Topic: Ruins

Lola Granger

Date: 2011-05-01 22:31 EST
Late evening to full night, May 1st 2011

By the time Lola returned to her little house in the city from visiting her father, the sun was a little past setting and her face was pale. The visit had not gone well. All she wanted, as she walked up to her door and fumbled for her keys - the replacement set, as she'd never found her other keychain - was to take a long, hot bath and go to sleep. Surely Icarus would understand if she begged off from going out to Beltane.

She had the keys in her hand and she was reaching for the door before she realized it was open. There were no sounds from the house, and none around the house. There were no sounds of birds calling as they went to roost for the evening and no normal happy yaps of greeting from Buster.

She knew - knew - that she had shut and locked the door when she left. Maybe Cally had come home early and taken Buster out, and she hadn't quite shut the door" The door-hinge creaked, just a little, as she swung the door the rest of the way open and frowned. Stepped into the dark house - she never had lit the lamps, but surely if Cally had come home she would have" "Cally' Buster?" Her uncertain call echoed through the house. She could barely see until she was able to fumble over to one of the lights and turn it on.

The place was a wreck. Almost all of her things were knocked over and gone through. It looked like someone was looking for things of value. Her call into the house should have been enough to alert anyone and there were still no sounds from the interior. Silverware was strewn around the kitchen, dishes were broken. It looked like a bomb went off in some places, they were so thoroughly destroyed.

"Oh, god - " The word choked out breathless as she took her stunned survey through the house. A robbery - why hadn't they taken the silverware" It was real silver, surely valuable, her mother's set. She stumbled over the wreck of her loom, hand flying to her throat when she realized that the fabric in progress on it had been slashed into ribbons before the loom itself was destroyed. Her eyes were wide and getting wider, and if Cally had been here - what if she had been home when the robber came" And where was Buster"

"Buster! Cally"! Are you - " Her voice lifted as she stumbled again, hurried, ran up the steps to the second floor, the bedrooms. Oh, please, please let Cally not have been home. She forgot everything else, personal risk disregarded, as she ran up the stairs as quickly as she could.

The door to Cally's room was open, and it looked as bad as the rest of the place, but Cally was nowhere to be seen. It wasn't long before she found the pool of red. Something had bled on her floor, and been dragged off behind a closed door. The trail was obvious, and in a sick way, inviting.

The loom, the fabrics, months and years of work, shredded and splintered, but that was nothing. Her books and paintings " nothing, just things. When she saw the pool of red, the bloodstain trailing toward her closed bedroom door, she moaned. "Oh no. Nonono. Cally' Buster?" If they were in there, hurt " Lola's hand was back at her throat, the other shaking violently as she opened the door and took one step in.

Her bedroom had been even more violently demolished than the rooms downstairs. She saw the wreck of it and then her eyes flew to the pool of reddish hair lying curled on the floor. The breath left her lungs. The painting Ollie had made for her, slashed and torn, fallen half-over - her voice choked out, barely audible. "B...Buster?" Oh, god. Her eyes filled with tears and the only small, tiny blessing was that Cally hadn't been home after all. Buster must have interfered with the robbers - why else would someone kill such a small pup" She was shaking her head side to side, as she took another step into the room, toward her poor dead dog.

Then the world turned upside-down.

Connor had been waiting, there in her closet, in the shadows where she couldn't see. He had a knife, already bloody. He had madness in his eyes and he - he wasn't himself. She fought, as best she could, and managed to yank the knife from his hand, to hurt him. But he was a bare-fist boxer, stronger and tougher than she was by far. It....didn't go well for her. When he finished, when he tossed her down so that he could go pick up his knife and finish the job by slitting her throat, Lola was sobbing for breath through a throat marked with livid bruises, through the blood that filled her mouth. She could barely see through the swelling of black eyes, barely move through the bruising, the aches, and the raw pain. But she moved. She scrambled for the bottom drawer of her dresser and clawed it open, yanked out the little snub-nosed pistol Jon had given her so many months ago when Anubis kidnapped Caro, and turned.

