Topic: Lingering Issues

Victoria Granger

Date: 2013-05-28 07:15 EST
((Fair warning - this is Jon and Vicki. Adult material is a given.))

Humphrey Granger, for all his advancing years, never seemed short of entertainment these days. Indeed, since Jon and Vicki had moved into the manor with him, scarcely a day had gone by without some amusement or drama to keep the Old Man occupied. Today, however, seemed a little different. Vicki had gone out on her own - not unusual, but for the fact that she was dressed so smartly - and had returned a few minutes before now. She had not, however, come back into the house. No, she'd left her shoes and bag just inside the front door, turned on her heel, wrenched a random branch from the hydrangea Humphrey hated anyway, and was even now conducting a spirited whipping on the trunk of the great redwood. The Old Man had a perfect view from his study window. He certainly wasn't going to go out there during what looked like the temper tantrum to end all others. He smirked faintly. He could hear her cursing and yelling at no one from here.

Jon had just awoken from a nap, having spent half the night up pacing the floors with a collicky Emily, the morning spent going over his lines for the upcoming play at the theater. The best advice ever given them after having Emily had been, "When she sleeps, you sleep," and Jon had taken that advice and crashed hard on the couch while Emily napped between feedings. She was, for the most part, a good baby, but even good babies had their odd bad days and nights, which trickled down to their parents. When he awoke, he found Vicki had slipped out somewhere without leaving word, but he figured she wouldn't be gone long. As fate would have it, Emily awoke, as well, fussing and demanding to be fed, just as Jon was about to go downstairs and fix himself some lunch.

Perfect timing, he thought, wondering where Vicki had disappeared to. He rubbed his eyes and stretched, looking more than a little rumpled from his nap, before scooping up their little bundle of joy and sticking a pacifier in her mouth so he could go warm up a bottle. It was then that his attention was drawn to the window upon hearing some small racket going on outside the manor, not expecting to find his wife there cussing up a storm and whacking - was that a branch' - against the redwood tree. Emily chose that moment to spit out her pacifier and wail loudly, demanding sustenance either from her mother's breast or the equivalent, and Jon sighed wearily. He loved being a husband and father, but some days were just exhausting, and it was opening night at the theater, to boot.

Downstairs, Humphrey chuckled to himself as a particularly hard blow from Vicki's branch snapped the whole thing and threw her wildly off-balance, tipping the usually perfectly well behaved woman arse over tip onto the grass. She sat there in her heap for a long moment, visibly steaming at some unknown injury to her pride and temper, and finally pulled herself back up again, moving to rip a new piece from the shrub to resume her attack on the unassuming redwood.

Jon slipped into a pair of shoes and padded down the stairs with the wailing Emily cradled in his arms. He tried to hush her, but she just went on wailing, and his nerves were already frayed from the night before. It was no wonder Vicki was beating on a tree. Jon wondered if he should join her. Almost tripping over Cosmo, who was suddenly underfoot and barking loudly in answer to Emily's wail, Jon cussed softly to himself, feeling a headache coming on. He couldn't call in sick to the theater on opening night, but if he didn't get at least a little sleep, he was going to be useless. It didn't take long to warm up a bottle and pacify the screaming baby, but by that time, Jon's head was throbbing, and he still had Vicki to deal with.

Catching sight of Humphrey in the study as he passed by, he pushed his way into the room looking a little rough around the edges. "What the hell is she doing out there?" he asked sharply, very unlike his usual calm deameanor.

The Old Man barely glanced over his shoulder as he heard Jon's footsteps, dragging his gaze more fully away from the scene outside as he registered Emily in his nephew's arms, always charmed by a baby close by. "Hello, my little sweetheart," he cooed to the baby girl, gently stroking an arthritic finger down her cheek before looking to Jon. "Your wife" Oh, I would assume she had some disappointment or other when she was out this morning," he shrugged lightly. "She seems to have decided to purge herself of her bad temper before coming inside."

Jon went over to the window, followed by Cosmo, who started barking loudly as soon as he saw Vicki, which caused Emily to start fussing again. "Blast it!" Jon muttered, beneath his breath before turning wearily to the poor confused dog. "Cosmo, stop! It's just Vicki." Jon sighed and tried to get Emily to take the bottle as the dog tilted his head up at his master and wagged his tail. "Your little sweetheart had us up half the night with colic," Jon explained with a frown.

This little display made Humphrey laugh uproariously for a long moment, thumping his chest as his laughter turned to coughing for a moment. But he did, at least, have a little pity on his frazzled nephew. "Cosmo, sit," the Old Man ordered, and despite his excitement and confusion, the collie did as he was told, padding to the blanket folded under Humph's desk for his own personal use to sit down quietly. At Jon's mention of Emily's late night, Humphrey grinned. "Then you should know better by now than to forget that you have many willing volunteers to take her off your hands when you need to rest," he told Jon firmly. "Give her here. I'll look after her - you take your wife and both of you sod off for a few hours."

Jon arched a brow at the ease with which Humphrey took charge of the situation. It was not the norm for Jon to be feeling this flustered or frustrated, but the lack of sleep was clearly getting to him, and he knew he had to be sharp for opening night. He knew there were others more than willing to help, but he always hated asking for it. Today though, he jumped at the chance to get a few solid hours of sleep, and he knew Vicki would be better for it, too. "Are you sure" You don't mind?" he asked his uncle, uncertainly. "It's opening night, and if I don't get some rest, I'm not going to make it." He said nothing about the jackhammer that was pounding in his head.

"Of course I'm sure," Humphrey snorted with laughter, curling his arm about to take Emily into his grasp, his other hand transferring the bottle to her mouth as she began to complain once again. "You're no use to anyone like this, least of all your daughter, and your Victoria doesn't seem much better. Go and work off some of that tension and get some sleep, for gods' sakes, before she does some real damage."

Jon let Humphrey take baby Emily from his arms, relieved and grateful for his great uncle's help. He turned his gaze back to the woman beating on the more helpless tree outside the window and his frown deepened. "I suppose I should go see what?s upset her," he mused aloud, before turning back to Humphrey. "Thanks, Uncle. You're a lifesaver." And that was not an understatement.

"You're a braver man than I," was Humphrey's parting shot, enjoying teasing his nephew even when Jon was in such a wary mood. The Old Man's attention turned to the baby in his arms, and Jon might as well never have been there for all the notice he was given. Humphrey adored children, and somehow, despite his gruffness, they tended to adore him right back again.

Seeing Emily safely into Humphrey's very capable care, Jon leaned over to kiss his daughter on the brow with a whispered, "Be good for your uncle." She barely batted an eye, so engrossed was she in her meal, and Jon sighed as he glanced at his wife again, wondering what had set her off and if it was safe to go outside. Whatever it was, he assumed it wasn't him, and he turned on a heel and started bravely toward the door.

