Topic: Eniro


Date: 2014-04-22 13:23 EST
((Contains reference to adult situations.))

That night, the rite the Arctrans had been warned of began slowly. At first, it seemed that there were no plans among the nomadic Wild Ones to honor their Goddess. Each went about their evening in their own way, eating, talking, honing their skills, sharpening their weapons.

But as the moon began to rise to her xenith in the sky, shining down full-bellied between the trees, every eye among Liayna's people rose to watch her stately progress across the stars in absolute silence. The reverence, the love they felt for their Goddess was palpable in that sudden stillness, and for a long time, the only sound that could be heard was the movement of the horses, the rustling of the wind in the trees. Then, with no visible initiation, a song rose from them, rhythmic and pulsing, the words in the old speech passing from one mouth to the next, rising in volume from the merest whisper to the full-throated cadence of a chorus. Somewhere among them, a drum started, and with the first beat, the fire at the center of their camp sprang into life, the flames roaring high, blasting the camp and their guests with heat like mid-summer.

The nomads swayed to the beat of that drum, to the cadence of their own voices, and it was easy to see when and how their form of divine ecstasy came upon them. Some sang on, harmonizing, giving themselves over to the music. Others drew their weapons, sparring with terrifying intensity as the sweat dripped from their skin. But it was the women who drew the eye. Seven in all, they ringed the leaping fire and danced for their Goddess, and in that dance was all the magic of the land. The danger and the tenderness, the threat and the comfort, the eagerness and the reticence.

Liayna danced with them, exuding as they all did that sense of wild freedom, of deep devotion, of blood-boiling sensuality. Each roll of her hips, each sway of her arms, were loaded with a knowledge of her own being, her own sexuality, her own desires, her dark eyes warm and wild as she whirled with her fellows in the firelight.

The nomads' fears that the rebels might mock them or ridicule them proved unwarranted as the men and women of the contingency looked on with interest - some in wonder, some even seemed envious of the freedom and joy that seemed to emanate from the nomads as they gave themselves over to the music and the dance. Some of the men murmured among themselves over one woman or another, finding them desirable, though not daring to join them, just yet. Conall had given them strict orders, under the threat of punishment if they disobeyed. They were allowed to watch and even join the nomads if they were so invited, but they were under no circumstances to deride them or scoff at them in any way. If anyone felt uncomfortable with the revelry, they were to leave the gathering and retire to their shelter in the caves, rather than risk blood-letting. He made it clear that he would tolerate no disobedience from anyone.

As for himself, once they were settled, Conall had rested a little and had removed the heavy leathers, clad now only in wool tunic and pants that were tucked into a pair of leather boots, his hair pushed back from his face, the firelight illuminating a chiseled, unshaven jaw, green eyes bright with curiosity. As he took in the rites of Clan Tarven, he found his gaze returning again and again to the woman whose acquaintance he had made earlier that day - the one who called herself Liayna. He felt his body betraying him as he watched her hips roll and sway, as though she were dancing for his eyes alone. Even as one of his own group came up to speak to him, he found himself entranced by her dance and wondered what she had meant by the words she'd shared with him earlier that day.

The song changed, growing more primal, taking on the beat of the drum in the emphasis on words the Arctrans did not understand. One of the women threw her head back and shouted to the sky, shedding her clothing until she stood bare beneath the moonlight, silhouetted against the fire. "Na'Leniniya do'sai!" Others who danced about the fire repeated her shout, supple backs arched as they called to the full moon above them.

Liayna joined them, raising her own voice to the Goddess as she, too, threw off her clothes, as bare to the eyes of the men and women who watched as she was to her Goddess. Her eyes turned, seeking out Conall's gaze in the firelight with a wicked quirk to her smile. "I am a child of the Goddess," she said, a translation for those who watched, and stepped backward, into the leaping fire.

The flames coiled around her, licking at her bare skin, yet no one rushed to her aid, not one of the nomads seemed even barely concerned for her. And why should they' The child of the Goddess walked through the fire and rejoined the dance with a joyous laugh, her skin untouched, her hair unsinged, her naked body sinewy with untapped sensuality as she resumed her swaying, enticing motion.

