Topic: Kan'yu


Date: 2011-06-01 16:54 EST
A well-dressed Japanese man whose smile resembled a shark's and whose eyes did not hide the fact that he was nothing more than a thug dressed up in a three-piece suit waited patiently in the reception area of Caroline Granger's office. He'd been told at least a dozen times in the hour and a half that he'd been waiting that Ms Granger was a very busy woman and without an appointment, he would most likely not be able to see her.

His command of English wasn't the best but he knew when a pretty girl was giving him the brush off, and his mood had slowly soured as he waited. Finally, after waiting for two hours to see the head of the GrangerGuild Conglomerate, he stood angrily and thrust the letter written by his oyabun at the girl who'd barred Ms Granger's door to him. "Give this to Granger leader," he growled in broken English, and stalked off, leaving the uncomfortably well-appointed offices behind him and returning to the Organisation's headquarters in Dockside.

Should Ms Granger ever receive the letter, it would read:

Ms Caroline Granger, CEO GrangerGuild Conglomerate:

My name is Mitsugu Ryu and I am the head of a charitable organisation, headquartered in Kyoto, Japan. Recently, my associates have learned of a plot to interrupt GrangerGuild productions, hurt your employees and even hijack shipments. We are prepared to offer our services in order to protect GrangerGuild from this threat. In exchange for a monthly stipend, we will ensure that your employees are safe from harm, your deliveries reach their destinations intact, and your facilities are free from sabotage.

I would like to call on you at your offices soon. Please courteously reply to this letter and inform me of a convenient time for us to meet. Remember, this threat is real and I would hate to see such a profitable business such as the GrangerGuild Conglomerate fall into ruin because you did not act right away.

Sincerely, 貢龍 Mitsugu Ryu

Caroline Granger

Date: 2011-06-01 17:25 EST
For once, Brynne's dismissal of the man who had arrived so unexpectedly to see Caroline had been completely honest. The CEO had thrown herself into researching methods of protecting her family and company employees with a vengeance, following the thread of advice the Baron DeMuer had so trustingly shown her. She'd met with several mages recommended to her, and even now, they were working on enchanting several test objects - a ring, a necklace, and a couple of fake golden coins - to her specifications.

All the same, even if Caroline hadn't been busy, Brynne would not have allowed the gentleman in to see her. People often forgot that Brynne was Madion's sister, had been more than a little wayward as a teen, and as such, she knew a bad 'un when she saw one. There was no way in hell she was going to let that one into the office alone with her cousin.

The letter, however, was a different matter. After having it carefully scanned for traces of poison and enchantment, Brynne took it into the office near the close of the day, laying it squarely on the desk in front of Caroline.

"What's this?" the CEO asked, blinking in surprise as she looked up at her P.A.

"A shark in a tight collar dropped it by earlier today," Brynne told her warily. "He wanted to see you, but I stalled him. Seriously, even with an appointment, I wouldn't have let him in."

"Oh, that sort of shark," Caroline nodded slowly. "I see. Care to make a guess as to what this is?"

Brynne was nothing if not blunt. "Threats."

Caroline snorted - she was used to that sort of thing already. However, the language of the missive, together with Brynne's misgivings about the messenger, together prompted a reaction that would not ordinarily have been more than to throw the letter in the trash.

"Fine," the elder Granger sighed. "If he wants to come and talk, he can come and talk. But first ....Brynne, we need to order a lock-down on all security measures. Nothing and no one goes anywhere - family or company - without guards present. And get Nathaniel Hul'Garin on the phone for me."

Nodding sharply, Brynne left the office. A lock-down meant that she had been right, at least in part; that letter had contained a carefully worded threat of some kind. At least Caroline had learned by now to read between the lines. And Nathaniel Hul'Garin was the head of the mages contracted and attached to GrangerGuild. Caroline evidently had the beginnings of a plan.

An hour later, when meetings had been taken and word of the lock-down had been passed seamlessly to every last holding of the Guild, Brynne personally delivered Caroline's answer to the mysterious Mitsugu Ryu's Rhy'Din address, one hand gripping the note while the other caressed the butt of the hand-gun in her pocket.

Mr Mitsugu Ryu,

Thank you very kindly for your warning to me of the dangers attending the GrangerGuild Conglomerate. As I am sure you are aware, we do have our own security systems in place, but advice is never a burden.

I would be pleased to meet with you in the near future. I am out of the office at the weekends and most weekday afternoons; however, should you call during a weekday morning, my assistant will do all she can to clear my schedule and allow me to meet with you. Do not hesitate to contact me again, should you need to.

Sincerely, Caroline Granger

Dominic Granger

Date: 2011-06-04 19:29 EST
GrangerGuild Dyeing Workshop, Seven Crossings, Rhy'Din. 07:35 RST.

