Topic: To save a son


Date: 2009-10-11 11:11 EST =PlayList&p=3EDA3041BF2A98CE&index=0&playnext=1

Ice blue eyes remained upon the lake as she went over the thoughts in her head. Matthew was getting worse, still, she was his mother, and she'd nae lose another child.

She had an idea, the hatchling spell would be needed once again, but if it saved her son, it would be worth it.

Now she needed a way to draw him, he was upset, she knew that, but he must be hungry. Slowly she started accumulating fish in a pile, not too close to the lake, yet not far from the area either.

As soon as she thought she had enough, she slid toward the forest nearby, disappearing beneath a few trees, where she'd lay in wait, watching vigilantly for Matthew to appear.

Sir Matthew Spade

Date: 2009-10-12 06:40 EST
::His patience for hunting as of late grew thin. He was hungry, but more often than not, he was hunting people, not food. So when he chanced upon a pile of fish, he sniffed around the immediate area. No one around......Why would someone leave a whole pile of perfectly good fish to rot in the sun? It would be a dreadful waste to let them rot, so he ate, dipping his head into the pile. Maybe if he was really lucky, the pile of fish would also draw a bear close by so he could have a real meal!::


Date: 2009-10-12 10:59 EST
'Mother, let me speak with him first...I dont want to lose him, to this madness or to the spell' Despite her injuries, Fiona had followed her mother and was hidden nearby, speaking mentally to Icer. She saw her mate, and watched him, feeling the pain in her heart that the madness was eating him away, and would soon take him from her.


Date: 2009-10-12 21:20 EST
<If you think you can get through to him Fiona, then try and do so>speaking back to her daughter through her thought speak, making well sure that she kept herself shielded, and not making a sound as she watched her son start devouring the fish.

<I will nae kill him Fiona, but if the need arises..> Her daughter most likely knew the spell she kept prepared.


Date: 2009-10-13 07:55 EST
Gaia was Right behind Mother, before she moved Foward a little to get a better look at her father. He had thought that she was dead.....Her not being around lately caused this to her father, and she felt horrible about it. She moved Foward a little more, Un aware of her Grandmothers plan to Catch him, an make him a little hatchling.

She was hoping that she could reach him, She had seen it in him the other day at the inn. He had nearly broken when he had seen her, her reaction to her pain, and her confusion at what he had done.

Maybe....Just maybe she could talk to him...

Sir Matthew Spade

Date: 2009-10-13 08:06 EST
::Something caused him to look up, and a fish hung comically from the corner of his mouth. Blood dribbled down his chin and neck, and he looked straight at where they were hiding. He knew someone was watching him, but he didn't know exactly who. He gulped down the fish, letting a hiss.:: "Friend or foe, show yourself!"


Date: 2009-10-13 10:58 EST
Ears perked at the noise Gaia was making, though she wouldn't let her presense be known, not yet. Ice blue eyes remaining upon her son, though a grin was given at the mess he seemed to be making of himself.

A few leaves nearby were stirred and almost seemed to dance in the wind, yet she would lay in wait still. Silently watching from the shadows of the forest.

Maybe she wouldn't have to use the spell, maybe Fiona would be able to get through to him, that or even maybe knock some sense into him, and if not his own mate, then maybe his daughter. A blink then and she spoke to Gaia through the same mind speak she'd spoken to her daughter with.

Shielded of course, she knew much better these days then to let her mind go unshielded.

<Wait.., let your mother try first.>


Date: 2009-10-14 22:00 EST
Gaia frowned at her Grandma's words, before with out a moment to hesiatate she replied.

<No, Let me go....I know I can do it...>

She replied feircly, before after her father had spoken to them she stepped out and called softly, "Tis neither friend, nor foe, but you Daughter!" Then she frowned and moved towards him slowly.

Sir Matthew Spade

Date: 2009-10-15 06:36 EST
::His head lifted higher and he looked down at his approachig child, rumbling softly.:: "Stay away from me......Don't even look at me........" ::He turned his back. spreading out his cybernetic wing. Three more heads were impaled upon it, and fresh from the looks of them, for the blood and gore was still staining the shining steel.:: "I am a monster now, not fit to be anyone's father, or mate, or anything."


Date: 2009-10-15 09:33 EST
Slowly, slowly, muscles twitched as the white slid down a forested pathway, shadowed by the trees and leaves, though a few branches snapped and leaves crunched under taloned feet.

Ears twitched then as she heard speaking nearby, attention drawn that way.

Not a word spoken, finally the treeline diminished, then vanished altogether, leaving the white dragon standing in open field.