"Leniniya!" The call went up from the Wild Ones in celebration and thanks, and another of the women entered the fire as the beat of the drum grew more frenzied. One by one, the women walked through the fire, peeling off one by one to choose or be chosen, and soon, the fire was ringed with bodies engaged in the earthy worship Liayna had warned Conall of. Yet she did not choose a partner, still dancing to the heady beat of the drum as she turned her dark eyes to him. She had chosen ....but it was his choice.

"She is trying to seduce you, Conall," he heard a voice beside him, soft and womanly and full of jealousy and scorn. She had been trying to bed him for months, succeeding a handful of times when his resistance was low, but he did not love her, and she held no sway over him nor had any claim on him.

"Yes," he agreed, not denying it, nor denying the fact that it was working, but it wasn't so much that he found one woman more desirable than the other; only that he felt some strange attraction to the one who seemed to be dancing only for him.

"She is practically throwing herself at you," she whispered for his ears only, touching his arm as if to claim him for her own.

"I do not belong to you, Reena. I do not belong to anyone," he told her, glancing her way in time to see the flash of jealousy in her eyes.

The pairings around the fire seemed to be fluid - when one coupling ended, the woman returned to the dance unless she was chose to claim another lover for herself. And yet through it all, Liayna danced, slow steps drawing her further from the fire, toward the seated Arctrans. Toward their leader. The woman, Reena, was utterly ignored, meaningless in the heady invitation of the dance. Liayna's eyes never left Conall's as the firelight played across her slender form, as hips rolled and body swayed, and one hand seemed to beckon to him. Stark against the inner wrist of that hand, a triskelion burned, seemingly set alight by the fire that had enveloped her when she declared herself a child of the Goddess. A mark no other nomad bore.

He wondered not only at the beauty of her body and the graceful movement of the dance, but at the mystery of the fire and how she and her people could engulf themselves in it and come away unscathed; by the obvious passion with which she and the others worshiped the deity of their choice; by the way she so obviously had chosen him over even her own people; by the way her body moved, as though she was making love to him already without even touching him. He noticed the mark on her arm - how could he not notice? And though he knew Reena was right, that she was trying to seduce him for whatever reason, he could himself unable to resist.


Date: 2014-04-22 13:25 EST
"She is bewitching him," Reena said, as Conall slipped away from her and stretched out his hand to the woman who was beckoning him forward.

"Yes," replied another, a man.

"Lucky bastard," said another.

As for Reena, her words were lost in the music, and unable to watch, she fled to the caves to lick her wounds in private.

Fingers as warm as morning ashes smoothed over his palm as he came to the woman of the Wild Ones, drawing him into the firelight to press close against her as she moved to the unending beat of the drum. Those dark eyes stared into his, promising the world if only for a single night, her choice made in the eyes of her people and his. Hands skimmed down over his back, holding him close to let the heat of her skin warm him through the rough cloth of his shirt and pants as her lips played barely an inch from his. "Burn with me, eniro."

He only touched her hand, nothing more, devouring her with his eyes as his gaze moved over her form before meeting the dark heat of her stare. He could easily get lost in the dark pools of her eyes, forgetting every other woman he had ever laid with, if only for a night, almost feeling the cadence of the drum as it beat in time with his heart. He lifted her hand and pressed it against his chest to feel the thrum of his heart, his breathe warm and shallow as her lips played close to his. "You know I cannot deny you," he replied, though he wished for privacy, as was the way of his own people. Whether this was something that was needed to forge a bond between his people and hers, he did not know, nor did he care. He only knew that he wanted her. He would worry about what came after later.

There was a knowing light in her eyes as he answered her, a moment of wondering if he truly knew what was happening here. Her hand pressed over his heart, beneath the warmth of his own as her lips just barely touched his. "Yours where you want me," she whispered to him, words older than his civilization. "Yours how you want me. In the eyes of the Goddess, and all men. Yours till the stars burn cold." A flicker of humor touched her gaze as her lips curved, offering him a way out of performing in public, as it were. "For you, I would sleep in the heart of the Goddess."