She had twisted, sitting on the floor. He had been close, so close, leaning over her with the knife ready, moving to strike. When the gun had gone off, once, twice, when she emptied the six-round clip, she'd seen the surprise cross his face, and the life go from his eyes while he fell down. Fell onto her, and she couldn't even scream through the wreck of her throat. Couldn't move, couldn't do anything at all but sit there with freezing cold shudders wracking her frame and try to breathe.


Icarus, to some degree, was not like other vampires she had known. To be honest' Icarus was ignorant to a great deal of his nature - because Lurks weren't like other vampires.

On the totem pole of bloodsuckers, where Silviu Sava had sat at the bottom' Icarus was all the way at the top, so far away from 'proper vampirism' as could be. Lurks were wild, feral, mindless beasts in most cases.

On the totem pole of Lurks, Icarus sat at the bottom, as it were.

There is a bond that is formed between vampire and victim' but Icarus knew little about it - and had he, he probably wouldn't have given a sh**. All he knew was that one minute, he'd been shooting pool...and the next' Something had felt wrong. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, and he couldn't even have told you where it had come from, if asked. He just knew something wasn't right, was very, very ungood, in fact.

Lola. That was the one thought he had, and he wasted no time in getting to her house - nearly killed someone in the process, but close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

It did not make him feel better, either, the second he pulled up in front of her house (the whole neighborhood knew he was there, too, with the scream of the Suzuki's engine), to see the door standing right wide open. When needed, Icarus could move damn fast, and right then" He needed it, darting up the walk, up the stairs, and into the house. The door snapped shut sharply in his wake - and his nose told him more than he liked.

Blood. Cordite. Fear. Connor. A snarl touched his lips, eyes snapping around. "Lola!" If she hadn't heard that, she definitely heard the sound of Icarus taking the stairs two at a time. Heard it as meaningless sound, as noise with no sense to it.

Downstairs was destruction. Upstairs was destruction and three flavors of blood: dog, man and woman. Upstairs was death in two flavors: dog and man, and upstairs was sheer animal terror. Her hand still held the little gun in a grip that hurt, white-knuckled, her whole body shaking and the gun shaking with it, pointed at the dead body fallen over her legs. Her eyes were wide, white-ringed all around, and her pupils would have been pinned with the fear if the left weren't blown out and fixed - concussion.

Thread of sound, not even a whimper, closer to the keen of some wild thing in desperate pain, strangled by the damage to her throat. That was all that escaped at the call, the meaningless sound, and the impact of feet going up the stairs two at a time. Blood and cordite and fouler things filled her nose, and it was so, so cold in the room. Shock.

By the time he reached her bedroom, his mind had filled in many gaps - not because he was an analytical thinker, but because he was an animal - an intelligent animal, but an animal all the same.

He passed Buster and felt a small twinge of regret. He might not have had much use for the puppy (because quite frankly, the puppy hadn't felt much use for him; it was a vampire thing), but he knew Lola had cared for him.

The bedroom was its own personal disaster, to his eyes - the smell of gunpowder was strong, as was the blood. The second he saw her, with Connor atop her" He snapped forward, wrenching the corpse away with a snarl. He knew the man was dead - could smell it, filling his head, but his own hind-brain couldn't be controlled, at times. He tossed the man aside as a child does a toy, as if he weighed nothing, before crouching down.

This" This was the difference between Icarus, and another Lurk. Had someone else found her" She might've become corpse number three - there was blood everywhere, both hers and Connor's, and a lesser beast might not have been capable of ignoring some baser drives.

He had to grit his teeth to deny the rush the smell filled him with, but he reached out, fingers closing around her hand, the one with the death grip on the pistol. It was probably empty (it had better be. She better have filled that bastard with every slug), and it wouldn't've done him damage besides some pain, but he was more worried about her hurting herself on accident.