"Oh, wait, hey ..." The voice called out from across the street, familiar enough that Gwen laughed and drew to a halt in her struggle with the door to the main workshop. "Let me get that for you."

Jorgi, the foreman of the workshop, appeared over her shoulder, reaching to heave the heavy door open and stand aside to let Gwen negotiate the threshold with her wheelchair. As ever, Mr Squiggles - the rescued spider monkey Dominic had insisted was a gift for her - was perched on the disabled woman's shoulder, offering his own form of advice in little chittering protests each time the chair lurched or stuck in place.

"Thanks, Jorgi," Gwen smiled up at one of the many men and women she worked with on a daily basis. "Bit early for you to be out and about, isn't it' I thought you had a nice warm fella to keep you in bed."

Jorgi's weathered face split into an evil grin as he shook his head, moving to walk alongside Gwen's chair, further into the workshop. "I''m working, Mrs Granger," he said innocently. "If I stayed for a lie-in, I would definitely be late."

Gwen chuckled, shaking her head. "Oh, the joys of an abandoned sex life," she grinned, swatting at the man as he obviously realised just what he'd said and to whom. "Oh, don't get your panties twisted, Jorgi. Just because I'm in a chair, that's no reason to think that I don't jump Dom's bones whenever I can."

"Ah, see, I wondered why even when he's home we don't see him out much," Jorgi snorted with laughter, leaning his hip against one of the many worktables. "So why are we here so early?"

Gwen snorted with laughter. "I have no idea why you're here, but I'm here to get an eyes on the new batik."

As Jorgi nodded, very aware of how important it was that the new batiks came out well, a number of things happened all at once. A staccato blast of sound penetrated the quiet workshop; the glass in the windows shattered, the wood and wattle splintering as bullets slammed into it; across the span of the worktables, employees fell, many of them bleeding from severe wounds, screams filling the disturbed quiet of the workshop.

Without thinking, Jorgi lurched forward on top of Gwen, knocking both woman and wheelchair sideways onto the floor as he crouched over them. Beyond the window, he just caught a glimpse of a car speeding past, indistinct figures leaning back inside.

"What the hell -?" He shifted, looking down at Gwen in concern. "Are you okay?"

Shaken but unharmed, Gwen nodded hurriedly. "I'm fine," she assured him. "What happened?"

Without answering, Jorgi lurched to his feet, accelerating toward the doorway. He wanted to at least get a registration plate number off the bastards who did this; he doubted they'd be polite enough to stop and get out of the car so he could beat them all to crap. Skidding out onto the street, he stared after the rapidly disappearing vehicle, throwing up his hands in frustration.

"Bastards!" was yelled impotently after them as the car wheeled around the far corner and out of sight. Sighing, dangerously oblivious to everything but his own fury, Jorgi turned back toward the workshop. He never saw the second car coming.

Clipped and thrown into the gutter, broken bone showing through the skin of his leg and blood pouring out frighteningly fast, he stared into space, dazed and shocked. Unfamiliar voices were shouting in a language he didn't recognise, a fast series of words that sounded angry and hurried over what sounded like bottles breaking, thrown somewhere.

He turned his head toward the workshop, watching helplessly as men ran from the building, leaving all those inside still screaming in fear and pain. One flicked a lighter open, lit it, threw it in through the shattered window ....and a white ball of fire exploded from inside the workshop, sending debris flying in all directions. The men scrambled back into their car and drove off, leaving behind them nothing but chaos, pain ....and death.

Caroline Granger

Date: 2011-06-04 21:54 EST
Rhy'Din General Hospital, 10:07 RST.

Caroline arrived at the hospital out of breath, dishevelled, and filled with shock. The phonecall that had summoned her here that been distinctly lacking in details, only informing her that she had to get to the hospital fast.

As she reached the ward where Jorgi was being cared for, she encountered Wilbert, the head of security for the company, pacing back and forth. He looked harried; anger and grief were graven in his face as he turned to greet her.

"Miss Caroline," he held out a hand to draw her attention to him. "I'm sorry to have had to trouble you so early on a Saturday."

"It's no trouble, Wilbert," she assured him, a small frown on her face as she moved to join him. "What's happened" All I know is that one of our workshops has been attacked, and that the survivors are here."

"Survivor," he corrected with a heavy sigh. "Jorgi M'ller was the only one to survive the attack. He's heavily sedated right now; compound fracture of the left femur and severe concussion."

Caroline froze, staring at the older man. "Only one?" she repeated in a shocked whisper. "But ....there were forty-seven people working there today, and Gwen -" She stopped herself, the colour draining from her face. Unable not to finish what she had been about to say, she went on in a dull tone. "Gwen was going to visit this morning to check out the new dyes."

