Topic: A Normal Day

Kaylee Bennett

Date: 2014-11-06 09:26 EST
((Contains adult situations.))

Two days after the horror of that encounter in the house that had haunted them both. One day after being released from the hospital, and visiting the site of that house, or what was left of it. Today was the day normality was supposed to start for Taylor and Kaylee, and Kaylee was determined to start it right. Somehow she'd managed to ease herself out of bed without waking him, tucking him warm beneath the blankets before padding into the kitchen. After all, cooking was something she did well, and breakfast done properly was always worth the effort. It had better be worth the chilly toes, as well.

It had taken seeing the charred remains of that building for Taylor to realize once and for all that it was really over. He knew it would take time for the nightmares to fade. It would take time before either of them was ready to sleep without a light on or not be at least a little wary of shadows, especially in the night, but this morning was the first normal start to a morning that either of them had had in months. Years, as far as Taylor was concerned. He had smiled a little in his sleep to feel her tuck the blankets around him as she slipped out of bed, for the first time in seven years feeling peaceful and content and, yes, even happy.

It wasn't long before the enticing smell of bacon, eggs, sausage, toast, and fresh coffee mingled to waft down the hall and call to him in their own alluring way, the sounds of sizzling from the kitchen quietly overlaid with a quiet feminine voice singing softly to herself. For the first time in months, Kaylee was singing, secure enough finally to let a little of her natural talent begin to show once more.

It was the smell of breakfast cooking that eventually roused him, but the sound of a feminine voice singing that enticed him, like the song of a siren to a sailor lost at sea. It took him a minute to realize it was Kaylee's voice he was hearing, soft and sweet and happy. He couldn't tell if she was singing a song of her own or one she'd heard on the radio, nor did it matter. Just to hear her and know that she was feeling happy and secure enough to embrace that part of her life she had so loved made his heart soar with joy. He smiled to himself as he climbed out of bed and grabbed a t-shirt, frowning to find it was black. He tossed it aside and went to the dresser to find something else - anything else. No more black. Black was the color of mourning. He was never going to wear black again.

It was one of her own tunes, something she had written years before and never shared with anyone, a gentle ballad that quietly shared the hope she'd held then of falling in love, truly, with someone who loved her. She hadn't returned to it since it had been written, but this morning, it came to her without needing prompting, words and tune easily brought to the fore as she cooked, swaying to the rhythm on her bare toes.

He found a shirt in a shade of blue and pulled it over his head, all the while listening to Kaylee sing her song, feeling excited about life again for the first time in as long as he could remember. They had the whole day free to do whatever they wanted without worrying about training or nightmares or an impending hunt hanging over their heads. He found himself suddenly laughing at the very thought of it. Whatever they decided to spend the day doing, it was going to be in celebration of living.

The song faltered for a moment, his laughter bringing a smile to her lips. It was good to hear him laugh, to know that it wasn't because he felt he had to laugh, or because something awful had happened to something foul. He was laughing because he was happy, and that made her very happy indeed. "Tay?" she called out to him, knowing now he was at least awake. "You want breakfast?"

He heard her calling him and wandered into the kitchen at her bidding, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. He pushed her hair away from her neck and greeted her with a kiss, his lips brushing softly against the side of her neck. "I would love breakfast," he replied, leaning over to rest his chin against her shoulder. "I heard you singing."

Despite their closeness over the past months, Kaylee thought this might be the first time it had ever felt so relaxed. She smiled, leaning back into his embrace as his lips touched her neck, her temple resting against his. "It's almost done," she murmured affectionately, a gentle flush of rose touching her skin at the news that he had heard her. "I don't know why, but I just felt like singing. It's been so long since I have."

"I think it's called feeling happy," he teased with a smile on his lips. He knew he was going to have to let go of her at some point, but he was in no real hurry. "You have a lovely voice," he told added. Though he was probably biased, he thought not even an angel would sound as lovely as her.

Her smile gentled, touched by the compliment, biased or not. "Thank you," she said softly, turning her head to kiss the corner of his mouth lovingly. "Maybe I'll finally get around to writing something for you one of these days." Not that she had been writing anything. But they had time and leisure now, and the one thing she knew she could do was write and play. It would be good to express herself once again.

"Maybe you should think about recording some songs or playing in public. You have a cousin who plays in a club, don't you? Maybe she could help get you a gig," he suggested. He had a feeling much of today would be spent discussing plans for the future and where they wanted to go from here.