By the time Jon made the decision to go outside, Vicki was already running out of steam. She knew she was being irrational, that she was massively overreacting to her unsuccessful meeting with Mataya earlier, but lack of sleep and an increasing feeling of being confined had combined to send her temper into overdrive. Jon had only seen her angry once, and that was nothing compared with the fury she'd been in when she'd come home. Now, though, the anger was ebbing, and finally she threw her branch aside and slumped down onto the grass, dejected and feeling about as ridiculous and useless as one person could without exploding.

Victoria Granger

Date: 2013-05-28 07:16 EST
Jon had rarely seen his wife in such a mood and wasn't quite sure what to make of it. Something must have happened to upset her, but he couldn't fathom what it might be. Nothing could be that bad that she felt the need to beat on a poor defenseless tree, could it' Though Humphrey had commended his nephew's bravery for daring to face the angry Victoria Granger, Jon was more concerned than fearful. He knew Vicki better than anyone and wasn't worried in the least about her lashing out at him, of all people. He pushed his way outside, thankfully alone. It seemed even Cosmo sensed something was wrong and chose to remain safely indoors with Humphrey and Emily, rather than brave his mistress' ire.

"Vic?" Jon queried gently as he approached, remembering Humphrey's incessant warnings about raging hormones.

She heard him coming, knowing only Jon would brave her temper anyway, and let out a long sigh as he spoke her name, glaring in defeat at the poor abused tree. Oh, well, nothing for it. "The Shanachie Theater has no use for my abilities at this present time," she said, more than a little bitter in the replaying of that moment. "Apparently all I'm good for anymore is getting my tits out to feed a screaming baby, or at least, until the high and mighty Mataya De Luca decides that I might possibly have some function beyond being a mother."

Jon arched a single brow, as he was wont to do, when he found something particularly perplexing or interesting and he leaned over to rub a thumb against a spot of bark that had been worn off by his wife's fit of temper. "You went to see Mataya?" he asked, a little confused. Wasn't she still on maternity leave" Just because his leave was up didn't mean hers was. He could probably have gone on longer. There were plenty of other actors chomping at the bit to take his place, but he was anxious to....oh, that was it, wasn't it' He was going back to work, and she wasn't, but he hadn't just popped a baby out of his belly a few months ago. He frowned. "Vicki, I'm sure 'Tay will take you back eventually."

She sighed again, looking up at him with unhappy blue eyes. "What if she doesn't?" she asked. "What if Lucas does such a good job while I'm not around that it would be better to keep him on and let me go' I feel completely useless, Jon. I could do a little work, here at home, but she won't even consider that. She says my whole life is all about Emily now, and she doesn't want to be responsible for both her parents being overtired." There was a dangerous moment where his redhead wavered on the cusp of disappointed tears, forcing them back before they had a chance to fall. "I've gone from being a talent, from having satisfying work that I did well, to being nothing more than a baby machine."

Jon's frowned deepened. He knew Vicki didn't really mean what she said and that she was far more than just a baby machine. They hadn't exactly planned on starting a family yet; it had just happened, and he wondered if she was feeling resentful of the fact that he was going back to work while she wasn't. "Vicki, plenty of women juggle a family and a career. Take Caroline, for example. It hasn't been that long. You just need to give it a little time." He reached for her hand, sensing her wavering on some sort of emotional breakdown, whether it be tears or more anger. They hadn't really discussed this much, and he's always assumed she loved the thought of being a mother. "We could always get a nanny," he suggested. Though he really didn't like the idea of someone else being responsible for their child, he knew plenty of other working professionals who'd done it.

She sagged, letting him take her hand. "I don't want to get a nanny, Jon," she told him rather forcefully, twisting about to pull herself back onto her bare feet. "I want people to stop looking at me and only seeing Emily. Caroline was back at work within a month, and she had Jack with her for most of that time. What is so different with me that means I can't take Emily to work with me" I draw pretty pictures and build sets for a living, love. It's not as though she would be in any danger, and she'd be close to you, too."

"Do you want me to talk to 'Taya?" he asked, not really wanting to get in the middle of a debate between his best friend and his wife - both of them able to make mincemeat out of him with very little effort. He pulled her to her feet in front of him, frowning in concern. "Maybe she wants you just to enjoy your time off for a while. Enjoy Emily. Get used to being a mother. She's not going to stay little forever," he said, guessing at Mataya's reasons for forcing Vicki into taking further time off. He sighed, feeling a little guilty that he was going back to work and she wasn't and a little torn between his love of career and of family. It was all about balance, wasn't it' "I'm due to start filming next month."

"I know, I know!" There were moments when it was utterly impossible to mistake who was Emily's mother, and that wail was one of the signs. Vicki gripped Jon's hands tightly, unable to stand still. "I know I'm being stupid, all right' I know she just wants me to take the whole four months, and I know if I went back to work now, I'd regret it. But that doesn't stop me from feeling this way, Jon. Just because I'm a mother, suddenly everyone's treating me with kid gloves, and ....well, it doesn't help that you're going back to work, getting out into the world, and I'm still going to be here, covered in spit up with nothing more interesting to talk about than the contents of your daughter's diaper at the end of the day. I feel trapped, and it's really not your fault, it's not anyone's fault."

He couldn't help but smirk a little at the way she put it. "I'm sure you'll have more to talk about than diapers," he assured her, reaching to brush a strand of copper from her cheek. "Look, how about this" After I'm done filming, we'll take a vacation. Just the three of us. We'll go to Cornwall to see your dad and....wherever else you want to go. We're not doing Shakespeare until August. I'm sure Mataya wouldn't mind if someone else filled in for Menagerie." He smiled warmly, hoping to ease her worries. "I just want you to be happy, Vicki. That's all."

"I'm sorry." Finally she apologized, leaning close to press her face into his chest and let out one last short screech of frustration, thankfully muffled almost completely in his t-shirt. "I know you don't need this right now. God, when did I turn into a whiny old whinge-bag?" Lifting her head, she managed a lopsided smile, stroking her hand against his cheek fondly. "And you look knackered. You should be in bed, love, not listening to me wittering on about things that don't mean anything."

"You've nothing to apologize for, Vicki," he assured her as he held her close, stroking her hair, wondering if they'd made a mistake. If they'd had Emily too soon, before they were both really ready, or did all new families go through this" He met her gaze as she lifted her head to look at him, trying not to let her guess what thoughts were going through his head. It was too late to change things, and he knew she loved Emily as much as he did. They just needed time to get used to it all. "I'm fine. Emily's with Humphrey. He volunteered to take her for a few hours so we can get some rest."

