Topic: Confidences and Confessions

OH Granger

Date: 2011-05-17 18:24 EST
The unexpected tea party had gone on a little longer than Kaylee had thought it might. Between them, Caroline and Gabi had somehow managed to get pretty much all the information out of Piper, which had come together into a fascinating little story. Kaylee was looking forward to sharing it all with Correy. Right now, however, she needed to get the loft looking the way it had when Ollie had left that morning, which was why she was up to her elbows in soapy water, scrubbing at the teapot. If she was very lucky, Ollie would be so surprised to see her back after her long absence, he wouldn't notice that his crockery was shiny clean again.

Ollie returned home from his day of running errands." First he'd gone to arrange a showing at Vanima." Fallon was still beautiful, still generous, still flirty, and he felt slightly ashamed when he flirted back." So ashamed that he'd blurted out a confession about his engagement to Piper." Fallon took it well - praise God - and he left the gallery feeling optimistic about the show and subsequent sales." He hit the Marketplace bazaar for food, more paints, canvasses, and on a whim, a thick stack of handmade paper and some calligraphy pens in soft pastel shades." If he started now, he might be able to finish all the wedding invitations before the wedding.

His whistle preceded him as he ran up the steps that lead to his front door." There was a lingering scent of perfume at the door and he sniffed it appreciatively." He could pick out Caroline's and Kaylee's but the rest weren't familiar enough to place." Slotting his key in the lock, he toed open the door and slipped inside." He frowned at the sight of Kay elbow deep in suds." "You're not washing things again, are you?"" Yes, hello, Kay!" So nice to see you!

The sound of the door opening behind her was a little too soon for Kaylee's liking - she hadn't yet had the chance to hide the wet tissues left on the couch. She jumped at the sound of Ollie's voice, turning a smile that was far too bright onto her cousin. "Yes! Yes, I ....I felt so bad about leaving you to look after yourself that I, I came straight home and I decided to tidy up," she offered by way of an excuse, pulling her arms out of the sink.

"Hmm," he said, a noise of dubious disbelief." Setting the bags of groceries down on the kitchen counter, he lugged the rest of it over to the area set up as his studio." As he passed by the disreputable, sway-backed, brown corduroy sofa he'd had for the better part of ten years, he spotted a sodden mass of what looked like tissues laying on the cusions." He stopped, stared at it in utter incomprehension, and then glanced over his shoulder at his cousin." "Who was crying?" Was it Caroline?" What happened?"

Kaylee winced as his eyes lowered to the tissues, and she turned away quickly to hide the expression, wiping her arms and hands dry rather more thoroughly than she would usually. "Oh, no," she assured him, keeping her back turned to hide the guilty look on her face. "Caroline and Gabi stopped by, but, uhm, they're fine. How are you? Had a busy day?"

He just shook his head at her explanation, not entirely accepting it at face value." Things were rarely what they seemed when it came to Kay's activities and he'd long ago learned to take things with a grain of salt...sometimes even an entire cellar's worth." "Yes," he said, answering her question." "I met with the gallery owner who's giving my first show and settled on the pieces for it." And I bought some more supplies, too.?" He set the bags down and then went back to the kitchen, putting things away in the cupboards and pantry." "What about you?" How are Caro and Gabi?"

Deeming it safe to meet his eyes again, since she seemed to have got away with her mischief, Kaylee turned back to him, dropping the cloth on the surface for the time being. She leaned there on one hand, the other set on her hip. "Oh, y'know, my life's just one long party," she joked cheerfully. "Work this morning, tea with the girls this afternoon, gossip with Correy tonight provided he isn't up to his nuts in Jon ....that's the plan." She grinned, knowing her reference to her brother's relationship would at the very least make Ollie wince. "Gabi's got a boyfriend, you know. Some guy in computers. And Caro's hating every minute of being in charge, despite how good she is at it."

Ollie's hawkish blue eyes narrowed subtly at the mention of Jon's...nuts." He leaned against the counter then, fixing Kaylee with a knowing look, even as he bit into an apple." Chewing it carefully, thoroughly, he said, "Speaking of your brother, would you care to explain why he turned up at the bonfire dressed as a ninja?"" That voice was so mild, so deceptively calm, ice wouldn't melt in his mouth.

Guilty was a look Kaylee was very good at, especially twinned with utmost mischief sparkling in her eyes as she tried very hard not to smile over at her worryingly quiet cousin. "Probably because I asked him to?" she offered truthfully. "Well, not the ninja part, but the turning up part. Piper said he was very nice ....Ooooh." Her eyes opened wide as she realised what she had given away there. Sometimes she and Correy really were indistinguishable from one another.

OH Granger

Date: 2011-05-17 18:24 EST
With the barest shaking of his head, he closed his eyes and sighed heavily." "Why, Kay?"" His eyes popped open again, the thinnest thread of annoyance now in his expression." "Why would you do that?" Why didn't you just..." Wait." Did you say 'Piper said'?" When have you spoken to Piper?"" He stood up straight as it dawned on him - tissues on the sofa, perfume in the hall, sparkling tea pot, his cousin Gabi's presence in the loft." "You didn't!" he said in a desperate, harsh whisper." "Please, Katherine Leanne, please tell me you did not invite Piper over here and sic the girls on her!"

