek again, softer this time. "What do you say we go say good morning to your mother?"

She grinned, throwing her short arms around his neck so he was essentially picking her up as he drew back from that kiss. "I love you, Daddy," she informed him quite seriously, kissing his cheek in answer as she settled herself with her legs wrapped about his hip. Apparently he was carrying her downstairs. "But can I go to the toy-lit first?"

Desmond Granger

Date: 2013-12-24 17:47 EST
"I love you, too," he said, smiling fondly back at her. "And yes, you may," he replied back as politely as she'd given him her request. He swung his legs off the bed and moved to his feet, Lyneth balanced against one hip as he carried her toward the bathroom. "So, if you could have one wish this Christmas, what would it be?" He knew it wouldn't be for a Daddy, since she already had that now, nor would it be for a baby brother or sister, since they'd already had that discussion. He knew she wanted a pet in the worst way, but did she really understand all that was involved in being responsible for one"

"Baby," was the inevitable answer to that question, despite the many talks they'd had on the subject of how long it took to make a baby in the first place. She beamed at him cheekily, hugging close, and amended her response. "But 'cos I can't, 'cos Mummy's not all round like Auntie Vicki and Auntie Caroline, I want a Kneazle like the one what I met inna Market."

"Do you know what all is involved in having a Kneazle?" he asked as he lowered her to the floor just outside the bathroom, waiting discreetly outside to give her some privacy until she was finished or asked for help.

With that peculiar lack of modesty displayed by most children until they grew out of it, Lyneth kept right on talking as she wandered into the bathroom, pulling out her little step to be able to get up and onto the toilet. "You gotta feed it and love it and change its litter tray and love it and take it to the vet and love it and do its fleas and worms and love it and brush it and love it," she informed Des through the door, evidently having taken in a lot of what she had been told over the past months about having a pet.

"I think you've got the loving part down," he remarked, more to himself than to her. "It's a big responsibility having a pet, and you're too little to take care of one all by yourself," he pointed out, though he and Piper had already discussed all this in depth. They had both agreed Lyneth was ready and that taking care of someone other than herself would be a good experience for her, and they were both willing to help, until she was old enough to take care of it herself. Though Lyneth was only two years old according to the calendar, she was far ahead of other children twice her age.

"Does that mean I can't?" a mournful little voice came through the door, followed closely by the sound of the flush and the scrape of her little step being dragged over to the sink so she could wash her hands. It was safe to open the door once again.

"No, it just means you'll need help. Are you okay with that?" he asked, pushing open the door upon hearing the toilet flush and moving over to grab the towel for her to dry her hands on once she had them washed. He didn't mind helping her, but wanted to make sure she would accept their help when it was needed.

She nodded, looking up at him with those big turquoise eyes that could melt almost anyone. "Yes, please, Daddy," she agreed. "Because what if it got all sick" M'not big enough to look after a sick aminal."

"Well, why don't we go downstairs and have some breakfast and see what?s under the tree. Do you have that collar handy?" he asked as he helped her dry her hands off.

Little fingers wriggled in his grasp as he dried her hands off, the little girl tossing her head to flick her hair out of her eyes as she huffed at a dangling tangle. "It's on my bed," she told him, hope beginning to rise in her eyes once again as she blinked up at him. "Will I need it?"

"I don't know, but it must belong to something, right' So maybe if you bring it along, we can figure out what." It sounded logical, at least to him, though he wasn't too sure about her. He didn't want to give the surprise away, but he didn't want to torment her either.

"Is we givin' a aminal to someone else?" she asked, pushing her little step back under the sink and turning to totter into her bedroom to retrieve the collar from the debris scattered all over her bed. Evidently she had very much enjoyed her stocking in the wee small hours. Collar in hand, the tiny girl tottered back out to Des, lifting her arms to demand a carry down the stairs just as Piper called up to them. "Breakfast!"

"No, we is not giving an aminal to someone else," Des replied with a small smirk, amused not only by her question but by the way she phrased things, knowing she only did it to be cute - and at that, she succeeded. Des leaned down to scoop her back up into his arms. "Maybe you should close your eyes," he said, wanting what awaited her downstairs to be a surprise.

"I should?" There was that hopeful gleam in her eyes again, seconds before she slammed them shut, screwing up her face to make absolutely certain he could be sure she had them completely closed. "Is breakfast somethin' special, then?"

"Oh, yes, strawberries and popcorn are very special, don't you think?" he asked with a smirk, teasing her again as he carried her down the stairs, hoping to run into Piper before he ran into the little "aminal" they had gotten her for Christmas.

"We are havin' strawberries an' popcorn!" Thankfully, this crowing little declaration was loud enough that Lyneth didn't hear what was going on in the living room, though Des no doubt could.