"Maybe," she mused thoughtfully. "We'll see what happens. I don't need to be the center of attention anymore; I don't think I want to be. But I can sell songs and make a good living from it, maybe teach music. I'd rather have my evenings for you, than have to perform for strangers."

"We'll figure it out," he promised, reaching around to kiss her cheek before pulling away to pour himself his first morning cup of coffee. "What's the plan for today, baby?" he asked as he took down a mug and poured. "We should do something to celebrate."

Turning her attention to the various pans on the stove, she smiled once more as he kissed her cheek, stirring and flipping and generally making sure nothing was burnt. "I hadn't really thought about any plans for the day," she admittedly mildly. "I'm making it up as I go along." Which explained breakfast, in a way. Usually breakfast was a brief affair, providing only what they needed to get going. Today, it was anything but.

He turned to take a lean against the cupboards and sip his coffee while she finished up cooking breakfast. "Okay, well....If you could do anything you wanted to do today, what would it be?" he asked curiously, besides the obvious hours spent languishing in bed wrapped in each other's arms. He had a thought, but he wanted to see what she thought first.

Kaylee Bennett

Date: 2014-11-06 09:27 EST
She glanced up, her gaze passing his shoulder to the sunny day beginning. The last days of autumn were upon them, and soon it would be too cold, or windy, or rainy, to truly enjoy being outside for a while. "I-I'd like to be outside," she said, a little hesitant of expressing her own desires these days, her hands busy serving the food onto plates as he watched her. "I don't know what I want to do exactly."

He turned his head to follow her glance out the window. It looked like it was shaping up to be a nice day. A perfect day really, so long as it wasn't too cold. "Okay, how about going for a ride" Maybe even a picnic" Too boring" Not exciting enough?"

Kaylee laughed quietly, shaking her head. "It doesn't have to be exciting," she told him sweetly, clattering as the pans were dropped into the sink to soak while they ate. "I think we've had a little too much exciting for now, anyway." Taking up the plates, she moved to the table, gesturing with her head for him to join her. "A picnic sounds lovely."

He wondered what she'd think when he mentioned that the ride was going to be on the back of his motorcycle, but the thought of that only brought a small, almost mischievous smirk to his face. "Okay, then, a picnic it is," he replied agreeably, pushing off the cupboard to follow her to the table, coffee cup in hand.

Catching the mischief on his face, Kaylee's smile turned just a little suspicious as she sat down, eying him with a warm gaze. "You look like you're having devious thoughts," she said through her lopsided smile, taking up her knife and fork.

"What makes you say that?" he asked, unable to wipe that devious look from his face, as hard as he tried. He took a seat across from her and swapped his coffee cup for a knife and fork.

She giggled, shaking her head at the attempt at innocence utterly undermined by his mischievous expression. "Should I walk you to a mirror so you can see the silly little smirk you're waving at me?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," he denied, trying hard to wipe that smirk from his face but failing horribly. And why shouldn't he be smiling" For the first time in over seven years, he felt free. It was a strange feeling.

"No, of course you don't," she laughed back at him, tucking her hair back behind her ear as she ate. "So I guess I don't need to tell you what I was toying with doing after breakfast, since you're being so secretive."

He arched a brow, his curiosity piqued. "Does the number 69 mean anything to you?" he guessed, surprising even himself with his brash teasing. "Or maybe you'd like to share the shower," he added, taking another guess. He was pretty sure she wasn't thinking about doing the dishes.

Coming from Taylor, this was almost shocking. Kaylee stared at him for a moment, bursting into bright giggles at the brazen teasing coming from the other side of the table. He was usually very subtle, every action infused with romance whether he knew it or not; it was rather an interesting surprise to be confronted with this. "The shower might be involved, yeah."

"You planning on washing my hair?" he asked, with that smirk still planted firmly on his face. He skewered a piece of sausage on his fork and took a bite, waggling his dark brows mischievously at her, showing her a side of him that she may have never seen before - a side that had been hidden for too long.

It might be a side that was unfamiliar, but it was a side to him she was already of the opinion that she liked a great deal. It was wonderful to discover that the often grim man she'd fallen in love with had a silly side to play with as well. Giggling, she stuck her tongue out at him for a moment. "If I am, it isn't the hair on your head," she countered, dredging up her own confidence to flirt brazenly from somewhere she'd been sure had been eradicated.

