Topic: The library completed

Aurthur Shimmerscale

Date: 2010-02-01 14:31 EST
*Aurthur had spent a lot of time and nights working in the library. They had been working on it for so long now, he put his claw down and decided to work until it was finished, and at long last, the library was ready for use. Aurthur had designed it so that it was one large bookshelf, wrapping around the entire wall, save for the entryway. There were a few couches, a chair or two, and a long table in which several dragons could read or work at once. There were also plush carpets on the floor to lie down and relax. Aurthur smiled, impressed with the room.

Of course, all the shelving was not full yet, there was always more empty space for more books. But among the books were a brand new set that Aurthur had just picked up the other day as a gift for his mate. One large section was filled with a few dozen new spell books, Aurthur had bought every one that he could get his claws on. Now all that was left was for the others to see it. Aurthur purposely left the door open and the light as bright as possible, to draw attention to the room before he laid down on one of the plush carpets to doze.*


Date: 2010-02-01 19:44 EST
Slipping down one of the branching hallways of the lair, the dragoness had just fed the hatchlings, and the younglings, when a light caught her eye.

That room hadn't been that bright before, head canting a moment, realizing the glow was coming from the room they'd chosen to be a library.

Talons clicked lightly upon the stone floor as she slid closer, curious, peeking into the chamber and eyes alighting.

It was finished, and there were more books than there had been before. The spellbooks immediately catching her eye, she could now study comfortably in the safety of their own home.

Spotting her mate lying curled upon one of the plush rugs, she slid into the chamber and settled at his side, her serpentine neck draping gently over his.

Aurthur Shimmerscale

Date: 2010-02-02 08:15 EST
*Even the softest of her touches brought him from slumber, and as her neck draped over his, he smiled and leaned forward without opening his eyes, kissing her lips gently* It's finished love.....It took a little longer than we expected, but it's finally done. Now we have a quiet place to study, and I would like to start giving the children daily lessons as well. I may not be the greatest of teachers, but they still need their lessons.

That, and the both of us can study together. Ive been wanting to learn more of my dragon magic as well, and I would love to have my beautiful mate as a study partner.