Wilbert's expression told her all she needed to know, but still he said it, to be certain she understood. "I'm afraid Mrs Gwendolyn Granger was inside when the attack took place," he said, his voice thick with grief. "I am so very sorry, Caroline."

Caroline felt the world rock out from under her, sitting down heavily on the plastic seats. "Oh gods," she murmured, disbelieving of what had happened. "Oh my gods ....Gwen ..."

How could she tell Dominic that his wife had been killed" How could she bring herself to do it' He was miles away, somewhere deep in the deserts on the south of the continent. It would take at least three days for any message to reach him, and the same time again for him to get back here. Six days to find something concrete for him to hold onto, to find him the reason why his beloved wife had been murdered.

Her jaw set, her body slowly straightening until she stood tall and firm in front of Wilbert once more.

"Sweep the area," she ordered. "Co-ordinate with the Watch. Find out who did this."

He nodded sharply, his phone already in his hand as he moved away. Pausing, he turned back to her, concern in his features.

"What will you do?" he asked quietly.

"Me?" Caroline's expression was almost devoid of all emotion, her eyes the only sign of her turmoil, dull with pain and regret. After all the work she had done with the mages, it had all been too late. She lifted her gaze to her head of security, clenching her fists. "I'm going to tell my family that ....that I failed."

Caroline Granger

Date: 2011-06-17 06:40 EST
Friday, 17th June.

The sun was shining. Caroline felt that was highly inappropriate. The weather should have shown a little respect for Dominic's grief as they gathered to say goodbye to his wife. The chapel had been full of people; family and friends, and a vast number of security guards, just in case. It made her feel ashamed of her surprise at the number of people who showed up. She should have known how well liked Gwen had been, how many would miss her in the days and weeks to come.

Yet even now, standing before the Granger Mausoleum, listening to the priest commit her cousin's wife to eternal rest, she couldn't keep her mind on the solemn occasion. Her thoughts turned constantly to the attack that had killed so many, to the investigation which had so far given them nothing to work with, to the fire she'd lit up the arses of the mages in R&D. Now more than ever, the Grangers and the Guild needed the safety net those men and women were working on.

She was angry, raging, furious, with herself and with the people who had attacked her own. This Mitsugu Ryu, whoever he was, was going to pay for what he had done to them. Never before had she wanted revenge with such a cold spirit. Even Anubis Karos had never earned her blind hatred in this manner. But Anubis Karos had not killed dozens of innocent people, just to make a point.

Her attention was caught by a small group of men standing off to one side, detached from the larger group of mourners. Their stance was respectful, yet they each wore brightly coloured suits, and their eyes were, for the most part, trained on her. And they were all of Earth Asian origin. There was only one explanation for who they were, and why they were here.

Caroline's eyes narrowed in mute fury. How dare they' How dare they have the nerve to come here, to the funeral of one of their victims" Did they really think that this was going to work, that she would capitulate to their demands just because they offered a silent threat at a vulnerable hour"

Leaving her cousins to stay beside Dom, she stepped backward, out of their line of sight, and lifted her hand to her mouth, speaking quietly into the little communicator that had been carefully inserted into her watch. It offered her a direct link to her personal bodyguards' earpieces, a way of telling them that she needed them on the occasions when they had to let her out of their sight.

"Don't make a scene," she instructed softly. "When the group breaks up, just make sure none of those bastards get past the boundary of Maple Grove. They are not welcome to the wake."

A small affirmative nod, imperceptible if you were not looking for it, was offered to her in return, and she stepped back to her cousins. Her eyes did not flicker toward the brightly-colored group again.

So they thought they could intimidate her, did they' Whoever they were, this group of racketeers was about to find out that Caroline Granger could be as hard as diamond when the occasion called for it.


Date: 2011-06-17 14:10 EST
Surrounded by brash, posturing young peacocks in bright suits stood an older, stone-faced man dressed in a white yukata, a dark indigo obi, and wooden geta sandals. He stood perfectly still, his face soberly composed, while the men around him laughed and smoked and fidgeted. They were bored and did not understand paying respects to their enemies' dead.

Kōtetsu did, though. Especially needlessly slaughtered dead. The fire bombing of the Granger's workshop had been a horrible, senseless accident and the perpetrator had been shipped back to Japan to face Ryu-san's wrath. The wakagashira might be a ruthless business man, but he was not without honour or feeling, and he grieved with the Grangers for the loss of their family and loved ones.

When one of the kyodai raised his voice too much in laughter, Kōtetsu reprimanded him in a scary, toneless, quiet way, and the others with him settled down and showed outward respect for the proceedings. They could not, however, keep their eyes from the form of Caroline Granger, staring at her in hunger. They were like sharks, circling an injured fish...only Kōtetsu suspected that this fish would turn out to be a dolphin.