Ice blue eyes falling upon the young male decorated with heads, before turning attention to what seemed to be a young female, then back.

No words spoken, but the dragon stood there in the sun, ice blue gaze remaining on the male.

Sir Matthew Spade

Date: 2009-10-16 08:16 EST
::He heard noise, and his head turned to see the white, letting out a feral hiss.:: "Who are you, to intrude here?! Stay away from me, less you wish to meet the same fate as the fools who adorn my wing!"


Date: 2009-10-16 09:40 EST
"I am kin", simply spoken as she took a step closer, not frightened in the least of the young male's threat.

"You are lost to the darkness, and would turn on your own", shaking her head, a glance back to the pair, and a third. She knew that scent quite well.

Her daughter. "Looking back to the decorated male, shaking her head.

"Only a fool would turn against kin, is that what you are", a fool?" head tilted to one side as she remained calm, and otherwise quiet.


Date: 2009-10-16 09:50 EST
She had seen her mother approach, and had remained hidden, just until her son threatened.

Sitting up now, showing herself, eyes narrowed as she remained beneath the trees. You would threaten my mother, Matthew, you turn your own child away.

I have but one choice left. She'd not wait for Fiona this time, he'd turned away from Gaia, and now threatened her mother.

Soon the hatchling spell that remained upon the tip of her tongue was loosened toward her son. It was for his own good, and for theirs.

She'd not have him slaying more people, then having hunters come after her own kin, and herself.

Pushing herself up, she stalked closer then, continuing the spell.

One way or another, Matthew would listen.

Sir Matthew Spade

Date: 2009-10-16 11:26 EST
::Luckily, he was still too far away for the spell to work, and he growled, backing up a step.:: "Still your tongue, mother! I'll not be a hatchling again! Think about it, if you turn me into a hatchling now, these cybernetics will be a part of me forever! Is that what you really want"!" ::Without waiting for an answer, he took to the air, looking down at the gathering of dragons below. His mate and his daugher, his mother and this other that appeared from nowhere........Were they really that concerned about him, even after all that he had done"::


Date: 2009-10-16 17:23 EST
There was a blink from Her, when the one approached, before she took a step back from where she stood, and let out a soft sigh. Although when daddy said that she let out a low whimper. Did he not care for her" Was he killing these people to endanger them' Mother, her siblings, And her"

There was a glance to her daddy as he took off, before she blinked away tears that began to form.

"Do you not care about me" Are you willing to turn away from Me......Mommy....The ones you love" Are you going to abandon us for this?" she gestured to his cybernetic wing, and the heads mounted upon it. "

"The violence, the killing....Is it more important than us"!?!"

Sir Matthew Spade

Date: 2009-10-17 08:14 EST
::His wings rotated, cupping the air and allowing him to hover. He felt a pang in his heart as he heard his daughter down below. He couldn't see the tears in her eyes, but he heard them in her voice.::

"Nothing has ever been more important to me, than my mate and my family. That is why I am doing this! Look what they have done to your mother, and to me! I thought they killed you, my precious daughter......" ::He sighed softly, dropping just a little altitude, shaking his head, looking down at them all.::

"Let me ask one question of each of you........Mother, am I still the same son that you raised from a hatchling" My beloved Fiona, am I still the same dragon you fell in love with and took your mating flight with' And my daughter, am I still the same father who you adored when you were a hatchling" Or have I truely become nothing more.......than a monster?"


Date: 2009-10-17 11:02 EST
There was a pause from her, before her tears did finally fall. She didn't want this, All she wanted was her daddy. The non violent one. there was a soft sigh, before she wiped her tears free from her face.

"Daddy please. Forget the killing...Unless you want to get us killed! You going out and killing these people will cause the Hunters to come....Do you really want that to happen" Do you want to lose Talia, Mommy or me because of your violence" I don't care if you have Cybernetics, I just want my Daddy..."

The last part was said softly, her voice pained. But she spoke the truth about what she thought, and that she just wanted daddy. She paused at his question to her, before she huffed.

"You're not, but if you stop giving into violence, You can be, Daddy please."

Sir Matthew Spade

Date: 2009-10-17 11:30 EST
::More altitude was lost as his heart twisted in his chest. He didn't want his family to suffer for his actions, but he wanted vengence! So lost in though was he that he didn't realize his hind legs had touched ground, nor that he had landed and folded his wings. His eyes, at one time ablaze with the fires of hate and intent on revenge, were wet. His vision was blurred, and he lowered his head.