He nearly dropped his fork at her reply, his mouth dropping open in momentary shock. He knew she was flirting with him, but in all the months they'd been together, they'd never been as playful with each other as they were at this moment. It was as if a dark cloud had been pushed aside to let the sunshine in. The momentary shock quickly passed, and he broke into laughter. It was quite possibly only the second time she'd ever heard him laugh, and twice in the same day. "This is going to be an interesting relationship."

His shock made her hesitate, her confidence definitely not what it had been, but the laughter that burst forth was more than enough to restore her. Her own smile beamed across the table to him, her cheeks already aching with the expression. It had been far too long since either of them had just enjoyed being themselves. Ducking her head, she did a creditable impression of shyness that lasted about two seconds before smirking at him. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Uh huh," he murmured in reply, taking up a slice of toast to spread some jam over it. "You don't have to play innocent with me. I know better." Or at the very least, he was starting to know better.

"But isn't that part of the fun, boo?" she asked him sweetly, half an eye on him as she spoke to time her next comment as best she could. "Or would you rather I just stripped off and lay on the table right now?"

The shocked expression didn't last as long this time, his eyes dancing and full of life. "You can if you like, but we won't get much eating done." He wasn't saying no to that exactly, but he thought it might be better to eat breakfast while it was still warm.

She giggled, glad to see he wasn't quite as shockable as he'd first seemed. Things had changed between them somehow; not for worse, but somehow for better, the feeling between them less restrained, more relaxed. Tucking one knee to her chest as she nibbled on her toast, she considered him thoughtfully for a long moment, her own eyes warm with teasing affection.

Kaylee Bennett

Date: 2014-11-06 09:28 EST
She wasn't saying anything and yet, she didn't really have to. He could almost tell from just the giggle and the look on her face that everything between them had changed, but rather than driving them farther apart, the events of the last few days only seemed to have drawn them closer together. And suddenly, as his gaze wandered over her, he didn't care so much about breakfast anymore. Hell, they had the rest of their lives to eat breakfast. He finished chewing a mouthful of sausage before pushing to his feet and reaching for her hand to pull her to her feet. He didn't bother to ask permission before pulling her against him and capturing her lips in a searing kiss that left them both breathless.

His sudden rise bemused her, her toast dropped to her plate as he pulled her up onto her feet, her half-formed query lost in a kiss that made her toes curl. Small against him, she pressed close, her arms wrapping about her Taylor as he kissed her. With a soft gasp as the kiss came to an end, she blinked up at him, her hand gentle against his neck. "So ..." she murmured, just the hint of a teasing grin on her lips, "....shampoo and set, or just a quick blow?"

"Hmm, tough decision," he replied once he'd let her come up for air. "The real question is before or after breakfast." Because it was a given that it was going to happen, sooner or later, and now that he was holding her in his arms, it seemed more than likely it would be sooner.

She seemed to consider this question for a moment or two, teasing him with her thoughtful expression as her fingertips played in and out of his hair. Finally she shrugged, offering him an innocent - ish - grin. "We could always pack a big picnic."

"Leftovers," he decided abruptly, sweeping her up off her feet and into his arms to carry her back into the bedroom for a little morning distraction. Apparently, he'd decided that breakfast could indeed wait, or be packed up for later. He had more immediate concerns at the moment, and she had no one to blame but herself.

Her giggles echoed through the little apartment as he hoisted her up off her feet, long legs wrapping about his waist, offering no objection at all to their return to the bedroom. As her laughing lips touched his neck, she realized what was different - everything was lighter today. No heavy weight of expectation, no anticipation of terrible somethings, no sense of being watched whether awake or asleep. The burden they'd shared had been lifted, and it had taken all that weight with it.

She weighed practically nothing at all, and he carried her easily back to the bedroom to lay her back upon the bed and have his way with her. Not how she might expect it, however, and not like he'd ever had her before. He'd felt the change in them, too. After all those years of that heavy burden weighing on his shoulders, he felt as light as a feather, like he could do anything.

Laid back, Kaylee smiled up at him, the worries about his reaction to her scars long gone by now. They would fade over time, grow to match his as small, silvery lines against her skin. Rising to sit up, she reached for his waistband, one finger tucking inside to tug him closer. "Are we going to get dirty before we have that shower, boo?"

"Why not' We're living by our own rules now. No one can tell us what to do, and we've got the rest of our lives ahead of us," he replied, covering her mouth with his to taste her again, as he reached beneath her nightgown. Finding no panties, he smoothed his hands against her hips, desire rising inside him now that he'd made the first move.