When the funeral ended, the wakagashira stepped forward, angling towards Ms Granger, a smallish rectangular wooden box extended before him. Caroline's body guards formed a wall of muscular gaijin, cutting Kōtetsu off from her. "Ms Granger," he called out in his implacable, heavily-accented voice. "I am sorry for your loss." There was something in his tone, in his eyes maybe, that said he was sincerely grieving for the wanton destruction caused by his men. He waited patiently for one of two results: either he would be allowed an audience with her, or there would be more needless death.

Caroline Granger

Date: 2011-06-17 15:47 EST
She hadn't even been aware of the older man's presence, much less his approach, until confronted with a wall of black-suited backs, shielding her and every other Granger in the cemetary from the eyes of those who had harmed them. There really was something very undignified about having to rise onto your toes to peer over the shoulder of a bodyguard, just to see who was talking to you.

Her eyes, already rimmed with red and dark with grief, hardened as her gaze fell on wakagashira. He was stone-still, his irreverent companions gathering behind him at various levels of aggressive belligerence. But there was something there that stayed her from simply turning away, dismissing them from her mind. Perhaps a peaceful solution could be reached, after all.

With a gentle touch on Wilbert's arm, she eased herself forward between the wall of bodies to stand open before the older man, ignoring his companions as her security closed ranks behind her. If this was not handled well, there would be more grief to spread through the city.

"It should never have happened," she said coldly, addressing her words to the wakagashira and no other. "Forgive me if I do not consider it appropriate that men involved with those who killed my people took it upon themselves to come to a family funeral."

She studied him carefully even as she spoke. The words had needed to be said. It was now his choice whether this would dissolve into unnecessary violence, or remain civil.


Date: 2011-06-23 13:47 EST
"I come to honour the dead," Kōtetsu said, his accent perhaps making it a little difficult to understand him. "They died needlessly and without Ryu-san's blessings. The kusotare baka who threw the fire has been sent home." The insult drew titters of laughter from the kyodai at Kōtetsu's back, until he turned and gave them a sharp look; they settled down and once more tried their hand at intimidating the gaijin at the woman's back.

The wakagashira bowed deeply and extended the wooden box in his hand to Caroline. "I would share sake with you, Caroline-san. It will be a way to bring peaceful business dealings between us." He straightened and then held out his left hand towards one of the men behind him. The kyodai withdrew a smaller wooden box and placed it in Kōtetsu's hand.

"Please," Kōtetsu said, again bowing over the box as he presented it to Caroline. "Give my regrets and sympathies to Dominic Dono. This small recompense is for him." He straightened once more and stood silent as he awaited Caroline's judgement. The tension level from the small group of men was growing; they were hungry for a fight and sensed that they would not get one today.

Caroline Granger

Date: 2011-06-23 17:28 EST
Caroline could not believe what she was hearing. Fury rose in her like an avenging Valkyrie, lending a strength to her voice that would not otherwise have been there.

"Excuse me" You have the gall to stand there and tell me that if your guys had had this Ryu-san's blessings to kill my people, my cousin's wife, then it would have been all fine and dandy' You're asking for peace when you declared war on me and mine" And don't even get me started on trying to butter up the bereaved with a present!"

Ignoring the restraining cough uttered by Wilbert, Caroline glowered at Kōtetsu, all but glowing with rage and grief. Her hands clenched - how dearly she would like to plant a smacker on this smug arsehole's jaw.

"You and your precious Ryu-san have shown your colors," she spat venomously. "You're nothing but petty criminals; you'll try to intimidate and blackmail, and when that doesn't work, you don't give a rat's a** about killing innocent people. My people. You're not here to honor anything but your own inflated ego; if you cared at all about the pain you've inflicted, you wouldn't dare to show your face to me. Or bring your gimps to desecrate a sacred place with their bloodied hands."

Quite how they'd managed it, Caroline didn't really know, but somehow she found herself behind a wall of dark-suited bodies, her security zealously pushing her behind them and out of harm's way. And still, she wouldn't stop, tears running down her cheeks now even as she raged.

"How dare you talk about honor? There's nothing honorable in what you did to my people. There's nothing honorable in frightening honest businessmen into raising their prices, holding the lives of their families and friends over their heads. You want a war, huh' Well, you've got one. And you have no idea what you're getting yourselves into!"

Any moment now, violence was going to ensue, it was almost certain. And yet, the GrangerGuild bodyguards and security were making no move to start it. They simply stood, impassive, silent, protecting the stragglers who had attended the funeral from the tense eagerness for blood that radiated from the kyodai.

"Rhy'Din's more than capable of taking care of you and yours," Caroline growled from behind the wall of bodies, even as certain family members made a concerted effort to pull her away, to stop her from venting her anger and frustration on the visible enemy. "You won this round, sure. Forty-seven lives, just to make a point. I'll see you dead before you hurt any more of mine!"