What had he done" What had be been doing" If he continued this course of action, the chances were great that the slayers really WOULD come and kill him, his daughter, and his mate, all because of him. Still, that dark part of his heart fought for control, and his talons furrowed the ground as he warred with himself.::

"No, I can't.......won't......That's not me anymore!" ::When he spoke again, it was like another voice entirely.::

"It is you, THIS is you, has always BEEN you! You are a murderer, a dragon slayer in a dragon's body! Let me out!"


Date: 2009-10-17 17:40 EST
She blinked rapidly at that, before she moved closer to him. She had gotten him to land, that was good, wasn't it"

"Daddy' Are you alright?" was asked softly as she moved closer to him, only about 10 feet away. His reaction was frightening, and what he was saying was scaring her. "Let you out?" rapid blinking from her.


Date: 2009-10-18 02:04 EST
You are and always will be our son, no matter what. But listen to your daughter, would you condemn her" Would you condemn us" Her tone was not cold, but holding a slight edge as she watched him land.

Moving closer herself, she aimed to block Gaia from her father, she'd heard the new tone in his voice, one she knew quite well.

I will NAE lose another, not to this bloody violence. Not to the fear, nor terror.

You know better than this, we raised you better than this, yet you'd sink to such levels, do you think that makes us proud", a son bearing skulls of the innocent"

Stop the violence now, or so help me...

Sir Matthew Spade

Date: 2009-10-18 07:33 EST
"So help you what? You'll spank me, mother" Turn me to a hatchling again? Oh the fun the meniacal can have as a young 'innocent', that doesn't know any better.....

"Daughter, come with me, together, you and I can do anything, and we will want for nothing! Come to me......"

"Stop....! Gaia, my darling daughter.....Don't.....Listen! Mother......Strike me down.....If you must! But don't let him......Don't let him hurt my family!" ::He was clutching at his head, bent over as though in pain. The two halves were warring within one body, the true, loving son, and the evil dragon slayer of the past.::

"It was......Him.....He started this......I don't want this! Make it stop, before he makes me hurt you!"


Date: 2009-10-18 11:33 EST
Confusion began to flicker in her eyes. what was going on' Who was the 'Him' daddy was talking about' She growled when Grandma tried to block her off from him. She wasnt going to stand for being not able to see him.

"No, Don't. Don't block my father from me Grandma."

There was a moment as she tyhought of what he had said. She would go with him to the end of the world with him, if he was the daddy that she knew. But this person infront of her was not the one she knew, He looked as if he was fighting within him self. After a moment she stepped around her Grandma and moved closer to him, close enough that he could hurt her if he lashed out. Then she whispered softly,

"I'm your daughter, And i know that you wont hurt me...You can't do it, Can you strike me down, because of your anger" Could you hurt me for the sake of more violence?"

She kept her eyes on him while she said this, confusion still present in her eyes, but not as much as before.

Sir Matthew Spade

Date: 2009-10-18 11:42 EST
"Hurt you? Oh daughter, I could easily do more than hurt you! I could kill you just like this!" His cybernetic claw lashed out, but before he could strike his daughter, his real forearm clasped the cybernetic.::

"I won't.....Let you hurt her! Get out of my head, get out of my life! IM NOT YOU ANYMORE!!!!" ::He rorared as he yanked, ripping the cybernetic arm clean off, and his blood splattered the ground, his daughter, and his mother all at once.:: "I don't care......If I bleed to death! I wont.......let you hurt them!"


Date: 2009-10-18 12:16 EST
She blinked rapidly, as he had lashed out.....Lashed out to kill her. As frightened as she was she couldn't move away, she couldn't run, She just stood there, flinching when the other arm stopped it from hurting her.


was stammered out when she found her voice, only to lose it again when she was splattered with blood. She stumbled foward a little, and kept silent for the time being. What was going on, What was wrong with him' He had actually tried to kill her....She was confused, hurt, and most of all afraid.


Date: 2009-10-18 20:36 EST
Get behind me. She spoke to her Grand daughter as they all were splattered with blood, she had blocked Gaia on purpose from her father, yet the young one had gotten around her.

A nudge given, perhaps a bit harder than she really meant was given as she aimed to send her Grand child back toward her mother.

Ears flattened then as attention returned to her bleeding son, a snarl rising in her throat. Momma.., was getting angry.

Moving a step closer to her son, she recalled a spell she'd been studying a long time ago, back when she still went to classes at Ravensheart, back when she spoke with Shauri and Briarius.

Another step closer, she started the spell, crooning, and weaving the enchantment with her magic.

If her memory recalled it correctly, the slayer's mind would be silenced, leaving only her son.

Even as she wove the spell, nostrils flared, yet she concentrated only on the cantrip, ice blue eyes holding a tinge of crimson, showing that she was on edge.

