Topic: Unexpected Day Off

Victoria Granger

Date: 2014-10-23 11:06 EST
((Contains material of an adult nature.))

Saturday 18th October, 2014

The morning after the accident at the Shanachie found Jon lying in bed, sleeping off whatever magic Aran had bespelled him with the night before. The magic had helped with the pain and helped him sleep, but it was morning now, and with consciousness came the memory of what had happened the night before. Jon groaned as the first rays of sunlight found the backs of his eyelids, and the throbbing in his leg made itself known. "Vicki?" he called, groggily. Maybe he hadn't broken his leg, after all. Maybe it had all been some strange dream.

He'd somehow managed to sleep through Cosmo waking Vicki up for his walk, and the morning chaos that was feeding both the children, though his wife would probably suggest that was a good thing. Whatever Arandir - not Reindeer - had done last night, it had obviously helped Jon sleep, which was the main thing. By the time he woke up, she was ready for him, waiting with breakfast and some hardcore painkillers. "Morning, sunshine," she smiled, moving to sit on the edge of the bed, leaning over to kiss him sweetly. "How do you feel?"

It seemed a little too quiet, and he wondered what time it was and how late he'd slept. The first thing that occurred to him was that he needed to call Mataya and explain what had happened and hope she didn't get angry. "Groggy," he admitted as he tried to push himself up to a sit against the pillows with a soft groan. "Like I got the crap beat out of me. What happened?" It was all a little foggy.

"Long story short, you fell and cracked your shin bone," Vicki told him gently, moving to help ease him up until he was upright against the pillows she stacked behind him. "Mataya already knows, I called her this morning. And there's a doctor coming in a couple of hours to examine you properly and find out if we can get you Healed up. Otherwise, it looks like you're doing the red carpet in a splint this time, stud muffin."

From the scowl on his face, he didn't look too happy about this latest development. "Don't be ridiculous, Vicki. This is Rhy'Din. I'm sure a healer will be able to patch me up lickety-split!" He started to chuckle, but just the slight effort of trying to get comfortable on the bed made him wince in discomfort. "Where are the kids?" he asked, changing the subject and feeling a little embarrassed about his situation. He hadn't even been wearing heels this time!

"Magic doesn't solve everything, love," she pointed out, handing him a glass of water and a couple of tablets. "Take those, and then you need to eat something." She moved to bring the tray over, raising the cover off the plate to reveal a full cooked breakfast. "Ben is with Mataya and Oscar, and Fliss stole Emily to spend an hour or two with her and Lyneth," she added in explanation, smoothing his curls back off his brow. "Cosmo is refusing to leave the living room."

Jon winced again, not at the glass of water and tablets or the breakfast in front of him, but the thought that his dog, of all things, had been banished to the living room. "What did I do' Kick him in my sleep?" Jon asked, curiously before popping the pills in mouth and washing them down with a gulp of water, only thinking to ask once he had swallowed them, "What did I just take?"

"Codeine," she told him. Honesty was the best policy after all. "It's strong enough to keep you from being in discomfort for a couple of days, at least. You need to eat with it, though." Laying the tray securely over his lap, she rested herself beside him, not stupid enough to offer to feed her injured husband as well. "As for Cosmo' He jumped on you at four o'clock this morning and tried to pull the splint off. We had words."

"Oh," he replied with a frown on both counts, though more about Cosmo than about the pills. "Are these gonna make me groggy?" he asked, assuming they would but needing confirmation. "What did Mataya say?" he asked, as he picked up a fork to poke at his eggs. He didn't really mind being spoiled by his wife, but even Jon wouldn't stoop to being asked to be fed.

"A little, but not too much," Vicki assured him about the pills. "'Taya's unsinkable, you know that. She just offered to pay for the healer." She snorted with laughter, amused by his best friend's response to the news that he had been injured in her theater yet again. "She did mutter something about her theater not being a wrestling venue, though."

"Wrestling?" he asked, taking up a bit of egg on his fork and shoveling it into his mouth. "I tripped!" He paused a moment to chew, the memory of what had happened the night before coming slowly back to him. "Is Carina okay?" he asked, with a look of concern.

Vicki shrugged one shoulder. "She had a bad second act," she told her husband, knowing he wasn't going to be happy about it. "But they did schedule a little time this morning for her to run the scenes that worry her through with Whatshisname, your understudy. That, and Arandir took her home. I don't think those two are going to be just friends for much longer."

"What's his name?" Jon chuckled. "You mean Vulcan Daniels?" Jon couldn't help but chuckle a little more at the name. "Who names their kid Vulcan?" Well, at least, he was in good spirits - for now. "Arandir..." Jon had to think about that name a moment. "Oh! The singer that Mataya won't stop gushing about. She can't wait to cast him in Mamma Mia. You know, he's never been on stage before." He sighed. "I hope she knows what she's doing."

"Well, Josh has the first week as Sky, and then Arandir takes over, rather than throw him into a strong role right off the bat," Vicki assured him affectionately. "And don't stop eating. You are going to be coddled, Jonathan Granger, whether you like it or not. I did hear plans for a present for Daddy because he isn't well."

The mention of a present from one of his children banished all the worries from his head, a smile on his face at the thought of his children. "Oh' What's my EmilyWemily making her poor injured father?" he asked, curiously as he took up a slice of bacon to crunch on.

"Well, she's spending the morning with a firestarter and a Fae, your guess is as good as mine," his redhead laughed fondly. She trusted Fliss with Emily, especially since Liv and Johnny weren't likely to be far away. Lyneth, she was still a little wary of, but that little madam liked fun too much to jeopardize her chance to play with the babies.