Always before, their coming together had been peppered with soft requests for permission to touch or to kiss. This new assertiveness was a pleasant surprise, a sweet change Kaylee couldn't help but welcome as she answered his kiss with her own, her hands sliding beneath his t-shirt. Somehow they both seemed to have realized that neither one was going to break if touched without the utmost care. It boded well for the "interesting relationship" Taylor had predicted they would now have.

He kissed her quite thoroughly, wasting no time in gathering the fabric of her nightgown in his hands to tug it up over her body, revealing the soft loveliness of her body, scars and all, so accustomed to seeing them, he hardly noticed. He let his hands wander over her, as his mouth tasted hers, exploring, enticing, enjoying. He found the places he knew so well and those he didn't, learning new things about her with each touch, each taste, each caress as his mouth joined in the exploration, traveling ever southward until he reached the desired destination. Breakfast, indeed. He'd give her a much better start to the morning than breakfast.

Everything he gave, she returned, sharing in those exploring, enticing caresses with hands and lips until he gave her little choice but to give in. And this, too, was changed - no longer quiet loving in the darkness that brought fear to them both, but given full voice in the light of day. Even when he was done, and she lay in the glow of his tender affection, there was no restraint in the hands that reached out to touch him, drawing his t-shirt over his head as her lips sought out his, readily willing and more than able to return what had been given.

There had been a time when he might have pulled away, too afraid to open himself to her, to let her into his heart and his soul, to let her see the scars that he bore that matched hers, but that time had passed. He had long ago surrendered to the longing in his heart, the desire to not be alone anymore, just as he surrendered himself to her now, trusting himself to her, knowing she would never willingly hurt him. He surrendered to her touch, her caresses, her kisses, no longer shy or afraid in her presence, wanting to share everything with her, even this.

Just as he had touched her, she touched him, caresses that were only the merest tip of the warmth they shared between them. Gentle and tender, she took his surrender and made it a triumph with clever fingers and warm lips, kisses trailing downward much as his had done to the familiar territory that seemed somehow new in the dawning light. There was truly nothing she would not do for him, or with him, and once again that was proved with loving heat as the last barrier between them fell silent to the floor.

It was strange making love in the morning under the bright light of day, or maybe it was just the newness of life without burdens - or at least, without the burdens they'd both carried for too long. He countered her ministrations with some of his own, until they were both wrapped up in each other's arms again, breathless and sweating and laughing with happiness just to be alive. "Gods, I love you," he told her, holding her close, glad to feel the warmth of her body close to his and the beating of her heart.

Nose to nose, glorying in the beat of his heart against hers and the warm wrap of his arms about her, Kaylee giggled, sharing her laughter with him in soft kisses. "I love you back," she whispered, the words still intimate, still theirs, even with the sunlight warming their skin as they lay together. Her fingers gently stroked through his hair, unwilling to untangle herself from him just yet. "Tay ....I've been thinking ..."

Kaylee Bennett

Date: 2014-11-06 09:29 EST
"Hmm?" he asked, a little drowsy with the afterglow of their morning lovemaking, loving the feeling of her fingers in his hair - hair he'd long been considering cutting but for the fact that she seemed to like it long.

She giggled again at his drowsy response, cuddling in close as they talked. "I want to marry you," she said softly. "And I want to see Mardi Gras in New Orleans with you, but ....would it be very selfish to ask if we could get married here before we go' Just a very small thing. So that Rufus and Miranda could be there."

He arched a brow to her, pulling back a little with a puzzled expression on his face. "Why are you asking like you're afraid I might say no?" he asked, curiously. There was nothing he wouldn't grant her - all she had to do was ask.

"Because I'm not sure how to do it," she admitted softly. "Maybe we should go to New Orleans and ask them to come with us." She shrugged - it wasn't that she wanted to exclude the family from their union, but she knew she would not be able to handle too many at once. "It isn't that I'm afraid you'll say no, exactly. I just ....I don't know. It all seems so complicated."

He turned onto his side to face her, sunlight streaming in the window behind him setting the room aglow with warmth and light. "Okay," he started, propping himself up by an elbow. "Who do you want there?" He thought that was probably a good place to start. His own guest list was short - there was only one family member and no close friends.

"You." Though it was a fairly obvious request, he was the first name that came to her mind. She knew she should want her brother there, but she wasn't sure. Correy and Taylor had not met, and though there was no reason to think it would go badly, past experience had taught her to keep her brother and her lover as far apart as possible. Only one other name came to mind, one she had already mentioned. "I-I'd quite like Miranda there. She's been so good to me."