Even while he did that, though, his eyes were looking at her - taking stock of any damage Connor had inflicted.

"Lola," said again - but this time, he was sure she didn't hear him. Maybe couldn't. His other hand reached down, sliding under her head, fingers probing carefully at the back of her head.

Lola Granger

Date: 2011-05-01 22:35 EST
She tried to scream when the body flew up from her legs - illusion of life for the fraction of a second until it actually lifted - and when there was suddenly a presence crouching right there over her. Tried to scream and it came out as a whisper through the constriction, the swelling and damage. When the hand took hers around the pistol her finger jerked on the trigger automatically and produced no more than a sad little click-click of empty. The touch on the back of her head - well, there was damage back there, swelling a little offset to the left with an unsettling give to it.

She couldn't focus, she couldn't see, and for several seconds he had an armful of hysterical terror, blind-fighting for escape, tooth and claw and nail, until in her struggle to getawaygetawaynomorenotagain she slammed her other hand with its broken fingers into the dresser. The blinding jolt of renewed pain triggered another keening moan and snapped one fragment of the room into sharp focus. The shoulder of a black leather jacket, black ink cutting through violet skin.

Not Connor. Not - not - she went limp, all at once, and at least the next moan that managed to crawl from her mouth was a little more human. It was freezing in there, freezing, and she started to shake again, violently, which turned out to be the very last thing her abused stomach could handle. When she tried to pull away this time, to turn away, it was to keep from vomiting on Icarus.

He let her turn away - but there was no way in hell he was going to let her get too far. He'd handled her scrambling, screaming, the sheer panic as if he'd done it before. He had.

Some people didn't take to tripping out of life into undeath very well, after all, and it was something he wasn't a stranger to. Different means to an end, but in the long run, they were all screaming for some reason.

He pulled back a bit, just to unzip his jacket, working it off, draping it across her, before he stood - the sheet was pulled off her bed. He stepped away from her long enough to cover Connor's corpse - regardless of all the things he wanted to do to it. None of it was pretty, either.

The problem with trying to vomit when a person has been half-strangled is that there is a very real risk of choking. She managed to avoid that, barely, but she was gagging and gasping for breath by the time she finished. The whole room was swimming, and the fingers of her less-damaged hand (marked by the lines of the gun, only) fumbled when she tried to clutch at the jacket he'd draped over her shoulders.

It was almost impossible to focus on him, actions a blur, and her ears were filled with ringing that almost drowned out other sounds. When she tried to push up, to stand - well, that didn't work out so well. Between the vertigo and the damage, she thudded back down to the floor and a half-sob came with the impact. Her voice was a croak, a raw rasp of sound, and she couldn't even hear herself speaking over that ringing. "Ic- Icarus. He - he - I - " He'd done - and she'd killed - and her stomach flipped over again. There was nothing left to empty this time, though.

Instantly, he was right there beside her again - and this time, it was strong arms that reached out, curling around her and helping her up - though only enough so that he could actually pick her up and carry her to the bathroom. He needed to get her out of the bedroom - and this was the best way to do it, and get her cleaned up to.

"It's all right," he murmured, quietly. "He's not going to hurt you anymore, all right' It's done with."

She was still shaking, still shivering, when he picked her up and her undamaged hand clutched desperately at the front of his shirt, held on to him with the remains of the terror that still floated through her. She held the other hand cradled against her chest over the torn and bloody dress. Sound kept on fading in and out and she still couldn't focus her left eye at all. The disorientation turned his words to nonsense again but at least the tone was soothing.

The sight of the bathtub, the shower, though - those prompted an almost physical longing for water hot enough to scrub every touch, every mark, every bit of blood and the rest of what Connor had done away. She wanted to wash the death off, too, wanted to peel it back and forget the surprised look on his face and the way life fled - another shudder. Better to think of the physical pain. "Ev- everything hurts - and I'm so - so cold. Hot water. Please - "

"Just a second," he murmured, carefully easing her down to sit on the sink's basin. He loosened one arm from her, just to reach back and turn the water in the sink, making sure it was good and hot. Not so hot that it'd burn her, but hot enough.

