Topic: Just for Fun


Date: 2010-09-23 11:33 EST
(Info gleaned from years of RP and edits made by Sil. Posted with Permission as usual from Da Silvs)

Faustus yawned, scratching the stubble of hair that inhabited his head. He was bored. The unusually warm fall weather had people out and he was getting ready for one of the last runs of the season, but it was slow going right now and that did not sit well at the moment.

Sil was usually off working. Cranky. Serious. Faustus leaned back in the beach chair, stretching his legs out on the deck of the ship. He had known her for a good third of his life, yet he still did not know all the pieces of her life. The woman never spoke about it all. From what he garnered, she had the usual upbringing, two loving parents. Then something happened, what he wasn't quite sure, but she grew up fast and the Silver he knew began taking shape. Apparently her father was a knight, and she followed in his footsteps. Faustus chuckled to himself, lighting a cigarette as he mulled over the infamous pirate captain.

He knew that wasn't easy since she was one of the very few, if not the only woman, at that time to be in the knighthood. Again, he knew that something major drove her from that life path and she ended up on a ship in the ports, where he met her. Eventually she got her own ship and here she was. Stubborn, thick headed woman.

There was only one man with cojones enough to woo her; Bennet Lancespur. Jesus, Faustus thought, did anything ever go as planned in Silver's life" For the third time, he mused, something went wrong between them. As far as Faustus knew, there had been no one before him nor after him, yet Bennet couldn't seem to stay away. He always showed up every few years on "errands for the knighthood". Faustus snorted, exhaling a ring of smoke. That was a joke; if he were Bennet he'd figure out ways to see Silver too, but there was no way in hell he'd ever try to woo her. The woman scared the hell out of him at times though he'd never admit it. It was the same way with most males he knew " probably because she could beat the shit out of them or that she could out drink nearly every human possible.

Faustus took another long drag of the cigarette, amusing himself with escapades he had convinced Silver to go on. Every now and then he could catch glimpses of her, the fun side, and good lord was it fun. She needed a vacation.


"What?" Faustus asked, squinting up into the sunlight.

"This arrived for you." The man held out an envelope, the label on the front denoting it was from the supplier of the cargo he was going to ship next week. Faustus took the envelope, tilting his head as he noticed the sound of music coming from somewhere on the deck.

"Richard, sir. Got that blasted music box thing going again."

The radio' Faustus pushed out of his chair, crossing the deck until he drew up alongside some of the crew working around a radio, a few of them singing along. He forgot Richard had a radio. Last time he had one on his ship was years ago, before some drunk pirate threw it into the sea claiming it was the devil. Faustus grinned slowly, eyeing the few men standing around. Richard, from some navy of a country he couldn't pronounce and Tyrone, his side kick, were singing rather loudly and off key to some song by a man about a perfect woman.

Oh' Faustus mulled?this was too good to pass up. It would probably royally piss her off, but it'd be worth it.


Date: 2010-09-23 11:49 EST
(P.W.P. as usual from Da Silvs)

Faustus and a few of his crew meandered their way down the docks, smug expressions belying their true intent. It looked as if they were gearing up for a fight, and they quite well could be. Faustus knew this would probably piss her off, but the look on her face, hell the look on her crew's face, would be priceless.

"You remember the words?" Richard asked behind him, swinging the radio from his fingers.

"How could I not' You sang them to me every damn day for the last week."

Faustus spotted her ship ahead and he and his small posse wound their way up the plank to fan out on the deck of her ship. It was mid-morning, and the city was alive with people going about their business for the day. He knew Silver was on the ship today. She had apparently left her deputies in charge so she could make sure business was running smoothly down here.

Within a moment, he saw her round the port side and head in his direction. She arched a single brow as she approached, looking at his crew and then him. "Need help" Please tell me you're not going to try mutiny."

Faustus didn't respond but instead grinned as Richard turned the radio on.

"Oh". Her eyes..her eyes" make the stars look like they're not shinin?"." Faustus began to sing, watching as Silver's look went from one of being curious to one of not having the slightest clue what he was doing.

"Her hair, her hair, falls perfectly without her trying..She's so beautiful" and I tell her every day!" He continued.

"What' Tell me what?" Silver asked, staring at Faustus.

"I know I know, when I compliment her she won't believe me?"

"You never compliment me." Silver responded.

"And it's so, it's so sad to think that she don't see what I see. But every time she asks me do I look okay..I say?"

"Do I look okay..what?" What the hell is going on?" She sputtered angrily.

Faustus" crew joined in as the chorus of men began singing. "When I see your face, There's not a thing that I would change. "Cause you're amazing just the way you arrrrrre!"

"WHAT"!" Silver yelled, her arms rising to cross, as a flush started to creep into her cheeks. She glanced over the shoulders of the singing men, noting the crowd starting to form on the docks. Oh good god, she thought. This probably looked ridiculous.

"Her lips"Her lips" I could kiss them all day if she'd let me.." Faustus continued.

"I'm going to punch you in the lips." Silver threatened.

"Her laugh, her laugh she hates but I think it's so sexy."

"Ugh. Sexy"!" She yelled incredulously.

"She's so beautiful and I tell her every day. You know I'd never ask you to change.." The rest of the men began singing again. "If perfect's what you're searching for then just stay the same?"

"The rest of you shouldn't be encouraging this!" She stared at the men behind Faustus.

"When I see your face, there's not a thing I would change, Cause you're amazing?" The men stopped singing as Faustus continued "Just the way you arrreeeeeeee."

"For f-ck's sake Faustus SHUT UP." Silver yelled, glaring at him and the men behind him. She wanted to smack the smirks right off their faces. She damn well knew that her own crew was snickering behind her, quite amused by the little show, not to mention the cheering and clapping filtering up from the crowd below.

"Are you done with your little show" Get the hell off my ship." She pointed a finger at the gangplank, the flushed color of her cheeks starting to fade despite the anger. She was slightly amused by the entire thing, but she'd be damned if she let on. Faustus simply stood there with the men chuckling behind him. He watched Silver point at the plank, his own arms coming to cross and mirror her stance.

"What' You don't want an encore?"

Lyrics, Bruno Mars

Silver Starblade

Date: 2011-10-14 12:59 EST

"Hell no, I don't want an encore." Silver hissed, a dimple appearing in her cheek and belying her attempt at concealing her amusement. "What the hell was that all about?"

"Oh, I thought I'd let you know how I felt before I sailed out, you know..just in case."

"Just in case what?" Silver shot back, quirking a brow and watching as her crew began to mingle with the men Faustus had brought. She had to give him credit; Faustus knew how to liven up a boring day and her crew always enjoyed the free time they had in the ports with his men. (Probably b/c his crewmen were such bad influences.)

"At least I wasn't singing about your.."

"Don't even go there." Silver cut him off, shaking her head. "Aren't you leaving?"

"I'm hurt." Faustus pouted, digging his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah." She snorted. "I'm sure you are. And what is that thing?" She pointed at the radio that his men were attempting to show her crew.

"Magic." Faustus wiggled his fingers in amusement. "Anyway, I do have to run, sweets." He listened as she made a gutteral, disgusted sound. Grinning again, Faustus waved and motioned to his crew to follow, all of them quietly singing on their way into the docks.