They hadn't planned to start a family so soon, that was true, but the benefits far outweighed the constrictions. Vicki would settle down once she was back at work, and that was only a couple of months away. She adored Emily; she wouldn't have things any other way. It had just been her bad luck to ask Mataya a question when she was tired and the theater owner was stressing herself out over the opening night preparations. Blue eyes lingered on Jon's lips for a moment as he passed on the location of their daughter, her lips quirking into a smile that was a little too familiar. "A few hours, hmm?"

"Mmhmm," he murmured with a soft smile, his arms sliding around her waist and locking at her back. "Can you think of anything you'd like to do for a few hours, Mrs. Granger?" Besides eating and sleeping, that is, because those went without saying.

There was always something else that went without saying, too, and since it had been rekindled, it was quickly becoming a daily event once again. Vicki laughed, the sound chasing her bad temper away once again as her arms curled about his waist in return, her nose bumping against his. "Well, there's always Old Faithful," she teased impishly. "Although I suppose that really does depend if you're in that sort of mood."

Victoria Granger

Date: 2013-05-28 07:17 EST
"When am I not in that sort of mood?" he asked with an equally playful grin, glad her bad mood had passed, though he knew it would show itself again if they didn't resolve a few issues and come to a few decisions sometime soon. "You know I'm not afraid to do my part, Vicki, if you want to get away now and then. I'm sure Mataya will be happy to have you back once you're ready." Really ready. Not just feeling claustrophobic.

She smiled, her expression a little guilty for laying all her resentments on him in one big splurge. "I need to make more of an effort to get out and about more often, that's all," she assured him. "I let myself get into a rut, and I let myself get jealous of my gorgeous husband getting to have all the fun. I'll try not to let it happen again."

"It's not always fun, you know," he reminded her. She, of all people, should know that no matter what anyone else thought, his job was not always fun - it was hard work, and that hard work was evidenced by how easy he made it all look when he was on stage or screen, but they both knew it took a lot of time and effort before it was perfect. "Do you want to drop in on your Dad while we're on Earth?" he asked, as he unwound his arms from around her and led her by the hand back toward the house.

"I know. But at least you get to talk to adults on a daily basis," she chuckled as her fingers wound between his, falling into step in his wake. "Not that you're not an adult, but between Cosmo, Emily, and Humphrey, I can feel my braincells dying off." Her lips cast him a cheeky smirk as she said this, clearly not meaning every word. "I'd like to see Dad again. And he deserves his chance to make a fuss of his granddaughter."

"Why don't you make a lunch date with Liv or Mataya or Caroline" Go drop in on Gabi. I'm sure she'd love the company and the advice." Those were just a few suggestions. "The weather's getting better. You don't need to stay cooped up in the manor all the time." Jon smiled at the thought of introducing Emily to her grandfather. He was genuinely fond of the man and he suspected there would be just as much fussing over Emily in England as here in Rhy'Din. "Well, then, I'll let Liv know to make the arrangements."

"Jonathan Granger, are you arranging my social life for me?" his wife asked with teasing bluntness, familiar as always. Her bad moods rarely lasted more than a few minutes at a time, and he had the enviable ability to draw her out of herself at the crucial moment. "Straight to England from America, then" And maybe we don't need to go far to spend a week or so on holiday - maybe to Wales, or Ireland. Where would you like to go?"

He chuckled at her question. "No, but if you don't get one soon, I'll syc Liv on you and then you won't have any choice." He stopped as they reached the porch and turned toward her, that warm smile he reserved only for her curling his lips beneath a fuzzy beard he'd grown just for the part he was about to play for the next several weeks. The jury was still out on whether the look was a good one or not, but he didn't mind not having to shave for a while anyway. If anything, the beard made him look older and more distinguished. "I want to go wherever you want to go," he replied, bopping her nose with a finger at the word "you?.

Vicki's laughter filled the porch of the manor house at his threat. "Olivia Storm has even less of a social life than I do!" she pointed out amidst her giggles, taking the opportunity to loop her arms about his waist once again, insinuating herself close enough to tease him perhaps a little too intimately for a relatively public space. "Then I want to go to Ireland for a few days," she told him, reaching up to tug on his beard playfully. "But what I really want ..." She drew him down to murmur into his ear. "Is for you to pin me against the nearest wall and go caveman on me for a while."

He smirked beneath that beard, happy her bad mood had passed and she was his Vicki again. His arms circled her waist, locking at the small of her back as she pulled him close, gazing down into the prettiest eyes he'd ever seen. "Then maybe I should syc Kaylee on you instead," he remarked, the smirk widening at her shameless flirtation. That was more like the Vicki he knew and loved. He gave her his best caveman grunt. "Ugh, me caveman, you woman. Me pound you. You make me food. Then, we sleep. Ugh."

The impression made her laugh grow once again, swallowed by her own lips covering his. It was a peculiarity of their relationship that she'd always been able to go from nought to sixty in seconds and this time was no different. From teasing to tenderly demanding, her lips made a suggestion that the press of her thigh backed up, a gentle rub of her body to his making that suggestion only too clear. "But, of course, Animal," she murmured against his lips, fingers smoothing possessively through his hair, "you have to catch me first." Thank God her shoes and bag had been removed from the doorway by a thoughtful servant, or the slip of her from his arms would have ended up with her on the floor, not accelerating toward the stairs on her long legs.

He was just about to tell her how pretty she looked when she answered his caveman imitation with further flirtation that caused his temperature to quickly rise. Their relationship had always been a passionate one, almost from the beginning. That beginning had taken place earlier in her life than his, but none of that really mattered. He had chased away her bad mood and that was the important thing. Chuckling at her antics, he pushed off the wall and turned to hurry after her toward the stairs, the sound of their footsteps thumping through the big house. Humphrey, no doubt, would hear them and know what was up. He was all too familiar with his nephew and niece-in-law's behavior and more than likely was amused by it.

Some unhelpful person had closed the doors to their suite, Vicki discovered as she skidded over the carpet that ran the length of the landing, forced to slow and stop to negotiate a difficult handle rather than run straight inside the way she had been expecting. She glanced over her shoulder, and let out another loud laugh at how close Jon was. But then, she'd never been able to outrun him, even if she'd wanted to.

Jon thumped his way up the stairs behind her, just managing to catch her as she reached the door to their suite of rooms and was making ready to slip safely inside. He reached for her arm to pull her around to face him and push her up against the door, not paying much attention as to whether she'd managed to pry it open or not yet, too intent on his desire to have his cavemanly way with her.

Was this a time to bless that sticky handle, or curse it' In all honesty, Vicki didn't much care, her laughter falling to a breathless groan as she found herself caught between the door and her oh-so-eager husband, her grin teasing his lips as she arched from the wood at her back to repeat the wicked tease she'd given him on the porch. "Pound me, did you say?"

