Topic: On the Hunt

Aurthur Shimmerscale

Date: 2010-06-18 13:03 EST
*Aurthur said not a word to his mate. His armor, newly repaired, was donned, and the once mercenary dragon slipped off unnoticed. He met up with a secretive band of dragons, similarly clad in armor. His Son, Tiamatus Silverwing, A short tempered, brutal, yet loyal friend named Damien Darkheart, and one Sargon Bloodwing. These three nodded to each other and took off without a word.

Ever since his daughter had been kidnapped, Authur had feigned calmness, while the rage boiled just beneath the surface. Now, all pretense of calm was shoved aside. Aurthur snarled, his eyes sharp and searching. He was looking for his daughter, Icesong. He was furious at her kidnappers, and should he or his compatriots happen to get their talons in them........There would be nothing left to identify.*