Topic: A Safe Haven

Alexander Lasair

Date: 2011-09-15 09:56 EST
*The two dragons would travel by night, making sure that they weren't seen. Alex clutched his beloved daughter to his breast as she slept in his arms. If she stayed at the lair, or in any of her usual places that she frequented, it would only be a matter of time before she was caught again, and he would rather die than have that happen. No, he was taking her to the one safe place that only one other person knew about.

Deep within the mountain range, he and his mate-to-be had set up a lair, one who's existence was known by no one save he and Milicent. Landing gently on the hidden ledge, he made his way in. He smiled upon seeing the beautiful Milicent in the lair, and motioned to his sleeping daughter.* "This is my daughter Icer......I'm going to go settle her in, she is going to be staying with us for awhile.....She has nowhere else safe to go."

*With that, he took Icer to one of the spare chambers, and, remembering that she had mentioned being cold, he settled a blanket over her. Looking down lovingly at his daughter, he placed a soft kiss upon her brow before he retreated from the room, so that she may get as much rest as her body would allow.*


Date: 2011-09-16 22:53 EST
Curled beneath that blanket, she would sleep most of the day. Waking only when she needed to drink.

She had picked at a bit of food,even though she wasn't really hungry. Leaving the rest behind,she would bury herself back into that blanket.

Never leaving daddy's lair,until the cover of darkness. Only then would she travel the pathway to the Inn.

Long before dusk, she would return to the room her father had settled her into at his lair. It was there that she would sleep again.