Topic: A Trip To The Beach

Sunset Hatchling

Date: 2013-02-15 10:16 EST
Currently, Sunset was in her human form, where she appeared to be in her older teen years. Her skin was pale and freckled across the cheeks and shoulder, and her eyes were still golden yellow, while her hair was a few shades darker than her scales, so it was pushing closer to red. She was wearing a warm jacket over a t-shirt, and a pair of jeans.

Currently, she was perched on a tree stump not too far from the lair's waterfall entrance, her hands folded in her lap, where they occasionally twitched with her barely contained excitement. At her feet was a bag, that she had stuffed with a couple of outfits, for when she was in this form, a couple of things she saw as necessities, and a small gift for Dash, that she had spent most of the night making.

Before she had left the lair, she had slipped towards mama and daddy's room, and slipped a note under the door. Once they found it, and opened it, they would read:

Dearest Mama, and Dearest Daddy,

Thank you. First all, for letting me go today with Dash. Second, for letting your little girl grow up, with out any worries. Third, for taking me in, and giving me a family, a home, and unconditional love, when it seemed like no one else would. And finally, thank you for everything you've done for me.

When I get back with Dash, there is so much I'll have to talk to you about. I'll probably have a lot of questions too, because he asked me to be his Mate, and I accepted. Is it a shock? I don't think so, considering I think you two have been discussing it since the two of us were hatchlings, Right' I love him more than anything, and I know he feels the same for me.

With all the love in my heart, Your little Sunset.

Now....All she had to do was wait.

Dash Bloodwing

Date: 2013-02-17 08:49 EST
*She wouldn't have to wait long. He slid out of the shadows of the cavern's mouth. Sometimes he used his ability to shadow walk without even realizing he was doing it. He smiled as he turned his head and saw Sunset, sitting there and waiting for him* "Good morning, dearest Sunset. I have a feeling that it is going to be a wonderful day today.....Are you ready to get going? Today your going to be able to see what?s it's like to travel the way that I do, by shadow walking." *With a yawn, Dash stretched his wings out to their full span, pushing his chest outward. *Obviously it was self puffery, but at least no one else was watching but Sunset!*

"It won't take us long, and it'll be a lot warmer than it is here......I see you already dressed for the occasion."

Sunset Hatchling

Date: 2013-02-17 09:10 EST
Her head tilted up when she heard Dash's voice, and she grinned brightly at him. "I've always been curious. I have a brother that can do it too. Or something similar. I thought it was rather convenient, to be able to step into a shadow....and appear elsewhere." She moved to her feet, as he neared her, before she scooted forward, and leaned up to kiss his snout. "I'm ready to go, when ever you are. I'm eager to see the beach."

Dash Bloodwing

Date: 2013-02-18 10:55 EST
*Wrapping a foreleg around her waist and holding her close, he smiled and folded his wing around her shoulders* "Close your eyes, dear, and don't open them. Concentrate on me, and holding on to me." *He waited until he was sure her eyes were closed, and he walked them into the shadows.

It could have been a second, it could have been hours, it could have been weeks. All sense of time and direction was lost as he took them deep into the shadows, moving through them, scanning them for their destination.

He spots the beach and steers them towards it......And all is solid again. The bright sun brings warmth, the sand gives way under talons and toes like. The screeching of birds is loud overhead.* "Welcome to the beach, my dearest Sunset. You can open your eyes now."

Sunset Hatchling

Date: 2013-02-19 10:54 EST
She swallowed briefly, when he said that, before she moved to wrap her arms tightly around his neck, closed her eyes, and she held on for dear life.

The period of time they were traveling for....felt strange. Everything was off, swirly. Time felt distorted, twisted, and almost....unreal in a way. Then the sensation fades, and things became normal again. She she heard Dash's voice, speaking. Eyes...Wait. What about them' Oh! Her eyes flickered open, and her toes wiggled into the sand. Then her eyes darted about, taking in the ocean, the waves, and everything like that.

"It's so amazing here."

Dash Bloodwing

Date: 2013-02-19 14:29 EST
"It is amazing, isn't it?" *The ocean roared softly in front of them as the waves came in and left again. Sand stretched in either direction as far as the eye could see, and even though it was still early in the day, the beach was completely deserted, except for them. He trotted up to the water's edge and sat on his haunches, staring out at the ocean.*

"When I was training with my father, and he would finally let me go for the day, or sometimes even the weekends if I was lucky, I would come here. You see, my dearest Sunset, I would sit here, almost in this exact same spot. By the time I got here, it was actually Sunset.....You were all I could think about. I even slept here sometimes, and dreamed you were next to me. Sometimes in your human guise, sometimes in your dragon form, curled beneath my wing."

*He pointed out to the ocean, and just like he promised, the fins of cruising sharks could be seen, a lot more of them than one would think this close to the shore.* This is a beautiful place, and not just during sunrise, or sunset.....Twilight is just as beautiful, you can see every star in existence from here." *He smiled and turned his head to her*

"I thought.....Maybe we could make our home here. There is a beach cave, not two miles up the beach. Mountain homes are nice, but this is a peaceful place, and no one will bother us. Or.....We can get a regular beach house, if you would like. I would be happy to use my human guise for you."