Jon knew who his wife was referring to without explanation. He trusted both Fliss and Lyneth, and like Vicki, knew Liv and Johnny wouldn't be far away. "So long as Johnny doesn't sky-write me a message to Get Well Soon," he remarked with a grin. He had no memory of Johnny being there last night, having been too out of it to remember much of anything but the fall itself. "Did Arandir ever explain what he did to me?"

Victoria Granger

Date: 2014-10-23 11:08 EST
She laughed at the prospect of a message from the Human Torch appearing in the sky over Maple Grove Manor. "He might," she warned him cheerfully. "He was worried about you last night." She stretched comfortably beside him. "No, he didn't explain, but apparently he's part elf. It must be some kind of magic, whatever it was."

"But he couldn't heal it?" he continued, presuming that was the case or he wouldn't still be in a splint. The leg wasn't so bad so long as he didn't move it, but he knew he was going to have to move sooner or later. He took a sip of orange juice, wincing a little at the sour taste of it first thing in the morning. "You know, I was thinking..." he started as he set the glass back on the tray. "If I'm gonna be hobbling around in a splint for a while, maybe I can get out of the tour." Wasn't he the one who just said something about a healer"

Vicki raised a brow, surprised by this turnaround. He was usually the first to call a Healer, even if the injury was just a paper-cut. "Are you sure" That means at least three weeks of crutches and a splint, sweetheart," she reminded him gently. "You don't deal well with being in pain."

"Well, I mean if it doesn't work," he clarified. Jon wasn't one for being in pain, if he didn't have to be. His little stint as pregnant Vicki had proved that. "Is it horrible of me to dread going on tour?" he asked with a frown, adding, "Again."

"No, I don't think it's horrible to dread the tour," she assured him. "It's a lot of work in a very small space of time, and no room to relax in. But it's the last one for a while, Jonny. You don't have anything else lined up yet." She considered him for a moment, wondering if he had thought it all through. "If you convince them you have a broken leg, you won't be able to get a Healer in. You might get unexpected visitors."

"Yes, well....Mataya and I have been talking about producing the film version of Michael's sequel. Mind you, we've only been talking about it, but things went pretty well with Alyson." Jon furrowed his brows at his wife, not quite getting her point. "What do you mean' What unexpected visitors?"

"You know what producers are like," she pointed out. "They might arrange for you to film a couple of pieces to camera that they can show at screenings if you can't be there."

"Oh!" He shrugged his shoulders. "That's not a big deal. You don't really want to go again, do you?" he asked. "Besides if I'm not there, Aimee will get more of the spotlight," he added with a slightly evil grin. It wasn't that he didn't love his fans or appreciate the adoration, but the tour was tiring and it was no secret that he wasn't fond of crowds.

"God, you know I hate those things almost as much as you do," she admitted. "Especially since I got banned from answering questions on the red carpet." She chuckled - that had been embarrassing for the studio that had produced the films, but in her defense, the presenter shouldn't have kept trying to trick Jon into saying he'd slept with Aimee.

"You're my bodyguard," he teased, a small smirk on his face. If his leg hadn't been in a splint and he didn't have a breakfast tray on his lap, she just might have gotten shagged right there and then, especially since they were alone for once. "I should hire you to be my manager," he teased, though she practically was that already.

She snorted with laughter. "Oh, please," she chuckled. "We both know I'd get you fired more than hired. I just can't keep my mouth shut when people get aggressive with you, that's all. And to be honest, that woman was lucky she didn't get her microphone shoved down her own throat."

He shrugged as if it really didn't matter. "They're paid to dish the dirt. Scandal sells papers, Vicki. If they can't find anything interesting to write, they make shit up. You know that." She probably knew it better than he did, having followed his career as closely as she had. Much of what had been written about him was untrue, at least, before he'd met her. The press could only push it so far though before they had a lawsuit on their hands.

"Well, she certainly got scooped that night." And wasn't Vicki proud of that' She didn't ordinarily like seeing pictures of herself in the magazines and papers, but apparently dressing down one of their own was newsworthy all around the world on that occasion. She grinned at her husband. "You know're virtually helpless right now," she teased him affectionately. "I wouldn't even need to tie you up."

He gaped, shocked that his wife would take advantage of him in that way, but only for a moment before he was chuckling. "Don't you think I should at least finish my breakfast first?" he teased back at her, up for anything, so long as she didn't straddle his leg.

"Yes," she agreed laughingly. "Yes, you should definitely finish your breakfast. And then you get to practice on your crutches to the loo, because I couldn't get all the make up off your face last night and I don't want to use a scouring brush on you."

The thought of using the crutches made him frown, his thoughts momentarily drifting back to just after the shooting - when he'd woken up in a hospital bed with no memory of who he was or how'd he got there and had to practically relearn how to walk again. "Is the healer coming here or are we going there?" he asked, turning serious.

"The doctor is coming here, and bringing some equipment with him to take a good look at your leg," she assured him. "He'll be able to tell us if it's something that can be Healed, and if it can, we'll call Shipwright and get him to come over and wiggle his fingers at you. How is that for a plan?"

"Sounds reasonable," he replied, tossing a bit of uneaten toast onto his plate. No matter whether he had a broken leg or not, the tour was part of his contract, but there was an even more important event looming in the not-too-distant future. "What about the wedding?" he asked. "I'm not gonna miss the wedding, crutches or not."

"Of course you won't miss the wedding, don't be daft," Vicki chuckled. "Did you really think, even for a moment, that Dru would let a broken leg stand in the way of having her brother at her wedding" We could paint your crutches to match your suit, if you like."

"Yeah, but no one will know I'm her brother," he said with another frown. It was still a bit of a sore spot with him, though he understood the necessity of it, and it was for her good, not his. It was hard to stay moody with Vicki around, though, and he found himself chuckling at her suggestion. "Are you suggesting designer crutches, Mrs. Granger?" he teased back, with a twinkle in his eyes.