"I didn't! You did!" Okay, so that was a lie, and a big one, but Kaylee was a little too familiar with that frown and she didn't like being on the receiving end of it. In fact, she was already backing up to put at least one bit of furniture between them. "Look, I've got the invitation right here ..." Bending, she rummaged in her bag, producing the forged invitation and waving it at him.

He reached out and snatched it from her hand, eyes scanning the words on the paper." His mouth - normally rather severe and thin-lipped - became a tight line." "You fouled up the Es, Kay." Mine aren't so loopy.?" He sighed once more, a thunderous look on his face, though it was softened by the love he had for this particular half of the Terror Twins." Then he just laughed helplessly." The damage was done; there was nothing for it." "At least tell me that when the three of you were finished with her, she was still interested in marrying me?"

She eyed him warily as he read, but the reaction really was much better than she had expected it to be. Her lips curved into a shy smile that widened the more he laughed. "Well, I got it nearly right; Piper believed it," she shrugged innocently, relieved that she wasn't going to be punished for her transgressions. "Besides, she never would have come if I'd asked her myself, and I didn't invite anyone scary. Gabi's scared of her own shadow, and Caro's just really sweet. It went really well," she added hopefully. "She ....she said to tell you you're welcome to drop 'round to the Inn anytime."

"Mm," he said." Then, "Will you allow me to accept this invitation, or would you prefer to go in my stead?" I think if we get you tall enough shoes and possibly pad the shoulders of my jacket, you might just pass as me."

"Aw, c'mon, Ollie," she whined fondly. "I just wanted to be sure you weren't being taken for a ride. And you haven't exactly been forthcoming with the information, you know. I've been dropping hints for weeks, and you just ignore me."

He stared at her for a moment, squashing down the urge to shout at her." "I think I know when someone is being disingenuous, Kay." I haven't just fallen off the turnip truck, you know.?" Then he took another bite of his apple and continued starting at her with that implacable expression." "Why would I tell you things that I don't want the rest of the family to know?"" Blunt, harsh, but true." "I wanted to at least tell Lola before anyone else." Speaking of, where the hell is my sister?"

She deflated as he spoke, feeling thoroughly told off. "Sorry," was offered, and to her credit, she did sound apologetic. "But if you didn't want me to tell anyone, all you have to do is say. It's not like I can't keep a secret." She sighed softly, a small frown appearing between her brows as he mentioned Lola. "Correy said something about her going on a romantic getaway with her new man, that Cally rang him and let him know. I didn't even know she was seeing anyone."

"Me, either," he said softly, wincing at the mention of the redhead." He waved his hand, dismissing the subject of Lola's maybe-beaus - one thing at a time - he chucked the apple core in the bin and washed his hands at the sink." Then he hooked an arm around Kay's shoulders, pressed a feather-light kiss into her hair." "I should think that by now, after six months of living with me, you should know to ask if you're curious about something." I'm not scary anymore, am I?" No longer the disapproving monster you once thought?"" He hugged her briefly and then let her go.

The last little bit of tension left Kaylee's shoulders as Ollie hugged her, and she turned into him, squeezing her arms around his waist just as briefly before he retreated. "Old habits die hard, I guess," she sighed softly. "I'm really used to trying to get news out of Caroline, and that takes real effort." It wasn't much of an excuse, but it was the only one she had. "She's really nice. A little bit wound up, but I guess that's understandable. She's had one hell of a year, hasn't she?"

"Who, Piper?" Yes, she has." Which is why I'm trying to take it slow with her." I don't want her to get spooked and run off." Understand?" Kid gloves, Kay." Kid gloves."

She turned an indignant protest on him. "I didn't invite Brynne or Gigi, did I?" was her only defense, but it was a pretty good defense. "We were really gentle, she didn't have to stay."

"Brynne, I would have accepted." Gigi...?" He cut off the rest of his sentence." If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." "Piper's far too well-bred to just cut and run." She's a Lady." Or at least the daughter of one." I'm really not sure how the whole title thing works."

"It goes to the next male relative, which is her first cousin," Kaylee offered automatically, her tone absent-minded as she repeated the explanation Piper had given them only that afternoon. "She's gonna die a Lady, but I don't think she really cares about the title."

"Me, either.?" He paused for a second then in a quiet, vulnerable voice asked, "What do you honestly think of her?"

"Honestly?" Kaylee leaned forward onto the back of the couch, tilting her head as she finally sobered into solemnity. "I think she's scared. I think she's always had someone there to catch her, and then all of a sudden no one was there anymore. So she caught herself and she missed." She looked into her cousin's hawkish eyes. "That's what I think. What I know ....she likes you. She likes you a lot, and she doesn't know how to show it, or even if you want her to feel that way."

