Topic: Evening Dockside Patrols


Date: 2011-11-17 12:36 EST
Chapter 1 Reacquainted with the Night

Since the simmering of the outbreak of Rhydin's fever and the quiet closing of the hospices, Delphinea Quinn had found herself back on the pavement of the rough dockside patrol. She had traded in the bloodied gauze and soiled bedpans of caring for the infirmed and dying for the hardened steel and assiduous gaze of keeping the southern most part of the WestEnd in order.

Her bulky form took up most doorways in other parts of the city, but here along the sea, where the passages and alleyways were wider to accommodate the cargo being unloaded from the teems of ships each day and night, she was able to walk, stand and loom unobstructed by her size. As the weather took a turn toward the autumnal season, Delphinea's bronzed physique sported more clothing than she was used to. While her arms were left bare to handle what weapons and trouble came to bear, her legs were shrouded in a cotton fabric that cut off at the knee where her sandal lacings began and crisscrossed their way down her shapely calf. One glove was worn on her right hand, a soft leather with an added pad between the first and second fingers so that her aim with her beloved bow would never be compromised.

This city had always felt so foreign to her. It was filled with all manner of people and creatures, most of whom cared nothing for the sense that the heavens gave the earth. The everyday violence which many turned a blind eye to, was something that ate at Delphinea to her very core. She prayed everyday for the strength and the grace to aid this city by bringing a sense of commonality and sisterhood to its people. But alas, to no avail. Delphinea did not blame men specifically, though she did find fault with most of the male population in this realm. They fought for no other reason than boredom and sexual supremacy, they caused unnecessary tensions and refused to exist in a balance of nature and the divine. And what was more, Delphinea blamed the women who fed on this behavior: the maiden who secretly thrilled at two men dueling over her, the female who simply shrugged with the adage that "boys will be boys."

The city of Rhydin, as she saw it, was falling into a pit of despair and its citizens were enjoying the ride.

"Hey're! Blondie! Whydn't you com'n over here and takcar'o me johns'n" 'S lonely!" The bawdy laughter than ensued signaled three other men backing the sailor. Usually Delphinea did not even acknowledge such comments or lewd suggestions, other times a simple turn of her head coupled with her iron stare was enough to assuage such talk. But this night she found herself out of practice, in a way. She had been tending to the sick for so long that her hardened self had slipped under the guise of mercy. "Yah, you! Tall drinka you is. Betcha she's a screamer," the grizzled beard of the sailor sported a remnant or two of the evening's latest meal as he continued to charm his chums. "Take hold o'yer johns'n and not let go, I say."

The catcalls and whistling began as Delphinea turned her body to fully face the small group of sea dogs who were gathered on the corner near to the tavern that was letting out for the night. Her sculpted legs, evident even under the fabric of her pants, took their strong strides with patience. The men began to call out once more, "Aye, 'ere she comes fer yer john-hiccup-son, mate!"

The bearded leader clapped his hands together as he nodded to his oily friend and rubbed his palms over each other, his tongue licking at his lips. "I ain't gonna tellya t'be gentle, girlie. I needa rough ride like you about now." His thick chuckle belched over his lips as he drank in the Scathachian Priestess with his greedy eyes. "Now, you be a good girl'n I'll letya climb me like a'mountain. How's 'at soun' licker?"

The great form of Delphinea stood before the group, her legs at shoulder width apart, arms at her sides, her chin dipped so her stern gaze was leveled at the bearded sailor from beneath her lashes. As the men called out other suggestions for how she should spend her evening and what she might do with her thighs, Delphinea simply stood there as if she were soaking it all in. It was as if a marble statue of Scathach herself was preparing to pass judgment on the men as closing arguments were heard. Perhaps the sailors, even in their drunken states felt this, for their coarse laughter and vulgar commentary stilled as they continued to stare at the golden-haired behemoth before them.

"You should not address women in such a manner," her tone was icy, as if winter itself were creeping in her throat.

The men were near stupefied, but for an instant. Their merry gales of laughter rang out perhaps louder than before. "Aye! Com'on ov'r and sit in me'lap! I'll show ya how to ride a right pony!"

Without another word from the Scathachian warrior, she stooped down and picked up a small rock. Perhaps one of the first weapons that children learn to master; before blade, before bow, before firearms. The rock is the most primitive and the most organic. The simplest. And it was hurling with pinpoint accuracy toward the bearded leader of the raucous group. The chorus of rowdy mirth stopped as he was struck dead-on, right in the middle of his forehead and fell off of the barrel upon which he was sitting. Landing on his back, his hands flew to his face as he groaned with blood milking the space between his fingers. As the other men attended to their friend with a mix of concern and ridicule, Delphinea turned and walked away, leaving the drunken sailors in her wake.

Her patrols along the dockside were just starting up, she thought with a sigh.

