Topic: Checking on Matthew


Date: 2018-02-07 12:13 EST
Slipping down the halls, momma poked her head into a few of the rooms to check on the little ones, but a few of the rooms were empty. That was strange, but she didn't worry. In fact, she had a feeling that she knew where they'd be...

Slipping into their nesting chamber, where she'd tucked their son Matthew in the night before, A smile forming on her snout at the sight that greeted her.

Many of the youngest hatchlings, and even a few of the older lay within the nest, all snuggled around their little brother. Othala even had covered her little brother with a wing as if covering him with a blanket.

Carefully, she'd move within, coiling around the nest protectively, and careful not to wake any of their children resting within.