Topic: Icer's journal


Date: 2007-02-22 17:57 EST
Thinking for a moment, the dragon opened her book and started to write. 2/22-Dear journal, last night was wonderful, my mate's been coming every night to the Inn, I think he worries about me, though he probably shouldn't.

I haven't hunted wyverns for awhile, I've been catching fish instead, its not as filling, but its easier to catch, and perhaps one of these days I'll start up my hunting again.

Daddy returned journal, he seems alright though his right eye is wounded, we're similar there now, only my scar is in my left eye, it didn't seem to bother him though, and I'm happy to see him again.

Ty wouldn't leave Alex alone last night, I think he's scared of losing his grandfather again, I don't blame him though, perhaps some time will heal all wounds. well, good night for now.

Closing the book, she grinned, snuggling back against her mate, just resting her eyes for a bit.


Date: 2007-03-20 10:17 EST
After not having written for awhile, the book was opened again, and in her scrawl that was getting somewhat better, she wrote.

3/20- We had another wonderful night last evening. Aurthur came back last evening, he told me he had gone to a valley to recover from his illness because he didn't want any of us catching what he had.

I missed him terribly, but he's back now. We took a nice flight last evening was to the glade just South of the city, I found it purely by accident when the Nexus placed me there.

We had a lovely swim in the moonlight then relaxed for a bit in one of the nearby caves. Aurthur was thinking of making our second lair there, perhaps as a retreat for us when we don't feel like flying back home.

He even found the perfect cave, though it doesn't have the extra protection of the waterfall that ours does, it is rather nice.

Perhaps one of these days even one of our young ones may find a home there, they are getting to that age, and most are already bigger than I am.

Placing the pen down then, she reread was had been written, then closed the book back up for now.


Date: 2007-04-04 10:43 EST
Opening her book once again while her mate slept, th dragon smiled, picking up the pen with her tail and began writing once again.

4/4-Last evening was wonderful, I gave my mate the news and he was so happy, he was flying circles outside. I'm still tired, but its getting better, Aurthur promised me that he'd fix up the lair for our next clutch, and he promised to take good care of me throughout the pregnancy.

There aren't many left of our first clutch, they've gone off to seek their own lairs, save Icewing, I hope he can get along with his little brothers and sisters, and hopefully Daddy doesn't drop by unexpectedly with sweets, the last thing we'd need are more hatchlings not sleeping the night through because of sugar.


Date: 2007-04-07 10:31 EST
Waking from her slumber, the dragon smiled, watching her still sleeping mate beside her, and she rose a moment to fetch her book and pen, before resettling at her mate's side. The book was opened, and she penned in....4/7-I've been very tired lately, and hungry, it seems that whenever I am not sleeping, I am eatting, and when I'm not eatting, I'm sleeping. Actually, I've little idea how I even got home last evening, I think perhaps Aurthur actually carried me. He's being so supportive to me, and we told my father the news, he seemed happy, though maybe next time we won't wake him.


Date: 2007-04-12 12:06 EST
Picking up her pen with her tail, the dragon nudged her book open to the next blank page and started to write, though this time, her words were actually starting to look ledgible.

4/12- Dear journal, Aurthur has been cleaning up the lair, even Icewing seemed eager to help out, I'm glad to see that our son isn't keeping to himself like he had been, I think he'll enjoy having more little brothers and sisters to play with.

My friend Shey stopped by the other day at the Inn and surprised me, she bought me a beautiful butterfly necklace, and a silver ball with a dragon inlay that chime when it's played with, I gave it to little Julie, and she played with it until it put her to sleep.

She also promised to take me shopping one of these days, to pick out toys for the little ones, I told Aurthur and he wants to help pick out the toys as well, maybe I'll have to have a ladies day out with Shey, and another trip with my mate, we invited Daddy to come along as well when we do go, and he seems eager to spoil his Grandbabies.

Aurthur and my brother Darkmere have also been making sure I have enough food, though I really want to go hunting, I'm not supposed to though, sometimes you don't know how good something is until you can't do it anymore. I really do miss hunting, but Aurthur just wants me to relax, at least until the clutch is laid, then I can start hunting again.

Even my sister Storm has seemed to lighten up a little, she's been making friends with the dragons from the Valley, she's been smiling a lot more lately as well, maybe it's from helping with the first clutch, I'm not sure, but she's definately not as grumpy as she usually is.


Date: 2007-04-17 11:59 EST
Half asleep still, the dragon nudged the cover of her book open, tail wrapped around her pen and she started writing.

4/17- Last evening was relaxing journal, I made a few new friends, a man named Feilas who pledged to help me should I ever need it, he seemed rather surprised the night I first met him, after all, he told me he hadn't seen a dragon in ages. I also met a sweet woman named Reanna, she is new to Rhy'din and so I helped her out, I paid for her room to start her out, and she offered to repay me, I declined as always.

Last night I saw another friend that hasn't been around for awhile, Twilight the unicorn, she seems to be doing fine, Reanna went to the kitchen and brought out a platter of food for me, she didn't have to, but I did enjoy the company. Oh yes, and the flowers, there was a huge bouquet of flowers on the bar, it seemed like there was one for everyone around, well, except for Chryrie, she didn't seem to mind though.

I received an Ice flower with a message attatched, I'm curious to who may have sent them, especially since Ice flowers are so rare.

My message read Matronly grace, all the flowers had messages journal.


Date: 2007-04-25 10:55 EST
4/25/07- Dear journal, I've been very tired lately, but Aurthur came by the Inn again last night. He promised that we'd go for a walk today and just relax, I can't wait, it seems like I've been couped up inside for awhile though I know that I haven't been.

I stopped by the party in the Glen a few nights ago, I don't know, I kept mostly to myself, but then I was really tired that night, I did manage to swim for a little while before the Nexus took me home.

Aside from being tired, everything is well, though I can't wait until I can hunt again, Aurthur's also been carrying me home, not that I mind, we get a little extra nsuggle time in that way.


Date: 2007-04-30 14:09 EST
4/30/07- Dear journal, I was so tired last night that I never even made it to the Inn, I stayed at the lair. It was probably because I healed my cousin Aerendir, but I didn't mind, he came in a couple nights ago with a broken wing and a dose of Dragon's bane.., I really do hate that stuff..

He told me that there is a Dragon Tamer after him, Its just funny though that I've never come across this tamer, but I do trust my cousin, he's been there for me many a time, and I told him to call if he needs asistance again.


Date: 2007-05-07 12:04 EST
The pen was taken up again after a bit of an absense, and the dragon penned in...5/7/07- I've been really tired lately journal, and I've been staying closer to the lair. Maybe sometime today, I'll take a flight.

