Topic: A Broken Mind in the Market.


Date: 2007-12-14 21:41 EST
He had moved through the market as his feet carried him down the street to where Travanix said he could find just what it was he was looking for. Violently swirling orbs of violet scanned over each cage and each booth until finally he came to what he had been searching for. The pretty redheaded thing in the cage couldn't have been more than five foot two and not a day over twenty; besides she had shrunk back against the bars holding her in the most delightful manner as he stopped before her. She would be perfect. With no thought to the man minding the cage he threw the door open and reached in and wrapped his hand around her neck. With his iron grip around her throat secure, he yanked her quickly through the small cage door; a single look enough to make the man cease his protestations as well as back up several paces. For the briefest of moments he seemed lost as to what to do next until he saw the long wooden spoon that the man minding the cages had been using to eat...well whatever it was that he seemed to call dinner. Grasping it in his free hand he glanced down at the girl, nearly all emotion had gone from his face as he studied her entire body, the long wooden spoon, and then her pretty little mouth. "Thank you for volunteering, my child..." The moment the pretty read head opened her mouth to try to say something, probably some protest that she had not in actuality volunteered for anything of the sort, he jammed the wide end of the spoon down into her mouth and before she had a chance to react pushed it down into her throat and held it there. There again was that look spreading across his face, the look of pure scientific wonder that the spoon had actually made it. He spoke to no one in particular. "Well I'll be actually fit....I was quite sure that it would have been too big for such a small girl..." The entire time he was speaking however, his eyes had never left the girls face nor had his hands released her throat or the spoon shoved down it for that matter and in a matter of a few moments the poor thing was as lifeless as his last experimental subject. He frowned for the briefest of moments before letting the dead girl fall to the ground and straightening up with a smile, he turned to the man who was supposedly watching over her cage and several others. "What's the idea of selling broken slaves, sir?" His feet once again began to carry him forward, this time towards the man. "Supposed I had wanted to purchase her for my collection' Trying to cheat a man out of money for a dead, worthless slave comes with a high cost." Before the man could stop spluttering enough to get out that it was indeed not his fault, the now empty vial of experimental spice was already being secured inside one of those secret pockets. As Romax walked back the way he had come, the man behind him began to scream, a scream that came from his depths, a scream he could not stop no matter how hard he tried. At that very moment his blood began to boil and his skin began to melt off of him like snow melting off of a bare hand. By the time Romax had left the markets, the echo from the screams had finally died down.