Victoria Granger

Date: 2014-10-23 11:09 EST
Vicki wasn't going to engage with that sore spot again. They'd had the same circular discussion about it several times over the past couple of months, and never seemed to reach a conclusion that satisfied him. She did, however, chuckle as he teased her. "What, you don't think you'd look good with a pair of rhinestone crutches holding you up, handsome?"

"Rhinestones!" He snickered at the thought of that. "Don't be ridiculous. Besides, let's not put the crutches before the healer," he teased, changing the saying around a little bit to fit the situation. He picked at his breakfast a little more, preferring the coffee to the orange juice. "I suppose I should get dressed," he said with a frown, or at least, try getting dressed before the doctor got there. He found himself missing the chaos of his dog and his kids, though it was nice to have a little time alone with his wife, too. "Would you do me a favor?" he asked, as a thought came to mind.

"I'm not holding your little man while you pee," she said promptly, a flicker of a smirk on her face as she looked at him. "I love you, but there are some things a man has to do for himself." She winked at him cheekily, and leaned over to kiss his cheek. "What favor did you want me to do?"

"Thanks, I'll try not to fall over or pee all over the bathroom!" he chuckled, though that wasn't the favor he'd been about to ask. She was, however, probably going to have to help him get to the bathroom. "I was going to ask if you'd have some flowers sent to the theater for Carina tonight. I don't want her to think I'm mad at her or blame her for anything. It wasn't her fault. Something pretty, but, you know, not romantic."

She laughed with him, glad to see that his injury wasn't bringing forth that tendency toward angst she usually had to get naked to draw him out of. "Of course I will," she promised him affectionately. "Daisies, I think. She's not a roses sort of girl, and anything too expensive will probably intimidate her."

"Thanks, love," he told her, leaning close to brush a kiss against her lips, risking tipping the breakfast tray over for the sake of that kiss.

Vicki grinned, leaning in to make the most of that kiss, one hand underneath the tray to prevent what was left of his breakfast tumbling out to decorate the sheets. "I love you, Jon," she murmured to him, wanting to tell him again, thinking that maybe he needed to hear it again this morning. Gently tweaking the end of his nose, she leaned back once more. "Now, Hop-Along, bathroom."

He smiled into that kiss, smirking a little when she tweaked his nose. "What's the matter" Afraid I might pee the bed?" Though he didn't want to admit it to her, he was secretly dreading getting out of bed and moving that injured leg again, but he knew he was going to have to man up sooner or later. Hopefully, the painkiller would at least take the edge off.

"Nope, I want to take a picture for Humphrey," she teased him affectionately, laughing to take the sting out of it. "Come on, stud muffin, legs out of the bed." She took the tray, setting it safely on the chest of drawers, and moved to help him untangle himself from the sheets.

Jon frowned, though he knew she was only teasing. "I'm pretty sure Humphrey is going to see me live and in person sooner or later." He threw the covers off to reveal the leg that had been awkwardly and cumbersomely splinted the night before. He wasn't quite sure how he was supposed to get both legs out of bed when it hurt just to move, but he was going to have to try.

Unfortunately for him, he was just going to have to put up with the splint until a decision was made one way or the other on Healing. Very gently, Vicki lifted his injured leg just enough to support it. "You do the moving, I'll do the lifting."

Jon nodded his head with a small frown. The last time he'd been on crutches he hadn't needed to worry about a splint or a cast, which was awkward at best. Very slowly and carefully, he scooched toward the edge of the bed and lowered his good leg onto the floor.

As he did so, Vicki maneuvered his injured leg down as well, easing the foot to the floor before she let go. "How are we doing up there?" she asked from where she was crouched. "Need a minute, or are we good to go?"

"Okay so far," he told her before taking a slow breath. He still needed the crutches so that he wouldn't have to put any weight on the injured leg, but little by little, he and Vicki managed to get him on his feet and moving across the room to the bathroom.

Sadly, Vicki wasn't going to make it easy for him by being one of those crutches this first time. She made him get settled with both, walking along just behind him, her hand placed reassuringly at the small of his back, encouraging him with every step. "That's it, sweetheart, you're doing brilliantly. There's a chair in the bathroom you can sit on, too."

It was slow progress getting used to the feel of the crutches and finding his balance on only one leg, but eventually, he managed to make it to the bathroom. It didn't help that his leg ached with every movement, but between the codeine, the splint, and the crutches, he managed to get there with minimal discomfort. She had already told him she wasn't going to help him do his morning business, so that was one thing he was going to have to figure out for himself.

Thankfully, they had a bathroom that held plenty of things he could lean on if he needed to. Vicki paused, making sure he was parked before she left him to it, brushing a kiss against his cheek. "I'll be just outside," she assured him. "If you need me, yell."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," he said, turning his cheek for her kiss before hobbling into the bathroom to take care of his morning business, which didn't prove too difficult, but then there was the matter of showering and shaving while standing on one leg.

As promised, Vicki stayed close by, using her time to strip and remake the bed, as well as rummage through her husband's closet to find something comfortable for him to wear. She couldn't help hoping he would go with getting Healed - as much as she loved Jon, she couldn't quite look at a month of him on crutches without inwardly wincing.

Victoria Granger

Date: 2014-10-23 11:10 EST
"Vicki!" Jon called, just before the sound of a loud crash came from the general vicinity of the bathroom. It wasn't the sound of a thump, like someone falling down, but more like the sound of something crashing onto the floor.

All credit to her, she was quick on her feet, even remembering to crack the door before pushing it open, just in case he was slumped on the other side of it. "Baby?" she asked, peering into the bathroom. "What happened?"

One crutch was on the floor, while the other lay across his lap, shower and shaving supplies strewn across the floor where they'd fallen as he'd attempted to get into the shower. He'd somehow managed to get his shirt halfway off and was sprawled on the floor with his splinted leg going one way, his good leg the other and looking like a small boy about to burst into tears.