"You heard me," he teased back. "Or are you too timid to handle it?" he continued, knowing she wasn't. They'd only had a discussion about this very thing fairly recently, and since then, he'd allowed her to see a slightly wilder side to him than he'd revealed even to her.

"Me, timid?" Her reply was breathless, laughing anticipation written right through her as her hands strained to touch him. She had to admit, she loved this wilder side to her husband, more than prepared to meet it with her own, letting herself let go a little more to match him the wilder he dared to be. Besides, they were inside - Humph knew enough to stay away by now, and so did the staff. So what if they didn't quite manage to get inside their own rooms" Her knee slipped between his legs once again, pressing with gentle invitation as her breath warmed his lips. "Question is ....are you all mouth and no trousers, or not?"

"No trousers or no balls" I've heard no complaints about the latter, at least not from you." He smiled as her leg insinuated its way between his thighs, nudging the part of his anatomy that was making itself known. It was true - there was nothing timid about his Vicki. The fact of the matter was that if she hadn't found her way to his trailer what seemed like a long time ago, he might never have had the nerve to ask her out. He leaned in to graze her neck with his lips as he reached around her to turn the blasted handle and open the door to their rooms.

Victoria Granger

Date: 2013-05-28 07:17 EST
And yet, comparing her now with the woman who had presented herself virtually on a platter in his trailer, it seemed she had only become more confident as the months had gone by. She certainly knew the value of the word "no", but had she ever used it with him' Never. The gentle moan as his lips and beard caressed and tickled her throat was abruptly cut off as the door handle turned in his hand, their combined weight against the door itself sent it flying inward, and with it, them.

He hadn't expected or planned on them tumbling over the threshold into their rooms, just managing to snake an arm around her and catch her against him as they tumbled to the floor laughing. "That didn't go quite how I planned it," he murmured with a smirk, his body covering hers.

For all the sensuality of their encounter against the door, by the time they were halfway to the floor, Vicki had dissolved into nearly hysterical giggles, trusting her well-being entirely to Jon, knowing that he was either going to catch her, or somehow get them down without harm coming to either of them. With the door wide open and their feet still in the hallway, she grinned from her sprawl beneath him, unable to resist a very impish pulse of her hips toward his as her giggles died away. "Should we try again so you can have it all go to plan?"

"I think we should," he replied, with a playful grin, his feet curling around hers to pull them away from the door so he could kick it closed, his body still covering hers. "Just what do you have in mind, Mrs. Granger" Or would you just like me to rip your clothes off and have my way with you?"

"Mmm, that sounds like it might be worth a try." He should have known better than to present her with an option that required her to do little but join in with enthusiasm, but then, Jon did seem to enjoy her enthusiasm, however she directed it. As the door banged shut, she laughed once again, one foot flat on the floor as her body bucked hard beneath his. "Think you'll be able to get them all off before you burst?"

"Have I ever had any problem with my timing before?" he countered, his eyes glancing to look over her clothing and sort out the fastest way to get her out of them without literally tearing them off her. He smirked as she bucked beneath him and pressed his pelvis against hers to let her know he was ready to make good on his threat, but not too ready.

"There's a first time for everything," she teased back, her voice just that little bit huskier as her body reacted to the very present press of his. Who would have thought that only ten days before she'd been feeling unattractive and too shy to even contemplate this"

"Oh, ye of little faith. I thought you had more confidence in me than that." He rolled off her suddenly, and grabbed hold of her hand to tug her to her feet so he could divest her of her clothing or maybe just work around them.

He'd earned another laugh with that answer, her form easy for him to tug up from the floor in a sway of copper bright hair and grasping limbs. Laughing she might be, but it did not detract from her eagerness, evidenced by the way she let her body slam into his, the way her arms wrapped about his neck, and her lips found his with a slow, needful moan. "Stop teasing me, and get on with it, stud muffin."

"Ah, but teasing is half the fun," he replied with a bearded grin, tugging her further into their rooms so that the servants wouldn't hear them from the hallway. "You are wearing way too much clothing," he said, looking her over, as he tugged her toward the bed and then tossed her onto her onto her back, moving close and sliding his hands up her legs, beneath her dress, in search of her panties, assuming she was wearing some.

Given that she'd been out into the city that day - and wearing a dress, no less - it was a safe bet to assume that she was wearing panties. "I'm wearing less than you," she pointed out, her voice rising in another soft moan at the smooth rise of his hands over her skin. "Jon' ve barely touched me and I'm gasping for it!"

"Don't make me challenge you to a game of strip poker again to prove that you're wearing more clothing than I am!" He dragged his fingers up her thighs and against her hips, curling them around the hem of her panties before peeling them down off her legs, all the while watching her face from between her legs. "Should I make you beg?" he asked with a smirk, not above making good on that threat either.

Her smile was a charming mix of mischief and desire as she looked down at him. There was something always thrilling about this particular angle, though she wasn't romantic enough to think it had anything to do with love and supplication. No, Jon's face between her legs often meant only one thing, and he was very good at it. "I thought you wanted a quickie and then a nap," she smirked back at him, teasingly wrapping her legs around his head just to see what he would do about it.

"I was about to make lunch when you came in, so you owe me one." Lunch was apparently not going to be quite what he had planned, but it would do for now. Sex was often more invigorating than sleep, and there would be time for food when they were done. He tossed her fancy green silk panties over one shoulder and without hesitation dove in to remind her what he was capable of, when provoked. It was no big secret that he enjoyed making love to his wife and enjoyed showing her in every way possible how much he loved her. That was, after all, what this was all about, at least in part.

"I'm not lunch!" But the protest dissolved first into giggles, and then into the tender sighing moans he was so good at drawing from her. It was rare he let her return this particular favor, but even so, she could never complain when it came to Jon. He was the sun to her moon; every slightest touch of his presence in her life warming and invigorating. She was completely his, and had been since she was a child, and oh dear God, she knew she was loved. She could only hope he knew just as well how much she loved him in return. She certainly yelled it at the ceiling often enough.

On the contrary, she most certainly was lunch, at least for the moment. He knew her well, had memorized her in every way possible, and yet, she still held a few secrets, and he still had a few surprises up his sleeve. Where Jon and Vicki were concerned, there was no lack of imagination or ingenuity when it came to lovemaking, both willing to try most anything once, so long as it was with each other. As for today, what she seemed to need was to relax, and there was one surefire way Jon knew to make her do that. With great skill and ever greater enthusiasm, he endeavored to do just that, showing her how much he loved her with loving, eager lips and mouth and hands.