He grabbed a rag; put it under the faucet, before squeezing out the excess. That done, he leaned back, starting to carefully - gently - wipe her face off. "I'll get you in the bath in a minute, Lola," he murmured, flat green eyes studying the worst of it - the fact she could still see at all, for example, was miraculous. He didn't expect that to last long. Her eyes might very well be swollen shut by tomorrow morning.

Almost certainly. There was a hell of a bruise on her jaw, too, and it was another minor miracle that that blow hadn't broken or dislocated anything. Instead it was just a bruise and matching cuts on the inside of her mouth from the impact of her own teeth. The handprints on her throat from near strangulation - that would have been deadly if Connor hadn't wanted to cut her with the knife instead. The crack on the back of her skull, broken fingers, cracked ribs, blood and more between her legs, left knee swollen and almost dislocated. That was the worst of it. The rest was minor by comparison.

Her nod was jerky between the shivers, while he wiped carefully at her face and she clung to him with her good hand for safety and balance. No stability of her own, not at all. "The body. C-c-co-" Stutter and stall on the name, she couldn't force it out. "His body. Eli. Call Eli. Morgue. Can take it, make it - " Make it not have happened, make it never-was. No, but at least her cousin could make sure it was taken care of. "Get it out of here." So she wouldn't have to see it. Only she was going to see it every time she walked into her own bedroom. Tears started to leak down her face, crawling over the swelling and bruises, into the rag he was using on her face.

"Shh." The sound came out of him surprisingly easily. To look at him, one would never think Icarus capable of being careful - but he was. So very, very careful. "I'll take care of it, alright?" He pressed the rag into her hand, just so he could step away - not far, not at all - but he had to turn on the spigot for the tub.

"Do you want me to call anyone else?" he asked, glancing over his shoulder to her, eyes slitting. "Because if not - Lola, you shouldn't stay here. Not in this house." Not with the reminder right there in her bedroom, to haunt her every damn day - every waking minute, and probably most of the sleeping ones too.

She clung to the edge of the counter with her eyes closed, trying not to let the dizziness and vertigo send her tumbling. It was so hard to think around - around - her mind was skittering in trapped little circles, over and over the same paths. Who else could he call, where could she go' "Cally. Before - before she gets home to see this." Lola wouldn't wish the sight of this house on anyone, much less her housemate.

But where could she go' Not Alder House, not to her father. Ollie didn't have the room and she didn't want him to see her like this, anyway. Jon was still recovering from his own injuries, Caro was so busy with the business - and it all came back to this, anyway. "I don't want - can't - " Her expression twisted around the bruises, and the tears rolled faster with shuddering inhales just short of sobs through her damaged throat. "Don't want to see anyone." Didn't want anyone to see her. Wanted to crawl into some safe hiding place and shut out the world. "I don't know - know where else to go."

Water suitably warm - again, hot, but not scalding - he turned around to move back to her, hands rising to curl gently around her forearms. "You shouldn't have to deal - to face anyone until you're ready. If..." His eyes slit a second, thinking, but - "You can come with me," he offered. "Trust me, no one will find you. No one will even think to look for you there."

It was a good thing that he was controlling the temperature of the water, because she would have run it to scalding, to burning, to boiling if she could have. As soon as he returned she clutched at him again to stay upright, and she seized on the offer, the idea, almost as desperately. "Yes. Yes, please." Nobody would even begin to know where to look for her, there. Safe. It would be safe, and she wouldn't have to face anyone at all.

He didn't think twice. There was no 'male part' of his brain that wondered if it was a good idea to bring her there. He didn't hesitate for a second. "All right," said, even as his hands moved - the dress was already in sad shape, but his movements were damned slow. He'd known women that had gone into all manner of screaming fits the second a man touched them, after certain events, the kind women fear worst. If she wanted his help, so be it. If she pushed him away' That was all right too - he gave her time for it.

