Topic: Hunting through the darkness


Date: 2014-12-21 00:24 EST
She moved like a shadow in the darkness, he black garments drawing in any light that chanced to fall upon her, devouring it. From the left side she was still beautiful, her skin smooth and flawless, the right was a ruin, the acid like burns covered the whole side of her body. She had traded her dresses for clothing more fitting to her mood. A black corset covered her torso, it didn't look like it would protect her, but the demon hide that it was made from would turn almost any blade. From her waist fell panels of sheer black fabric which created a skirt but allowed for movement, as well as showing off her long legs as the panels separated and opened up as she moved. From her back there fell a long black cape made a feathers dyed black, it wasn't an ordinary cape though as it moved on its own, with no wind to guide the movements. "Be still," she commanded the cape as it pulled against her shoulders, 'soon, but first we let them hunt," the cape slowed its movements as if it understood her words.

She pulled low a veil, hiding her ruined face, and the eyes that burned therein, and wrapped a cloak of old rags over her rich clothing. Lifting a bundle that lay at her feet she made her way slowly along the docks, past the ships that were moored there. Seemingly paying no attention to those who fell in behind her, not once did she glance around, just fought with the heavy bundle that she was carrying, but she heard them, and welcomed the sound.

They followed her along, past all lights as she struggled along, now dragging her bundle, onto the beach, around the outside of the city where the lowest lived, or really tarried since no one could really call that living. She had lead others this way before, but it had been long enough that no one remembered, they were just others who had not come back to their wasted lives, a story all too common for anyone to give it any thought. She rounded a bend and stopped, leaning over her bundle breathing hard from the effort of carrying it, her body heaved as she struggled to catch her breath.

She heard him coming up behind her, there were others there as well, only a few steps behind him. "The more the merrier" she thought with a half crazed smile, the man reached her and used his boot to shove her over the bundle on which she leaned. Her small scream was partially real as sand was ground into her partially healed burns. She rolled onto her back, scrambling away from them, and farther from any light or prying eyes. The men followed, laughing at this stupid girl who was doing exactly what they wanted. Here she was, alone, an easy target.

The man who had pushed her over caught up with her first, he grabbed her by a fistful of her hair, pulling her to her feet. With his other hand he grabbed her by the throat and pushed her backwards against a boulder, his breath hot of her face as he leaned in close, "Let's see what treasure lies under these rags, boys!? he said, laughing again as she whimpered and tried to pull her face away from him. He grabbed the edge of the ragged cloak that covered her and pulled it away, looking momentarily confused as the rich clothing underneath it was revealed, but he had her caught, no matter who she was he had already won this night.

Still holding her by the throat he raised his hand and gripped the veil, pulling it away from her face. His sneer turned to shock as her eyes were revealed, the glowing red and yellow orbs danced with a light, her half smile promised death. Behind the men who had followed them into the little alcove there was a soft sound, as wind through the branches of a tall tree. The men glanced over their shoulders quickly; not wanting to take their eyes off of the demon woman in front of them for long, only to behold a wall of demons surrounded them, trapping them for her to play with. And play she did, her laughter echoing across the empty beach and over the dark waters.


Date: 2014-12-22 01:29 EST
She could smell their unease as the men glanced behind themselves only to find that they were trapped between her and the wall of demons that stood behind them, "I'm sorry boys," she said with a laugh, "but you are out on the wrong night." With that she broke the arm of the man still holding her against the rocks by her throat, his scream cut through the night. Blinded by the pain he turned and ran toward the demons, which at a sign from Lillianna stepped to the side and let him pass before forming an impassible wall again, he did not make it far, however. Lillianna smiled and ran her hand along the feathers of her cape, "now would be a good time," she purred to it, "how about a small jump to see how well we remember?" She got a running start and leapt into the air pushing off of a boulder as she went to gain more altitude, the cape flaring out around her like wings, she glided silently after the man, landing with her feet on his shoulders, crushing him to the ground.

"You thought that it would be that easy?" she asked her victim sweetly, her breathy voice whispering in his ear, "you know what you would have done to me" and so do I!" the last came out in anger as the images of women that he had caught in the past flashed through his mind, they had not been skilled in defense, and one by one he took them for his own pleasure, or the pleasure of those who were his companion on those nights, before leaving their bodies buried beneath the sands of this same beach. This one didn't deserve to die quickly, maybe she would just remove his eyelids before she took his followers apart, that way he would have a slight idea of what was coming for him. She gave him a smile that would have been sweet had the right side of her face not been covered in scars.

She called a demon over to her, "Hold him still," she commanded, "this is going to be a bit delicate and I would hate for my blade to slip," as she said that she pulled a small but very sharp knife out of its hiding place on her bodice, the corset had been a gift from him to protect her and the blade had been made to be well concealed in case she was ever captured again, but they seemed to have given up on that long ago since he wouldn't notice if anything happened to her anymore.

