Topic: Gus's Marvelous Wonders (Part One)


Date: 2011-07-01 13:15 EST
Gus's Marvelous Wonders

Ah, it was a beautiful morning. Gus had awoken to a warm sun rising off the land with birds chirping and a light breeze rolling in from off the sea. When he had stepped out of his tiny bed, the Gnome quickly dressed himself in his robes and famous spinning hat. The entire small apartment was in shambles, moving boxes cluttering any direct path to navigate through. Today was going to be a good day. Moving day! The Gnome had prepared for this day for several months now. Finally, with enough money saved up, he was saying goodbye to the old cramped apartment in the Old Temple district and moving into a much roomier one in the Old Market District, one that would allow him more room to work on his inventions (which he mostly did by hobby) but also a place where he can start his very own business. Gus's Marvelous Wonders. A shop designed to cater to those with a light heart. It would carry the essentials; a few minor weapons, some magical items, but the core of the inventory would consist of novelty items. Whoopy cushions, fake cigarettes, itching power, stink bombs, invisible ink, fake mask, fake dog poop, exploding crystal ball, Lucky Dice (or Loaded Dice), marked cards - the list goes on. The inventory wasn't in yet, but the Gnome had to start getting prepared. Nothing was going to get in his way of creating his very own shop. Even being turned down for a small business loan by the bank, Gus was determined.

The Gnome stepped out into the street and looked up at the sky. The moving wagons were already here and he instructed the tall men to start gathering his belongings up stairs. He told them that he would be at his new place, getting it prepared. The Gnome had other plans however. He needed to stop by the First Goblin Bank of Rhy'Din. He wasn't going to be there to make a withdraw, or attempt to acquire a small business loan. Oh no, he as simply there for some recon. Banks were notoriously hard break into and even more so since this bank was owned and operated by Goblins. Gus has gotten away with much worse - murder. Robbing a bank was going to be cakewalk. He stepped along the cobbled streets with a whistle, over the small bridge and directly into the Old Market place he moved with a delightful bounce. Once his items had been moved from his old place to the new one, the Gnome would put his test run into action. He stood before the tall building. Gus took a deep sigh in and released it slowly. A small mischievous smile formed over his tiny lips. He took several steps forward and entered. The bank was busy for an early morning. Citizens moved back and forth, some making deposits others making withdraws. Goblins were everywhere. They stood behind small counters, counting money, assisting those who needed help with the business. Others occupied small desk that were positioned out in the open. A Goblin dressed in a uniform passed by the Gnome. "Good morning," came the Goblins raspy voice. Goblins always sounded like they were in a bad mood. Gus disliked the foul creatures. They were always more interested in their money, cutting the market on inventions, or dealing dirty down the back alleys of the city. Of course, Gus was doing most of those things too, but he did them out of spite. He was better at dirty dealing than any of these creatures. The Gnome gave the Goblin a slight nod before advancing farther into the establishment. White marvel pillars held the high ceiling in it's place. The second and third floor consisted of small offices for bank loaners and other important bank business. Gus had little interest in them. His eyes darted over to the large thick silver door behind one of the counters. What he wanted was in there. Crowns - and lots of it. He made his rounds through out the large bank and left soon there after. His next destination was his new home only a few blocks away. Once arriving, Gus began looking over some of his plans, began getting together a majority of the tools he would need. Still though, he had to wait for the movers to bring the rest of his belongings. There as some unpacking to do and night would have to fall. Tonight was the test run. Tomorrow night was the Gnomish Job.