Sha'uri has been stopping by the lair as well to bring me classwork, I know I've wanted to get back to School, but I haven't made it yet and doubt I'll be able to until after our clutch is laid. I don't want to fall behind though either, and maybe next time she visits, Tina will be with her.


Date: 2007-05-09 20:18 EST
5/9/07- Last night was wonderful, Aurthur surprised me with a necklace that he helped our son make, it's so sparkly. He wanted to give it to me in case we didn't see each other on Mother's day.

after Aurthur left, I spoke with Tasha, she said that the Dark Wizard was upset, I wouldn't be surprised, and I'm keeping away from that man.


Date: 2007-05-22 11:34 EST
5/22/07- Dear journal, the eggs are doing well, Aurthur and I take turns caring for them.

Last night was the first time in awhile that I'd gone to the Outback, I met my cousin's mate, she's very lovely, and I hope their young ones do well.

Daddy and Aurthur almost got into a fight journal, I hate to see them that way, but I hate raising my voice to them even more, still, I hope they can manage to get along, if not for me, at least for the sake of our little ones.

Brother Brian and I.., well, I'm still keeping my distance for now, he seems to tense and I don't want to add to that tension.

I saw Tera last night as well, but she seemed to busy, I miss seeing her around, but Lili did come back, she said that Renna released her, and I'm glad to see her back to herself again, hopefully she can see her Grandfather soon, I'm sure he'd like that.


Date: 2007-06-15 16:55 EST
6/15/07- Anger, darkness, the rage it grows, burns, swelling deep within.

First a brother, now...the pen was gripped tightly a moment in her tail as she did yet another breathing exercise that was taught to her by Artemus.

My mate, Aurthur.., my son Icewing, and my father, taken, stolen, captive somewhere in the Northern mountains, I know not where, but I know this day, the humans of that area have made a bitter enemy.

They will fall, not all of them, just those that have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of our kind, I will nae stand idley by as yet more kin vanish, my mate being one of them.


Date: 2007-07-11 11:13 EST
7/11/07- Dear journal, I know I haven't written in awhile, but I've been busy with the hatchlings and all.

Aurthur, my father and son have all returned, and I am glad to have them backm though we have added a few more protection wards to the lair, just incase.

I still have to help my cousin and nephew move to another lair, maybe we can find something close to our own, that way, familly would be closer.

We've also adopted three more young ones, Serenity is such a little sweet one, and so little, it doesn't matter to me that she's a green, nor that Sento and little Steele are blacks.

It's almost like little ones are drawn to me journal, Serenity bumped into me at the Glen, and started climbing on me, Kitty thinks she's so cute, and Aurthur said we should open our own nursery.

Father, and Mother have a lot of little ones to spoil now though, so I'm sure they'll be happy.


Date: 2007-07-21 02:17 EST
7/20/07-, I know I haven't written for awhile journal, I've been busy with the hatchlings. They are quite active, especially little Serenity, she and Ruby seem to escape the lair all the time.

Oh yes, I found one of my nest mates the other day, my twin sister Winter, I was resting on the bank of the lake, when she pounced me in, I took her with me at least.

One of these days, I'm going to help her find a lair of her own.


Date: 2007-08-24 17:27 EST
8/24/07-Dear journal, it's been quite awhile but I've been rather busy, especially since the Orphannage is almost done.

Its been a bad week journal, first I lost my first Stepfather Sanrik, he left me his staff, and a picture of himself, Moon and I when they first took me in, then daddy came and told me Aurthur's been hurt.

He was digging in the lair, when a rock fell, daddy Aurok, and my Stepmother have been taking care of him.

It's been a few days since I've been to the lair as well, sister watched the young ones for me, but I returned finally, I've cleaned up the slide, and while Aurthur's gone, I have resumed his digging.


Date: 2007-08-30 10:28 EST
8/30/07- Aurthur's back journal, he's missing his right horn, but that doesn't matter to me, all that matters is that he's alright.

He's been digging again even though I asked him not to, but he said it was because he wanted to surprise me, because Iask for so little.

I never expected him to add a cold pool to one of our extra rooms, though I do appreciate it.


Date: 2007-09-06 11:39 EST
9/6/07- Last night was another wonderful night journal, my mate surprised me with a date for just the two of us.

First we started off with a flight beneath the stars, followed by a small game of tag, then a swim in the lake.

Aurthur took me to the underwater cavern there where he had a special dinner waiting, there were candles and everything.


Date: 2007-09-16 19:40 EST
9/16/07- The twin golds are adjusting to our lair as best they can, its so hard on the hatchlings because they keep looking for their mother.

We just have to give them time journal, last night was little Solaria's first night at the lair, but she seemed to adjust quicker than her brother Zyloh.

the first night I took little Zyloh home, he kept me up most of the night, but he and his sister are settling in, I can't tell them what happened to their mother Ariana, not yet at least, maybe when their old enough to understand journal.

I want them to know that she loved them, and didn't abandon them.


Date: 2007-10-08 23:07 EST
10/8/07- Tonight I found another hatchling journal, a tiny green who hid beneath the couch.

I know he was frightened, I could tell by his calls, but we finally got him to calm down, hopefully he'll take to our lair as his brothers and sister did.


Date: 2007-10-19 23:47 EST
10/19/07- I am having a wonderful hatching day journal, Aurthur surprised me with an ice blue sapphire necklace, and we snuggled, followed by a basket of muffins from my sissy Jadey.

After a nap, Lang, Kacilla and I had a peanut war, and a few others wished me well, at least it's been peaceful.


Date: 2007-11-07 22:35 EST
11/07/2007-Last night Aurthur and I got to witness our daughter Snow and Tiamatus's mating flight, it was beautiful, and I know they are good for each other.

Perhaps soon enough we'll have some Grandhatchlings that we can spoil.


Date: 2008-01-23 10:42 EST
1/23/08- I know I've not written for awhile journal, right now we are awaiting new hatchlings. my sister is expecting as well, seems Storm found a mate that truely loves her, but I am happy for her, she deserves it.


Date: 2009-07-11 09:05 EST
7/11 Dear journal, Darcy said I hurt someone last night, sure it was Jack, but he did ask for it. No one threatens our son or daughter and gets away with it.


Date: 2009-08-05 16:47 EST
She hadn't written for awhile, so picking up her pencil with her tail, she nudged open the book with her snout.

8/5 Dear journal, I know I've not written in awhile, but so much has happened, that I haven't found the time.

The little ones are doing well, even my sister's three, though they are still getting adjusted to the lair.

I still need to go back there though, to where my sister laired, Spring is there, I want to bring her home, but she will not leave her brother, and he is still in no condition to travel yet.

Aurthur brought home three wyverns the other day, they should keep us well fed for a few days at the most, the hatchlings are almost to the age where they don't need to eat everyday.