"It's kind of a given that I'll be there, Kay," Taylor pointed out with a bit of a chuckle, wondering why she seemed so worried about this. It never occurred to him to ask about her brother or any other family members. She was the only one who could decide who she wanted to be there; as for himself, he had already decided. "Okay, so Miranda and Rufus. Anyone else?"

She shook her head, almost shy as they discussed this, wondering why she'd brought it up at all. Her palm pressed flat against his chest as she smiled at him, glad he didn't seem to absolutely hate the idea of adding just a few guests to their elopement. "You?"

He lifted one shoulder in a small shrug. There was only one other person he considered family, and he wasn't sure she'd be to make it, all things considered. "There's Beth and Jason, but they have the twins." Other than that, he could think of no one else, except....He frowned a little at the thought of her brother.

She eased just a little closer, fingers still toying in and out of his hair affectionately. "We could always visit them while we're on Earth," she suggested softly. "Maybe for a few days, if it wouldn't be too much trouble for them." Awkward as she felt around others, Kaylee wanted very much for Taylor to grow close to his cousin, the way they might have done growing up had things been different.

"I think I'd like that," he replied. "If you don't mind," he added quickly, though it didn't seem like she did. He knew he had to ask sooner or later or he'd end up regretting it. "What about your brother?" he ventured. He knew they'd been close at one time, though they didn't seem so close anymore.

She sighed softly. "I don't know," she admitted. "I'm afraid to tell him. He never approves of anything I do with my heart, he always finds some way to make it painful. I don't want to leave him out, but I don't want to cry again. I've cried enough."

"Okay, well, if we elope, we don't have to explain to anyone. And Rufus and Miranda will be our witnesses. It'll just be the four of us. That way no one will feel like they're being left out. We can send a postcard from New Orleans telling them all the good news." He wasn't sure if that would go over well with her family or not, but if Rufus and Miranda could get away with it, why couldn't they"

She nodded, a small smile rising for his solution to her problem - and sadly, it was her problem. She would have to face Correy sooner or later and confess her plan to elope with the man she loved. "I love you," she murmured, stroking her thumb over his cheek.

He wasn't really sure what the problem was. If her brother truly loved her, he should be happy for her. It was as simple as that. "I know," he replied with a slightly smug grin. "I think someone said something about a shower," he said, changing the subject. If she wanted him there when she broke the news to her brother, she only had to ask. He figured he had to meet the guy sooner or later anyway, but they could worry about that later. Today, they were going on a picnic.

Kaylee giggled softly, reminded of their playful words across the breakfast table. "You never did answer my question, you know," she mused, her voice lilting with a teasing tone as she touched the tip of her nose to his. "Shampoo and set ....or a quick blow?"

"Are we talking about hair or something else?" he teased back, one hand sliding against her side as she touched her nose to his. He was seeing a side of her he'd never seen before, and he was thoroughly enjoying it.

"Not the hair on your head," she reminded him, mischief sparkling in her eyes as she giggled, rolling him to his back to lean down and kiss him tenderly. This was the lightest she had felt in months, in years perhaps. She was happy, for the first time that she could remember. With a gentle spank to his butt cheek, she slipped off him, flashing him a wink on her way to the bathroom.

For a second there, he thought she was going to have another go at him, but then she was rolling off him to her feet and smacking his *ss. Too late for him not to react to that teasing though in ways that were a little too obvious. He laughed as she sauntered away and rolled to his feet to hurry after her. He didn't want to smack her rear as he came up behind her, instead, wrapping an arm around her waist and spinning her around before setting her on her feet to take the lead to the shower.

Kaylee Bennett

Date: 2014-11-06 09:30 EST
She squealed happily as he swept her up off her feet, that new, happy giggle making itself known as she returned to the ground, tucking herself close against his back to match his steps as he led the way to the shower. Her lips brushed his back affectionately. "Don't you like being spanked?"

"Depends on who's doing the spanking, I guess," he replied, glancing over his shoulder at her a second before continuing into the bathroom. "What about you? You don't strike me as the submissive kind." He set out a couple of towels before pulling back the shower curtain and setting inside.

Releasing him to close the door behind them, Kaylee smiled to herself at his question. "I can be," she told him, almost shy in confessing this. "Sometimes I prefer to be. But not always." She lingered outside the curtain for a moment, admiring his view. "Are you sure you want to be under the water when it starts?"