Despite her tendency to laugh at everything, Vicki did have some sense of the inappropriate. Right now, laughing out loud would be bad, she decided. "Oh, sweetheart," she said softly, her voice full of compassion as she closed the door behind her, moving to try and help him set himself to rights a little. "Why didn't you call for me?"

"Because I wanted to do it myself!" he said, pouting, but allowing her to help him to his feet. His leg was throbbing again, but he was doing his best not to be a baby about it. "Maybe I should wait until the doctor gets here to try and take a shower," he mused aloud.

"Don't be daft," she told him fondly, edging around him to put the chair into the shower. She turned back to him, easing his boxers down his legs to his knees. "Twist and sit, love. There's no reason you can't do this yourself, if that's what you really want."

"I'm sorry, Vicki," he found himself apologizing, partly for being a pain and partly for breaking his leg in the first place. Despite his desire to skip the Fifty Shades... tour, he thought it would be better for everyone involved if they got a healer to mend his leg.

"Oh, stop that," she told him, waiting until he was on the chair before pulling his boxers off him entirely. Thankfully they had a decent plumbing system, which meant he wasn't splattered with freezing or boiling water as she turned the faucet. "Get started." She winked at him, turning away to begin stripping off her own clothes. There was, after all, one absolutely foolproof way to make Jon ease off on himself.

With Vicki's help, Jon managed to get into the shower and position himself on the chair, feeling ridiculously silly, though he figured it was just a matter of getting into some sort of routine. He let her strip him of his shorts and turned his attention to scrubbing himself clean, starting at the top and working his way down. He didn't quite notice the wink, not expecting her to join him. It seemed this was something she wanted him to do for himself.

It didn't take long before the door to the cubicle opened once again to admit his now gloriously nude wife, who bent down to kiss him as she eased the soap out of his hand. "No sulking," she told him softly, moving to straddle his thighs as she resumed soaping him up herself. "Or I might have to imprison you in here until you cheer up."

He gawked at her, obviously surprised to find she had joined him, but not unpleasantly so. "What are you doing?" he asked, though it was pretty obvious. "I thought you wanted me to do this myself," he said, brightening a little now that she'd joined him. He didn't want her pity, but he sure as hell wasn't going to turn down her help.

"Oh, do you want me to leave?" she asked him innocently, gently pressing closer as she ostensibly smoothed soap down his back. Of course, that put her in the perfect position to take advantage of a certain sensitive spot on his neck with lips that knew every inch of him intimately.

With her straddling his lap, it soon became apparent what effect she was having on him, even if she didn't mean to, and the touch of her lips against his neck wasn't helping matters any. He didn't need his crutches in here, hence his hands were free to roam at will and did so, palms sliding over the soft curves of her body from hips to breasts. "I'm not complaining!" he replied, not minding her joining him in the shower one bit.

She laughed, easing ever closer until they really were as close as a man and a woman could get, raising her head to kiss him tenderly. "Say what you like, but I love showering with you," she murmured teasingly, the soap forgotten as her body curled about his.

"Is that what we're doing?" he asking, arms sliding around her waist as she settled herself against him about as close as she could get. It felt divine to be so close to her, good enough that he almost forgot about the ache in his leg.

"We're both soapy and the shower's on," she pointed out with a grin, her nose circling his. "We should bring a chair in here more often." She snickered impishly, teasing his lips with her own. It was just as well Humphrey was used to giving it a good couple of hours after Jon and Vicki were done showering these days - the extra capacity hot water tank had been a good investment, too.

"If we have too much fun in here, the doctor won't think anything is wrong!" Jon pointed out with a smirk as he touched his nose to hers. She was going to have to do most of the work, as he couldn't get any leverage with one leg in a splint, but he doubted she'd mind. "Maybe I should break a leg more often."

"I'd rather have you in full working order, Mr. Granger," his wife informed him with a low laugh of her own, wickedly knowing hands beginning the well known and much loved exploration they knew would end with both of them putty in one another's hands.

He wasn't complaining. At least, this cloud had a silver lining. "Are you gonna stay home with me all day, Mrs. Granger?" he asked, knowing Mataya would only send her home if she was to show up at work while Jon was an invalid. "Because I can think of a few things we could do to pass the time."

"You really think I'd let you suffer all on your own with two children and a dog to chase after?" she asked him warmly, carefully not mentioning that virtually the first thing Mataya had said on the phone that morning was that Vicki was not welcome at the Shanachie until Jon was up and about again. The woman had a complex about making life as easy as possible for the families who worked for her, even when she herself was paying her adoptive daughter to look after her son while she and Max were on stage together for the next two weeks. "Well ....we have a few hours. And I do believe I am completely in your hands right at this moment."

Victoria Granger

Date: 2014-10-23 11:12 EST
In his hands she was, and he spent the next hour taking advantage of that fact until the two of them were not only squeaky clean but their skin was starting to shrivel up like a couple of prunes. Thankfully, there was still some hot water left or Humphrey might have a cow, but Jon was smiling again, thoroughly enjoying his wife's attention and thanking her with a bevvy of kisses and caresses.

Trading kisses back and forth, somehow they managed to get themselves both out of the shower and dried off before attempting the bedroom, though it was a struggle to ignore the big, inviting bed once they got there. Crutches or not, it was amazing what a little distraction could do for Jon's coordination, and Vicki was aware by this point that she provided a pretty big distraction to her husband, especially when they had time on their hands. "You know," she murmured against his lips as they lingered by the bed, "I'm fairly sure some of what we just did is illegal in some places on Earth."

"Good thing this isn't Earth then," Jon replied with a grin as he dropped down onto the bed to get off his feet. He left the crutches to lean against the bed and tugged his wife down onto the bed with him. "We really should take advantage of the privacy while we have it," he remarked with a playful gleam in his eyes.