Sir Matthew Spade

Date: 2009-10-19 07:35 EST
::At first it would seem as though the spell was having no effect, but after a moment or two, he let loose a tremendous roar, falling on his side, writhing as though he were in agony. After long moments, he stilled at last, panting heavily, his bloody stump still oozing blood, and the cybernetic still twitched as though it were attached to him.

One would almost think he ceased to live, for his breathing slowed tremendously, and you would have to look hard to see the ever so slight rise and fall of his breast. What he had said before was fact......He was slowly bleeding to death. And even though the slayer was silenced for now, what would stop him from coming back, now that he had been reawakened" What would stop him from doing yet more harm to others, and possibly to his family"::


Date: 2009-10-19 09:35 EST
Ice blue eyes, still tinged with crimson remained upon her son as he fell, nostrils flaring still at the scent of blood in the air.

Soon she moved toward his fallen form, rumbling, ears still laying flat against her skull now as she finished the spell, sealing it, and the slayer away once more. Looking back toward Fiona and Gaia a moment, Fiona would get a look and a slightly cold tone, this.., is why you should nae have told him, Fiona, this is why I was trying to protect him from his past. Do nae disobey me again.

Finally, she lay her snout against where the cybernetic foreleg had been, concentrating, her aim was simply to staunch the flow of blood. She had spoken the truth, and like hell she would lose another.

Matthew would get a sharp nip to his ear then after she had finished, before she too ended up on the ground, so much healing and energy used in casting the spell.

She had pushed herself further than she should have, now it was time to recover. Finally the tinge of crimson faded from her eyes, as they both closed, her breathing evening out, maybe he'd finally see what he was doing to his mother, his family.

Sir Matthew Spade

Date: 2009-10-19 09:47 EST
::He was awakened by a pain in his ear, but it was like feeling it from a different perspective than his own body. His eyes cracked open, and he saw the blood, and the removed cybernetic foreleg, and he felt his heart sink. He was in pieces again, even though the cybernetic wing still remained.::

"Im......sorry......." ::His voice was weak barely above a whisper.:: "I.....let him win.....Gaia!" ::He sat up quickly, hissing in pain, looking for his daughter, he saw her, and he longed to reach out for her, but how could he now" How could he hold her now, after all of this":: "Mother.......My beloved mate.......I've......I've failed all of you. I let everyone down......"


Date: 2009-10-19 10:01 EST
You have nae Matthew.., :;rumbled from her recovering spot on the ground, just do nae let it happen again..

One eye drifting open to peer at her son. Now.., do we need to find my father again, so he can reattach that leg of yours?, Or are you not going to worry about that, and think about more important things, like your kin.

Oh yes.., and do get rid of those hideous skulls on your wings.., if anything, at least let me give them a descent burial.

Sir Matthew Spade

Date: 2009-10-19 10:14 EST
"When I have recovered enough, I will bury the skulls, I promise, mother, and I've never broken a promise to you.........As for the leg, i'm going to leave it be, and persue the faint hope that there might be someone in Rhydin that can help me get my regular leg back.......If not, I will remain one leg short. But I AM keeping the cybernetic wing." ::He said that last stubbornly, as though he dared her to tell him to get rid of it.::


Date: 2009-10-19 19:11 EST
Gaia blinked rapidly at that, and when her father felll she let out a yelp. Was he alright, what had happened to him> Was he dead" Of close to it"

"DADDDY!" she yelped, only to be blocked off by grandma completly. There was a low gorwl, before she heard his voice, So he wasn't dead.....There was a pause, before she moved, around her overtired grandma, and towards her daddy.

Then without caring for her safteyshe smoved close to him and knelt beside his head. "Daddy....Daddy please...Are you aright?" she asked him softly, wrapping her arms around his neck, and hugging.

Sir Matthew Spade

Date: 2009-10-21 07:31 EST
::He wrapped his good wing around his daughter, and nuzzled her gently.:: "Yes my daughter......Daddy is okay now. Im sorry that I worried you and your mother so.....Please forgive daddy for being an idiot. I never should have doubted myself, or that you still loved me, even though i'm not whole anymore......Never again."


Date: 2009-10-21 08:32 EST
I never said you would have to remove the wing, Matthew. There was a bit of a grin as she pushed herself up, a bit wobbly, back onto her taloned feet.

A nod to her grand daughter, then a glance back to Fiona, she had been a little harsh on the young one and she moved that direction, to give her daughter a gentle nuzzle.

Perhaps, I will keep your extra leg at the lair.., just incase you want it again, a glance back to her son and a smile given.

Finally there was peace again.