"So long as it's not ice cold!" he told her with a chuckle, for obvious reasons. He turned to reach for her hand and pull her to him. "I just want to be with you. I want to learn everything about you. All your likes and dislikes, dreams and aspirations. I want to know what makes you laugh and what makes you cry. Everything there is to know about Kaylee Granger, I want to know it." He smoothed her hair back from her face, cupping her face in his hands as he gazed into her eyes, feeling himself falling ever deeper in love with her by the minute.

She was laughing as he drew her into the shower with him, one hand tugging the curtain to enclose them in that small space together. His ambition to know her, inside and out, brought a gleam of tears to her eyes; no one had ever wanted to know her like that. Her hands smoothed against his sides as she looked into his eyes. "You will," she promised him softly. "And you'll teach me all about Taylor Bennett, every last whim and wish. It could take decades, but I'm determined to do it."

"We'll learn each other together, little by little. We have the rest of our lives to do it. And what we don't know, we'll find out together. New Orleans is just a start. We'll travel the world and discover things together." They were high hopes, but if any day was a day to be full of hopes and dreams, it was today.

"I don't care what we do, so long as we do it together." She beamed up at him, caught up in those hopes and dreams. Even if they never became more than hopes and dreams, they belonged to them, in this wonderful morning that was just the beginning of the life that stretched out ahead of them.

"We will, Kaylee," he replied with a smile as bright as all outdoors. "Gods, it's good to be alive, isn't it' I want to shout from the highest mountain. I want to laugh for the sheer joy of laughing. I want to make love to you over and over, until I can't stand up." His voice softened as he continued. "I want to marry you and raise a family with you a house and grow a garden and have children. Lots of children! And grandchildren! I want to grow old with you. And when our lives are finally over, it'll be okay because we spent it together, and we enjoyed each and every minute of it. Oh, Gods..." he laughed, more at himself than anything else, wiping at an errant tear in his eyes. "I must sound ridiculous."

She giggled with him, curling her hands to his cheeks to draw him down into a gentle kiss. "I think you sound wonderful," she promised him, her voice soft, loving, in the quiet that surrounded them. "I hope every word you're speaking is a prophecy and it all comes true. Because it sounds like the perfect life to share with you."

"We will, Kaylee. I promise," he told her quietly, kissing her in return. There was more he wanted to say, but he realized it might not be the right time, standing there naked in the middle of the shower without the water turned on. There would be plenty of time to talk later, to share their dreams and their plans for their new life together. He leaned over to turn the shower on, laughing as the water beat on his head, and he shook his hair out like a dog, splashing her with the excess.

"Taylor!" Laughing with him once again, she flinched back from the spray he splashed from his sodden hair, poking at his side playfully in retaliation. "You big silly," she told him fondly, turning to grab the soap.

"I haven't laughed so much in years!" he declared, and she'd know it to be true. He had been far more somber these past months since she'd met him, and though he was still the Taylor she had come to know and love, there was something different about him - something lighter, happier, more full of life than ever before, and it was only day one.

It promised to be a new experience for them both, not just this one day, but all the days to come. Perhaps Miranda and Rufus didn't need to worry about them so much anymore. With the weight lifted, the darkness had faded, too. "I'll keep you laughing," Kaylee promised him affectionately, lathering the soap over his skin. "I'm still as clumsy as ever - it gets better when you know it's coming."

"What makes you say that' I don't think you're clumsy," he remarked at her self-recrimination. He felt a little silly letting her soap him up as she was, but he was just going to have to get used to silliness if he was going to be with her. He fully intended to return the favor as soon as she was done. She had not yet reached the more sensitive parts, and he felt a slight flush in his face at the thought of it, as shy and silly as a schoolboy.

"Oh, I am," she laughed, hardly poking at herself. "When I'm not worried and always looking over my shoulder, I don't pay much attention to my surroundings. I've been known to trip over the space where something was before it was moved out of my way!" Giggling, she lowered her gaze to her hands, taking her time as she reached those sensitive parts that were causing his blushes.

He was about to protest and tell her how she was nothing of the sort, and that the way she'd handled herself at the old house proved it, but as soon as she touched the most sensitive part of his body, he hissed a breath and said no more. He reached out to steady himself against the side of the shower with the palm of a hand while she did whatever it was she was going to do, literally putting himself in her hands.

