Topic: Lions in the Water

Cinna Sainte-Clare

Date: 2010-02-26 07:27 EST
It had ended in that moment of choices. There were always choices. Cinna probably could confess that not she if any rarely made the best choices. This one though she couldn't turn back from.

All those years far from Faustus' crew....far from the ship....far from the Starstruck Siren and him. There were all the reasons. Reasons she didn't speak of.

The years she had lost track of. Too much sh*t had gone down. Her dabbling in the black market trade had a price she wouldn't speak of. Ever. If only to save her skin.

More so to save Sybella.

It was her or Sybella. That was how it all began. That dark dirty room with its shattered bulbs and faint flickering lights. The potent scent of blood and narcotics and something far more primal.

Sybella should never have been brought into the mess that was Cinna's world. But she had been.

Negotiations and barters had to be made.

The pain had been something she never expected.

Something she kept subdued with the opium.

Sometimes it wasn't about addiction. Not an addict never Cinna was because there was never the sweet euphoria that others might find.

It only subdued that excruciating pain.

Once Cinna had been soft. Once she had been calm and affectionate, passive and tranquil.

Now she could only be wary. Strong and Hostile. Unsavory and sharp.

She wore her scars like a savage.

Those beasts of burden.

They didn't belong on the Docks. Cinna didn't belong with any of them any more after all that had gone down on those years before her return.

When it came down to it....the truth was...

Sometimes you couldn't keep the lions from the water.

Cinna Sainte-Clare

Date: 2010-02-27 07:23 EST
The docks had become home, a resting place. A comfort zone for Cinna when she found herself back in Rhy'din. With the return came the realization that there would be Silver, there would be Sybella, and there would be Tom.

Only Sybella knew the truth and she convinced the Mistress of the Straits to hold the secret.

Plans had altered. Cinna despite it all found herself acknowledging others. The Bird for one. Grantedly it would seem a lifetime of apologies to Regulus to admit to one even strangely found as friend that Cinna was not used to hugs.

Don't let them get too close it had become her life rule. They couldn't know.

Not of the disease. Not of the infliction.

There was the Fox though.

The Fox would perhaps not understand the disease or the infliction or even Cinna. Cinna didn't even expect him to. Hell he was a raveled up twist of a mystery.

A game of secrets, corruption, and twisted paths. That was what her life was becoming. They all were falling into the tangled veins of the choices.

It was beyond even Tom's determination. Nothing could save her.

The past could not be changed. All that was left was to accept the fate with the ways of a Lion's undisputable pride

Cinna Sainte-Clare

Date: 2010-03-23 13:36 EST
Delirium would never support her or take it away. The past haunted her like a cruel predator on the prowl. Waiting for the weakest moment to strike.

Collapsed against the old wine crates a miserable look was cast over the sea as she rubbed at the fabric that spilled down her arms, covering the scars.

Life ending marks.

Perhaps the end of days would have been her triumph, her final sneer of defiance in the face of those that had corrupted her. Had ruined her life.

Still it had been her or Sybella.

Gods knew Cinna would never have given this life and what she had been dealt to weigh upon the delicate, innocent shoulders of Sybella.

Everyone adored and treasured the demure sweetheart that Sybella was. Not a wicked, cruel bone in that body....but Cinna....well Cinna was another story.

A bitter, unsavory story.

Saving Sybella had its cost.

There was always a cost. She could handle the excruciating pain. She dealt with it near every day as she felt that sensation near break and snap her bones under pale moonlight.

How she felt that burn like fire in her veins. The alterings that had their benefits but in the end she knew it was nothing more then damnation.

What price was it worth to save save your 'sister' if you lost everything else in return.

Cinna couldn't take it.

The closing off of her emotions had left her bitter and always angry. Furious with the situation life had put her in.

Once she had loved...

Once he had been everything to her.

And now? Now....she couldn't even meet his eyes without feeling that fury, that hatred boiling up within her.

Hatred of herself, but that fury and frustration was always turned outward. It was safer that way.

It saved him from knowing that every fxcking night she was dying inside.

If only it was a death that would end her life oh she had tried it but what luck that had been when she found well....that death of her choosing seemed an impossible feat.

Everything that was once Cinna each and every day was fading and dying....leaving nothing but the wicked disaster she had become to take over.

Possessive in every way till even the heart could not offer love.

Thus were the scars she would carry, thus would be the burden of her sacrifice.