Date: 2009-09-02 11:24 EST
Wrapping her tail around her pen, the dragoness descided to add a little more into her journal.

9/2/09- it has been a rather, interesting week. The hatchlings are all well, especially Zyloh, I left him with his twin sister. Solaria was so happy to see him, finally she's seemed to stop shaking.

We are still working on trying to get her to get out of the lair, at least for a few moments. It hasn't quite worked yet though.

I also need to go to town, to go shopping for the little ones, some new toys, blankets, and maybe a treat or two, but with all this nonsense about magic thats been posted, I haven't gotten too far.

The Inn, and our lair, maybe when the crowds die down. Speaking of this prop 37 nonsense, many of us are against it, Ahni was upset the other night, as were quite a few others.

There is no way anyone will be making us register, besides, who does this one think he is?, no one in their right mind would vote on that.

For the children.., we are doing more for the children, by taking them in, and giving them homes, and a family that cares about them.


Date: 2009-09-06 14:48 EST
Yet another entry in the dragoness's journal, this one, a little darker.

9/6/09 Dear journal, last night was horrible. I woke up from a nap to hear the voices of protesters outside the Inn, of course I couldn't just stay inside.

I went out to the porch, and down the stairs, into the crowd, trying to talk some sense into them, it didn't work, and peace turned violent.

First a tug on my wing, I ignored it, still trying to get the crowd to calm down, but they were too riled already. Bottles started flying, and gunshots among other things.

Torches too, it just got even uglier as I used my icefire to extinguish the torch, not once did I touch any of those people.

The man who I believe incited the crowd ran, Darcy had just shown up as the butcher and a mob came my way, cleavers, torches, and knives drawn., I tried getting Darcy to go to the Inn, but she didn't want to leave me.

Taking wing, I went to chase the running man, when Darcy shrieked about not being able to find David, Ryan was worried sick, and I flew over the crowd to try and find my son.

There were too many crowded too close, I couldn't find him, but I did find Lani, I picked her up out of the crowd and flew back to the porch, amidst the screaming, and pushing mob.

It didn't help that the Inn was burning, I wheeled up to fight the blazes sprouting on the rooftop as the chaos continued below.

Thankfully, David is safe.


Date: 2009-09-17 21:49 EST
9/17/09-Dear journal, I was released from prison only a few days ago, but it is good to be free, not that I should have been in there anyway.

Seems a man came foreward, verifying that I was at the cemetery, it was nice of him, I am just hoping this proposition nonsense dies down soon.

Aurthur was injured just trying to hunt for food for the hatchlings, luckilly our lair is heavilly warded and guarded.

Seems Aurthur has added a few more guards, just incase, one Damien Darkheart.

I don't remember if I've ever met him, but Aurthur thinks he's alright, I trust my mate.

We wouldn't want anything to happen to the little ones after all.


Date: 2009-09-18 20:59 EST
9/18/09-Dear journal, today was nice and peaceful, no protesters, no fighting. Maybe its finally starting to die down. This morning I finally met our newest guard, Damean, he seemed a little surprised to see me at the Inn, though I don't know why.

We talked for a bit, until he had to leave, perhaps another of his shifts was coming up.

Aurthur is looking better, and he says he is fine, I will make sure he rests a bit more before he tries taking up guard position again.

We will be hunting closer to the lair for food for the hatchlings, the lake has plenty of fish, and there is game in the forest, Aurthur wants me to keep away from wyverns for a bit though.

I know he worries I'll get stung, but I am careful, still, I suppose I can hunt a few deer. They don't have as much meat as wyverns, but we can make do until it is safe again.

We also talked about expanding the property around our lair, if the hatchlings have to keep staying inside, they will start getting ill, and I do not want that. Perhaps a few trails further into the forest, something new to explore.


Date: 2009-09-20 11:33 EST
9/20/09-Dear journal, I was relaxing at the Inn last night, it was crowded, but peaceful. I found another hatchling, a little gold male, he was frightened.

I was trying to get him to move away from the door, it took a bit, but I think he is finally starting to trust me.

I also saw Hanzo last night, I haven't seen him in a very long time, and I'm just glad he is well.

This morning, I spent most of my time snuggling with my mate, when Aurthur's around I don't seem to notice much else, he is getting better.

I also was pinched!, when I looked to see who the culpret was, it was Alana, it's been ages since I've seen her as well journal.

She told me she and Feilas have gone their separate ways, but if I see the man, to send him over so he can sign paperwork, whatever that is.


Date: 2009-10-10 09:46 EST
The pen was taken up in her tail again as she jotted down a few more notes into her journal.

Dear journal 10/10/09-I am feeling better, though it is still hard sometimes. One of these days I'll return to the twin trees and maybe talk to my son and grandchild.., I think they would have liked that.

From what I have heard, that proposition failed, maybe we'll finally have peace again, though for how long.., even just a little bit would be nice.

I have started going to the tea shop more, theres a nice little comfy nook that over looks a window, they have books too, maybe I should start reading again.

I haven't read in quite awhile, not since I had visited big brother's library a long time ago.

Maybe I should add a library on in our lair, there is still quite a bit of room, and I'm sure our guests wouldn't mind.

Especially on a rainy day.

I got a surprise this morning, when I woke, Aurthur was nowhere around, but I could hear him singing off in the forest.

Naturally, I followed his voice, he dug out a pool and formed a glacial spring for me.

Now I have somewhere else to go relax, journal, it is so nice, the water is frigid, just the way I like it.

There is another glacial spring, but it is a great distance away, this one is just in the forest near our lair.


Date: 2009-10-22 11:48 EST
10/22/09-Dear journal, I am doing well. My sister Ren gave me a puppy for my hatching day, its a little bundle of energy, she told me it was a Scottie. Ren also made lots of noise that night.

I haven't decided on a name for it yet, but between the little ones and the pup, we've been busy.

Aurthur gave me four wyverns. I am saving three of them. It could help us out when the winter comes.

I've also been enjoying the arctic pool Aurthur made for me, the frigid water is quite delightful, and helps me to further relax.

One of these days I should replace the flowers beneath the twin trees, I just haven't gotten to it.


Date: 2009-11-02 21:31 EST
11/2/09-Dear journal, Aurthur and I went exploring the forest around our lair the other day. We are expanding our territory, so that the little ones have more room to play and explore in safety.

We ended up finding an old abandoned temple, I still do nae know what it was used for. Maybe one of these days I will go explore it some more.

We did bring a few items back to the lair though, I found a stone that glows when you touch it, and Aurthur retrieved a chest of gold.

We really don't need it, but perhaps it will help us out with the library we are adding into the lair.

I"m sure it will help our guests relax, and it will be nice to have some books to read to the hatchlings, or even show them pictures.

Speaking of hatchlings, journal, Sunset has become my mate's favorite it seems, but that is alright, many did seem to want to stay closer to me lately than to their father.


