Topic: Another Victim of Prop 37

Sir Matthew Spade

Date: 2009-09-23 17:26 EST
::Another step....Each one was harder to take than the last. He panted for breath, casting a glance over his shoulder, looking at the blood-trail that was behind him. He was almost home, but he had no strength left. His mate was gone, his family, recently formed, was dead......And after the attack by the supporters of Proposition 37, he was severely maimed and bleeding to death. His right wing was gone, and so was half of his right foreleg.:: "No......More.....I.....Can't......." ::The green dragon laid down on his side, expelling another breath.:: "Mother......Father......Did......I do something......wrong?" ::His eyes slowly closed.:: " everything.....Why fight.....?"


Date: 2009-09-23 18:35 EST
The scent of blood hanging in the air woke the dragoness, she'd been sleeping most of the day after burying her grandson.

Nostrils twitching once, twice, and she slid through the maze that was their home. Wings snapping open as she flew through the waterfall, not even feeling the cold shower, something was wrong.

Ice blue gaze swept the area nearby, there.., there near the forest, was her son.

A throaty growl given as she saw his condition and she banked right, diving down to land nearby.

Moving quickly, she carefully gave Matthew a nuzzle, then lowered her snout to touch the bloody stump where his wing had been.

It was too much for her to heal, but she might at least get the blood to clot, crooning softly.

You did nothing wrong my son, come, we must get you back to the lair.

One thing only now lay on her mind.., she would lose no more kin.

Sir Matthew Spade

Date: 2009-09-24 06:51 EST
::His eyes were barely able to crack open as he looked up at his mother, and his throat was dry, his voice raspy and weak.:: "Mother.....Please....." ::He extended his throat to her.:: "Show me......mercy.......I would.....Rather....." ::He coughed hard, a body rattling cough, spitting up blood.:: "I would rather......It be you, to take my life. They......Took've nothing left......Please......Show me mercy......"


Date: 2009-09-24 09:22 EST
No my son, theres been enough violence and hatred, she gave him a tender nuzzle, moving her snout to press against the stump of his leg.

Letting him lean against her, she would wait patiently, not moving from his side.

When you are ready, we will return to the lair, and you will rest.

There would be one spell she'd keep at the ready, incase of it's need, the hatchling spell.

Now would not be the time for it yet, but she'd keep it fresh and at the ready for the moment it would be needed.

I lost a grandson, Matthew, like hell I will lose another.


Date: 2009-09-24 10:43 EST
Fiona would be seen some where behind Matthew, determined to reach her mate despite her own injuries. A wing had been torn to shreds, and her back leg was dragging at a very awkward angle. 'Matthew' was all she said, as she kept trying to reach him.

Sir Matthew Spade

Date: 2009-09-24 13:34 EST
::He heard her voice, just faintly. He at first thought he was imagining things.....But if she was hurt as badly as she, he needed to get to her.:: "Fi...on...a......I'm coming......" ::He turned his head to his mother, looking at her in desperation.:: "She's alive.......Mother please, help me.....Get to her.....She needs me!" ::He seemed to have gotten some strength back, knowing that his mate was alive.::


Date: 2009-09-24 17:10 EST
I've been trying to help you Matthew, but you didn't want to listen. Still, she wouldn't leave her son's side, she would let him use her side to help himself to his feet.

Slowly then, she would help him move toward where he'd heard the call from his mate.


Date: 2009-09-24 18:16 EST
She knew there was no way she would let herself die when her mate was injured, and she kept working on getting to him. She saw Icer coming her way, and called out ' me get to him...please..'

Sir Matthew Spade

Date: 2009-09-24 19:29 EST
::There was no need for that. As his mate came into view, his body filled with strength. And he hobble/hopped to her on his three legs as fast as he could, lowering his head to nuzzle her.:: "Fiona! Your alive! ::As fast as his body filled with strength, it fled him, and he sagged down to the ground. He needed to rest, and though the bleeding had stopped from his wing and foreleg, he was still severly drained of blood, and he layed his body over his mate, determined to protect her no matter what.:: "They hurt you.......I'm sorry my love........They'll harm you no more, I swear it!"


Date: 2009-09-24 20:48 EST
She hung back as Matthew made it to Fiona, even forcing herself to remain where she stood as he sagged. Ice blue gaze remained upon the injured pair, but she remained quiet, forcing herself to remain calm.

Kin were injured, and one was dead. One too many.

All because of fear.

How long had they lived among the people?, that question rattled about in her mind.

Yet fear seemed to bring out the worst.

A glance back to her own unharmed hide, before her gaze fell back upon the pair. What she'd do to be able to take their pain.

She knew she couldn't though, she too was in pain, though she would suffer through her pain silently.


Date: 2009-09-25 02:28 EST
'We were never meant to cheat death in the first place.'

"Sento..." Naria's tears rang free as she looked over his newly dug grave. The body within hadn't even been buried. Her sobs shook her whole frame while her hair hid her face from view.

Even then, she had lost three children due to this. Maverick was missing, presumed dead. Aris and Sileth....Both gone to the same horrible cause. There was no use in fighting it. They were gone to her and she knew even then reviving them would end all the same. One of them dead.

Still, the pain was harder each time. He was gone, the last mark of their life was in the shape of a son. She had gone away to her aunts homeworld to have their child, only to miss his last few days living. It was painful to know she was never going to be able to say goodbye to the man she loved.

'We were never supposed to cheat death...'

She would give anything for Sento to cheat death just one last time.