This time, she watched his face as her hands moved tenderly over him, memorizing every nuance of expression, every soft sound he made, learning what he liked, what he didn't like, where he wanted her hands to go purely by watching him. She had said she wanted to learn all about him; why not start now"

Kaylee Bennett

Date: 2014-11-06 09:31 EST
This was a lesson of a different kind and yet one that had been shared between lovers for eons as they slowly learned each other, inside and out, personally and intimately. His expression made subtle changes as she moved her hands over him, his breath catching in his throat, his body tensing. He wasn't sure how far he should let her go, how far she was willing. Before long, he heard himself groan and knew he was quickly reaching the point of no return. "Kay..." he whispered. "I want you."

She rose up onto her toes, the tip of her nose circling his, lips teasing a kiss from his groaning mouth. "That was the idea," she whispered impishly, not even trying to pretend to be innocent when she had him, literally, in hand.

Without a word, he took the soap from her hand to return the favor, working up a lather before slowly spreading that lather over her body. His touch was gentle where it needed to be gentle, firm where firmness was required. He left no spot untouched, enjoying the softness of her flesh beneath his hands. As much as he wanted her, as much as he ached for her, he forced himself to wait a little bit longer so he could bring her to the same level of desire, so that he could give her as much pleasure as she'd given him.

As he touched her, she gave him what he had given her - every nuance of pleasure as it rose on her face, every sigh and whimper that told him of his success as he roused her to join him. And when she didn't think she could take it any more, she surged to meet him, drawing his lips to hers with a needy cry. "Taylor, please!"

As eager for her as she was for him, he pressed her back against the side of the shower and gave her what she was asking for - what they both wanted and had wanted since they'd started playing this little game of theirs. He tried to go as gentle as he could, but they both wanted each other too badly for gentleness, and while the water pounded down on them, he pounded his body against hers, nearly wild with abandon, until they were both spent and breathless and trembling with pleasure.

Caught between the chill of the shower wall and the heat of his body, Kaylee couldn't help laughing softly, her voice breathless as she clung to him. Today was giving them so many firsts, and it was barely even begun. First laugh, first tease, first realization that gentle was not always what they wanted ....Her fingers stroked gently against his back as she kissed his cheek. "You got me all soapy."

He couldn't help but chuckle at her remark, some of the tension going out of him now that they'd taken their sexual frustrations out on each other. "That's usually what happens in the shower, Kay," he told her with a smirk.

Giggling that girlish, sweet laugh once again, she eased from the wall, aiming them both beneath the hot water once again to wash the soap from their skin. "Well, I've never showered with someone before, I wasn't sure," she teased him affectionately, keeping her hands to herself this time. If she didn't, they might miss the sunshine altogether.

"I love you, you know," he told her, for absolutely no reason at all, except that he just wanted to say it, touching a kiss to the tip of her nose, as the water poured over them. If they stayed in there much longer, they were risking the water turning cold, but he seemed in no hurry. And why should he be? They had all the time in the world.

She smiled, rising onto her toes to rub her nose against his. "I know," she promised him, her voice soft as her fingers gently touched his cheek. "I love you, too." Though she could have stayed in his arms indefinitely, there was never a good side to a cold Kaylee, and she knew it. Rather than risk being chilled by a sudden blast of icy water, she kissed his chin and twisted to slip from the shower, reaching for a towel.

He let her go first, not failing to admire the view as she slipped from the shower, unable to wipe the smile from his face. Was this how it felt to be in love without a care in the world" He couldn't remember ever feeling this way, not in a very long time. He finished rinsing off before turning off the faucet, thinking he must be the luckiest guy in the world.

By the time he was out of the shower, she'd returned to the bedroom, towel and all, rummaging through her clothing to find something to wear for the day. She was singing to herself again, a marked sign that she was very happy. It seemed strange that he hadn't heard her singing before today. He would hear it a whole lot more in the weeks and months to come.

Though he was no musician, there had been a time when Taylor had loved music. It seemed like a lifetime ago. His mother had raised him to appreciate all kinds of music, and hearing Kaylee sing reminded him a little of his mother. But instead of feeling sad and full of grief, he found the sound of her voice sweet and soothing. Grabbing a towel, he wrapped it around his waist before joining her in the other room.

It was an old song from an old Earth movie that had come to mind, though she couldn't possibly have said why it had. Just that she felt like singing it. "....things that you would not do at home come naturally on the floor; for dancing soon becomes romancing, when you hold a girl in your arms that you've never held before ..." She turned to find him there, smiling through the lyric as she twirled away. Yes, this was definitely a happy Kaylee.