The man screamed again as the demon's burning hands clamped onto either side of his face, searing the flesh as they gripped his head like a vice. Delicately she pulled each eyelid out away from his eyeballs so as not to damage his sight at all, and sliced them from the skin on his face, as blood touched the blade of her small knife it began to glow red hot, cauterizing the damaged skin to stop the bleeding from impairing his view. She stood and with a command of "bring that,? turned and walked back to where the other men were now pleading with her demons to let them go, as if demons would do that if she wasn't in command of them. Normally she enjoyed the sounds of pleading, but tonight it grated on her nerves, maybe it was too soon after she had been forced to listen to her own begging, though the voices and circumstances were very different this time. She growled in exasperation at their noise, it was a deep guttural sound that reverberated through her, a sound that seemed too large to be coming from her small form, yet it worked its way past her clenched teeth and echoed in the minds of those who heard it.


Date: 2014-12-30 12:30 EST
The line of demons once again separated, this time to allow Lillianna to walk past them, towards the men who knelt cringing in the sand" so pathetic once the roles were switched. "Enough of that noise," she stated aloud, it was not enough, the men still whimpered even as they tried to please her. She growled again, this time under her breath, as she turned to face the demon who was holding the leader of this rag tag group, "put him there," she said pointing to a large rock near the back of the little alcove, "we want to make sure that he has a good view," she smiled and ran her hand along the side of his face before dismissing him for the time being.

The others were avoiding looking at the ruin that was the man's face. " I think that I am ready to play," she said in a soft voice as she moved closer to the nearest man, she hooked two fingers under his chin and tilted his head up, forcing him to meet her gaze, "you want to play with me, don't you?" her voice was velvet; soft, smooth, and almost comforting. Her eyes were not. She reached out and hand and gently pulled the man to his feet, "What is your name?" she purred, the man stuttered something, too quiet and broken to hear. She raised one eyebrow questioning, "What was that?" he tried to speak again, but no more sound came out than had the first time that he tried. "I don't think that he needs his tongue," she said to herself, "I mean, it is not like you use it for anything good," this was said louder, directed at the man who began to try to pull away from her, only to find that while his attention had been on her a dark mist had come up and solidified around him, holding him at her mercy, which she did not have.

She beckoned to one of the demons, "Come here, my sweet, I have need of you," upon his approach she whispered something into his ear, before turning to smile once more at the man. She stepped aside, giving the demon room to stand in front of the pathetic man, it was easier to posses someone if they were close to them. The demon turned into black smoke, which worked its way in through the man's eyes, nose and mouth' the demon blinked the man's eyes slowly, getting the feel of the body it had entered. "Remember, I want him to feel everything, to know what use we are putting him to," Lillianna instructed, "Yes, my lady," the demon's voice grated roughly from the man's throat. The mist around the man began to melt, shifting back into the nothingness from which it came, and it dissipated the demon moved his limbs, making sure that he had full control before raising his hands and forcing them into the man's mouth, digging his dirty fingernails into his tongue, gripping it tightly, he pulled it out of the man's mouth as far as it would go then ground the man's teeth down, biting through the muscle, slowly separating the tongue as blood ran down his chin, dripping into the sand where he knelt.

The demon smoked out, leaving the man behind choking as he drowned in his own blood. Lillianna took a step back as the man tried to spit the blood out, fighting desperately to clear his lungs, his face turning purple with lack of oxygen. Hands clawed at his throat, trying to open it up, to do anything to breathe. Still choking he fell forward into the sand, twitching as he died at her feet. She picked up the piece of his tongue that the demon had spit out onto the sand and examined it, it had already been cut sometime long ago, the man couldn't speak, "oops!," she stated with a giggle, "I guess that I was not the only one who believed that he should be relieved of this," she dropped the bloody object onto the man's still spasming body before turning to the one who she had not touched yet' "And now, what shall we do with you??


Date: 2015-01-10 12:11 EST
She looked into his eyes, probing his mind for ideas of what he had done in the past, and was surprised to see that his was darker even then the one that she was forcing to watch. Using women was the least of what he had done in the past. His own kid sister had had her skin removed, slowly, he kept her alive and conscious while he did this, the justification that he told himself is that he was learning, separating the tissue wile she was alive so that he would know how much a body could take. What he did was for science, or so he told himself. The truth was that he enjoyed it, the look in her eyes as he peeled away her skin, exposing the muscles beneath.

She pulled back from his twisted mind, shaking the images and sounds of the child's broken pleading from her own. "You deserve a special place in Hell," she stated, "and I believe that we can escort you there," her smile was colder than her eyes which burned with fury at the images of the child being mutilated by her own brother. "you should have protected her from mo' things like you," she had almost said "Monsters" but that term didn't cover what he had done, she was a monster to many yet this was beyond what she would do. The man jerked his head up at her words, a questioning look in his eyes, but she was in no mood at the moment to answer.