Date: 2009-12-30 11:56 EST
12/30/09-Dear journal, we are doing well enough. My mate gave me some scented scale oil for the holiday, it is helping me to relax, especially after this week.

Jadey is dead, I learned it from a group of people.., their van read Channel five News. Not so much anymore..

They had to walk back to wherever they had come from. I wonder what has become of them.

Star has been misbehaving again, we will have to do something about that.

Scotty came by as well, and dropped off mincemeat pies, lots of them.

I've frozen a few and added them to our storage, they should help keep us fed throughout the winter.

Harold drew a picture of me and included it along with a fancy frame, perhaps I'll hang it in our room in the lair.

That reminds me, I should dig up something for the pair, they did go out of their way for us.


Date: 2010-01-15 10:34 EST
1/15/2010- Dear journal, I have been relaxing as I should, in fact, it seems like I've slept for two days straight. Maybe I should go soak in the frigid spring, cold always helps me to relax as well.

The little ones are doing well enough, though one day, we will get Icesong to listen to us.

Speaking of Icesong, Stephen called her a rat the other night, I gave that pirate a flying lesson, the hard way. He's lucky I wasn't really mad, I could have used my horn.

I should get back to resting journal, one of these days I will go out again, until then, Storm is keeping me up to date.

Ps- I wonder if those Channel people want their van back..


Date: 2010-01-23 20:08 EST
1/23/2010-Dear journal, Aurthur told me he's been sending me a little bit of magic while I rest, he worries about me. I am still recovering from the magic draining weeks ago, it is slowly recovering, but until I recover most of it back, he has told me that I am not to use any magic unneccesarilly.

That leaves me with little to do but rest and relax, I do have more of those.., puzzles that I was brought a long time ago, back when I was expecting, maybe I can work on a few of those.

I haven't gone out too much since then either, just between the Inn and our lair, one of these days, maybe I will go out shopping again.

We still are adding to the library in the lair, and we have added a few more wards, mostly because of the little ones.

Nami Bane

Date: 2010-01-25 01:29 EST
On a once empty page in Icer's journal would be a rather badly drawn picture of a family of dragons. O ne was green and had the word 'mommy' over it, another blue and named 'daddy'. There were two others as well. One said 'me' and another said 'sister'.

And then there was an ice blue one that said 'grandma'. Looks like someone found Icers journal.


Date: 2010-02-24 12:49 EST
Opening her journal, the dragon blinked at the crudely drawn picture on the once blank page, a grin playing upon her snout.

Flipping to the next available page, she began to write.

2/24/2010-It has been very peaceful lately, even the lake is quiet. I am starting to fish again, though we are still keeping the hatchlings away from the lake, just incase.

We finished the library, though I am still adding books, we can never have too many it seems. A nice quiet place to study, or even just relax, the rugs are quite comfortable.

I spent time with my Grandchildren last night at the Inn, and Mason of course, he and Aris are almost inseperable. Kikio is expecting, and was playing with pickles, I ended up taking the jar away.

I also met a little girl, seems she was peeking out from near my leg.

Mason ended up getting her some food, and taking her home with him. I wonder what Aris is upto.


Date: 2010-03-18 09:38 EST
3/18/10-Dear journal, I am doing well. I should return to the cemetery one of these days, more flowers.

Amber gave me water the other night, but it was green, seems she added a bit of dye. It tasted like water though. I didn't try the green food, that really didn't look too appetizing, but it did smell kind of good.

I met two others also, Betsy I saw at the party, but didn't get the chance to introduce myself. I also met Woody, he seemed wary of me, but I suppose its only natural.

He's from a land where our kind are only stories.

Hawk came in last night and had a bag that was moving. He had a mini basilisk, hopefully it doesn't get loose, or the spell used upon it wear off, that would nae be good.


Date: 2010-04-08 08:53 EST
4/8/10-Dear journal, Last night I went to watch the jello wrestling tryouts. I don't dare wrestle again, it took me days to get that stuff out from under my scales, and jello isn't all that comfortable.

Matthew's egg appeared while I was resting with Niamh, she wasn't wresting either, but did have a flash box{camera} with her.

Matthew ended up hatching, and started attacking my tail, then he tried running off.

His big sister Darcy had to help me catch him.

Amber won her fight against our son David, I was so happy for her.

One of these days, I'll have to bring Matthew back, poor little one had a nightmare, now he doesn't want to leave my side.

I also had to explain what happened to Fiona, maybe she will bring her little ones over to the lair.


Date: 2010-04-14 14:42 EST
4/14/10-Dear journal, the little ones are all doing well. Matthew has been adjusting again to the lair. He's been sleeping in the nest, though one of us has to be near him yet all the time, otherwise he cries.

I still am trying to get out more. So far the creature in the lake hasn't showed itself again. Maybe it's sought other waterways. We still keep an eye on the little ones when they go near the water, just to be safe.


Date: 2010-04-27 09:16 EST
4/27/10-Dear journal, May reversed the spell thats kept us from having more little ones, though we are to wait a month more.

We can wait, it is for my health. I have been sleeping longer. Even with Matthew in the nest, he hasn't woken me too many times yet.


Date: 2010-06-22 12:32 EST
6/22/10- Dear journal, we are doing alright. Icesong is still missing, but I've a feeling the man Neo has in custody had something to do with it.

Kitty seems to be wary of me, I don't know why, she thinks I might smush her.

I spoke with Harper last night, it did make me feel much better, she even got me some wyvern to eat. I tried sharing, but no one wanted any, oh well, more for me I suppose.

Tara came in was interesting to say the least. Sean came in also, and fixed my medicine so it wouldn't hurt, not that I've taken any lately.

Audrey has been bringing me sweets, Skittles were good, I haven't tried the Sweet tarts yet.

Oh yes, and I smashed that fortune telling machine the other night, Zoltar, I wasn't happy with what it gave my son.

I'm sure its not the last we've seen of it.


Date: 2010-07-10 11:07 EST
7/10/10-Dear journal, I am doing well enough. I have been eatting more lately.Aurthur has been sleeping a lot, thats when he's not out looking again.

Icesong is still missing, but I've been taking care of the other little ones.

One of these days we'll find her.


Date: 2010-08-06 21:58 EST
8/6/10 Dear journal, I am relaxing as I am supposed to still, and even drinking some of the tea made special for me.

I've been looking at books too, I spent one whole night reading at the tea shop, well, until I fell asleep.

Aurthur has been making the nest more comfortable. Icesong is safe, that is all that matters.

Maybe I'll add a few more flowers to the lair.

Moonlight Shimmerscale

Date: 2010-11-22 15:31 EST
The little blue and yellow had been shuffling about the lair, helping out where she could with her brothers and sisters.