Piper was shushing something, speaking softly. "....stay there until she opens her eyes," she was saying. "No, not you, Loki. You. Stow your rear end there for a little bit longer - oh!" She straightened up, stepping smartly in front of something as Des and Lyneth came into view. "Are we all ready for breakfast, then?"

"Yes, we are," Des replied as he and Lyneth arrived downstairs. He glanced at the little Fae-girl to make sure she still had her eyes shut, before mouthing silently to Piper, "Where is he?"

"Behind me," was mouthed back to him, together with a finger pointing to all that was really visible, which was a long, fluffy ginger tail whisking impatiently back and forth underneath Loki's curious eyes. Piper grinned, winking at Des. "Well, I guess we should go into the kitchen," she said then, glancing at Lyneth. "Since that's where breakfast is." There was a quiet grumble of sound from behind her, which she answered with a laughing, "Shhh!"

In Des' arms, Lyneth was grinning, listening to all this with quiet delight. She loved it when her parents played along and made a game out of anything, and she had a feeling this was about more than just the breakfast she'd said she wanted for Christmas morning. "Can I open my eyes now?"

"No!" exclaimed Des in answer to Lyneth's question, a little too hastily to sound very nonchalant about it. He waved a hand at Piper to indicate that their new pet's tail was showing before turning toward the kitchen. The smell of the breakfast awaiting them was definitely not popcorn, but smelled just as yummy.

Giggling at her Daddy's exuberant denial of her request to open her eyes, Lyneth obediently kept them closed, hugging her arms around his neck as he turned toward the kitchen with her. Piper turned to look down at the newest member of their family, crouching to reinforce the surprise they were planning for the tiny Fae-girl in a quiet voice before rising to follow Des as Loki became the screen in front of the owner of the collar in Lyneth's hand.

Desmond Granger

Date: 2013-12-24 17:52 EST
Once they arrived in the kitchen, Desmond set Lyneth down, not in her usual chair, but in a chair that wasn't facing the living room so she wouldn't catch sight of a certain present who just might get curious enough to peek his head into the kitchen. Des knew Lyneth wouldn't let this little change to their routine go unnoticed, but he had an answer for even that if she asked. "There, juice and....What are we having for breakfast today, Piper darling?"

"Well, somebody made a request for strawberries, but I couldn't for the life of me find them anywhere when I got down here this morning," Piper answered the query, trying very hard not to smile and failing completely. She sat herself down at the table, which had already been laid up with plates and a stack of waffles ready to be eaten. "Where do you suppose they could have gone?"

Lyneth's eyes went wide the moment it was suggested that her strawberries were gone, shocked and disappointed that she wasn't going to get the breakfast she'd been petitioning for weeks to have. "They're gone?"

"Maybe someone hid them! Maybe one of your fairy friends, Lyneth. Maybe someone is playing a game of Hide and Seek!" Desmond looked around the kitchen as if he was seeking the lost strawberries, but they were nowhere in plain sight. He snapped his fingers, as if a thought had just come to mind. "I have an idea! Why don't you see if Knip has them?"

"Who's Knip?" Now the little girl just looked confused, not even thinking to look down at the collar clutched in her hand. The name didn't sound right to her, purely because Oisin was the one who had read it to her, and he had pronounced it "Ker-nip". "If somebody's stolen my strawberries, I will cry."

"Lynnie," Desmond started, gentling his voice and taking pity on the poor little girl. He offered a soft smile and reached over to touch her cheek with a gentle fingertip. "Look at the collar in your hand. The name on it is pronounced Nip," he told her, saying it differently from the way the brownie had said it, the K being silent. It was a small hint as to the origins of the new pet, though he wasn't sure if Lyneth would follow.

"Not Ker-nip?" Lyneth turned the collar over in her little hands, peering down at the tag. She hadn't yet learned to read, but she was beginning to understand the shape of words. "Knip?" A low rumbling purr sounded from behind her as the animal in question answered his name spoken by the little girl he had chosen to be his almost a full month before. Twisting in her seat, she looked toward the living room to find a large, ginger-tabby feline padding toward them with a basket of strawberries held in his mouth. He was too big to be a simple cat, his eyes too intelligent for a simple animal, and she knew him at a glance. "A Kneazle, you got me the Kneazle!" she declared happily, scrambling down from her chair to drop onto her knees and hug the creature. Knip carefully set the basket down before submitting to that hug, rubbing his chin on the little girl's shoulder as he purred like an express train, his fluffy tail as upright as it could get with pleasure.