Her words touched his heart, striking some unknown chord deep inside him, and that brow of his arched yet again. Was she offering herself to him for all time" Or were they to share a lifetime of love all in the span of one evening" She was right in thinking that he was not quite sure what was happening between them, but he also knew that if she truly wanted to be his for all time, he could not deny that either. It was as though there was some inexplicable connection between them that he could not explain, but he was not sure if it was only the heady moment that made him believe it or if it was really so. "No," he replied, covering the hand that pressed warmly against his heart. "I would not ask that of you. The grass will be our bed, and the sky our roof."

"But you would not have me before your people or mine," she murmured through her smile, the steady roll of her hips pressing hard to his in the sway of the music. "Burn with me, eniro. Burn with me in the full light of the moon."

"I would have you before your Goddess and in witness of those who watch over me from the heavens, but not in front of my people, no. They would not understand nor would they approve. I will burn with you, but not where eyes who do not understand would see."

Her smile deepened. "The Goddess began the hunt," she told him softly. "It is you who must end it." She threw back her head, calling to the full moon. "Leniniya!" A moment later, she had whirled away, her hand in his pulling him away from the firelight, away from the caves, out of the camp, surefooted over the uneven ground. Certain he would chase her, she released him and lengthened her stride, her steps drawing them back to the clearing where they had first met only hours before, where the moon shone down on the waters of a fresh pool and the breeze rustled in the grass.

He followed, as she expected and as he had promised, drawn to her like a moth to a flame, uncaring if he burned in the firelight. Some of his own might think he was being foolish, reckless even, but they were not him and they did not understand. It was as if he had waited all his life for this moment, though he did not understand why one woman should be so important and hold such sway over his heart. Following her was like trying to catch a shaft of dappled moonlight, fair and pure and wild and always just a little out of reach. He knew where she was taking him, recognized the place, though he was not sure why there, except that it was the place of their meeting and thereby must hold some significance. He had the feeling that nothing she did was by accident, but by design. She must have known already that she wanted him from the very first meeting.

There, in the center of that clearing, on the very spot where she had stood to await his coming, she halted, turning to face him as the moonlight shone down on her. She had burned in the fire; now she shone in the light of the Goddess. And again, Liayna danced for her chosen man. Yet this time it was truly for his eyes alone, each motion displaying the form that had enticed him, the warmth of her eyes inviting him to end the hunt whenever he chose. Yours, she had said, and to that she would hold, no matter how long it took him to realize what she had done tonight. And again, she spoke four words in a whisper that carried through the rustling of the wind in the trees. "Burn with me, eniro."

Though he did not understand all of her words, he seemed to understand her meaning. There was much about her that he did not understand, but that was part of the mystery, part of what enticed him. She was the Mystery that was Woman, and he was a Man. There in the clearing where they had met only a few hours earlier, he peeled off the clothing that encumbered him and separated his flesh from hers. There was no turning back now. What was it she had told him' The Goddess knows what I am to you. What had she meant by that' She had said she was not his friend. Was that only because she wanted to be something more? He did not waste any time asking, but took her in his arms, his body as naked as hers, bathed only in the light of the moon.

Her kisses burned, her touch scorched his skin and left no mark behind to show for the way she loved him in the moonlight. Ecstasy had been a word well chosen, for there was a wildness in her as she drew him down to the dew-kissed grass, a tenderness that seemed at odds with the fervor, the ferocity, the need that drove her to claim him for her own. With only her Goddess and his Gods to see them, she completed the ritual that had begun when their eyes had first met, a ritual he had no way of understanding in these fervent hours of the full moon's light. She loved him with touch and taste, with sound and scent, learning him with eyes and hands and tenderly fierce lips as they rolled together on the chosen, neutral ground.