She yelped as he pulled her down with him, careful to make sure she didn't land on anything sensitive or painful. Laughing at his sudden playfulness, she crawled over him, damp hair tickling at his cheeks. "Why, Mr. Granger, anyone would think you had lecherous designs on your own wife."

"They would be right. Do you have a problem with that, Mrs. Granger?" he asked, hands working their way up her sides once again, planning on an encore presentation of the act that had just concluded in the shower.

"Oh, absolutely not, Mr. Granger," she laughed once again, more than happy to ravish him until he was begging her to stop. It wasn't often Jon could do little but lie back and take whatever she did to him, and she was definitely going to reap the benefits of that while they had leisure to do so. She was probably going to be punished for it once he was in full working order again, but to be honest, she sort of liked his punishments anyway.

If nothing else, his role as Christian Grey had at least taught him a thing or two about what women liked in the bedroom, though he had never been too shabby a lover, even without any lessons. Vicki had reaped the rewards of that education. Even more importantly, he had learned over the last few years that love was give and take, and he enjoyed giving just as much as taking. Whatever punishment he might give her, she could be sure it would be of the pleasant variety, but for now, he was perfectly happy to let his wife take the upper hand.

Which she most certainly did, reveling in the opportunity to make him writhe beneath her attentions without being distracted and tossed onto her back for once. Not that she minded being manhandled, but this was fun, too. When, nearly another hour later, she was done, she lay at his side, head propped up on her hand as she grinned down at him. "That was fun."

He was all out of breath, but somehow she had managed to once again distract him from the pain in his leg, at least until he had attempted to roll over and paid for it with a painful reminder that his leg was not yet ready for such shenanigans as this. She'd helped him forget about it soon enough, though, and now there they both were, sprawled on the bed, completely naked and out of breath when a knock sounded at the door.

"Impeccable timing, of course." Vicki groaned, looking over at the door. "Who is it?" she called out, rolling off the bed to find Jon a pair of boxers and slide them over his legs, heedless of her own nudity for the time being.

"Doctor Reynolds," replied a muffled voice from the other side of the door. "Your uncle said I could come right on up." There was a short pause. "Is it a bad time?"

From behind the doctor came the sound of Cosmo barking, overjoyed to meet someone new who had the courtesy to knock on his humans' door. Vicki laughed, helping Jon get his boxers on before hopping into her own knickers. "Um ....just give us a couple of minutes, please," she called back through the door, scrambling for the first dress that would allow her to look as though she hadn't just spent the last two hours naked and moaning.

"What is he doing here already?" Jon asked his wife in a hushed voice. "I thought he wasn't supposed to be here for..." he trailed off as he glanced at the clock, realizing a couple of hours had passed while Vicki was busy distracting him from pain and angst. "T-shirt!" he whispered, relieved to have a pair of shorts on at least, but still feeling half naked - probably because he was.

Grabbing the first t-shirt that came to hand, she threw it at him with a low chuckle. "Well, we've been a little busy ourselves," she grinned at her husband, shimmying her dress down over her hips. Her fingers combed through her hair quickly. "Cosmo must be over the moon to have someone to bark at,"

"Is it me or did the doctor's voice sound a little....female to you?" he asked, catching the t-shirt and frowning to find the front of it declared him a "Trophy Husband". "Vicki, come on!" he whined with a frown as he showed her which t-shirt she just happened to toss him. "Really?"

There was another knock on the door. "I don't have all day, you know. I have other housecalls to make!" the voice on the other side of the door complained.

"Oh, for goodness' sake," Vicki grumbled, throwing him a fresh t-shirt. Hopefully this one wasn't going to declare him his own greatest fan, or anything like that. "Cover up, or the doctor's going to leave without taking a look at you!" And yes, that doctor's voice did sound rather female. "Just a moment!" Vicki moved to the door, giving Jon no choice but to get into the shirt in double time, pulling it open to smile at the woman she found there. "Sorry about that. Come in."

Jon tugged the t-shirt over his head, regardless of what it might say on the front of it, just in time for the Vicki to answer the door. He grabbed the covers and tugged them up over his legs, realizing almost immediately how silly that was since it was his leg the doctor needed to look at. Cosmo pushed past the doctor, tail wagging a mile a minute, overjoyed to be re-united with his master and mistress again.

Victoria Granger

Date: 2014-10-23 11:14 EST
The doctor turned out to be, yes, a woman, lugging a large carpet bag in one hand as she stepped into the room. She offered Vicki a polite smile, which turned into a look of adoring fanaticism for a brief moment as her gaze found Jon in the bed. "Oh, my giddy aunt, it is really is you!" she exclaimed, squealing like a little girl for a moment. Then she seemed to remember herself. "That is, um ....Hello, I'm Doctor Reynolds. What seems to be the problem?"

Jon rolled his eyes, almost but not quite groaning at the doctor's moment of weakness. Not another fan! Why in blazes had he ever agreed to do that stupid trilogy' Oh, right....The money. An obscene amount of the stuff, enough that he never had to work another day in his life, if he didn't want to. He glanced over at Vicki with a look that said it all, just as Cosmo decided to properly greet his master by jumping onto the bed.

"Oh, good grief." Vicki laughed, gesturing for the doctor to make her way over to the bed. "Cosmo, down!" The collie looked at her as though she had betrayed the whole of dog-kind with one order, but reluctantly got down, coming over to her to be reassured with lots of scritches. "The EMTs yesterday said that he's probably cracked his shin," she offered, as Dr. Reynolds uncovered Jon's splinted leg to take a look.

Thankfully, Jon was dressed, at least for the most part, though he sort of felt like a piece of meat on display for the doctor's perusal. He wondered if she was going to want an autograph by they time she was done. "Is it bad?" he asked, before the doctor even had a chance to examine his leg. Thankfully, Cosmo hadn't gotten so excited that he'd stepped all over it in his haste to greet his master.