Desmond moved over to Piper to slide an arm around her shoulders, smiling fondly at their little girl and her new pet, the likes of which he was only just starting to understand. It made him happy to make her happy, and wasn't that what Christmas was all about really'

Loki padded in behind Knip, choosing to lean against Des' leg as he, too, watched Lyneth reacquainting herself with the Kneazle who had made such an impression when she, Piper, and Loki had met him in the Marketplace in November. Piper wrapped her own arm around Des' waist, her smile wide and warm. "You know, I think strawberries just got bumped way down on the list of things that absolutely have to happen right this second," she commented to her fiance softly.

On the floor, Lyneth sat back on her rear end, giggling as Knip sat down beside her, taller than she was in that position, and proceeded to groom her cheek affectionately. "You hold still," the tiny girl told her new pet. "I gotta put this on you." She showed the Kneazle the collar, letting him inspect it for a moment, and to everyone's surprise, the creature actually lifted his chin and stuck his neck out to have it put on him. This was definitely not any old cat.

"What are we gonna do with him while we're on our youknowwhat?" Des asked Piper quietly, for her ears only while Lyneth fussed over her living Christmas present. In another week, they were supposed to be getting married, followed by a honeymoon, accompanied by a certain little Fae-girl. Des watched while Lyneth tended to her Kneazle. He still wasn't quite sure exactly what it was, but somehow he knew this was no ordinary cat.

"I think we should be able to leave him with Humphrey along with Loki," Piper murmured back, tucking her arm around his back as she leaned into him. "He's been staying at the big house for a while, so he knows them all. As long as Lynnie is the one who tells him, he might agree to stay behind. Otherwise we might end up with Knip on the youknowwhat as well."

"Would he even be allowed on the youknowwhat?" Des asked quietly, unsure whether pets were allowed where they were going. They hadn't yet told Lyneth where they were planning on spending their honeymoon - it was another unexpected surprise that awaited her.

"Well ..." She twisted, hugging her arms around his waist as she smiled faintly. "Given that it's my parents paying for it, and my mother is not exactly shy about throwing her title around, even on the wrong Earth, I highly doubt they'd object too much if they're properly compensated accordingly." She shrugged a shoulder. "I would rather Lynnie convinced him to stay behind, though, if we can manage that."

"You don't think Loki is going to be jealous, do you?" Des asked, wrapping his arms around her as she turned to face him. The malamute was very protective when it came to both Piper and Lyneth, but if he could get used to fairies, there was no reason to think he couldn't get used to something as strange as a Kneazle, as well. "This house is getting a little crowded," Des remarked with a smile before touching his lips to Piper's. And if things went according to plan, there'd be another addition to their little family in the not too distant future.

Piper looked down at the Malamute leaning against Des' leg, and grinned. "He managed to cope with me having a baby," she pointed out. "I think he can handle Lyneth having a new friend in the house. Besides, Loki's more attached to you and me than he is to her. He loves her, but he does hide from her on occasion." She chuckled softly, following the dog's gaze toward Lyneth and Knip. The Kneazle was sitting on his rear end, gently batting at the loose strands of his new owner's bedhead hair to move them out of her face as she giggled wildly.

Des rolled his eyes at the interaction between Knip and Lyneth. "I think I'm jealous," he said, with a teasing smirk, though he was only kidding. He knew how much Lyneth's new pet meant to her, and he thought it would be good for both of them. He cleared his throat to try and get Lyneth's attention. "If you can pull yourself away from your new pet, breakfast is ready."

Desmond Granger

Date: 2013-12-24 17:57 EST
"For both of you," Piper added, reluctantly disentangling herself from Des to move back into the kitchen, shaking a couple of food containers to get the attention of Loki and Knip.

The Malamute was first to respond, sitting like a prince as he waited patiently to be fed. The Kneazle, not so much. As Lyneth pushed herself up onto her feet, the feline creature surveyed his surroundings, yawned, and looked expectantly up at the tiny girl. She blinked, a little surprised, and looked up at Des worriedly. "What'm I s'posed to do?"

"I'm not sure," Des replied, the Kneazle being as much a novelty to him as it was to her. "But I think maybe he wants you to pick him up and take him there," he suggested, uncertainly. He knew the feline was more intelligent that a cat and probably understood what they were saying, but he wasn't quite sure how to communicate with it.

"Do you?" Lyneth turned to look at the Kneazle, who was almost on her eye level, far bigger than a domestic cat should be. "Only I think maybe I'd fall over if I tried to pick you up. I'll grow a bit, maybe."

Overhearing this from the kitchen, Piper hurried to head that one off, by far the most experienced pet owner of the three of them. "Or maybe he wants you to call him for his breakfast, Lynnie," she suggested with a chuckle. "He chose you, after all."

Admittedly, Desmond was the least experienced pet owner of the three of them, as well as with that of all things magical, fairies and Kneazles included. This was a learning experience, not only for Lyneth, but for all of them. Des was just about to suggest something else when Piper piped in and Des breathed a sigh of relief. "That makes sense," he agreed. "Give it a try, Lynnie."