He lacked neither experience nor skill in matters of love-making, matching her kiss for kiss and touch for touch, both tender and wild in their need for each other. It was not only desire that drove him onward, but a need, a hunger that burned deep inside, that it seemed only this one woman was able to fill. He had never needed or wanted anyone the way he needed her, and he found himself filled with a passion he had never known possible, a depth of feeling he had kept submerged and subdued all his life let loose by this woman who had claimed him, though she hardly knew him. Though he hardly understood what was happening, he claimed her in returned, taking her roughly and gently all at once, making her his, claiming her for himself for all of eternity, with only the stars and the moons and the forest to witness.


Date: 2014-04-22 13:26 EST
She drew him to her like a moth to a flame, but refused to consume him entirely with her fire. Instead, it was shared, strengthening his weakness, weakening her strength, until they were level with one another in the glory of that joining. And when it was done, she did not roll from his arms and leave him. She stayed, the fall of her hair surrounding their faces in a tumbling curtain of brown gold as she touched a searing kiss to his love-swollen lips. "Until the stars burn cold, eniro," she promised him in a low whisper. "Yours."

"That is a very long time, Liayna," he told her, as he swept her hair back from her lovely face, green eyes shining in the moonlight as he looked upon her, admiring her face and form and everything about her. "You are the loveliest creature I have ever known," he told her, emphasizing his words with a trail of kisses against the slender line of her neck.

Her laugh brushed his ear, low and husky as his lips found the slender column of her throat. "You do not know me yet," she told him wickedly, not above renewing her caresses to tease him before he was ready to repeat what had gone before. Drawing back, she looked into his eyes, her smile fading. "When you have seen me kill, that loveliness may fade in your eyes." She paused, drawing her callused fingertips along the line of his temple. "Green eyes. Earth eyes. You are Goddess-touched, Conall Riordan."

He paused in the savoring of her throat to look back at her once again as she spoke. "As you do not know me," he countered. "There is blood on my hands, as well, Liayna. I am no innocent. I have killed and will kill again. Life is precious, and I do not relish killing, but there is much at stake here. Much at stake," he repeated, quieting as her fingers touched his face, almost losing himself in the dark depths of her eyes once again. "I do not know what that means, Liayna na'Kari, but I feel a connection to you that I cannot explain."

She smiled faintly, unable to explain that connection to him. He did not understand the Goddess yet, but perhaps, one day, he would. "Your people did you credit tonight, eniro," she complimented him instead. "And for that I am glad. It would have been harder to have you, had blood been spilled. But I would have had you, no matter the consequences."

"What does that mean, eniro?" he asked, noticing that she'd chosen to ignore his comment, at least for now, but not pressing her further. There would be plenty of time for questions and explanations and understanding later. "They know how important this alliance is, and they do not wish to risk Liam's wrath," he told her as he touched her hair again, admiring the way it shone red-gold in the moonlight.

She chuckled in a quiet tone, letting her arms lower herself down until she lay over him, heart to heart, skin to skin, heedless of the breeze that rippled over them. "Eniro is ..." She paused, trying to find the right words. "It is what you are to me. The only master I choose to follow, the only man I bend my will to. Heart of my heart, soul of my soul, Goddess-touched and -sworn. Eniro means that I am yours, however you choose to have me."

There went that brow of his again, arching higher as it always seemed to do when he found something odd or curious. "And what is the counterpart to that?" he asked, curious what the word would be to describe her in that same context. There were many words for lover in his own language, but none that seemed to quite match the meaning for what she had named him.

Her lips curved, surprised and impressed that he would even think to ask that, though she knew now he was a very rare sort of Arctran. One who did not seem to look down on the nomads and their heathen ways. "Aera," she told him softly. "Though it is a word hardly used in these times. I always knew my eniro would be a man of Arctra, not a man of the Goddess. I did not know he would wish to think of me in the same way."

"Perhaps," he said, making no promises. It was too soon for promises, though she seemed to have promised herself to him. "I have never met anyone like you, Liayna," he told her as one muscled arm circled her waist. It was hard to tell in the moonlight, but his body bore scars of battle, his fingers callused from years of hard labor, followed by years of fighting. "I would like to know you better, if you will let me. And I would like to learn more about the ways of your people."