Upon taking a break, she had discovered her mother's journal. blue eyes peeked at the pages within, reading quietly, faint traces of tears threatening to spill. She missed her momma.

Picking up a pen nearby, she started scribbling in the scrawl of a hatchling that had never written before.

11/22/10- Dear momma, when are you coming home? We miss you so very much.

Daddy has grown all dark, and he hasn't left your room, not that I have seen, unless it is his turn for guard duty.

Gramma arrived not too very long ago, and Grampa too. Gramma is helping us watch my brothers and sisters, Grampa has been helping guard the lair.

I do not go out much anymore, and when I do, a silver guard comes with me.

Please do come home soon, we need you.

Love, your daughter, Moonlight.


Date: 2011-01-07 15:15 EST
Opening her journal, the dragon blinked as she read her daughter's scribbling, she really had been gone long, hadn't she?

Picking up a pencil with her tail she started scrawling, seems since not practicing, she had lost a little of the ledgibility.

1/7/11 Dear journal.., I do not know how long it has been since I wrote last. Drake has been visiting me at the Inn. He told me I am supposed to take it easy, though I am not sure why.

I can not fly very good either. Well thats not really true, I hovered well enough. It was the landing that got me, but I did have a wing cramp.

I have been staying at the sanctuary, until my wings can carry me again.

Hopefully soon I can see my mate. I have missed him very much.

The lair too, I do not know how long it has been since last I was there.


Date: 2011-01-23 22:30 EST
1/23/11-Dear journal, I am home now at the lair. Aurthur has been keeping a close eye on me, not that I mind.

He bought me more new puzzles, and promised me a picnic one of these days, and a trip to the ruins to explore.

Maybe we can find some more shiny things there.

My landing has gotten better, journal, though for right now I am staying close to the lair.


Date: 2011-01-28 20:14 EST
1/28/11- I've been keeping close to the lair, though I have gone to the Inn a few times. Aja gave me a puzzle box to work on.

I can add it to my growing collection of puzzles. Aurthur has been resting lately too.

One of these days we will go on the picnic he promised.

He knows that I do not enjoy being lairbound.


Date: 2011-03-19 13:46 EST
3/19/2011- Dear journal, I went to the St Patrick's Day party two nights ago. I stayed near Maerissa and Petyr because there were so many.

I'm still nae to good in crowds, they still make me nervous. Maybe someday I'll get better.

Aurthur has lessened the guards. They do not follow me everywhere anymore.


Date: 2011-04-23 22:50 EST
4/23- Dear journal. I have been resting lately. There are a few things I need to take to the lair in Nosgoth, but I have not felt up to traveling yet.

Soon though. The other morning I was set upon by gnomes. They wanted scales. The one. I do not know his name, plucked scales from my tail once.

Had he asked, I would not have minded. Luckilly gnomes don't taste good.

I wonder how Raye is doing. I have not seen her in a few days. Aurthur is helping out with the little ones again.

Well,that is all for now journal. I think I may go have a soak in the cold pool.


Date: 2011-04-30 08:55 EST
4/30/11- Dear journal, last night was nice and peaceful. Shane told me I could come and look at his dresses. I did not last night.With my aversion to large crowds,I figured that I could wait awhile.

Seeker surprised me too. She gave me a pot of pretty white hyacinths. It reminded her of me she told me,and wished me a happy Spring. I shall plant them around the lair.

The flowers do smell lovely, and remind me to give Seeker a few Ice flowers the next time I see her.


Date: 2011-05-03 12:17 EST
5/3/11 Dear journal, I tried going to the Beltane festivities the other night. It was much too crowded for me. I stayed by Uncle Vinny for awhile. There were a lot of people there that I knew and recognized. But I wasn't comfortable.

After uncle Vinny left for the kissing booth, I made my retreat back to the lair.

I did end up watching from a distance for a time.

Maybe one day I'll be able to get over this fear, and finally enjoy festivities.

Until then, I suppose I will be forced to watch from my perch.

I've also been sleeping a lot more lately. I suppose the weather has been affecting me. It is getting warmer, and I do prefer the cold.


Date: 2011-05-12 15:44 EST
5/12/11- Dear journal, Renna is trying to escape the prison Lucy has locked her in. I do hope the little one is alright.

We can not let Renna grab another hold here. I do believe we are in for another battle soon enough.


Date: 2011-05-22 13:57 EST
5/22/11- Dear journal...It has been hard to sleep at night lately. All I can see is that girl exploding. I really do not wish to see that again.

Its been far from peaceful this week. I've killed two would be assasins.

Well the one there was help. The other one I finally let loose my fire.

It hurts my throat so I try not to use it often. Water has helped.

Maybe I should make some of that tea I've been given.


Date: 2011-05-28 08:45 EST
5/28/2011- Dear journal. I believe today will be the day I will explore some more of those trails around the forest. Maybe I will find something interesting, or even rare.

Maybe even another water source, or flower I have nae seen. Just to keep Aurthur happy, I will take one of the guards along.


Date: 2011-06-30 13:15 EST
Momma had gone for another walk, and settling now upon her return, she would dedicate a few pages in her journal to creatures she had come across in her explorations.

Picking up her pen within her tail, she would start to write.

Deeper in the forest I have stumbled across a band of unicorns. They are a very peaceful creature and pose no threat to us, so long as we pose no threat to them.


Date: 2011-07-06 11:40 EST
7/6/11 Dear journal...I have not seen Aurthur for some time now. Perhaps one of the wyverns broke free and he is hunting it down.

Hopefully that is the case. I have been focusing upon the little ones and the gardens. The children love to play outside amongst the flowers.

The guards remain ever watchful, even now. They have returned from visiting their own kin.

Perhaps we should invite them to move closer. I do not wish to keep anyone from family. Not even those who help protect us.

I know there are many caverns around. Many are empty now. Even Vex's cavern has been quiet as of late.

I wonder how she is.

Soon the trees shall produce, and we can fill the larder. Some of the little ones are not fond of wyvern meat. The gardens too. I was hoping to try and sell a few vegetables.

Maybe some fruits as well. What I get for them will go directly to High Spires. I already told Lirssa. She was so surprised.

We have little need here at the lair. With the gardens and the ranch, e have well enough food. and what the children need...I have and will continue to use my hoard to pay for.

I do not use it for much else save to sleep on.


Date: 2011-10-01 09:37 EST
10/1/11- Dear journal. I know I have not written lately. I am doing...alright.

It has been hard without Aurthur. I have been getting closer to the lair, but I just can't seem to go inside.

Not yet. I have made sure that the little ones are being cared for though.

I have asked that a few friends stop by to check up on them, and I did ask Katt if she could make them some beighnets.

I know it won't make up for the time I am not there.., but until I am able to return, it will have to do.


