Topic: A Hatching Day Gift

Aurthur Shimmerscale

Date: 2009-10-19 10:23 EST
::For the past few weeks, Aurthur had wondered on what he could possibly get his mate for her hatching day, and for a long while he came up empty. He didn't want to give her some useless bauble that was meaningless......He had given her so much jewelry already that had she wore all of it at once, it would be difficult for her to move.......

Then the idea struck him like lightning. What was it that his mate enjoyed more than anything in the world" He grinned as he left the lair to fetch his mate's gift. It took him almost a week, but he had done it in time, and it was perfect. He hung the four gifts upside down from trees, and carefully painted one word on each; "To My Beloved Mate."

What on earth could the four gifts be? Why, four large bull wyvern, of course! He left clues all over the place so that his mate would find them, and he stood there in that clearing, waiting for her to arrive.::


Date: 2009-10-19 19:24 EST
She had slept in, slipping from the lair, nostrils twitched and quivered as she shook excess water from her scales. Ice blue eyes blinked as ears perked, well it was quiet..

That was a good sign, a tilt of her head as she moved toward the clearing, pausing as she eyed something clawed into the dirt.

It looked to be an arrow, well, maybe she was going the right way.

Gaze drifted about the path, the iceflowers swaying in the breeze catching her attention, if only a minute, before she continued onward, a grin forming on her snout as she finally spotted her mate.

Something else as well, nostrils quivered, catching the scent from the hanging gifts, and a rumble was given, a happy rumble of course.

Aurthur Shimmerscale

Date: 2009-10-21 07:29 EST
::He grinned as his mate entered the clearing, and he approached her and kissed her deeply.:: "Happy hatching day, my beloved. These are for you......" ::He had a few cuts, but nothing major. He chuckled softly.:: "Its amazing how mindless wyverns get when they think a dragon is wounded......These four came right to me."


Date: 2009-10-21 19:07 EST
A purr was given as she was kissed, rumbling softly, then grinning. Aye, my love, we can even share with the little ones. Perhaps we can even save the other three..., our food supply is getting low.

One should be enough that we could share for now, I don't eat much, just enough to last me a few days love, at the least, a few weeks at the most.

She'd noticed the bruises, but he seemed fine, so she continued with her musing, thinking still more about the young ones than herself.

Maybe I could find a few berries as well, they should keep for awhile love, and fish..