Some women did fear any touch by a man, after such events, even the presence of a male too close. Lola had seen it in Caro, after Anubis had kidnapped Caro and returned her. Right now, all Lola felt was dizzy, sick, in pain, and very grateful that Icarus was there to help her. Maybe, perversely, in this case it helped that her attacker had been someone she knew. It wasn't a nameless, faceless 'man' who could have been anyone. No, she'd known her attacker and watched him die. The screams were likely to come with her nightmares.

One shudder wracked her, when the dress came free, and another sob tore her throat, but that just made her more desperate for the tub, to get clean, to wash off the filth that felt worked into her skin. If Icarus left her alone in there she was going to end up re-enacting Lady MacBeth and scrubbing herself to bloody. There were no blushes now, no embarrassment, nothing but the desperate desire to get clean.

He didn't leave her - he wouldn't. Not unless she told him to. He helped her off the counter, towards the tub, the set of his jaw sharp and hard. While he knew - knew without a doubt, no less - that nothing he could do now could change the past, part of him was kicking himself in the ass for leaving in the first place. He wouldn't torture himself over it, but for the moment' He was furious with himself - overshadowed, of course, by the deep spring of hatred for Connor.

((Adapted from live play with Connor O?Neil and Icarus. Thank you!))


Date: 2011-05-02 19:37 EST
After the Beltane Bonfire

Hell hath no fury like a majerian scorn. The red-head was hurt and couldn't get in touch with Lola. Instead of a car ride home she had to walk. L/O original fluttered around the enraged red-head as she hurried home. Quicker by the phone call she got. "Wait! What the hell ya mean she's safe"! Don't ya fuckin' hang - bastard!" He hung up on her. The cell was stuffed into her purse and on the street that was Lola's place the keys were fished out.

Elias was fast when he wanted to be, but he was new to RhyDin and so far every ghoul he had made — er, every assistant he had hired, was either new to town or slow on the uptake. Cally was at her door and the young scholar was still blocks away, wringing his fedora and scowling as he stalked down the street, flanked by the giant-sized Ivan and Doba. "We didn't know it was East, we figured she meant — " "Light," Eli cut Doba off before he said what he really wanted to say; a giant paw of a hand struck a match and lit one of his crumpled cigarettes, and he sighed smokily. "God-damnit, Lola....why'd this have to happen..."

"What the fuck.." The red-head found the door opened - eyes narrowed and sky blue bloomed to silver. Cally was not a stupid woman by far. Shoving the door open she went in blazing - mad as hell and just dared someone to be there that shouldn't. Cally's purse dropped at the sight of the mess. "Lo' LO!" Cally passed the living-room and ran down the hall - nearly tripping over the body of the pup. "Oh shit. Buster." The red-head felt fear and fled to Lola's room. The door was pushed open and Cally's hand shot to her mouth. The stench of blood was everywhere and there was a body - too big to be Lo's. The red-head felt ill. "Oh god."

They heard a voice inside when they reached the open front door. Ivan shot out a protective arm to stop his master, but Eli pushed past it with more distraction than malice and said, "The man mentioned a roommate named Cally..." The next line was far more malicious, however, when he whirled in the doorway and narrowed his eyes at both of them, pointing a finger in their faces and snarling, "So be gentle." Destruction greeted him immediately as his eyes' limited night-vision kicked in, and he motioned for the brutes behind him to shut the door. Best not to draw in the Watch, if they weren't on their way already. "Cally' That you, Cally?" He picked his way over a piece of furniture, took note of all the places he smelled blood. There were plenty of them. "It's Eli, Eli Granger, your roommate's cousin."