Date: 2011-10-31 10:41 EST
10/31/11- Dear journal. I am well enough. I have finally been staying at the lair, though I still have not been able to go near our room.

Not yet. Until then I have been staying in one of the guest rooms. I did have fun at the party the other night. Helping with the hayrides took my mind off some things. At least for a little while.

The little ones loved the ride through the gardens. I know they have questions. But I am just not able to answer them right now.

I will not hurt them.

I should also find something for Sapphira. She did remove the cursed necklace that night. She told me I owe her nothing, but...I am grateful that it is gone.

Maybe something for her girls.

I did go back that night after the party long ended. I had to retrieve the broken bauble from where it lay.

I would not have another find it and use it. No, it now rests deep within the ground past the twin oaks where I buried it.

Far from where the hatchlings and young ones play. They will not find it.

Soon I will return to the graveyard. I know he is not there, but I have not been able to visit his memorial in so very long. and flowers...

I will take him ice flowers. They grow in abundance here, around the lair. Where ever he is, I know that he knows. He knows that I love him, and that I am not quite whole without him.

All that matters now is that I am trying.

Not just for myself...but for our children.


Date: 2011-12-02 21:19 EST
12/2/11- Dear journal. Aurthur is alright now, though he is a bit different. When he hatched, he had spines and could breath poison gas.

I do nae mind though. All that matters is that he has returned to me.

He will not be going out alone for a long time though. If I am nae with him, I will make sure either mother, or the guards remain around him.

I will not lose him again.

Winterfest is coming soon. The little ones are all excited. I have been helping them to decorate around the lair.

There is much yet to do.


Date: 2011-12-09 11:15 EST
12/9/11- Dear journal, One of these days I need to get to the market to get the little ones some sweets.

I have been drinking more of my tea lately. It helps calm the nerves. Something I have needed very much. Especially after last night..


Date: 2011-12-31 10:27 EST
12/31/11-Dear journal. I love the gift Aurthur and momma gave me. The crystal vial is lovely. But the liquid inside is even more special.

It grants me immunity to any poisons that my mate can produce. So now we can snuggle again without fear.

I shall talk to my mother and see if another batch can be made up for the little ones.

Aurthur finally has figured out how to retract his spines.


Date: 2012-02-07 16:00 EST
2/7/12- Dear journal, much has happened lately. I have battled my brother on night, out upon the docks. Well he claimed to be, but I do nae believe him.

He said it was he all this time. But the brother I know would not have done half the things he has done.

I also fought against the madman Kain. Somehow...he and his prison escaped.


Date: 2012-03-12 11:56 EST
3/12/12 Dear journal. It has been a while since last I wrote. We have been busy with the lair and the gardens. Apollo arrived a few days ago. I let him help out with the ranch.

Aurthur and I are almost finished with the nest. It is in with the pond this time. Hopefully it will help me to relax a bit more.


Date: 2012-04-12 13:42 EST
4/12/12-Dear journal, Andu gave us a train for the gardens. It will help when we need to check the ruins and ranch as well. So far, I have been taking the little ones around the garden.

Soon I will show my beloved how to drive it too, and perhaps even sister.

One of these days I will need to get back to the market too. The little ones have been behaving themselves, so I will get a few more sweets.


Date: 2012-06-23 09:12 EST
6/23/12- Dear journal, I am doing alright. Sean helped fix my jaw so that I don't have to take tiny bites anymore.

It shouldn't be too much longer. Aurthur filled the nesting area with books, and puzzles and even a magic picture box for me.

I can also watch the indoor pond. Maybe soon we can add some more fish to it.


Date: 2012-07-08 21:32 EST
7/8/12- Dear journal. I have been resting. It has been a few days since last I left the lair and the nest.

Aurthur has been taking turns watching over the eggs while I rest. He also has been helping me work on the puzzles. And the magic picture box is lovely.

Perhaps soon I will take a walk to check up on our gardens.


Date: 2012-07-10 22:20 EST
7/10/12- Dear journal. I went for a little walk in the gardens today. It was a lovely day, and it also held a surprise.

Near one of the forsythias a tiny kitten was found.

I ended up taking her inside the lair,and soon she will have plenty of playmates.


Date: 2012-09-03 09:23 EST
9/3/12 Dear journal. Aurthur caught my cold and has been resting. Hopefully he feels better soon.

The little ones love playing in the gardens. Every once in a while they stop to sniff a flower or watch the honey bees and butterflies.

The gardens have been early this year. already the pumpkins are swelling. It will be quite the harvest soon.

They even brought us sunflowers.


Date: 2012-09-24 10:26 EST
9/24/12- Dear journal. The little ones are growing by leaps and bounds. Soon they will start exploring the gardens and forests, though still yet they stick close to us.

They did enjoy the sweets. Though I hid most of them after giving each little one a beighnet.

We don't need them staying wide awake at night anymore.


Date: 2013-01-23 00:23 EST
It had been ages since last she'd written. Picking up her pen with her tail, she'd scribble.

1/23/13- Dear journal, Someone came asking me about my father tonight. I do not know who this man is, but I would not tell him anything.

I do nae trust him.

Dominion and Temeraire will be having their mating ceremony soon. They make each other very happy.


Date: 2013-02-11 14:52 EST
2/11/13- Dear journal. I am done trying to please everyone. All it has brought me is strife and upset. Things that I do not need.

I have no interest what-so-ever in even leaving the lair. The little ones are doing well. As for the others it is their life. They can do what they want. Do not think that this means that I do not love them. For I do. But I will not tolerate any more bickering from kin.

The wards have been strengthened and restrengthened. If our older wish to visit, they may. I will not stop them, but I will not argue with anyone any more.

I do not need the undue stress.



Date: 2013-05-28 09:19 EST
5/28/13- Dear journal. I know I have not written in some time. Aurthur, the young ones and I have been working on the gardens. And also a surprise for my sister Storm.

We dug her out a soaking pool all for herself. She has been enjoying it from what I could see.

Soon it will be time to work on the vegetable garden. The little ones are hoping for another big pumpkin this year.


Date: 2013-06-12 10:28 EST
6/12/13- Dear Journal. The little ones helped us plant the vegetable grden the other day. Their father helped as well.

I think the hatchlings were more excited about just getting out of the lair. They played tag and explored until they wore themselves out.


Date: 2013-06-25 08:03 EST
6/25/13- Dear journal. Critter is staying with us. It is too dangerous for him to be with his father. We are trying to help him keep his mind of things by helping with the gardens.


Date: 2013-07-17 09:20 EST
7/17/13- Dear journal. It has been really warm out. Sometimes it is much too warm for me to leave the lair.

Amber gave me a sno-cone last night. It was very sweet. Perhaps we should make them for the little ones. to help keep them cool.