Thankfully, despite her obvious fan-girl tendencies, the doctor was pretty professional, running gentle fingers over the offending limb, manipulating his ankle and knee as she examined him. "Well, it doesn't look too swollen, and there isn't any deformity that I can see," she mused thoughtfully, reaching into her bag and producing what looked like a two-way hand mirror. This, she held above Jon's shin, and a clear image of the bones in his lower leg made themselves known. "Hmm ....the EMT was right," she said thoughtfully. "You have a hairline fracture running the lateral length of your shin bone. How did you do it?"

"Deformed!" Jon echoed, looking horror-stricken, before realizing she'd said there wasn't any deformity. The word itself was not one any actor wanted to hear, especially one who was known for his looks. Thankfully, Vicki was there to calm him down. Even Cosmo put his two cents in with a bark in support of his master. Jon frowned as he was asked to relay the accident. "I, uh....I tripped on the stairs going up onto the stage," he told her, feeling like an idiot.

"It's very dark, the stairs are steep, and the space is small," Vicki added, finally allowing Cosmo onto the bed. The collie padded as calmly as he could to Jon's side, and thumped down, laying his head in his master's lap.

Dr. Reynolds nodded, half-smiling. "You would be surprised how many people break bones in innocuous ways in this city," she assured them. She hesitated for a moment, looking at Jon curiously. "You, uh, you have two choices here, Jo- Mr. Granger. You can wear a splint and use crutches for the next three weeks, after which I'll come back and check your progress, or I could Heal you now. You'd have a little weakness in your leg for a couple of days, but that will sort itself out without the need for further intervention."

"You can call me Jon," he corrected, oddly glad he had Cosmo on one side of him and Vicki on the other. They didn't call them man's best friend for nothing! Jon absently scritched at Cosmo's ears while the doctor explained his options. "What's the catch?" he asked, wondering why he was even being given a choice when the Healing was obviously the way to go.

"Catch?" The doctor looked genuinely confused by his query.

Vicki swallowed a laugh. "Sweetheart, you know what Tony and Anya are like when they get hurt?" she pointed out, reminding him that there were some people out there who outright refused to use healing magics when they were offered. "You're being given the choice because those are the options. There's no nefarious ulterior motive."

"Okay, well....If I have a choice, I'll take the Healing!" He frowned thoughtfully as he leaned toward the doctor, a slightly suspicious look on his face. "Are you sure there isn't any catch?"

For a moment, Dr. Reynolds looked shifty. "Um ....could you sign the splint for me?" she asked shyly, her face lighting up in a blush. It was just as well Vicki was working on not laughing out loud, or she might have embarrassed the poor doctor even further.

"See?" Jon said with a slightly smug grin. "I knew there was a catch!" Though it wasn't really much of a catch. He turned serious again, as he leaned back against the pillows. "I've been Healed before, but I don't remember much about it. Are you sure it'll work?"

The doctor nodded confidently. "It really is a minute crack in your shinbone," she assured him. "It's a very easy fix, but as your wife says, some people - especially dancers - prefer to allow their bodies to heal naturally. Are you sure you want this done today?"

"Why?" he asked, still not understanding why anyone would prefer to wait for something to heal naturally, knowing it would be more painful and take longer than if they were healed using magic. He looked confused for a moment. "Why wouldn't I want it done today?"

"I really don't know," Dr. Reynolds answered his first question, before looking a little panicky at the second. "Well, again, some people like to wait until the swelling has completely gone down, or to have a few hours to prepare themselves in advance. Honestly, I'm not trying to confuse you, I'm just trying to give you the choice."

"But will it make any difference if I wait?" he asked, not only needing to know his options, but the pros and cons of those options. So far, it seemed the Healing held more pros than cons.

"Waiting until the swelling goes down generally means that you won't be dealing with residual soft tissue pain for the next eight or so hours," the doctor told him. "But equally, it means you have another day or so of pain from the break itself."

"Healing," Vicki said firmly. "A big bruise is nothing to not being able to walk by yourself."

Victoria Granger

Date: 2014-10-23 11:16 EST
"So, either way there's pain involved," Jon said, though he was intelligent enough to know eight hours was less than twenty-four hours. He frowned a little again at Vicki's comment, in complete agreement with his wife. "I've got two kids to chase after, a wedding coming up, and a press tour. I can't afford to be on crutches."

"All right." The doctor nodded once again, reassured that the decision had been made, and rubbed her hands together, warming her palms quickly. Cosmo watched her with doggy suspicion as she laid her palms firmly on Jon's cracked shin and closed her eyes, concentrating on knitting the bone back together as smoothly as possible.

Jon watched with interest while the doctor did her thing. All he felt so far was a sensation of warmth on his leg. There was no way to know whether the healing had worked or not, until she was finished and he actually tried to stand on it.

It seemed the unfortunate Dr. Reynolds had the full attention of all three of them as she worked. Not only was Vicki watching with fascination, having never really got her head around the whole magic thing anyway, but Cosmo had rolled onto his front and was sniffing at the hands on his master's leg, as though trying to work out what she was doing.

"It's okay, Cos," Jon reassured his canine friend with a pat on the head and a scritch of fingers against his fur. "Dr. Reynolds is just making my leg all better." Jon turned his attention back to the good doctor, wondering just how it all worked. He'd never met a doctor who doubled as a healer before today, but he didn't want to distract her from the task by asking her.

After what seemed like a small eternity, the doctor removed her hands from Jon's leg, shaking out her fingers as though they were stinging. She offered the trio watching her a satisfied smile. "Done," she assured them, turning her attention to removing the splint with practiced ease.