"Ask me what you would know," she told him, her voice warm in the glow of the moonlight, even as her body warmed to his again, enclosed in the wrap of his arm. A body untouched by battle, bearing no scars he could see. Was she really that good a warrior, that no one had ever laid a blade on her skin"

He smiled up at her, the smile seemingly lighting up his face and his eyes in the moonlight. "Not now. There will be time for that later. There are other....more pressing matters at hand," he said, turning her onto her back with the intention to claim her again.

She laughed as she was toppled onto her back, her arms rising to curl about his shoulder, fingers delving deep into the fall of dark hair that crowned his head. "You wish to worship the Goddess with me again tonight, eniro?" she teased him playfully. "Your priests would be horrified, I think."

For some reason, her teasing brought a smile to his face. This was a woman who could be more than just a temporary distraction or some comfort in the night. This was a woman who seemed able to match him in every way, a woman who was worthy of more than a single night's entertainment. "If that is what you wish to call it, yes. I expect I will hear no objections from you." He made no comment regarding religion, either hers or his. He had never been a terribly religious man, choosing to believe that he was in charge of his own fate and that no one had the right to tell another how to live.

Liayna's lips parted in a wide grin as she arched to him, more than prepared to extend her teasing past words and into touch, allowing him to take the upper hand as he had allowed her when they had first reached the clearing together. "Burn with me for long enough, and you will be able to pass through the fire unscathed," she murmured to him, dangling an enticement to learn about the Goddess that had sent others running from the Wild Ones. Arctrans feared fire, she had learned over the years, despite needing it for their lives to continue.

But this was one Arctran who seemed unlike the others, who seemed to defy her preconceived expectations. He did not fear fire, like so many others, nor did he seem so attached to the customs and beliefs of his people that he could not see that their way of life might not be the only way. Still, this was not the time for discussion or debate, though her words intrigued him. He was a practical man who wanted very little out of life but the freedom to live life as he saw fit, whatever that life might be. "Enough talk," he told her as he turned his efforts toward rekindling the flame of passion between them. He had never known a woman as passionate as this, who was willing to give herself to him again and again, until the sky grew gray with light.


Date: 2014-04-22 13:27 EST
And give herself she did, over and again, until the moon had faded from the sky and the first cold grayness of dawn began to creep into view. And still she laughed and smiled, seeming as fresh as a morning after a long night's rest, though neither one of them had rested much at all through this long night. As gray began to turn into gold, she rolled over him, offering one last kiss to burn his lips and tease his spirit. "Come, eniro," she told him. "There are many miles to walk today, and blood to be shed before the day is done."

He grunted a response, feeling oddly invigorated rather than exhausted, though he had not slept a wink all night. With any luck, weariness wouldn't make itself known until later. If anything, he knew he would sleep like a baby that night. "How do you know these things?" he asked curiously as she rolled off him, but something in the woods gave him pause. He snatched her wrist to draw her back down to him, pressing a single finger against her lips to silence her. Perhaps it was more instinct or second-sense than anything else that made him wary, but something inside him sensed they were not alone. There came an almost imperceptible snap of branches, a quiet crunch of fallen leaves and swish of brush. It might be nothing more than a deer foraging for food, or it might be a far more dangerous intruder.

The stillness that came over her at his behest was uncanny, the stillness of a forest in the dead of winter, of a lake surface untouched by the wind, of a golden sunset. She listened with him, and slowly a grin touched her face as she looked into his eyes. "If she thought she could escape with her life, she would put a dagger between my shoulders at this moment," she murmured, knowing there could only be one person lurking so close and yet so eager not to be seen.

He tensed beneath her, instinct telling him to be on alert, though it seemed the threat had passed as the sounds quickly retreated into the woods. Conall seemed to catch his companion's meaning and his expression darkened, scowling more in annoyance than anger. "Foolish girl. She holds no claim on me, nor I on her. I should never have laid with her. It was a mistake." Though it had seemed like a good idea at the time. He relaxed a little when he realized it had only been Reena who'd trespassed, though he knew a woman's scorn could prove dangerous enough.