Soleil and Harrow have been staying with Critter. I think he still misses his father.


Date: 2013-08-27 12:01 EST
8/27/13- Dear journal. Yesterday was very strange. It started when my sister Rosie came to the Inn. She brought doughnuts and calzones from her shop. and asked about Brian and Miles.

The strange thing, was that she has been dead for years. I have not seen Miles for that long either. I hope he is well.

I told Jadey, and she couldn't believe it, and then Riley showed up. She had been dead too.


Date: 2013-09-29 09:50 EST
9/29/13- Dear journal, the lair has been filling up as kin are still arriving. Aurthur and I stayed at one of our other lairs just to have a peaceful night together.

I also have met my daughter Darcy's "twin." I am still not sure about her. For now I will not leave her alone in the lair.

Stormy has been hiding away for a while, keeping to her room. I think maybe she misses her mate.

I will have to see if I can at least get her daughter to stay with her.

Harrow and Soliel are well. So are the little ones.


Date: 2013-10-15 20:28 EST
10/15/13- Dear journal, I am feeling better. Aurthur is making sure I stay at the lair while I am healing.

Ammy has been using a lot of magic to take care of my left wing. A few more days worth and it should be good as new.

Tiamatus and Damean have been watching over the entrance from within.

I have been catching up on reading to the little ones, and looking at my picture books. Maybe I can get my love to make me some of my tea.


Date: 2014-03-19 18:59 EST
3/19/14 Dear journal, Aurthur is feeling better. He has been resting for a few days. I am feeling much better too.

One of these days,maybe we can go for another flight. Lately I've been keeping closer to the lair.


Date: 2014-05-03 09:29 EST
5/3/14 Dear Journal, We have been very busy at the lair lately. Harrow and Soleil, Solaria and Critter have all been helping to get the gardens ready for planting.

The younger hatchlings will be helping us sow the seeds, and maybe Flaive and Aurak would enjoy the time outside.

Stormy has been very busy with a young one of her own. Like a few other young ones, he sometimes sneaks out through the shadows.


Date: 2014-08-14 11:53 EST
8/14/14- Dear journal, we are doing well. Aurthur is still resting. Damean and Tiamatus have been taking turns at their post. I have been keeping closer to the lair.

It is mostly because of the heat.


Date: 2014-09-01 11:14 EST
9/1/14 Dear journal, Aurthur's leg is getting better, though he is still taking it easy. Wirenth stopped by the lair to check on sister. He does miss her greatly.

I spoke with Stormy, and she agreed that he may stay with her. So long as he is careful around Drakmere.

Sister has been very protective around the young drake that she took under her wing.

I shall go now, the little ones want to explore the trail some more.


Date: 2014-09-01 11:15 EST
9/20/14- Dear journal. Suzie and Seabreeze are as close as ever. The two young females will not explore the lair without the other.

The little ones are growing, and many enjoy the library and even the magic box.

As it grows colder, we have been staying closer to the lair.


Date: 2015-01-06 21:03 EST
1/6/15- Dear journal, we are doing well. Moonshadow is getting used to the lair still. Sometimes though I see the young red sitting near the entrance, trying to look out beyond the waterfall.

Sometimes it looks like she is searching for someone. Though the weather has prevented her from going out. Many of our little ones too have been keeping busy in the lair.

Between the library, the playrooms, and the indoor pond, we have plenty to keep us occupied.

Stormy has been antisocial as ever, though she tends to Drakmere still as if he were her own son. He has not traveled the shadows lately though.

I should get a little something for now. Maybe Chef will have some gingersnaps.


Date: 2015-02-08 11:59 EST
2/8/15- Dear journal, last night, Andu and I went to the tower to skate. It is not as easy as it looked. I fell down quite a few times, but I did not seem to be the only one.

Rachael looked lovely, and so did Brian and Jen. I also saw my elder brother, Tass. It had been some time. I still am not sure how I got home. I think I fell asleep there.


Date: 2015-05-30 16:27 EST
Dear journal, I am doing alright, I guess. Chef will not let me leave the lair until I eat something. Even when I am not hungry.

Solaria is resting in her chambers, Drakmere has taken to her I believe. He stays with her without being told.

Stormy has been helping with the little ones, and she told me she has sent for Gladys to come and help.

I have not seen my friend for some time since she returned to her shop. I should head out shopping soon.


Date: 2015-06-04 08:43 EST
6/4/15- Dear journal. I am starting to feel better. The ache in my head has died down, even as Drakmere came to visit me as I rested.

Though his warning...Daddy is not pleased with hearing that I have not been eating much.

He told me that I should be eating at least an elk every few days.


Date: 2015-06-10 20:34 EST
Dear journal, I have not been feeling too well, lately. It has been about a week since last I left the lair.

Father has been making sure that I eat, and I get enough exercise.

Maybe I shall explore some more of the tunnels in the lair.


Date: 2015-06-13 13:05 EST
Dear journal- I am doing alright. I still am not very hungry, though I will eat what is placed before me. The little ones are well, and growing.

Perhaps I will start tending the gardens again. Some flowers have come up on their own. The ice flowers have multiplied again, and Solaria and Drakmere found a new berry patch when they went for a walk the other day.

Maybe I will gather some for father too, he has been staying with us, and helping out.


Date: 2015-06-16 10:19 EST
6/16/15- Dear journal, Sean visited me last night, he left me a few ginger cookies and something that I do not know what it is...It does keep the air cool, and he did put medicine inside of it. I was not very happy about that...but it does seem to be helping me feel better now.

Andu and Rachael visited too. I was told that the kits were worried about me. Mayflower asked to sing for me. It would be nice, and maybe that will help too.


Date: 2015-07-22 22:30 EST
7/22/2015- Dear journal, I am doing alright. Tasha surprised me the other night with a bag of Skittles.

I'd not had them in so long.

I met Solendrem the other day. The hatchling seemed excited to meet another.


Date: 2015-08-03 11:33 EST
8/3/2015-Dear journal. Solendrem has grown a bit. I found him fishing in the indoor pond the other day.

He is turning out to be a good fisherman. He also spoke a few words. Mine. and friend when he met Pepper.

Mallow will have her claws full once she has another litter.


Date: 2015-08-18 00:28 EST
8/17/2015- Dear journal. I have been ill for a while. Though sleeping by the lake's edge did help a bit. The sound of the waves helped lull me to sleep. Daddy too.

We both needed the rest badly.


Date: 2015-09-10 01:07 EST
9/9/2015- Dear journal. I have been sleeping a lot lately when I am not tending the little ones. Recently I slept for a few days.

Stormy has been tending the little ones while I rest. Solaria too. Though Solendrem does keep her busy.

Andu told me that Mallow had her kittens, She will be very busy. Perhaps after a nap I will get back to the gardens..