It seemed to take barely any time at all to bring her desperately to the peak he had aimed her toward, though she hardly made it easy for him. Her writhing was infinitely more agitated than he was used to, a glimpse into that wildcat side of her that was only recently making itself known in answer to his darker, wilder side. But he got his reward, and so did she, the moment rising like an express train up a mountain, setting his name on her lips as her body burned for him.

But that was only the beginning. Once he knew she had reached that inevitable pinnacle, it was time for his own fulfillment. He pulled away from her just long enough to tug his pants off his hips and then he was covering her with his body again, but this time it wasn't his lips that did the coaxing but that part of his anatomy that was aching with need. "Tell me you want me," he breathed against her ear, his lips grazing her skin, as he pressed his body against hers, letting her know how much he wanted her, wanting to hear the words from her lips.

Victoria Granger

Date: 2013-05-28 07:18 EST
She arched up to him, her breath whistling between her lips as her chest heaved, the sweet ache of her muscles a perfect counterpoint to the smouldering fire he hadn't allowed to simmer down before rising over her once again. As his breath brushed her ear - and certain other parts got in on the act, too - Vicki caught his earlobe between her teeth, growling back at him. "I want you," she breathed in answer, fierce and fervent as her hands gripped his t-shirt, close to tearing the fabric in her excitement. "God, I need you!"

He wouldn't have cared if she tore the fabric. He had a dozen more t-shirts where that one came from. As soon as she admitted her need for him, he wasted no more time in the taking of her. That was the only way to describe it - wild, visceral, passionate - he held nothing back. If she had wanted to release the wild side of him, she had her wish. He gave her no quarter, not giving her even a single moment to catch her breath, mounting her and crashing against her again and again, the fire of passion blazing hotly between them, as wildly as it had ever been.

He didn't have it all his own way, though. Despite the heat and pace of him - and it was pretty overwhelming - she somehow managed to snag back a little control of the situation, taking advantage of a moment's brief respite to knock him over onto his back, taking her chance to mount him with a wild grin. Where he was hard and fast, she was deliberately, agonizingly slow, the sparkle in her eyes warning him that she had no intention of feeding his inner beast without being made to, just for the fun of it.

He suddenly found himself on his back, their positions reversed, with her asserting control over him, instead of the other way around. Guilty of lighting the fire inside her, he made no complaints, just as happy to let her take charge, as his moans attested. Where he had gone fast, she was going slow, slowing him down almost to the point of torture. Such delicious torment, he couldn't help but moan in pleasure, fingers clawing at her thighs, pleading with her to release him from his agony. He was close, so close, teetering on the edge. If she didn't take him there soon, he thought he'd lose his mind, or he'd simply regain control and give her a taste of her own medicine.

It wasn't often she exerted her own control over him, certainly not like this, allowing her wicked teasing to push against the limits he had never fully detailed for her. Just how long could he stand it, hovering there on the cusp of release, and how much more could she ply him with before he burst through his impatience" As his hands clawed at her thighs, leaving bruises she would be ridiculously proud of come the next morning, Vicki drew her dress up and over her head, dropping down to let her breath caress his lips, hot and sweet with suppressed desire.

Blue eyes wandered over her, admiring the nearly-bare curves, the beauty that was his Vicki. The curve of breast and waist and hips, the copper cascade of her hair as it drifted over a bare shoulder, the lips so kissably soft, eyes as blue as sapphires, dark with desire. He loved all of her, wanted all of her, and suddenly he could wait no longer. With a growl of desire, he grabbed hold of her hips and shifted his weight to roll her onto her back and claim dominance again. He reached for her hands and drew them up over her head, fingers linked with hers to hold her in place as he leaned down to plunder her lips, just as he was plundering her body.

That answered that question, then. Thrown over onto her back, held down and admittedly loving every minute of it, she held onto his hands tightly, their skin white where they clung to one another, feeling new bruises rising with a smile that was utterly smothered in his kisses. If he was captivated by her, then she was absolutely enthralled by her Jon, by every last inch of the man she loved, inside and out. By the gentleness that ruled his life, and this newer wilder side he finally trusted her to see; by the devotion he gave to their daughter in every word or glance or deed. She wanted to be claimed by this man, and finally her lips broke from his with a loud cry, proclaiming to those unfortunates who might be close enough to the suite to hear that the young master of the house was definitely doing his duty.

Had it been just a few days ago that he'd admitted his fear of hurting her" Reassured and matched by the wildness in her - hints of which he'd seen all along, from the first moment she'd stepped inside his trailer and told him she wanted him right up until this very moment - he held nothing back, allowing her to see a side of him he barely knew himself. And even as he plundered her body and claimed her for his own, even as he crashed against her in every possible way, there was still a gentleness, a protectiveness about him. There was a fine line between pain and pleasure, but somewhere deep inside, he knew not to cross that line, reading her reactions and instinctively knowing how far he could or could not go. Just as she cried out, his voice echoed her, crashing over the precipice with such explosive force that it left him shaking and gasping with the wonder of it.

"Bloody hell ..." She fell back against the bed, her chest heaving with each breath, her lips curved in a grin that was threatening to become permanent the closer they got back to their former habits and routines. With a gentle wriggle of her fingers, she slipped her hands free, drawing him down to rest against her, teasing her fingertips through his hair as her lips brushed his temple. "I should lose my temper more often, if that's how you plan on dealing with it."

It took him a moment to find his voice and to catch his breath, nearly collapsing against her with exhaustion, but it was a good exhaustion. "Didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked, his first coherent thought predictably concern for her. He cradled his head against her shoulder, his breath warm against her neck, pausing a moment to catch his breath, a small smile forming against his lips. Their bodies fit together like two pieces of a puzzle, tangled in a lovers' embrace. "Maybe you should," he teased back.

She laughed, breathless and content, reveling in the opportunity to just lie there with him, without needing to worry about Emily. It might only last a couple of hours, but it was a welcome respite. She loved her daughter, but having a baby in the house was hard work. "Then maybe I will," was her counter-tease, her head tilting to nip fondly at his lips. "So much for lunch."

"You are lunch," he countered. "You are all the sustenance I need." While that might not be entirely true - one could not live on love alone - she was all he'd ever needed to make him happy. Everything else was a bonus. He rolled onto his side, pulling along with him, brushing her hair back from her face, a small worried frown forming, despite what they'd just shared. "You don't....have any regrets, do you, Vicki?" He loved Emily with all his heart and he knew she did, too, but moments like this that they'd once taken for granted had become few and far between since their daughter's birth and he needed to know she wasn't sorry they'd started a family so soon.

