Topic: A Song and A Broken Soul.

Diritas Ashin

Date: 2013-11-21 02:40 EST
Made of rosewood, a deep black cherry hue, blending in with the shadows of the corner of the Captain's Quarters of the Abyssus was a piano that rested silent in the waning evening light. Captain Diritas Ashin, master of the ship he stood upon, stood before the picture windows that opened to the harbor before him. The piano was as dear to him as the rest of the ship itself, made by a master craftsman as well as Diritas" own hands. The keys, made of solid onyx and opal, shone in the last breaths of the day's sunlight and the Captain turned to face the only instrument truly connected to his soul.

His midnight blue eyes roamed over the wood, his fingers lightly tracing over the carvings of an epic story of a woman who fell for the spirit of the northern winds. A princess, and a great warrior as well as a powerful mage, the woman was wise beyond measure. Her beauty was said to capture the heart of the kingdom, and her strength protected those under her rule. She was Ashinabe, his mother, now the Guardian Spirit of Balance. Diritas closed his eyes, blocking out the carvings as he brought his hands down to the opal keys. Color danced beneath his fingertips in the gemstone surface, and as he pressed a single key lightly' a crystal clear note rung from the depths of the instrument.

"Such beauty. Are you sure you pressed that key?"

The voice came from behind him, and Diritas didn't look. He knew what was there, and had no desire to see it again. He didn't reply, instead he pressed another key, then another. Steadfastly ignoring the presence behind him, he played the instrument that read his very soul.

"No one will ever hear this music. Yours is a wretched song, full of fire and blood. We both know it's the truth."

Diritas continued playing, a melody beginning to take shape as he fought the urge to look behind him. To spit in that things face. To banish it, burn it, tear it asunder and ensure not a trace was left.

"Give up. Give in. You know this music isn't the real you. It's too pure" We both know what you are?"

Diritas fought it, his music increasing in tempo and strength despite his waning willpower. That voice" he knew that voice. So many times it had come to haunt his dreams it now seemed to be born from the very fabric of his nightmares. Diritas slept rarely now, fear and exhaustion a constant war even now as he played songs ever more complex. Then the voice spoke again, but a whisper in his ear.

"You are Yin. The fragment of Darkness. Cruelty and power are your domain, death follows at your heels, misery and strife at your sides, while destruction races before you....Embrace it."

Gritting his teeth, Diritas played on, but his melody wavered as his willpower faded. The pure tones and notes became distorted, crackling and broken until they barely even resembled the perfect song he'd played. Now, he played a song of madness that ripped from his fingers as he pounded the keyboard. Flame as black as night erupted from his hands and licked across the opal keys. Diritas was lost in the music, lost in the song, the outpouring of his soul resonating with the instrument bound to it.

"Yes, that is the truth of who you are. There is the melody beneath the surface! Now, look at me!"

The voice behind him roared over the sound of Diritas" tortured soul, and still he did not turn, he knew what lay behind him, he'd seen it' in every nightmare and every moment of solitude he'd managed to glean. That figure, his reflection as his soul appeared. It was a torn and haggard thing, scarred and broken. Darkness wrapped about it like a cloak, attempting to smother the small but growing light within it. Great sucking wounds were carved into its body, and inside them were the suffering and captured souls he had collected over the decades. Chains wreathed in rust and spikes would be wrapped around the figure, blood poured from it and soaking the links. Diritas did not want to see it. His will was fading though'

"Look at me! See me! Love me! Kill me! END ME!"

The soul behind him screamed and raged, begging and commanding all at once. It's voice was tormented, railing as it lamented and chipped away at Diritas" strength. Finally' he could bear it no more, and he turned. The wretched song ceased instantly, and Diritas screamed to fill the silence.


Flames blasted outward, black as the onyx keys and ripping through his quarters, burning furniture and paper alike. But when he opened his eyes" there was nothing. He was alone. There was only the damage he'd caused" the evidence of his own descent into madness. He slid from the piano bench to his knees, hugging himself as if it would compress the empty half of him and make him whole once more. That voice spoke" but a whisper in the sound of his home burning before him.

"You see. You eventually destroy everything dear to you."

Visions danced before him, faces" those he cared for, consumed in that black flame.

"You extend a hand in the spirit of friendship, only to destroy them with it."

Diritas screamed wordlessly, the sound tearing from his throat as black flame erupted over his body.

"You'll kill them all" every' single" one."

He lost his strength, curling up into a ball as he broke down into sobs, the flames around him raging as the very ship shuddered and trembled. And still that voice pressed.

"Yours is a spirit of cruelty, darkness and malice. Embrace it' You'll be happier that way."


Diritas managed that single word. And golden flame erupted through the black. It restored the broken and charred wood of his quarters, healed the ashes and reversed the burns the black flame had wrought. Still, Diritas stayed curled there on the floor. Even as the golden flame flickered and died, leaving him alone in the darkness. The sun had set' and still he wept.