Forestalled from growing herself up and essentially out of everything she owned, Lyneth giggled, turning her eyes back to Knip. "C'mon, then," she told the Kneazle, turning with an impressive amount of confidence to take Des' hand and give him a tug back into the kitchen. "Come an' have your breakfast, Knip." And satisfyingly, the Kneazle stood up as soon as the destination and purpose of his moving was made perfectly clear by his chosen little person, fluffy tail swishing back and forth as he padded after Lyneth into the kitchen.

"It's pretty clear who his person is," Des remarked with a grin over at Piper. "It looks like he's chosen you, Lyneth. Are you sure you're up for the responsibility?" Des knew she was, and was only teasing her a little, knowing she was far more responsible than half the adults he knew.

The tiny Fae-girl lifted solemn eyes up to him and nodded confidently. "I can do it," she promised faithfully, moving to take the food container from Piper and obey the quiet instructions as to how much to put into the bowl for her Kneazle.

Piper smiled, watching as the little girl measured out a small cup of food and poured it into Knip's bowl. "We'll help you, until you can do it all on your own," she assured Lyneth, taking the container back as Knip settled down to eat. She bent closer, lowering her voice to whisper into Lyneth's ear for a moment.

Whatever she said, it appeared that Des was going to reap the benefits - Lynnie launched herself across the kitchen to hug his knees tightly. "Thank you, Daddy, thank you, thank you!"

Des watched as Lyneth filled Knip's bowl with Piper's help, smiling fondly at the interaction between mother and daughter, happy to be part of this little family. He could no longer imagine his life without either one of them, and in another week's time, they were going to make it official. No one was going to keep them apart - not even the Fae who wanted her back. Des arched a puzzled brow over at Piper as Lyneth launched herself at him, wondering just what it was she'd whispered in her - no, their - daughter's ear. Lyneth was Desmond's daughter now, and he couldn't have loved her more if she was of his own bloodline. He untangled the little girl from around his knees and crouched down so that he was at her level. He got the feeling Lyneth was thanking him for more than just a Christmas present, but maybe that was something understood only between them. "You don't have to thank me, sweetheart. I love you and I want to make you happy. We love you," he corrected himself as he reached over to touch her cheek with gentle fingers.

As soon as he was low enough, the tiny girl threw her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek in her affectionate way, showering him with grateful thanks for her very special Christmas present. Piper had given him the credit for Knip's arrival without a second thought, knowing there would be hugs and kisses aplenty to go around for the rest of the day, and Lyneth was determined to make sure Des knew she was grateful. "I love you too, Daddy," she promised, hugging tighter for a moment before drawing back to beam at him. "Can I have breakfast now?" A small yelp caught the attention from the other side of the kitchen, a glance in that direction finding Loki hiding behind Piper with one paw over his nose as Knip gave him a stern look.

Piper herself was laughing, reaching down to reassure the big Malamute. "Serves you right for trying to muscle in on Knip's food, you big daftie."

"Yes, you may, precious," Des replied, scooping his little girl up into his arms to carry her over to her booster seat and settle her in so she could finally be rewarded with the strawberries she was so craving. No popcorn though. That would have to wait until later. He chuckled a little at Loki, who had been frightened by a feline less than half his size. "It looks like we're not the only ones who are going to have to get used to the newest member of the family," he said, as he served up Lyneth's breakfast.

"We'll all get used to each other soon," Piper promised them all as she moved to take her own seat, snorting with laughter at the way Loki followed her to sit at her side, watching warily as Knip took his time over his own breakfast.

Grinning, Lyneth beamed at her parents around a mouthful of strawberry, happier than she had been even when she'd pounced on them only half an hour before. "This is the bestest Christmas ever."

Des took his own seat, beaming a smile at them both. He couldn't argue with Lyneth's sentiment. It was the best Christmas he'd had in a very long time, perhaps ever, and if he had anything to say about it, it was only the first of many more to come. He lifted his glass of orange juice in a toast to his two lovely ladies. "This is the best Christmas ever," he agreed. "To our little family. I love you both more than you will ever know."

"Hear, hear, and right back at you," Piper offered up, toasting with her coffee cup and a wide smile. "Long may it continue." It was the perfect beginning to their first Christmas together - a year to the day since Desmond had been introduced to a sad woman and her precocious daughter at a family party, and had begun to process of winning both their hearts. She never could have imagined back then that in just one short year's time she would be just days away from marrying a man who had calmed and healed her heart, and won the adoring devotion of her little girl. Their family was the most precious thing in her life, and Piper was determined to keep them all safe and well for years to come. ((One more week until Piper and Desmond make it official. Tons of thanks to my awesome writing partner for the above scene. A Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night!))