Taylor chuckled a little to himself at the lyrics, wondering if that was a hint of some sort or if she had just sung whatever had popped into her head. The song sounded familiar, though he couldn't quite place it - something his mother had once sang, no doubt. Whatever it was, it sounded like a happy song, and Kaylee sounded happy singing it. He found it gave him a strange feeling inside to hear her singing, like he had butterflies in his stomach.

"....even guys with two left feet come out all right if the girl is sweet .." She flashed him a grin, while flashing an awful lot more. Underwear required skin to get settled comfortably, after all. She wasn't making it easy on herself, dancing to her own singing. She'd always felt just a little self-conscious when singing in front of friends or family, but there was none of that feeling with Taylor. He was burrowed deep into her heart now.

Oh, hell. There was no one there to see them, and they were both feeling giddily silly, almost as if they were drunk with happiness. He waited until she had her panties in place before sweeping her into his arms and twirling her around the room while he sang at the top of his lungs. "The hills are alive with the sound of music..." Okay, so Julie Andrews he wasn't, but he was having fun.

Kaylee Bennett

Date: 2014-11-06 09:33 EST
Caught up against him, she squealed in surprise, bursting out laughing as he joined in, though the song, the musical, and even the gender of the famous singer was completely wrong. Arms wrapped about his neck, she silenced his warbling with a kiss. "You all right there, Maria?"

"Would you rather I sing Edelweiss?" he replied with a grin. With that comment said, it became obvious that he knew at least a little bit about musicals, though it was unlikely anyone at the Shanachie would come begging for him to join the theater. It wasn't that he had a bad singing voice exactly, but performing on stage just wasn't his cup of tea. No one at the Shanachie had to worry about him replacing them.

Smiling, she stroked her fingers through his damp hair once again, sharing something she'd never shared, even with her family. "Edelweiss is for New Year's," she said softly, an almost shy cast to her smile as she spoke. "I've never gone a New Year without singing it." Well, never gone a New Year she was aware of. Last year was being swept away as they spoke.

"We'll sing it together this year," he promised, his voice softening as he gazed into her eyes. Or maybe he'd just listen to her sing it. New Year's wasn't too far away, and for the first time in seven years, he actually felt like celebrating it.

Touched by the way he accepted her odd little personal ritual and promised to make it theirs, she bit her lip, rising up onto her toes once again to brush the tip of her nose to his. "You gonna put some pants on before then, boo?"

"I might draw the wrong kind of attention if I don't," he replied back, smiling as she kissed his nose. "If we still want to do this picnic, I suppose we should get dressed," he said. As tempting as the thought was to spend the day in bed with her, they both wanted and needed to get outside in the sun, if only for a little while.

"Not from me," she snickered softly, but did make the effort to disentangle herself from him as she giggled. "Shoo. Clothes, sunshine, picnic," she reminded him merrily, turning away to resume dressing herself.

"Yes, dear," he said, chuckling along with her, before slipping away to get dressed. He rarely did much with his hair, other than finger comb it out, and he had a habit of going a few days without shaving. As easy-going as he was, it never seemed to hurt his looks much.

Miranda would have been proud of Kaylee today. Without the need for prompting, or any necessity to make an effort with her looks, she'd chosen a dress, even if it was twinned with leather jacket and boots. Buttoning up, she brushed her hair out until it shone, shaking it back from her face, and glanced into the mirror, surprised to see how grown up she looked. She couldn't see the haunted skeleton that had been looking back out of her face for so many months today.

It didn't take long before he was dressed and ready, wearing a simple t-shirt, jeans, jacket, and boots. He wasn't sure if they were going to go for a ride or just enjoy the afternoon sunshine in the garden, and it didn't really matter, so long as they were together. He found his way to the kitchen to clean up from breakfast and start packing a lunch, making good use of the bacon for sandwiches.

She joined him not long after, washing the dishes while he packed them a picnic lunch to share, stealing glances at him all the while with a sweet smile on her lips. Just three days ago, they had been living in darkness, anxiously awaiting the call to tell them that it was time to act, and now look at them. Did it get any more normal than this"

It seemed no words needed to be spoken, each of them stealing glances from the other, unable to stop grinning like a couple of silly kids. However they decided to spend the day, it was certainly going to be interesting.

((Lookit them, all happy and stuff! Amazing what a timely intervention will do, innit?))