The voices shattered the red-head's shock and Cally nearly tripped back on the skirt end of her dress - now red with canine blood. The majerian's first reaction would of been to lash out at the voice but it was a Granger. Tears sent mascara down the red-head's face - steps quickly paced to seek out the source of the voice. Crunching glass under shoe the red-head was nearly tripping over herself in panic. "What the hell is going on' Where the hell is Lola!" Cally broke from the hall and stopped seeing that it wasn't just one man. The alarms in the red-head's mind went wild.

"I don't know," Eli said, putting up both hands defensively, both of them empty save for a lit cigarette clutched between his fingers. His two friends merely stared dumbly at her. Each had a duffel bag over his shoulder. "I got a call, and Lola's safe, she's fine....but I don't know where she is. But I was told there was a man here who made a mess, and I think he hurt Lola....and she needs my help taking care of it all." All this was said rather slowly. "Okay, Cally?"

"Do not talk to me like I am a child." Cally hissed venomously but it didn't spring for just the man. The red-head's hand rised to point out the hall. "There is a dead man in my best friend's room! Her dog has been ripped to pieces! Everythin' is in shambles!" Cally paused to suck in a breath to fill those burning lungs. Lola was hurt - that clicked. Cally looked to Eli with more tears staining her face. The red-head's voice lowered out of panic. "Oh god. Take care of it. What am I suppose to do - Keep hush-hush about this" What about the rest of the family' Do they know?"

"Hey! Hey, I'm in the dark at least as much as you are, okay?" His temper flared for a short moment, then fizzled as the many more immediate concerns overtook him rather quickly. "I got a phonecall, that's all....but Lola's family, and she's my friend. I'm a student, I do research work over at a morgue, and we've got....resources, okay' So if Lola needs my help, I'll do anything I can." He scowled again, took a long drag of his cigarette and shot a sharp look at Doba, who went outside to keep a lookout for the moment. "Tell me what you saw, Cally, one thing at a time. Let's run through this nice and straight....then get it taken care of. Okay?" He tried to talk like a much older man, but when he stepped into better light his face showed how young he was. Late teens, maybe very early twenties...

It was good that he didn't speak to the red-head again like she was a child - Cally would of belted out some colorful words. Silver gaze traced over Eli - no time to be surprised. The red-head's mind began to piece everything - a big question if the Beltane had been a distraction to keep her away' Cally's fine skin began to lose coloring. "I was comin' home from the bonfire and got a call - probably from the same fella who called ya. When I got 'ere I found the door hangin' open." Cally needed a drink - something strong. The red-head's hand started to rise - covering her mouth. Taking a moment the red-head spoke to the flat of her palm. "I saw the wreck in the livin' room and went for Lola's room. Buster - her dog - is dead in the hall. There is a body is Lo's torn up room and blood - god it is everywhere."

"Where's her room, about?" Eli asked, as Ivan went to check out the poor dog's remains in the hall at an unheard command. The gifted might discern that Eli communicated with his servants via telepathy. He lifted his chin, pausing, then began to pick his way to the blood spots closest to the entrance, somehow finding them in the dark without the aid of a flashlight. Fingerprints had been kept away with a handkerchief so far, but now he snapped on a pair of latex gloves.

Hawk-stare - the red-head follow after the one who went to check on the dog's remains - a hand pointing out the direction he had went. "Down the hall." Fluttering fabric of the red-head's gown followed - sticking at her ankles when moving after Ivan. If the majerian knew of the communication she did not show it. Not even a handful of steps and the red-head was stumbling as if ready to faint.

"Miss?" Ivan rumbled uncertainly, and in a few moments Eli was returning from the bedroom, reaching for her arm and her back to steady her. "Careful now, look like you could faint. Please try and stay focused, miss, and stay with us. Okay?"

Cally's arm curled to the one that was holding her own - assisting with the steadying of her person. "I need a drink. Don't ya worry bout lil ol' me. I just need a moment." Painted lips burned a smile that was torn. The red-head's night went from heart-breaking to fear to regret. She should of never left Lola alone. Correcting her posture the red-head nodded. "Please - just Cally. What can I do to assist ya?"

