Topic: Lies, Truth, and Omissions


Date: 2007-11-25 03:01 EST
It was cold, and Carley wasn't happy. Not entirely because of the cold, but that was a contributing factor. Little legs moved quickly as she hurried along through the market, pulling her cloak tighter around her body. Even with pants, and that cloak, and a scarf, the weather was nearly unbearable. And it wasn't even the worst of winter! She groaned inwardly at the thought, along with other thoughts she was having.

"He would have walked with ya. Why didn't you just say yes?" Carley muttered to herself, immediately frowning at her words. "Why are you being weird about this" You weren't like this with Eddie. That worked. Just stop bein' weird." She kicked idly at a stone as she kept up her brisk walk, hesitating only slightly as she caught sight of the fountain off in the distance. Bright blues rolled a bit as she redirected her path that way, already inwardly chastising herself for such childish behavior. It had been a very long time since she had tossed a coin into a fountain, expecting a wish to be granted in return. But really, she liked money too much now to be doing that again. It still didn't deter her from her path however. Rather than approach the edge, she paused a few feet away from it, teeth chattering lightly as she peered at from a distance, gaze shifting up from the bottom to the upper tiers.

Are you lying to me"

In a way.

"Guess it'll be like this my whole life." As she spoke, the warm breath that escaped her lips appeared white in the air, but faded quickly. "That's one thing I'd wish to be different. For it to not always be like this." Even childish as she could be sometimes, Carley knew simply wishing wouldn't make it so. A wish wouldn't make things easier all of a sudden. Though she...wished it were the case. "It's not the way it should be. Even I don't deserve it. No one does." Frowning a bit, she stepped a little closer to the fountain, a hesitant move. Rolling slowly on the balls of her feet, the cold caused her to shudder and shiver. "I wish I could be truthful. I wish my being truthful would actually mean somethin'." Her being truthful now, what could come of it' Nothing good, no. If she had been truthful with Eddie, so many years ago, it would have meant nothing now.


You're not lying to me are you?

No! Don't be stupid. Of course I'm not lyin'.

"Yer just overthinkin' this." With a shake of her head, Carley turned away from the fountain and started her walk again, somewhat slower, even now in this cold. "Things are fine, be happy for that. Cythia would chastise ya if she could see you right now..."

Why are you so sad about this anyways" Aren't you? Knowin' people you care about are just-

Not at all. Why spend time being so sad" You're always so gloomy, you know that' You should smile more often. Be happy for what you have.

It's will live longer. But friends come and go, and you need to make the most of what you have. With Glenn. With me. With anyone.

"I'm makin' the most of it. I always make the most of my life." Did she really' The smile she plastered on. The outgoing attitude. Her zest for life. Wasn't it all just an act' To a degree, it was genuine, but around certain people it faded. Around certain people Carley was just....Carley. Not what Cythia told her she should be, not what she thought she should be. And that Carley, the real Carley' She wanted to be truthful. She just didn't see that as an option though. Not now. There was later though, wasn't there" Maybe someday. There was always someday.

Like most elves. They live for hundreds of years, so how would it work for them to be with a human' Wouldn't that mean they'd just have to watch that person die"

No, there wasn't even someday. Growling a bit beneath her breath, Carley's pace picked up into a sprint, a jog, then full out running as she hurried down the path away from the fountain. Away from the square. Away from the fountain. Away from her problems. Away from the truth she kept pushing further and further away.