Topic: Behold: The Mighty Baron

A Mighty Bark

Date: 2009-03-23 17:15 EST
Pistons fired and steam poured to the heavens with such density that they looked to have been born from the belly of a great volcano. For months there had been construction on the new boiler belonging to the Red Baron Enterprises. This was good work for the influx of immigrants that often crowded the city square. At first, the faintest stench of ozone marred the city smog but it soon dissipated.

Whenever the billowing clouds began to spill over rooftops and swirl in the skies above, a burst of light streaked through the sky. The initial test of the energy-conductive mana transport system was successful. Like a bolt of dangerous, but beautiful lightening it streaked across the blue of day and navy of night to the space station in high orbit around this garbled and miss-matched world.

Now, business was beginning to run smoothly. Red Baron was getting contracts from both off-world vendors and local companies. Currently, there were nine boilders and a system of underground tunnels that ran along the channel between two districts. With the flow of cash came the promise of new capital.

What you see is the fledgling spreading its wings into the open air. What you will remember is the mighty Baron who will come to influence the city you love.

A Mighty Bark

Date: 2009-03-24 11:06 EST
The smell of hay or freshly cut grass was the first thing you would notice. A scent reminiscent of summer would sting your nostrils and waft through the air with a seemingly innocuous agenda. No more than fifteen minutes later, an hour if you were lucky, and your lips would be folding out as you desperately tried to suck a single breath into your lungs. This is a silly attempt, because the muscles worked just fine and you were always still breathing as well as before you smelled the hay. Unfortunately, that innocent perfume of time spent in beneath the burning sun, that was what sealed your death. A breathdown in the air-blood barrier was all it took and the oxygen being frantically sucked into your lungs would never be enough to sustain you. Squirming and drowning, you would sink in your own sanguine liquid within 480 seconds.

Phosgene was a by-product of the production of mana energy-conductive coils that powered the beam of light often seen shooting between the Red Baron plant and the space station high in the sky. This was the blood upon Aleister Tulgey's hands. It was the blood upon the hands of anyone in this profession. And, even though the noble thing to do would be to snuff out the deadly gas with a bucket of ammonia and eat the cost of both, Mister Tulgey had a business to run. So, the gas was mixed with another chemical to make it more potent and then sold to the highest bidder, government or otherwise, for use in chemical warfare.

Issues such as this had made the Red Baron Enterprises a controversial addition to RhyDin. In return, however, it offered job stability and a new source of power for those seeking modern living. All of the corporate executives knew how to make the world spin just a little bit faster and brighter. They wanted to offer the younger generations a better life than they had experienced.

Wasn't that noble enough to redeem the sins of their mission' Only time would tell.

A Mighty Bark

Date: 2009-03-24 20:08 EST
Along the shore of the channel sat the above-ground plant, but the bulk of the work happened beneath the ground. Like dwarves digging into the mountains, the workers would descend between one and two miles beneath the surface depending on the department they were representing. At the birth of Red Baron, Mister Tulgey had worked hard to try and assure the safety of the neighborhoods surrounding their endeavor. Located near the heart of the city, it was designed to form a tower in the event of a catastrophe. The unfortunate truth of this design meant that the workers beneath the surface would inevitably be engulfed by a chemical river alight with raw flame.

Near the region of Battlefield Park was another component of the corporation, the main offices. A behemoth of glass and twisted steel made especially to conduct mana-based energy, the Red Baron Enterprises premiere building was quite a sight to behold. It was not at all in keeping with the surrounding buildings, but at no point did any of the board members wish to make this another humdrum construction that blended into the background. No, Red Baron was a sign of the future. The future was going to be bright and the company lit their structures as much as time and resources allowed.

Red Baron Dockside Electrical Plant

Red Baron Main Offices

A Mighty Bark

Date: 2009-03-31 10:02 EST
"Rivalry spawns competition and competition is very good for business."

This was the motto of one Kevin Keilly, the head foreman of the Red Baron plant yards. Located on the banks of the river, the power plant was able to draw most of their raw energy from the water nearby, both through steam and actual rushing force. Still, there was constant construction and maintenance needed on the boilers that were used to make the mana-conductive generators. As such, two factions of workers arose: the pipefitters and the boilermakers.

The pipefitters were overseen by a man named Russell Swanson. A time-washed man with tanned skin and a mustache that would have made the most practiced policeman gawk in shame, Russell had been in the business of pipefitting for near twenty-five years. He had a wife and three children. His trade was his passion. The thrill of scaling bare skeleton structures towards the heavens with nothing much a strap keeping you from a long fall to a sticky was all Russell ever wanted in a job.

The boilermakers were overseen by a man named Barry Riedford. Without a doubt he was a good-looking little devil with a smile that could charm the panties off a nun. Like Russell, Barry was lanky, but clean-shaven and light haired. Barry also took delight in the acrobatics, but most of his work involved heavy labor with the spot welders and cranes. Barry was not married, nor did he ever plan to be.

It should be noted for the record that the pipefitters and the boilermakers did NOT get along.

At the beginning of construction the boiler would be crafted out of raw steel with an inner coating of magic-resistant solid insulation to keep the force of the mana from tearing apart the boilers where it was stored and created. Once the base is finished, the boiler is flown into place, often broken up in three to four different pieces. The pipefitters construct shells around the boilers with pipes and connectors to give the boilermakers something to climb on while they are in the midst of finishing the tower. A single boiler takes about two months to put in place and have ready for use. Because the nature of mana, as opposed to steam or other liquid forces, is so volatile the boilers are in almost constant need of replacing. Regardless, the pipefitters and boilermakers each work for independent contractors.

Barry Riedford and Russell Swanson both work for Kevin Keilly. It should, therefore, come as no surprise that Kevin Keilly is the owner of Twisted Industry Suppliers, the contractor who employs both the pipefitters and the boilermakers for Red Baron. A less known fact was that Kevin Keilly is also a silent chairman on the board of directors for Red Baron Enterprises. In fact, next to Aleister Tulgey, he is the second most share-holding member of the board.

Kevin Keilly believes in the power of competition because competition is very good for business.

A Mighty Bark

Date: 2009-04-06 13:58 EST
To say that Robert Parrent enjoyed his job might be a bit of an overstatement. In fact, it might be considered an outright lie. There isn't much fun to be had in the field of macro-management when your number one daily concern is: Keep the Public Eye Away!

Now, there were aspects of the job that had initially attracted Robert to Red Baron Enterprises (aspects that kept his interest continually picqued), but on the whole this business was a drain on his very sanity from nine to five, Monday through Friday. Whenever Aleister Tulgey, the head of Research and Development and primary shareholder of Red Baron stock, had approached him with the problem of production along the riverside, Mr Parrent took it on himself to solve the problem and find a way to do exactly what he was hired to do. Robert tapped himself into the veins of gossip and conjecture that ran throughout RhyDin's underbelly until he found the perfect outlet for their little problem.

So, the chemicals leaking so subtly from their production would be rounded up and a single name was given to Aleister Tulgey for contact and further processing.

The name on his lips was: Alain DeMuer.