Rolling into him, she slid her hand up beneath his t-shirt, wanting to feel his skin under her fingers as they lolled together for a while longer. His question touched her face with a tiny frown of her own, though it was balanced out by her softer smile. "Honestly?" She sighed gently. "Sometimes I regret that we didn't get a chance to wait and be sure we were really ready for kids. But that doesn't mean I'd change anything. I love you, I love Emily. Without both of you, I'd be so empty. And I know I've been a bit unpredictable lately, but it will get better. I wouldn't be able to be me without my family. Without you."

They were both still in a state of half-dress, their lovemaking too frenzied and urgent to have noticed or cared until now. As soon as her fingers touched his flesh, he wanted more. Tugging the shirt up over his chest and head, he tossed it carelessly aside. He frowned a little at her reply. It was true they weren't as free to come and go as they pleased anymore. The focus of their lives had shifted from each other to Emily, but he thought with a little time and practice, they could still have it all. "We can wait a while before having another."

Her smile grew brighter at his reply, the corners of her blue eyes crinkling with amusement. "I should hope we're going to wait a little while before I get pregnant again," she countered laughingly. "I know my waistline won't survive another stretching for at least a year!" With his chest bared to her, she took the bait, smoothing her hand over his skin as she raised up on one elbow, setting her teeth impishly to his flesh. "We will have more children," she promised him. "We just have to get used to being parents as well as lovers before we do, that's all."

Victoria Granger

Date: 2013-05-28 07:19 EST
He reached over to slide one strap of her bra down her shoulder. She was still far too dressed for his tastes and he wanted her to join him in freeing herself of the last vestige of clothing. "It'll get easier though, won't it' I mean, we can get a babysitter now and then. We have enough of them to choose from."

Far too dressed, in only a bra. If she'd known he was thinking that, Vicki would probably have laughed him off the bed with her somewhat uproarious sense of humor. As it was, she took the hint, twisting an arm behind herself to undo the clasp at her back as they talked. "We should make a date night," she suggested. "Once every couple of weeks, or once a week, or whatever you're happy with. Just so we can be ourselves with each other. And laugh at how exhausted whoever gets volunteered for baby duty is when we get back."

Jon was still frowning, thinking over that prospect, wondering if that would be selfish of them. They'd had this discussion before, but nothing had really been decided. "It's not about what I'm happy with, Vicki. It's about both of us and Emily. I don't want to be a lousy father, pushing her off on other people. Do you think it's selfish of us to want a little time alone together?"

She stilled, staring at him for a long moment, hurt rising in her eyes. It wasn't as though they didn't both know other parents, all of whom insisted that if you were going to make everything work, you had to take time off to remember each other regularly. "You're never going to be a lousy father," she heard herself say, hoping to reassure him, but the stiffness in her limbs betrayed an odd unexpected sense of rejection, and guilt that she'd even suggested it in the first place. Was she really that bad a mother" "I suppose you're right, it would be selfish." She paused for a moment, drawing in a slow breath, and made to roll away. "I should go and get her from Humphrey, let you sleep for tonight."

It had really been him who'd suggested it; all he needed was a little reassurance from her that they weren't being lousy parents by wanting a date night now and then. He had no experience at this, but then neither did she. He frowned further, her guilt conscience not making his feel any better. Not for the first time, he felt like an ass for ruining what had been turning into a pleasant afternoon. "No, I'll get her," he said, rolling the opposite way.

"No, Jon." She laid a hand against his arm, shaking her head. "You have to be ready to work tonight, and I should have made you sleep last night. I can take her for a while." Or was she so selfish, so awful a parent, that not even Jon trusted her with their daughter" Tiredness made Vicki irrational in her reactions to everything, the true cause of her unsettled feelings today. "You should sleep. You want to be fresh for your adoring public."

"I don't give a sh*t about my adoring public, Vicki!" he snapped, sighing as soon as his words left his mouth. He hadn't wanted to snap at her. That was the last thing he wanted to do, but the headache was reasserting itself again, both of their nerves frayed from a restless night's sleep - or several. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. I just..." He sat back down on the bed, rubbing at the ache in his temple. "You and Emily are more important to me than my career. Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to go back yet."

"Oh, for God's sake!" It was her turn to snap, and this time he was going to get the sharp side of her tongue, whether he was prepared for it or not. "Just stop it, Jon. For once in your life, will you just take advantage of having the opportunity to do something you love without overloading on feeling guilty about not doing something else at the same time?" And that could have applied to anything he'd said in the last twenty minutes, if he thought about it. "I know you're tired, I know you're stressed, and I know you're nervous about getting back on stage. I was trying to help. But it seems as though I can't even do that, can I" Given the choice, you'd rather it was you who took care of Emily every single time. You don't sleep through when I'm feeding her at night, you always get up with me, and lovely though that is, it's having a bad affect on you. And on me." Shaking her head again, she rose from the bed, closing the clasp of her bra, annoyed, upset, and utterly at a loss as to how to solve this spat.

For a moment, his mouth hung open, shocked and wounded by her accusation, not even realizing how what he'd said been perceived and misunderstood by her. "Is that what you think" That I don't think you can handle Emily on your own" That I have to be in control all the time" That I'm trying to take over. Or maybe you think I love her more than you. Jesus Christ, Vicki. I was trying to help! I was trying to be a good father and a good husband and..." He shoved a hand through his hair. This was doing nothing for either of them, and he had to work that night. "You know, I suggested having date nights because I thought that's what you wanted. I thought maybe you'd like to spend a little time alone with me. I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore. I feel like I'm chopping myself up into pieces." He blew out a breath, his face flushed, having said far more than he'd intended to say, and he hated himself for it.

"What am I supposed to think?" she demanded, shocked herself by his angry outburst, by what he'd actually said to her. "You are good, Jon, you're good at everything! You're a good actor, a good nephew, a good father, a good husband - so good, in fact, that some days there doesn't seem to be any need to have me around at all! What am I supposed to think when, night after night, you refuse to let me spend twenty minutes with your daughter, when you'd rather tire yourself out supervising me" Or that when I agree to your suggestion of date nights, you immediately change your mind and tell me that we're being selfish, that Emily comes first, that you want to be a good father above everything else? Everything, Jon. You're such a good father, there's no need for me to be here at all, is there?" They'd never fought before, certainly not like this, and Vicki was annoyed to feel herself beginning to cry as she ranted right back at him.

"Isn't it enough that you have a job you love that you're welcomed back to, that you have a daughter who is going to adore you for a lifetime, that you have a family who are right behind you? Isn't it enough that I love you anymore" Why do I constantly feel guilty for loving you, wanting to spend time with you? It's because every now and then, you let slip comments like "we're selfish", or you completely fail to notice that maybe I need a little reassurance! Next to you, I am a crap mother who was just called selfish by the father of her child for agreeing to his suggestion in the first place! Did you really think that wouldn't hurt?" Aching, she forced herself to stop, turning away to snatch up her panties and step into them, not really wanting him to see her crying over such a stupid perception borne out of her own exhaustion.