OH Granger

Date: 2011-05-17 18:26 EST
"Want her to?" God, Kay." She's so beautiful." And graceful." And kind." She's...she's unlike any girl I've ever met and she picked me." She picked me!" Out of all those men who showed up at her door, she picked me." The failure, the screw-up, the disappointment." Me, Kay."

Kaylee's smile deepened as she listened to him gush. "Okay, you know what? Stop thinking like that," she told him firmly. "You're not a failure, you're a pretty successful artist. Even if you weren't getting all this attention, you wouldn't be a failure. You're not a screw-up - you've made screw-ups, just like everyone else, but that doesn't define you. And if you're talking about Junior when you say disappointment ....Ollie, if he can't see past his own preconceptions to the fantastic man his son is, then he isn't worth the pain you put yourself through on his account. Seriously. You're smart, and handsome, and you have manners to die for, and whether you believe all that or not, Piper wants you, and not just as a faceless husband." She smirked wickedly. "She blushes when she talks about you."

And...cue crimson." "She does?" Really?" I haven't even...?" He trailed off as he realised who he was talking to." "She's incredible," he finished lamely." "Do you you think I've made the right decision?"

"Do you really need someone else to tell you that?" Kaylee asked him, proving once again that for all her sweetness and tendency toward idiocy she could be rather shrewd when it came to relationships. Eyeing him pointedly, her brows rose, repeating the question without words. Then her expression tightened into a very cheeky grin as she leaned forward again. "What haven't you done?"

He arched a brow at her." "That is none of your business." She's not some dockside whore who I'd brag about kissing or...or anything else." So..." There," he finished lamely." Then he shoved his hand through his shock of hair and flopped down on the couch." "In less than a year's time, I'm going to be married." And have a baby." And I haven't even properly kissed her yet."

Grinning, Kaylee ruffled his hair once he'd flopped down in front of her. "Spoil-sport," she accused laughingly, shifting around to flump down onto the couch beside him. "Scared?"

"Terrified, more like." I always wanted a wife and children." But after Lily left, I didn't think I'd ever get that chance." Now, well..." Now it seems as if it's Instant Family, just add Ollie."

"Is that necessarily a bad thing?" she asked quietly. "Don't take this the wrong way or anything, but're not made to play the game, Ollie. I don't even think your default is Single. I think if someone sliced you down the middle, they'd find the words Family Man written right through your heart."

He turned grateful eyes on her, gave her a game smile." "So, I shouldn't be scared, is what you're saying?" I'll be a natural at this whole thing?" Changing nappies, three a.m. feedings, football games, ballet lessons - the whole kit and kaboodle?"

"Yeah, I really think you would," Kaylee told him with utter sincerity. "And you won't be doing it alone, either. I'm crap at reading men, but women, I'm very good at. And Piper's here to stay, unless you tell her to go."

He breathed a sigh of relief at that and nodded." "Good." Wonderful." Perfect." I'll need a ring for her." Will you help?"

She couldn't resist teasing him a little now he'd relaxed, which showed itself in a cheeky smile as she looked him up and down, apparently considering the idea. "Well ..." she drew the word out as long as she could, and laughed wickedly. "Of course I will, doofus. I got her ring size this afternoon and everything." Innocent was not the word for this grin.

"How on Earth..." No, never mind." It's best I don't know." What do you think?" An emerald in platinum?"

She chuckled at his disbelief. "I think something simple," she suggested. "She won't care how much you've spent, and you know better than me what would suit her best."

"Cubic zirconium in electroplate steel?" That's about what I can afford right now.?" He sighed, mentally cursing his father's stupidity and avarice.

Kaylee raised a brow at this, smiling gently. "Then I say it's about time I paid you four months of backrent, isn't it?" she said quite firmly. "Or maybe you'd rather I told Caro you're obsessing about your finances again?"

"Do not tell Caroline anything." Do not even breathe a word of it to her." She'll be trying to get me to take that position with the Guild and I hate saying no to her." And as for you, you'd better be saving up to get a place of your own." In a few months' time, it's going to get very, very crowded in here."

"She wouldn't do that, and I already put a deposit down on a place," Kaylee countered stubbornly. "I was going to tell you when it was all finalised - I move in at the end of the month. Anyway, you won't be single anymore; the allowance goes up when you have a family to support, you know that."

"Oh," he said, to the news that she was moving at the end of the month and that he'd be receiving more money after the wedding...and the arrival of the baby." "Well." That's good, then." About the money, not about you moving." I'll miss you, you know." Who will remind me to eat?"

She snorted with laughter. "I'll call you everyday, if you want me to," she offered sweetly, "and after that, well ..." There was a pause, and Kaylee reverted to her impish sense of humour, singing cheekily into his ear. "Ollie and Piper, sittin' in a tree ....K.I.S.S.I.N.G ..."

He just rolled his eyes and sighed his long-suffering sigh, before thoroughly clouting her with one of the throw pillows she'd insisted on.

((Thanks to the female half of the Terror Twins for this scene!))