Cinna Sainte-Clare

Date: 2010-03-24 17:38 EST
There had been fear. There had been blood. There had been fury.

Everything had curled through her senses as she stood there to face the judgement, the price to save Sybella. Shackled and chained she had no chance to struggle or even to put up a fight. Not that she damn near wouldn't try.

The struggle though....if she fought it they would kill Sybella. Sybella had been the first choice, they had told her that much....because of Sybella's gift....because of what Sybella was, but what they planned for Sybella, Cinna knew would kill her sister.

Never by blood but Cinna had sworn that she would protect the orphan girl with her strange ocean glass eyes and her constant look of wonder and curiousity. Ever since they had been children and Sybella had saved Cinna from drowning when she became a bit more daring then a child should be.

Course then....Cinna thought she was immortal and believed Sybella a mermaid. She learned well enough Sybella was something far more magnificent and impressive then just a mermaid. Oh she was so much more.

Standing there knowing that pain or death was coming the inkling of fear spilled away and became acceptance. This was better then leaving Sybella to that eternal torment. Cinna had no idea what was coming for her but had no desire for Sybella to be a part of it.

Honey golds flickered over to the tall pair of men that had never spoken, they were different from those that had kidnapped Sybella and Cinna. These men kept to the shadows, one as pale as mist and phantom lure....the other dark as night itself.

Something about the pair made her shiver with excitement and uncertainty. Never able to shake that feeling of....knowing.

There had been no family for Cinna. Renegade rebel from the start when her family decided she was too much of a handful and abandoned her there was no one to rely on or trust save for Sybella. And Tom....but Tom.

Her lips twisted briefly as the image of Tom flickered through her mind. Right now she should have been having dinner with him. Right now she should have been in his embrace....but instead she was here ensnared like a prisoner waiting for judgement and damnation.

Thoughts were torn apart as one of the men spoke to her, the kidnapper's voice like harsh stone on stone, scraping over her senses and leaving her cringing with annoyance. Her expression showed it was nothing more then a pain in the ass to be here.

"Let's get this over with....but....get her out of here."

The honey thick husky way of her voice was embers even then a jerking gesture of head towards Sybella. Sybella was still so young, so fresh, vulnerable and impressionable. She did not need to see this. No matter what would be done.

Much to Cinna's surprise they agreed. She understood why moments later.

There was so much blood.

So much pain and unimaginable violence to alter all that Cinna was.

She never would be the same.

Her mind near snapped and shattered with the pain, but part of her...had stirred and awakened, burning light in her eyes that she felt was nothing more then a reflection within herself staring back to show her what....who....she really was.

All it took was a nudge to send her over the edge of her control and she was falling into darkness.

Somewhere in that shadow thick and haze of cloudy pain she swore she saw lions in the mists. Heard their claiming snarls as they walked through the night like ghosts within the darkness.

Cinna Sainte-Clare

Date: 2010-03-24 18:02 EST
~Present Day~

Games and understanding, revelations and questions had always been a fascination to stir the soul of Cinna.

A mystery, a challenge, an intrigue, a pull well those were things she could not deny.

Surely there were those she found herself comfortable with. Sybella and Silver, Tom and Faustus but ever since....the change....well things just had never been the same. Cinna had distanced herself and become detached.

Yet as of late there was another that drew and pulled at her spirit with near soul tugs of not quite familiarity but....understanding. A strange draw she could not resist or ignore.

Thus a game of questions and revelations. A truth for a truth. Exchanges to understand what the Fox was and even more so what she had become.

Some were not so surprising. The requests though....those were the wicked and strange. Leaving her to reveal what she hid away from the rest.

The jacket shrugged off and the sleeves shoved up to reveal the myriad of scars and marks. Some of self-mutilation and others....far more ancient that had claimed her skin. His touch had been on her then and she knew....knew what he knew of her as she was ever aware of his power.

The tangible flavor of it in her soul, the taste of it on her tongue.

What most was felt though...was the lack of pain.

A far more sweeter addiction to feast on then anything else she ever felt before.

That and the awakening. The taste of the Fox on her lips was never a wish to change the will or whim of Fox's preferences...or even anything remotely of some sort of emotional attraction.

Something more. Something else.

A draw that she could not deny.

Perhaps he was not the only one that could not ever say no

Cinna Sainte-Clare

Date: 2010-03-30 21:39 EST
Another Night. Another Hour. The hours they ticked on by. Her mind was split with that sinking awareness that lingered like a thick stone in the bottom of her stomach. Opium induced till it was almost too much.