Kuori Helston

Date: 2011-11-17 16:34 EST
The coming of winter filled her with a longing for the mountains. To stand atop the rocky crags and look out over the unforgiving wilderness she'd known for so long. The perfect silence of the mountain nights broken only by the songs on the wind where it passed through every creature like a knife. While she wished to return home to the Thundercrag mountains, it was a desire that would never be granted.

"Kuori never go back..." she whispered bitterly to the salt stained air as her long stride moved in a controlled cadence.

Towering above most that frequented the docks, there were but a few that came close to her size, yet she knew that mattered little in this city called Rhydin. So many from esoteric backgrounds, it didn't matter how strong one thought they were. She'd seen the blood of lycans flow, watched them throw entire vendor stalls across the street like children's play things. Those were the mild nights.

Every night she thanked the stars that no establishment held enough mead or ale in reserve to get the other giant-kind intoxicated. Then she might be truly pressed to restrain the drunken and cocksure. Turning a corner she found T'laryk pressing his hulking bovine frame against a set of crates. The scent of running urine fouled her senses, forcing the goliathess to repress a gag and cover her mouth. Minotaurs, no more civilized than their four-legged cousins.

Kuori squared her jaw as she unslung her shield...Widomaker has been left at home tonight. But all she'd need is is the round disk of adamantine and mithril. T'laryk had just looked up from stowing his heavy malehood in time to find a faceful of polished shield.

Kuori Helston

Date: 2011-11-23 00:57 EST
Thankful that her hair kept the musky, unwashed, scent of the dazed minotaur from overpowering her senses, Kuori adjusted his draped frame across her shoulders. Legs barely give a twinge at feeling the heavy weight of the beast as she rounds a corner hearing 'cat calls' and other degrading commentary. Its an even odder sight as she watches one of the Scathachian women endure them all.

Unable to remember the tall woman's name the Goliathess watched her walk closer, eyes on another man holding his face as blood flows. She must have missed something between the piggish taunts and then someone bleeding. Standing upright, Kuori just lets the minotaur fall with a miniature quake as its ten foot frame lands harshly on the boards.

Pauses to adjust her top and straps without the minotaur hampering her movements before offering a friendly wave.


Date: 2011-12-04 17:33 EST
With the filth behind her, she was able to take a breath and further distance herself from the uncouth inhabitants of the docks. Her green eyes spied a movement down the narrow side street to her left. Having not drawn her weapons tonight, she wondered if she could continue on that streak.

Her strong chin turned in the direction of the movement and she saw a familiar sight, especially on these late evening rounds: Kuori, the Giantess. Her sandaled legs paused in their gate, and she turned toward the female goliath. She raised her strong hand in greeting, "Peace unto you."

As she moved closer to her ally, she became aware of just what was behind Kuori, slumped in a monstrous heap. She arched a brow, then looked to the Giantess. "Minotaurs are something of a trouble these days, aren't they?" It was Delphinea's attempt at humor, which most of her Sisters said she greatly lacked. Her mouth turned up into a smile, she was pleased with her own joke.

Kuori Helston

Date: 2011-12-08 15:28 EST
"When they think with just they horn." came her rumbled answer to the other woman's inquiry. With a twist, she looked down at the unconscious minotaur, gracing the Delphinea with a view of the perfect effigy in the flat of Kuori's shield.

As there wasn't any trouble to be found here, the collossal female knelt and grabbed one of the minotaur's arms and pulled him back across her great shoulders like a giant boa. Breathing centered, she carefully pushes with her legs to stand again. Though her movements remained easy despite the great bulk of the minotaur, her eyes remained on the area at large. As with others that worked this area, she had her share of hecklers, harassers, and enemies.

"Want watch Kuori's back?" the question posed in earnest as the only way to care the near thousand pound monstrus humanoid eliminated the use of her arms for anything else.


Date: 2011-12-13 13:25 EST
There was a surprised, if not bemused expression on the face of the priestess. Kuori, who was no weakling or damsel in distress, showed even Delphinea's assessment of her strength to be lacking as she easily hoisted the minotaur's dead weight upon her shoulders.

"Yes. Yes, of course," came the hurried reply to Kuori's request. The blonde behemoth turned to face the street, with Kuori and the minotaur behind her. "Shall we be taking him to the Watch's precinct' Or are they not equipped to deal with the likes of him?" Of course, it was absurd to imagine that the Watch in Rhydin would be ill-prepared to deal with any manner of creatures. There was such a unique influx of species here that it would stand to reason that the authorities would be ready for anything or anyone.

It was at this point, as Delphinea led the duo out of the slim bypass that she finally got Kuori's joke. One horn. Her tanned cheeks rose as she smiled to herself and looked behind her. "One horn. Got it." Again, Delphinea, whose warrior status and piety reach could be doubted by none, found her sense of humor to be waxing. It was turning out to be a not so auspicious evening. And now she would have company.