Solendrem is getting big, though I have not seen him away from his mother yet.

Stormy has been tending to me when she gets the chance. And Chef is making sure that I eat, even though I have not been hungry..

Maybe I shall visit the library and look through the picture books. There are a few with shinies.

I'll take the little ones with me on a hike too, when I feel better. There are a few more trails we have not explored.

Maybe we can find something new for the gardens...There are many pretty plants in one of my favorite books...Or maybe I can find some shinies for the little ones. I do not need much in my own hoard.


Date: 2015-09-19 10:42 EST
9/19/15-Dear journal. I am doing alright. Last night there was a little party at the Dragontopia stables for me. Reiko, Thorn and the kittens visited.

The kittens brought cake and ice cream with them. It was a nice surprise.


Date: 2015-09-30 23:52 EST
9/30/15- Dear journal. We are faring well. Solendrem has been playing with his brothers and sisters. Stormy has been helping me with the lair.

Chef has been making sure we all eat enough, though I still do not like veggies. I try to avoid them. It is not easy hiding them from Chef or sister. Solaria has been staying with me as well.

Maybe tomorrow I will explore a few more caverns.


Date: 2015-10-10 12:04 EST
10/10/15- Dear journal. I am doing alright. Daddy got me to eat a little more, though I still do not like vegetables. Today I was going to explore one of the trails.

Maybe I can find some more berry bushes, or maybe some shinies.

The little ones should have a hoard of their own.

I've snuck a few pieces from mine into the little ones.

Maybe they will join me on a walk.

I also so visit the gardens, and the twin oaks.


Date: 2015-10-23 18:52 EST
10-23-15. Dear journal. I am doing alright. I spent some time at home with the little ones on my hatching day.

Stormy and Solaria also brought me something to eat, and a few books to look at. I did not even have to leave my chamber.

Daddy stayed with us too. Later we are going for a flight.


Date: 2015-11-04 07:21 EST
11/4/15 Dear journal. Aurthur has returned home, and I am feeling much better. I've also been catching up on sleep.

The little ones have come in to rest with us sometimes.

I know they missed their father.

Solendrem has been staying close to Solaria, and Drakmere for now.

Perhaps we can get daddy to join us for a walk.


Date: 2015-12-22 10:41 EST
12/22/15- Dear journal. Dracmas is getting closer and the little ones are all excited. We have been busy at the lair helping the children decorate. Solendrem has been exploring the lair as well, close by his parents sides.

Aurthur had a fight with Chef, but I think they worked it out. There will still be plenty of food for all.


Date: 2016-01-10 21:22 EST
1-10-16 Dear Journal, I am well. Aurthur and the young ones are well too. Solendrem is getting a little taller, and has joined the little ones in play. They all like to look at the picture books too.

One of these days, maybe we will all have a nice day in the library.


Date: 2016-08-06 08:19 EST
8/6/2016- Dear journal, Stormy laid her three eggs. Now she and her mate Damean rarely leave the nest. They both are very protective, and grumpy. Soon though the little ones will have new playmates.


Date: 2016-09-09 14:14 EST
9/9/16 Dear journal. Stormy and Damean still remain at their nest. It should not be too much longer before the eggs hatch, but Aurthur and I will keep our distance.


Date: 2016-11-30 18:33 EST
11/30/2016 Dear journal. We are doing well. Stormy and Damean still don't leave their chamber much, except when they need food.

I have been visiting with my brother Andu. He is tending Nestra. The hatchling still seems terrified. Perhaps one day we can convince her to stretch her legs and wings.

Until then, we will just have to wait.


Date: 2017-01-16 17:54 EST
Dear journal 1-16-2017. The little ones are well. Storm's last egg finally hatched. Aurthur and I have been relaxing.


Date: 2017-05-29 22:08 EST
Dear journal, it has been awhile since last I wrote. I have not been feeling well. Aurthur has nae felt well, either.


Date: 2017-07-10 07:30 EST
7/10/17- Dear journal, we are feeling much better. Finally the illness is gone. I hope we do not catch it again.


Date: 2017-10-31 12:08 EST
Oct 31 Dear journal, I had a wonderful hatching day. Aurthur gave me roses and a basket of ginger cookies.

Fright night was fun. I went with my twin. I ended up with a case of the itches after drinking one of the colored drinks, and one of my paws talons ended up painted green.


Date: 2017-11-17 17:09 EST
11/17/2017 Dear journal. We have a new grand daughter. Her name is Alexandria. Daddy has not met her yet. She is the perfect little girl.

Stormy has been watching over Aurthur. I'm sure she's treating him as if he were her own son.


Date: 2018-03-06 09:50 EST
3/6/2018- Dear journal. I have been catching up on my sleep lately while Aurthur watches the little ones. Matthew has been as playful as ever. Chasing and pouncing his sisters and brothers, along with my tail at times.

I suppose that is what I get when it twitches while I rest.


Date: 2018-03-23 19:58 EST
3/23/2018- Dear journal, springtime has arrived. The young ones have been excited to get outside into the sun, while I soak in the frigid spring nearby.

Aurthur is well. He's been watching over the youngest while I pay my visits to the Inn.


Date: 2018-05-28 16:37 EST
5/28.2018 Dear journal. I have been well, though lately I have been keeping closer to the lair, Aurthur has been resting.


Date: 2018-08-22 12:36 EST
8/22/2018-Dear journal. We are doing well. Aurthur has been resting while Stormy helps to watch over the remaining young ones. She seems to enjoy being with them. I have been enjoying the gardens and frigid waters of the lake nearby. The ice flowers are all in bloom.


Date: 2018-10-12 17:38 EST
10/12/2018 Dear journal, all is well about the lair. The little ones have been enjoying time within the gardens, and playing within the leaves. I have been watching over the land while Aurthur rests, I know the cold Winters are coming soon.


Date: 2018-11-15 21:56 EST
11/15/2018 Dear journal. We have been well. Aurthur has been resting more as the cold winds blow in. I have enjoyed time resting upon my favored perch overlooking the lake.

Soon the snows will come and blanket the gardens and the lair. It is my favorite time of the year.


Date: 2019-01-11 18:58 EST
1/11/19-Dear journal. All is well at the lair. The young ones enjoyed the Yule season and Aurthur has been resting a bit while I share guard duty with Stormy, Tiamatus and Damean.


Date: 2019-04-14 23:07 EST
4/14 Dear journal. Spring has come and the young ones have been enjoying time out in the gardens. The ice flowers still remain within bloom.


Date: 2019-06-08 18:51 EST
6/8/19 Dear Journal. We are well. Aurthur has been tending to the herds while I remain and help keep guard over the lair.

Many of the young ones have grown and have gone off to find lairs all their own, but a few have remained to help out.