Jon arched a brow. His leg didn't really feel much different. Though it wasn't hurting as much, he wasn't sure if it was the healing or the painkiller that was doing the trick. "How do we know if it worked?" he asked, curiously.

"Wiggle your toes," the doctor suggested, pulling the splint off his leg without being exactly gentle. "Bend your knee and put weight on your foot while you're on the bed. Or you could just stand up. It will feel bruised for a few hours, though."

He winced just a little when she removed the splint, but it didn't really hurt so much as it just felt a little strange to get it off. Jon looked at her suspiciously a moment, but there really was no way to know if it worked except to try and stand on it. There was one other thing though. "If you look at it in that little thing of yours again, will it show that it's healed?"

"Well ....yes." She did look slightly confused once again, though - apparently not many people actively seemed to disbelieve her when she performed a Healing.

Vicki finally let herself smile. "Stop teasing the woman, Jon," she told her husband. "You look good to me."

It wasn't so much that he disbelieved her as he just wanted to be sure before he fell flat on his face. Jon frowned, wondering when he'd become such a Doubting Thomas. He'd been raised on Rhy'Din, after all, but all of that was a blank slate to Jon now. Still, he couldn't help but smirk at Vicki's comment. "I always look good to you," he said, as he did as the doctor said and bent his knee to swing his legs over the side of the bed.

"You look pretty good to a lot of women," Dr. Reynolds muttered, and abruptly looked at Vicki with absolute terror in her eyes.

Thankfully, Jon's wife was in a good mood, and just burst out laughing at the expression on the other woman's face. "Oh, calm down," she assured the doctor, rising to stand just in case Jon went down like a sack of potatoes. "You're making me feel bad."

Jon ignored the commentary between the two women. After all, he'd heard it all before. He thought maybe winning an Oscar would have gotten him a little more recognition that just that of having a pretty face, but fans were fans. And who was he to complain anyway' Life was good. He had no complaints. "One of these days I'm gonna do a movie where no one will recognize me," he said, reaching for Vicki as he moved slowly to his feet.

"Keep dreaming, sunshine," she grinned at him, letting him take her hand as he eased himself up onto his feet, keeping a wary eye on his leg. If it showed any sign of giving out, Jon was going to get a healthy shove back onto the bed.

"Actually," Dr. Reynolds ventured a little nervously, reaching into her bag once again. "I, um, I wasn't sure if you really were the Jonathan Granger I was coming to see, but I, um, I brought this with me just in case. I was, I was hoping you might sign it for me." What came out of the bag was one of the working scripts for Swan Song, already emblazoned with Mataya's autograph.

Jon tentatively moved to his feet, slowly but surely letting his bad leg take some of the weight off him and testing to make sure it wouldn't give out. It still ached some, but it wasn't nearly as painful as before the doctor did her thing. A smile formed on his face as he looked to his wife. It seemed seeing was believing. "The one and only," he said, turning that smile on the good doctor, just as she was pulling something out of her bag for him to sign. He arched a brow as he reached for the script, surprised to find it was Swan Song and not Fifty Shades of Grey.

"I, um, I sort of already have your autograph on a few other things," the doctor confessed. "Don't get me wrong, I like the Fifty Shades... stuff, but I've been a fan of yours for a long time. You kissed my hand once, about ten years ago. My mother had to have my dad pin me down while she scrubbed it clean two months later."

"Oh," Jon said, with another small frown. He didn't remember doing that and couldn't have remembered it even if he tried. A bullet had erased that part of his memory, and even if he could have, he doubted he wanted to remember. "I hope I wasn't a dick," he mumbled, mostly to himself. "Vicki, got a pen?"

"No, you were wonderful!"

As the doctor gushed, Vicki grinned, patting Jon's rear end while she bent to rummage through the nightstand for a pen. Coming up trumps, she handed it to him, glancing at the clock. Mataya would be bringing Ben back in a couple of hours, and knowing Liv, Emily would be returned when Johnny came to run Cosmo around the grounds later.

Victoria Granger

Date: 2014-10-23 11:17 EST
"Thanks," he said as he took the pen from Vicki, retaking a seat on the bed, not because he was in pain, but because it was just easier to sign something that way. "What would you like it to say?" he asked as he chose a spot on the program where he could scribble his signature, noticing Mataya had already graced the cover with her own John Hancock.

"Oh, I don't mind," the doctor assured him, jumping in surprise as Cosmo inserted his cold nose into the crook of her neck and licked her. Laughing, she gave him a gentle push. "I know you probably have to do a lot of them. It's just lovely to know I'll have both your signatures on the script that won you your Oscar."

"Yeah, wasn't gonna get one of those for playing Christian Grey, was I?" he remarked with a chuckle as he scribbled his name on the cover of the script, just below Mataya's. "You know, if you want, I can get you a couple of seats at the premiere in a few weeks," he said, as if it wasn't a big deal.

Vicki just about managed not to laugh as Dr. Reynold's mouth dropped open. The woman couldn't have looked as simultaneously delighted and incredulous if she had tried. "You'd do that?" she asked in astonishment. "They're all sold out, and they were so expensive to begin with ....are you sure?"

"Sure I'm sure. At least, I think I'm sure. We had a couple extras, didn't we, Vic?" he asked his wife as he handed the script back to the lady doctor with his signature scrawled across it, along with a brief but cordial dedication.

"Yes, we do," Vicki nodded, thumping back down onto the bed to wrestle with Cosmo while Jon was making his doctor blush fire-engine red with delight. "If you give us your address, we can have them couriered over to you."

This, it seemed, was one detail too many - the good doctor was now speechless, staring at both of them as her mouth worked silently.

"I was also thinking....It might be good to have a healer on hand, just in case something like this happens again," he said, addressing both his wife and Dr. Reynolds. He knew he'd had a regular Healer once upon a time, but he'd lost track of her years ago.