Liayna laughed, unafraid of being heard, moving to rise from him once again. Naked, she was obviously not at all concerned about walking back into their waking camp in that state. "I hope then, for her sake, that she has the sense to hold her jealousy close," she mused. "I do not think she will like to defend her claim, should it come to it."

As unconcerned with her nudity as she was, his instinct was to cover her, if only to keep her warm and to keep the prying eyes of his men from lusting after her. He snagged his tunic from the ground and, catching her by the arm, pulled her toward him again as he rose to his feet. "She has no claim on me," he reassured her bluntly. "You should cover yourself. I am a jealous man myself, and I do not wish to share you."

Liayna laughed again, strong despite allowing him to pull her close once more. "Do you think any man has had me that I did not want?" she asked him, just as bluntly. "Do you Arctrans forget so soon the promises made by the light of the Goddess' moon' You are my eniro. And I will die before allowing another man to touch me."

"You misunderstand, Liayna. I do not wish to share what I have seen this night. You are not ashamed of your body, and you are perfectly right not to be, but men will lust after you if you give them cause." The truth of the matter was that men were likely to want her whether she was clothed or not, but why offer a temptation they could not have"

She frowned in confusion. "Do your men not know what it is to look and not touch, to understand that a woman is not free to be theirs for the taking" Are Arctrans so very dense and dull of wit?"

"Some do," he replied, letting go of her arm and handing her his tunic, despite her confusion and disagreement. "Humor me," he told her, with a weak smile. "Just this once." He did not want to explain that this was for her own good, though he had a feeling if anyone did try to cause trouble for her, she was more than capable of defending herself.

She looked down at the material in her hands, more finely woven than any she had come across before. The looms of her people were rustic affairs, their cloth not made to be anything but practical. Her eyes rose to his once again, and she sighed, pulling the tunic over her head. It hung low enough to protect his sensibilities, at least. "Just this once," she warned quietly.

That left him without a tunic, but it hardly mattered. He couldn't help but smirk to himself as she agreed with his request, secretly wondering what else he might manage to get her to agree to, as he snatched his pants from the ground and tugged them on. "What did you mean when you said I would be able to walk through the fire unscathed?" he asked curiously. Now that the night was over and dawn had arrived, he wondered how much of what he'd seen the previous night was real and how much he had imagined.

She blinked, startled by this seeming ability to disregard what his own eyes had seen the night before. "You saw us walk through the fire last night," she reminded him. "Each one of us. Your priests would say it is an act of faith. We believe it is love. What mother allows her loving children to come to harm when they trust in her so deeply?"

"I know what I saw, but I do not understand how it was accomplished, or how I might accomplish it," he explained, more curious than anything else. It was not so much that he doubted what his eyes had clearly showed him; it was more of a desire to understand how such a feat had been achieved. "There are some who would call it magic, and others who might say it is witchcraft." He was not one of them, however.

Her laughter rang out through the trees as she reached out to touch him, her skin still warm from their love-making. "Those who cry witchcraft, who scream out against magic ....those are the ones who come begging to the clans in the dead of night, weeping and pleading for our wise women and their healing arts for some beloved child or sibling. Your laws are not my laws, Conall Riordan. An Arctran calls me a witch, and I laugh. If they threaten what is mine, I will kill them."

"I have much to learn about you, your people, and your goddess," he admitted as he fastened his pants at the waist, pausing to look at her as she touched him. The desire he'd felt for her only a short time earlier still echoed through him, like the flicker of a flame not yet extinguished, and he wondered if it was possible to keep that flame burning forever. Now that the light of day was turning the world from darkness to light, she could see that his body was marred in several places by old, fading scars that only seemed to give him more character, rather than diminish his natural good looks. "What is yours," he repeated, wondering just what she meant by that. He was not a thing to possess, though she had made no direct claim on him, but rather seemed to want him to claim her. "You seem to have known me before I arrived. Did your goddess tell you of my coming?"


Date: 2014-04-22 13:29 EST
"The Goddess knows what I must hold true," she told him firmly. "That is what is meant by what is mine." Turning, she began the walk back toward the camp, unhindered by bare feet against rough ground, choosing to answer his question as she went. "Kari told me that on this moon I would meet my eniro," she explained easily. "That I would know him when I saw him. And she was right. She is always right."