"I don't know what a good father is!" he retorted back, feeling frustrated and hurt and too tired to think straight. Maybe he was overcompensating but it wasn't because he doubted her ability to be a good mother - it was his own fears about being a bad father. Why couldn't she understand that all he was trying to do was be the man his father wasn't' He watched as she turned away from him, wondering how the afternoon had gone so wrong. One little comment, one moment of uncertainty and it had all gone down the crapper, it seemed.

"I don't know what I'm doing, Vicki. I don't know how to do this. I'm trying so hard to be what you need me to be, to be a good father, like your father was to you." He wanted to go to her and wrap her up in his arms and beg her forgiveness, but he wasn't quite sure what he'd done wrong or if she would even forgive him. "I'm sorry. I've never thought you were a crap mother. You're an amazing mother. An amazing woman. I'm the one who's..." He broke off, not quite sure how to end that statement. Who's what? Screwed up" He turned his back to find his pants and climb into them.

"No, you're too busy holding a man you don't even remember in front of you to see that you are nothing like him," she retorted, turning back to him with tears streaming down her face. "I never meant to hurt you, and I don't mean to hurt you now. But you're in serious danger of killing yourself trying to be everything and do everything at once. You are a good father. But there are days when I wish to God David Granger had died when you were born, because I am sick of having him in our home, in our lives, in every conversation we have. You are a thousand times the man he was, and I never even met him. But he's the reason for all this, and if you can't let him go, then what is the point of talking about you and me?" She sniffled, scrubbing her hand roughly over her face as she looked away again. "As long as he's still here, you're never going to trust anyone with Emily. Even yourself."

Victoria Granger

Date: 2013-05-28 07:20 EST
He was struck silent by her words, which struck him like a blow, but it wasn't just the ghost of David Granger that haunted him. There was the ghost of Emily Marshall and that one he remembered. "How can I trust myself with anyone when..." He broke off again, swallowing down the lump of tears that had somehow managed to get stuck in his throat. "If it wasn't for me, you'd have a mother, and please don't try to tell me how it wasn't my fault. I was there. What do you think your father would say if he knew" Do you think he'd welcome me into his home so readily as he does now?" He turned his back on her again, not wanting her to see the grief and the guilt and the tears that were matching hers. "I can never make up for that. I can never make it better, no matter how hard I try." He swept his discarded t-shirt up off the floor and pulled it over his head.

Those words hit her like a physical blow. She visibly paled, her tear-stained face as white as she might have been if he had actually raised his hand to her. Jon couldn't possibly know how much he had just hurt his wife, and she had no idea how to tell him. The memory that was hurting him, haunting him was the first time he had met her, the first step he'd taken to touching her heart from childhood. Without that memory and all those that had followed, they would never have met, never have fallen in love, never have married or had a child. Did he really regret her that much, that he would rather rewrite her whole life than accept the past and move on from it' She sat down suddenly, abruptly, her heart aching painfully with that horrendous thought. "I didn't know," she whispered, tears flowing again. "If you regret me so much, why did you stay?"

"Regret you?" he asked, turning slowly to face her, surprised by her reaction to his confession. "I don't regret you. I love you more than anything in the world. You are my life. I would do anything for you. Don't you see" It's because of me that you lost your mother. You should hate me, but you don't. I tried to save her. Gods, Vicki, I tried so hard." His voice broke on his words. "The water was too cold, too deep. And were crying and crying, and there was nothing....nothing I could do." The tears were flowing freely now, to match hers. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I just want to be a good father, a good husband. I just want you to forgive me."

"I-I don't understand ..." For the first time since he'd known her, she was truly sobbing, crying so hard that even her coherent words were becoming difficult to understand in the midst of the unattractive sniffling and ragged breath. "What am I supposed to be forgiving" Do you want me to hate you? Because I won't do that, I won't!"

"No..." His voice softened, as he realized how much he'd hurt her without meaning to. "No, I-I don't want you to hate me. I just....I wish I could have saved her, that's all. If I'd have saved her..." He shrugged his shoulders. What then" She'd have grown up with a mother. Would it have changed things" Would it have changed her" Would she still be the same Vicki or not' What was done was done. He knew that, but there were times when he still felt like a failure.

"But you told me, you said would have happened the same way, whether you were there or not," she pointed out. "So how does that make it your fault' And how would saving her have done anything for us?" Her face crumpled as she drew her feet up onto the chair, hugging herself tightly since he didn't seem to want to come anywhere near her. "I wish I'd never agreed to that potion spell now. I should have said no. Dom said you'd love me just the same, whatever I chose. But I chose wrong, and it's hurting you."

"I guess it would have. That's what Dom said. I just..." He sighed again, dropping his gaze from her, feeling like an *ss for letting this all come out again. Why did it seem he eventually hurt all those he loved most' "I don't know, Vicki. I don't remember my mother. Instead, I remember yours, and she....she was beautiful, like you, and she loved you so much. Sometimes I see you with Emily and....I can't even imagine how I'd feel if it was me, if I'd lost you. Maybe I'm trying too hard, I don't know. All I know is that I love you so much, and I just want to make you happy. That's all."

Her words came out muffled, from lips pressed against her own knees as she hugged herself tightly, tearful blue eyes opening to look up at him. "Then just be you," she told him. "You've never let me down, Jon; you'll never let our daughter down. I wish you'd believe that." Her breath hitched again, and she pressed her mouth tighter to her knees, trying to force herself to calm down before her headache started to rival his.

"You think I think you're not a good mother, but you're wrong. You know why' Because I knew your mother, if only for a little while. I saw how much she loved you. I saw how much she cared about you. I wish-I wish I could make you understand that. I know you don't remember her, but I do, and sometimes when I see you with Emily, I see her, and I know what a good mother you are. You're wrong, Vicki. I don't think you're a bad mother. I never have. You're the most amazing woman I've ever met." He went to her finally, crouching down in front of her and turning her tearful face toward his. "Please don't cry. I'm sorry I made you cry. I'm sorry about everything. I'm an idiot, I know. It's not you, Vicki. It's me. I'm so afraid of screwing this up."

The feel of his hand on her skin was enough to make her sob once again, this time in relief. For a moment there, she had been frightened he was going to walk out, to leave her in this horrible state without another word. "You're not going to screw anything up," Vicki tried to tell him, but knew he would choose not to believe her. That hurt, too, his willful insistence on ignoring the faith so many people had in him to linger on his own doubts. "Everyone worries about making mistakes, Jon. God knows, I worry as much as the next person." She unfolded from her tight ball, curling her hands to his cheeks, glaring fiercely into his eyes. "You are a good man. Nothing is going to make me say any differently, and Emily is so lucky to have you for a father. I'm sorry I hurt you, I never meant to. I just don't know how to make you understand how wonderful you are."