"Well, Shipwright Carter comes here most often, doesn't he?" the doctor asked, slightly confused yet again, even as she hugged her newly signed script to her chest.

"He's been present both times when I've given birth, but I've not seen him around at any other time," Vicki offered, giving Cosmo a push off the bed now he had ascertained that all was right with the world.

"It's just a thought," Jon remarked with a shrug. "We have a doctor, but we don't really have a regular Healer," he pointed out, and there was no arguing she was good at what she did, as evidenced by Jon's leg. It wasn't that he wasn't planning on paying her either; he was just being his warm, generous self.

"A-are you really offering to put me on the staff of Maple Grove?" Dr. Reynolds asked, clearly a little overwhelmed. "Forgive me, but it seems a bit of an over-reaction when all I've done is heal your leg."

"Not without my Uncle's approval, but if I ever need a Healing again, you're the first one I'm going to call," he promised with a smile, though whether he actually did or not would have to be seen.

"Thank you." Reassured that she wasn't suddenly going to be thrown into the quandary of giving notice at her two jobs and finding a way to travel quickly back and forth to the Granger estate on a regular basis, Dr. Reynolds relaxed, bending to tuck the script safely into her bag before adding the splint as well. "Well, I'm very glad I could be of assistance, Mr. Granger. I would recommend soaking your leg for a while in warm water, and to carry on taking painkillers until the morning. If there are any complications, or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me."

"You don't want me to autograph the splint?" he asked with a smirk, knowing he had just confused the hell out of the good lady doctor, but at least, he wasn't being a jerk. "Thank you, Dr. Reynolds," he countered, offering a hand to the woman, warmly and politely. Let it not be said that Jonathan Granger wasn't friendly.

"Well, no, I should really use it for other patients," she admitted, finally cracking a quiet laugh as she shook his hand. "Thank you so much for your autograph, it really does mean a lot to have it. I hope you have a good weekend, and that you survive the wedding and the tour."

He chuckled, at the admission that she really didn't want him to sign the splint, after all. "Thank you again. Hopefully, we'll see you at the premiere!"

"If you can get me tickets, I will definitely be there," she assured them, smiling as Vicki rose to her feet to walk the doctor out. Jon was left alone with Cosmo for a few minutes, to celebrate having his leg back under his own control.

"What do you think, Cosmo' Almost as good as new!" Jon asked his dog, almost expecting an answer, while Vicki walked Dr. Reynolds out. His mood had vastly improved since earlier, and why shouldn't it' He'd had breakfast in bed, gotten laid twice, his leg had been healed, he had a day off work, and a fan had recognized him for Swan Song. All in all it had been a good morning, despite the pain.

As soon as Vicki was out of the room, Cosmo jumped up on the bed again, barging into Jon to pin him down and cover his face with doggy kisses. Evidently his altercation with Vicki over why he shouldn't be trying to take Jon's splint off in the small hours of the morning had worried the collie more than they could have imagined.

By the time Vicki got back, Jon was laughing as the collie covered him in doggy kisses. "All right, all right! I love you, too!" he told the dog, running his fingers through the dog's fur, Cosmo's tail wagging happily.

She leaned in the doorway, arms wrapped about herself as she grinned at the two supposedly adult men in her life wrestling on the bed, one wagging his tail with delight. "Should I leave you two alone for a while?" she teased warmly, laughing when, the moment she spoke, Cosmo leaped down off the bed and endeavored to look as though he hadn't been up there with Jon at all.

Jon laughed at Cosmo's reaction to Vicki's arrival. "He's afraid of you!" he pointed out. "Afraid of big bad Victoria Granger," he added, with a teasing grin. As for himself, he was a pushover where Cosmo was concerned and always had been, but the bed really was no place for a dog.

"Just like the children," she grinned, crouching down beside the bed. Cosmo, who knew when he was being offered love, bullied his way under her arm and licked her ear, tail wagging once again. Vicki looked up at Jon. "So what is the plan now, Hop-Along?" she asked him cheerfully. "We've got a couple of hours before 'Taya delivers Ben back."

Jon chuckled at the nickname, though it didn't really apply anymore now that he was mostly Healed. "Oh, I think maybe I can think of a thing or two," he said with a smirk, though he'd already gotten laid twice that morning already.

"Feeling the need to assert your manly dominance there, stud muffin?" Vicki teased, rising to her feet before she got swimmer's ear from all the love Cosmo was giving her.

He laughed at the love being handed out by Cosmo, as well as the remark by his wife. "Unless you'd rather spend the next hour or so snuggling with someone a little more furry than myself," he teased.

"I'd rather do illegal things with you than with him," she laughed back at her husband, smoothing her fingers through the dark curls she loved so much as she leaned against the bed. "Something tells me you've got something nefariously fun on your mind, Jonathan Granger."

"Illegal, eh?" he asked with a playful twinkle in his eyes and a that teasing smirk on his face. "Do you want me to pretend I'm Christian Grey?" he asked, alluding to the kinky sex scenes in both the book and the movie. That would definitely require him to assert his manly dominance.

She snorted with laughter. "Now why would I want to sleep with Christian Grey when I have Jon Granger right here?" she pointed out warmly, twisting to straddle his lap yet again as she leaned down to kiss him. "I happen to think my husband is much, much more manly than any two-dimensional fictional character."

Jon smiled up at his wife, letting her take the lead as long as she wanted. They had two hours to kill, and so long as Cosmo let them, he doubted they'd have any trouble finding something to wile away the hours. How nefarious or illegal that something might be was nobody's business but theirs. If Jon and Vicki's lives were a movie, this would be where it faded to black, leaving it to the audience to imagine just how they choose to make use of those precious two hours of time.

((Healed up and ready for action! Just in time, too ....there's a royal wedding next week!))