And she saw everything, felt everything, knew everything. Something in her blood craved the bond of the Fox.

But there was something more. The Darkness and the Ghost. The brothers that had watched in the dark as she was torn apart and taken over and restored.

Nothing but a shell of flesh for who....what she really was. She was like them.

And she knew them....felt them....was drawn to them.

They called her the Light.

And they knew her. The likeness was striking and left her staring up at the clouds as they contorted and changed colors around her, over her, everywhere by her.

Near she could feel their touch upon her skin. Those clouds. The shadow dark.

Till in the distance, off down that pier she saw the Darkness. Watching her, remembering her.

The resemblance was striking and the tears spilled before she knew they were even there.

She was confessing her love to a man that was a shadow imprint of the one she had known before.

"What have I done."

A whisper as her hands covered her eyes.

Her world was falling apart.

Cinna Sainte-Clare

Date: 2010-03-31 17:55 EST
Show me Heaven, Show me Hell, Show me what lies beyond" "All things for a price, Stay with me." "But I don't Love you." "Then I must Touch you." "Alright, but First tell me your name." "I am Love, I am God, I am Drama~ Dawn ~Joseph Michael Linsner~

————————————————————————— —————————————

Metaphysical Love

It could forge a physical attraction amongst the unexpected. Those that couldn't say no.

Couldn't refuse a request.

In the gift of games there were always prices and risks. That which had to be given up in order to receive.

A touch. A kiss could give more then affection.

Even if one wasn't your type, your taste.

Give a white lightning lick of power and the addiction was hooked.

Better then Opium to take the pain.

Her knuckles were wrapped in tape as she flexed her fingers into eager fists.

There was a want of blood, a want of pain, a need for that infliction to others to keep that Burning Light at bay.

Before she caught Fire.

In the underground where the street fights were gathered for money and the latest craze of hungry need for violence and pain, blood and adrenaline, Cinna found her calling.

A slick sharp smile as her eyes slitted into tiny lines of the horizon burning bright.

Oh the hunger of the Light....unaware or perhaps so welcoming of the Darkness that persued....and would watch.

Cinna Sainte-Clare

Date: 2010-04-14 17:53 EST
The burn, the smolder, the Burning Light of her ways had been sated. Fed to the shadows and the Darkness.

Offered with an exchange of names. The bonds that would bind and the nature of the beast to know a calling of like to like.

To truly understand all that had become of her she had let herself become briefly blind to everything around her. Leaving instinct and senses to take over.

The trial and test of it had only made her stronger, had awakened the beast, and called that demonic energy to catch fire and ignite her soul.

She was ablaze and alive in her power.

The Fox knew it. Could taste it. Could sense it.

Just as the Darkness had known.

The powerful draw and pull of that burning light.

All of it would be shared and offered with a pretty word of Please. Like a sharing of other words of power.

So well known.

Would the hour be claimed intimate or savage? Unholy or Sacred....none of it would matter but the taste of that power on her tongue.

The possession and play of the game.

How easily the way of words and a territorial mockery of claiming with the word 'Mine' would shy away the fragile and the weak.

The amusement of the chase away thrilled her. Private indulgences would be lost within the Darkness, or known only behind closed doors....where one could just be....what...and who they really were.

Her name would never be on the books.

Dear sweet, savage Cinna.

It was only in the Light that her name would be scrawled.

Blinding and Brutal in its Beauty.

That Burning Light would ignite the souls of those she touched....and set them on fire....leaving nothing more then the unsatiable hunger within.

Oh the way of the Light.

It would call, claim, and its hunger....was a merciless beast.

Cinna Sainte-Clare

Date: 2010-05-01 08:54 EST
"So this is what it comes down to now? You're an addiction rather then the addict. Curious."

The tawny-gold of her eyes awakened to blistering sunlight. The whisper in her mind that she had yet to understand.

Voices of the past.

A long and lean stretch as she considered, contemplated, roamed over her thoughts.

Prowling through them.

The Darkness had been occupied with his own endeavors.

The Fox the same.

All so busy busy busy.

There was so much to do, so much to be done.

Beltane was in the air.

The thought of it amused her greatly.

So many in reverie to toy with and delight in.

It could easily become a playground for the Fox.

She would have to find him and the Darkness once more.

Truth be told...

The Light was becoming restless.