Sunset Hatchling

Date: 2013-02-21 10:57 EST
She followed after him quietly, when he moved towards the water's edge, just simply listening to him as he spoke, and what he said. By the time he had turned to look at her, she was smiling like an Idiot. The shark fins....didn't faze her either. She knew Dash wouldn't let them near her if she did go into the water.

When he mentioned making their home this beautiful place....she paused, then grinned. "I would never get tired of it. I would never tire of this place. It's so beautiful....and ever changing I bet. As for a beach house....or a Cave....why don't we just have both' That way...if We want to take a break from the cave, we could just go there. And when we're tired of the house, we could go back home. "

She moved closer, and leaned up to press a kiss to his snout. "Either way...As long as I'm with you...I'll be happy." she murmured softly, and grinned. "As for your human guise...I've never had...the pleasure of seeing it." she said thoughtfully, before she peered up at him quietly. "Could you show me" Like...Right now?" she asked softly.

Dash Bloodwing

Date: 2013-02-22 08:39 EST
"Hmmm, the thought of having both never occurred to me.....Although it does make perfect sense. We did just jump halfway around the world by shadow walking.....We could have multiple homes anywhere we wish, as long as we are willing to take care of them all." *He could have sworn that he had shown her his human guise at least once when they were younger, but that had been so long ago......They were still very young, but they had been just wet hatchlings back then. Taking a few paces back, Dash took a deep breath and gathered his magical energies for the transformation. Reaching out to the shadows, they quickly surrounded him, swirling around him faster and faster, getting smaller and smaller.

What emerged from the shadows was by no means impressive looking. Dash's youth was noted in his human guise, being no older than she was. He was clad in black biker boots and a pair of black jeans that were not tight, exactly, but they were snug. He sported also a black jacket with the arms ripped off, and a red muscle shirt beneath. His limbs were not thick, but they were well toned, and it would have been a big mistake to underestimate him on his looks alone. His hair was fair and dark brown, and had a sort of windblown look to it. His face looked like it was meant to scare or intimidate once he emerged, but once he saw Sunset, a warm smile came across his face. His eyes sparkled a dull reddish brown in color*

"Not the most impressive human guise, but I never really had much cause to use it.....Besides, I always thought it'd be fun if some big, muscled human picked a fight with me and I worked him over." *He couldn't help but grin at the thought.* "At any rate, dearest Sunset, this is how I look as a human." Not the m

Sunset Hatchling

Date: 2013-02-26 12:14 EST
She nodded eagerly to that. "It would be amazing to have homes in different places. I like that Idea." she murmured, falling quiet. She watched him closely while he shifted and changed shape, into his human form. Once he was done, she grinned, and stepped forward, so she could wrap her arms around him.

She leaned up so she could press her lips to his lightly. "I like this form. Just so you know." she purred softly. "It's handsome, and it's all mine." she murmured softly, resting her head on his shoulder. For now, she didn't make any move to pull away from him, or the like. She seemed comfortable, and content.

Dash Bloodwing

Date: 2013-02-27 06:57 EST
*Smiling, he wrapped his arms around her in return, making no move at all, save for the steady rise and fall of his chest with his breath* "Not just this form, my dear, but any form I may take. I am yours forever....Which reminds me, I think the two of us need to go ring shopping, yes? We may be able to take our mateship flight, but if we are going to be in our human guises, I think we should have wedding rings." *Leaning down and kissing her lips putting as much of his passion and love for her into that single kiss as he could. He had missed her for so long, his thoughts had been only of her, and to have her here in his arms, he had never felt more alive than he did at that moment.*

Sunset Hatchling

Date: 2013-02-27 11:33 EST
"Ring sounds like a wonderful Idea." she wiggled slightly, excited. Then....he was kissing her, with everything he had. She kissed him back with just as much passion, arms circling up, and around his neck. Once the kiss ended, she grinned brightly up at him, her cheeks flushed, and eyes bright. "I love you." she mused softly, before she leaned up and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips.

Dash Bloodwing

Date: 2013-02-27 13:35 EST
*He could feel her love for him returned in that kiss, and it was only with reluctance that it was broken.* "I love you too, Sunset Bloodwing......That is, assuming of course, you do want to take my name as your own?" *He could have stood there with her like that for hours, but this was only one part of the beach, and as they had no beach home yet, he took her hand and walked with her along the beach, heading towards the cave that would be their home in the meantime.*

Sunset Hatchling

Date: 2013-03-01 11:20 EST
Her fingers intertwined with his, before she nodded a few times. "Sunset Bloodwing. I like the sound of it. And I like what it promises." she mused softly, while the continued on down the beach. Her eyes kept on darting all around, taking in what she could, and enjoying every moment of it.

Dash Bloodwing

Date: 2013-03-01 11:34 EST
*He gave a soft laugh* "Taking my last name promises something" And what exactly does taking my name promise, my dear" Other than the fact that we will be married, of course?"

Sunset Hatchling

Date: 2013-03-01 12:14 EST
She stopped at his questioned, and turned so she was facing him. Her arms circled up around his neck, and she leaned up to kiss him. "You. In all ways, shapes and forms. " she murmured softly, before she grinned up at him.