"I didn't mean to hurt you either," he admitted, still not quite sure what he'd done wrong, other than to lack any sort of confidence in his abilities as a father. "You're the one that's wonderful and amazing. Do you remember when we first met' How screwed up I was inside" You saved me, Vicki. If it wasn't for you, I don't think I'd have made it. I owe you everything. You believed in me when no one else did. You loved me. You gave me a reason to live again. I'm sorry if I'm trying too hard, but if I am, it's only because I love you so much."

"You don't need to try," she promised him, wondering vaguely why she was the one reassuring him once again when she was still aching from his words over the past half hour. But then, Jon always seemed to need her reassurance, even when he utterly dismissed whatever she said out of hand. Her fingers stroked against his cheek, wishing he could see how much she loved him. "Just be, love. Trust me, that's all you need to do."

He was trying to reassure her, to tell her that he did trust her, that he did believe in her, that she was just as amazing as she thought he was, but he was also trying to explain himself, explain why he felt the need to go overboard helping her, why he felt the need to do so much. It wasn't that he lacked her ability to be a good mother; it was just that he was trying too hard to be a good man. "I do trust you, Vicki," he assured her, wrapping his arms around her to pull her close. "I believe in you."

She slithered down from the chair, curling up in his arms as he drew her in, holding tightly to him as he spoke. It wasn't her she wanted him to believe in so much as himself. She knew he was a good man, that he didn't need to be so afraid of making mistakes. But whenever she tried to tell him so, she always seemed to fail. Perhaps it was something she just couldn't help him with. "I love you so much," she murmured, hugging to him as though her life depended on it. "I hate to see you doing this to yourself."

He wasn't sure how the tables had been turned. He'd been trying to reassure her and tell her what a wonderful mother she was and suddenly it was about him. "I'm fine, Vicki. I love you, I love Emily. I have no regrets." Except, obviously, that he hadn't been able to save her mother. He sighed as he curled his arms around her. "Maybe I should call in tonight. Stay home. You're more important than the theater. Mataya will understand."

Victoria Granger

Date: 2013-05-28 07:22 EST
"No." She raised her head, meeting his gaze with eyes that were, finally, dry, her expression the familiar mixture of affection and stubbornness he knew far too well. "You can't put off living just because we've had a spat, Jon. You've been working so hard, looking forward to getting back on the stage again." Her lips quirked, her teasing smile returned. "I refuse to be your excuse for your stage fright, Mr Granger. Besides, if you don't go, Mataya might never let me back into the theater again, especially since I've corrupted her favorite actor into a loving husband and father before all else."

He still wasn't quite sure what the spat had been about really. He met her gaze, feeling horrible that he'd made her cry. He'd have done anything to have taken away those tears. He brushed a thumb against her cheek, his voice gentle, loving. "I want to make time for us. You are the most important person in my life. Nothing is going to change that. Not work, not family, not even being a father. That's what all this is about, Vicki. It's about me trying to take care of you, trying to be there for you, trying to be what you need me to be."

"Well, I need you to get some rest, eat a decent meal, and get back to work," she told him firmly, twisting to kneel in front of him, no nonsense in her affectionate eyes. "It will be good for you, and for us. Besides, I miss welcoming you home after you've been performing. That's always been our time." Her fingertips stroked fondly against his lips. "We can talk about making other time another day. We're both overtired, and I know I'm taking everything the wrong way. So let's not talk about it until we're ourselves again. Is that all right?"

"Are you kicking me out of the house, Mrs. Granger?" he asked, smiling for the first time since they'd started this little spat of theirs. They hardly ever fought, but every couple fought now and then, didn't they' And they were both overtired, exhausted from spending a night up with a colicky baby, not to mention all the other responsibilities they were juggling. He brushed his nose against hers affectionately, hoping the worst of it was over. Their hearts might still be aching and they may not have worked things out precisely, but the love they felt for each other was still there, beating strong, a link that could never be broken.

"In about four hours, yes." Never let it be said that Vicki didn't take an opening when it was presented to her. She grinned, deliberately ignoring the residual hurt in favor of keeping him reassured, nuzzling with an answering nudge of her nose to his and a kiss. "But if you're going to eat, then I'm going to have to get dressed again, aren't I?"

"If I'm going to eat food, you will," he teased, returning that kiss, not above suggesting make-up sex, but if he did that, neither of them would get a nap or something to eat before he had to leave and she had to take over baby duty again. "You know I love you, right?" he asked, nudging his nose to hers before kissing her lips.

He tasted her smile with that kiss, though he should have known better for his stomach's sake than to answer her own kiss with another. "Better than I know my own mind most days," she promised him in kind, her palm curling to his jaw as her second kiss proved itself a little deeper than a teasing nudge of lips. If Jon wanted to eat or nap, he was going to have to remind his amorous wife that sex was not always the best remedy.

He returned her kiss, which was quickly rekindling the passion that was always simmering just beneath the surface whenever they were together - a testament to their love for each other. He had to pry himself away, chuckling a little at the renewed passion he sensed brewing between them. "Vicki, we have to eat and sleep," he reminded her, as he pulled away.

She pouted at him, but the playful light was back in her eyes as she leaned away, letting him go with a faint smile. "Fine, be sensible then," she grumbled teasingly. "Honestly, anyone would think you'd been told what to do with yourself for the next few hours." She kissed the end of his nose, rising fluidly up onto her feet, her hands in his. "Do you think the cook would let us in her kitchen?"

He stood with her, already dressed but for bare feet. "I think the cook doesn't have much choice, since we pay her salary." Or at least, Humphrey did. "If we stay here much longer, I'll never get to work." And as much as he didn't want to admit it, he was looking forward to getting back on the stage again. It was almost like an addiction at times, and he gave as much of himself to acting as he did to every other aspect of his life, throwing himself into the performance and soaking up the applause.

Vicki laughed, curling her arms around him in a tender embrace, knowing he was absolutely right. But she also knew that if he didn't get on stage tonight, he would be impossible to live with for weeks to come. Acting was in Jon's soul; it gave him a special spark, a new breath of life; every role he played was an undiscovered facet of himself that came to make the whole of him. Every role. The actor, the brother, the nephew, the father, and the husband - she loved all of them. She believed in all of them. And perhaps, someday, he would, too. But until then, she would just have to believe for the both of them, and find some way to work a little magic of her own.

((All is not well in paradise" However will they solve this one? :grin: I have plans! Muahahahaha! And *ahem* thanks to Jon's player for being AWESOME!))