He quickly found his boots and tugged them on over his feet before falling in behind her to follow her back to camp, almost regretting that the night was already over so soon. With luck, there would be other nights, but none such as the one he'd just spent with her, or so he thought. "Kari," he echoed. "Your mother. Is she still alive, your mother?" he asked as he fell into step at her side.

"My grandmother," she told him, her smile warm for the old woman who ruled her clan. "She is the Doma of Clan Tarven, the Clan Mother. Her son is my father, Domus, Clan Father. And yes, she is still alive. She has not been with us for many years, but she still rules us. Her words are the words of the Goddess."

He furrowed dark brows as her explanation seemed to contradict itself. So, she was the daughter of the Clan Father, which meant she was a woman who not only commanded respect, but had been born to and had earned it. "I am not sure I understand," he admitted as they passed through the green of the forest back toward the camp, where he could already smell the unmistakable scent of food being prepared for a morning meal.

"Kari was Goddess-born," she tried to explain for him, to make it clearer. "She was born with the sight of the Goddess, the knowledge of Her ways. No one needed to teach her; she knew from birth. The Goddess speaks to her, the Goddess guides her hand. She is the only Goddess-born in the lands at this moment. When she dies, the child born in that moment will be the next. Perhaps she will be born into Clan Tarven, perhaps not. But Kari will gift her with the knowledge of the Goddess in the moment of her death."

Unlike most Arctrans, he accepted this as fact without a doubt, but her explanation told him nothing of his own place in the grand scheme of things. "And she told you of my coming. Am I so important then that the Goddess chose to tell her of me?" he asked, pushing a branch aside to accommodate his tall form.

Liayna paused, turning to face him. "You know, do you not, of the way the world should be? One Queen, to rule the lands, born of the correct line of blood?" she asked him gently. "It is the same with us. The line passes from mother, or grandmother, to the female children. I am the only female born of Kari's blood. I am important to her, and at her request, the Goddess tells her of me." She glanced away for a moment, debating what else she should tell him. "I know her greatest secret, and I am charged to share it with your commander. I can only hope he will choose to share it with you, for I cannot."

He, too, paused as she turned to face him, looking down into a face he thought he could easily grow to love. "He will share it," he replied, knowing his commander's heart better than most. He was second in command only to Liam, and there was little they did not share. It was Liam who had sent him on this journey, trusting him to meet with the clans and gain their trust, their respect, and their aid, for the good of all of Arctra. There was no one else Liam would have trusted for such an important mission but Conall. "But I can wait until I hear it from him," he added, not wanting her to think he was trying to connive it out of her in some way. "Why does your clan care what happens to the rest of us?" he asked, curious what her stake was in all this, if she had any stake in it at all.

She smiled at his curious question, again surprised that he hadn't already realized the point of the clans' interest in the outcome of this war of his. Raising the sleeve of his tunic to expose her left arm, she showed him the mark that was tattooed there - a three armed spiral, a triskelion. In turn, she pointed to each arm of the triskelion. "The queen, the people, the land," she told him, and laid her fingertip at the heart of the mark, where the arms joined. "The Goddess. All things in balance, or everyone suffers. The line of Arlan must be restored, and will be, or the land will suffer, the people will die, and the line of queens will be broken. The Goddess cannot allow it. And neither can we."

"No, we cannot, but it will not be easy," he replied, having seen what was going on in Phalion first hand. "It will take years before we can restore the line. I only hope I am alive to see it happen." He frowned a little, as this seemed to bother him for some reason, and he turned away from her to continue on his way back toward the encampment, though his heart was heavy with worry.

Behind him, Liayna's knowing smile watched his back as she fell into step with him. He would be alive to see the line restored. She would make certain of it. After all, what was a single season, to the patient heart"

((And for those who have read all of Arctra thus far, there's the teaser! Those who haven't, don't you worry - all will be revealed in time. Possibly years, knowing us. :grin: Many, many thanks to Conall's player!))