Topic: Sometime you must learn the hard way


Date: 2012-08-03 00:17 EST
As she walked away from the Red Dragon Inn Lillianna looked once again at the card that that intriguing woman had handed her. Mary Read had explained Club Babylon to her, but what was the Bonny Corporation' Why not take a look and see for herself, though she should probably wait before showing up, Mary Read had not yet left the Inn, therefore no one would be expecting her.

She hated having to learn after all of these years to fit into a world where courtesy was expected of all, and grudges could last for many years, though in the undercurrent of that world lay the world of her children. This thought brought a smile to her lips, finally after all of these years she had come to live among them.

She decided to go for a walk along the Rhy'din river, though it probably wasn't the safest place for someone who looked like her to be, "but I can take care of myself." She thought with a wicked smile. At length, when the sky was beginning to go dark with the oncoming night, her walk took her to the docks where she stood listening to the sounds of the river, and the distant sea. She loved the water, the sound of the waves reminded her of a song that had once been sang to her by her lover, in the days before he was broken.

As she stood listening she became aware of a presence sneaking almost silently up behind her, laughing like she had lost her mind she turned, Green eyes flashing, to glare at a dirty man who looked like he wasn't a very good robber by the state of his clothing, but this could be a cover. The man gave a start as her gaze found him, but quickly regained his courage, after all she was only one woman alone, who obviously carried no weapons since her dress was too sheer to conceal anything. Lillianna beckoned to him, encouraging him to complete the attack that he had begun, enjoying the confusion that crossed his face.

Hesitantly he moved forward, a knife appearing in his right hand, at the sight of the blade his confidence seamed to grow, and he moved more quickly reaching toward her. She just looked at him and shook her head sadly clicking her tongue at him as if he were a misbehaving child.

Suddenly her eyes turned dark and her hair began to whip about her face in an ethereal wind as a dark mist began to form around her, solidifying into creatures that only live in nightmares. Long claws tore at the man, removing piece after piece until there was nothing left but a broken soul, which the spirits carried off to devour in their own realm.

Lillianna watched as the dissipated then nodded her head and shook away the darkness that lingered about her, her eyes turned back to the bright green color that she loved. She turned and went to find a place where she could sleep for the rest of the night, tomorrow she would go to the Bonny Corporation and the hospitality that had been offered to her by Mary Read.