"Okay, Miss Cally — Jesus, old habit, forget it. Cally," and Eli managed a smile with surprising ease considering the gore. Perhaps he was very used to scenes of this nature. "Unfortunately I'm gonna have to ask you to stick around, we can't have someone witness you spending the night somewhere else while we clean up here. We've gotta have a good story, see" Lola called you and me both, having a nervous breakdown, and she left town with her friend for a while. And we need to stick to that story....come hell or high water, for Lola's sake. You see..." Eli helped her towards the kitchen, where the drinks were. "I'm thinking, from what I've heard, and what I saw in that bedroom....Lola defended herself, or her beau or whatever stepped in for her. Self-defense, and that man died from it. But whoever it was shot at least four times, I'm guessing the Watch probably isn't gonna buy self-defense. They're probably gonna make trouble for Lola, if the truth's known. That's why she's having me clean up....and why we gotta stick to this story."

Cally was silent in the story forming - stepping with Eli while she listened. The red-head went for the cabinet with the scotch and poured herself a glass - on reflex a second was made for him if he decided to take it. Cally - however- downed hers like it was water. The red-head's knuckles followed her plush lips when the glass moved away. "Fine but so help me - they dare try to give Lo a hard time I will jump their throats. She is in her own home how could it not be self-defense." The red-head looked to Eli with blood-shot eyes. "I'll stick to ya story tho. I am to tell the family this" And don't ya worry darlin' - I ain't got any other place to go."

"You tell that to the family. I'll give the right guy higher up on the food chain the right story, and he'll make our tale the kosher one." Eli snatched the glass and sucked down the scotch, hissed a gasp. "Gotta wash that before I go," he added, tapping the rim of the glass. "Okay. My friend Doba's on his way to pick up some better supplies, get your door fixed, whatever we can do quietly. You, me and Ivan over there..." Ivan dropped the duffel bag on the floor and unzipped it, and all the best cleaning supplies for this kind of 'situation' seemed to be contained within. "We're gonna clean up, every last piece, and you shouldn't have any company over, either, until all the other damage is fixed up. Once we're done cleaning up the blood, and," his eyes narrowing on the hallway with the dog's remains, rather coldly more frustrated at the prospect of the work than the tragedy of the slain pet, "my colleagues and I will take all remains off your hands....and you don't need to worry about those. We'll see them taken care of."

Got to love a man that can down his drinks like a pro - Cally side-noted to clean the glass. The red-head shook a finger at Eli. "Ya better just make sure ya don't make me look like a liar pal. If I come out with the ugly end of this stick I'll be huntin' down ya skin to scorch." The red-head looked to Ivan and those lovely lips frowned. "I suppose my dress is also goin' to disappear - There is no way the blood stain can be removed." The red-head turned eye to the fine fabric. "Crap - that is just lovely. Get to be by my lonesome with all this." All Cally knew was that Lola better damn well be safe.

Any materials like clothes and sheets that we shouldn't be leaving around, my colleagues will take care of — don't you worry, doll," Eli said, sucked the last of his cigarette away and pinched it to death. Then, rather than discard it in an ashtray or the sink, he dropped it into his shirt pocket. Better not to leave any sign he was ever there. "We'll take care of your dress, and make sure not you, not me, and definitely not Lola ever take the blame for any of this. God-fucking-damn I didn't need this tonight....poor Lola..." He trailed off for only a moment, then looked at Cally with a smile. "Pour us another scotch, then let's clean house."

Cally laughed. "Ya and me both pal. I was comin' back from bein told that the guy I was goin to be datin' is engaged." There was no humor and the red-head was well on her way to pouring them both another round before he spoke. "So I can't leave for a while right and ya gunna be takin' care o my clothes. Without me in them right?" A good humored wink but the red-head was far from flirting. She was tired - bloody - and above all else the red-head was upset to high heaven.

((Adapted from live play with Elias Granger. Thank you!))