She turned and whistled, long and shrill, a three note whistle and then waited. Dark mist began to form in front of her, taking shape quickly, revealing her pets. She reached out and patted the lama closest to her, "I have a job for you, my sweets," she spoke gently to them, not wishing to startle, "this must be done slowly, I would not have him die too quickly and will be upset if you let him, do you understand?" the three animals faced her and bowed their heads acknowledging her instructions. They turned to the man kneeling in the sand, he tried to scramble away from them, but found that his muscles wouldn't move.

The first lama reached him, saliva dripping from its mouth, to fall sizzling onto the sand. The creature cocked its head before reaching out with its tongue and licking his cheek. Pain flared where he was touched by the beasts tongue, and his skin began to melt. "Leave his eyes whole," Lillianna commanded, "let him look at us as his life drains away." The other two lamas had moved closer by this point and were slowly licking the man, leaving trails of acid, melting his skin away as he screamed and begged for it to end.

It took only a short time for him to pass out from the pain, his mind shutting down as shock took over, trying to protect him from what was happening. Once his screams had stopped Lilli gave the lamas permission to eat what was left of the body, it was a mess that she didn't want to deal with, with the skin, tendons, and bones mostly melted, it would be no use to her in the future.

She dismissed her beloved pets as the last of the man was consumed, sending them back to their stables until she had need of them again.

The last man was struggling against the demons who held him there on the rock where she had had them place him, his lidless eyes trying to look anywhere except at her. She stepped close to him, "now we can have our little moment together, but why not invite some others as well?" she asked, "there are many who would love to be here at this moment." She winked at him and began speaking a spell in a tongue that the man had never heard, her voice changed as she chanted the words, deepening to a sound that resonated through his terrified mind.


Date: 2015-03-02 00:08 EST
Lilli began to laugh as she chanted, there was really no purpose to the chant, but watching the terror grip the man was just so fun. His eyes jerked from side to side, trying to ascertain what was coming for him, as if anything was worse than what was already here before him, every muscle strained as if he could flee. She continued to chant out the lullaby in the ancient demon tongue, anything sounded evil in that language, and a lullaby was the first thing that she had thought of when she began.

She reached out with her mind, calling them to her, they were in various states of decay, and only some would be useful to her, but they would all come, he would look on them again before the end, they would have their revenge.

There was movement down the beach as figures began to move towards them, it seemed as if some carried others as they moved, helping each other toward their destination. Their movements were strange, awkward, their feet shuffling along the sand.

The man's eyes locked on the figures as they became clearer in the darkness, their eyes shining as they recognized him sitting, unable to move, upon the boulder. He began to scream, tears running down his face from his ruined eyes. Lilli stopped chanting and stepped closer to him, placing her finger gently upon his lips, 'shhhh," she said, "that noise is not necessary, no one else will come to this place, just as they did not come when they heard their screams," she gestured at the reanimated bodies of his victims now gathering behind her.

"Help them," she said to the demons that stood waiting on the edge of the gathering, "place those who are unable to help where they can enjoy the view." The demons moved, taking the bodies that were too decayed to move on their own from the arms of those who carried them. She ran her hand along the face of the girl closest to her, "your life was cut too short, my love," she murmured gently, the girl's eyes shifted fleetingly to glance at her face then back to the man, "my gift to you tonight is to no longer be his victims, tonight you shall insure that no other suffers his touch again, no other will feel his breath on their skin as he takes what he wants from them." She raised her voice speaking to all of them, "no more innocents will lose everything to this monster, though I use that term loosely, monsters are often better than this," She turned her gaze on the man, her mismatched eyes glowing with fury, "Send him to Hell!" she cried aloud, stepping out of the way as the girls moved forward.

Boney hands reached towards the man, fingernails digging into his skin, pulling the flesh away, tearing through muscle as he screamed again and again. All too soon the screams stopped and he fell into unconsciousness, and bled out, by then bone was showing through the ragged strips of flesh, and his body lay still twitching as they pulled him apart. Lilli sent two spirits to catch his soul and hold it in what had once been the vessel that held it to his nightmare that he called a life, his mind might have given out but the imprint of what was happening would be on his soul forever. Those memories would make the torments awaiting him in Hell so much more vivid, as if anything could make being in the torture chambers any worse than it already was just by nature.

There was little left to even call a man in the pile or gore that lay upon the sand at her feet after she had dismissed the girls to rest, they would not be called back again this time, they were too decayed to be of any use to her, and their souls could now go on, purgatory waited for souls such as theirs, that had been so consumed by the need for revenge that they could not rest, but had done nothing that would send them on to Hell, it was the only place that they would fit in, in the domain of monsters where their skills would be found and honed and their minds twisted to be more useful" maybe something new would be created out of these ones. Lilli smiled at the thought, it had been too long since anything new was created, there were ancients living in this world of most of the races that had been born there.

She turned to the man who had bitten his tongue off, the only whole body in the area now, "Rise," she commanded him, "dig holes for this," she gestured at the pile of pulp and bones at her feet, "and then one for yourself, but know that you do not go to your rest, I will call on you again." She turned dismissing the demons and spirits that had surrounded her, except for her normal guard, "lets us make our way back home, the sky grows light."