Topic: Teenagers These Days

Ada Huchinson Madam

Date: 2007-08-11 20:43 EST
She waited long enough.

If she'd waited any longer, she might've gone as batty as the rest of these Rhydin folk.

Still, she was at least somewhat amused — how often do you get away with whacking an ill-mannered pirate and teaching him a lesson? Ada Huchinson had been at it all day behind her desk and in this infernal heat, she had needed a break. So she had tried that establishment called the Red Dragon Inn. It was filled with young whelps that lacked manners and a troop of lascivious men who probably didn't think above the belt. Displeasing as it was to the conservative old biddy, she did get a laugh out of being able to whack someone into shape. Sort of.

But damn and blazing hells, she had waited long enough!

He'd told her to meet him and saints preserve her, she was more punctual than a stopwatch. Her source however, was as dependable as a Yellowknife winter storm. She waited for a few hours, thinking maybe he'd gotten lost or into some kind of spat as youths tend to do these days. And the longer she waited, the snarkier she got.

It took two glasses of ice water with lemon to remotely cool her off. It took an only slightly less snarky dame to soften up her edges and get her at least a hand in hunting down a valuable but unreliable source named Malcolm.

Indeed, she waited long enough.


Date: 2007-08-12 15:21 EST
Playing Hooky?

Malcolm was angry.

Very angry.

He'd run into perhaps one of the more dangerous dames in all of Rhy'Din and ended up getting the shit beat out of him. Still, he was alive and that was good. Even if he might not be able to procreate, he was alive. He was alive and dammit, he was going to get back to Miss Hutch. Besides, he has some new beef. Good new beef on the little jailbird freak.

For a while he leaned against an alley wall and got his breath back.

Yes, he was angry.

"Got whooped by a girl. Wimmin these days!"

Muttering to himself all the livelong way, Malcolm Atsedes finally pushed off the wall and headed not out of Rhy'Din City but for Miss Hutch's office. Yes, he's got a sweet scoop this time. But no, he won't tell a soul he got his rear handed to him by a girl.


Date: 2007-08-16 19:57 EST
Generation Gaps

Malcolm was furious. Worse, he was late and as he hobbled into Ada Huchinson's office, he got the riot act he dreaded.

Ms. Huchinson wasn't a large woman, nor was she typically considered "tough". She deceived the world in such a fashion until someone decided to piss her off. It was when that happened, hell broke loose. So here she stood in her office, screeching like a bean sidhe behind her desk. And for effect, she waved her walking cane in the air.

"Where the bleedin' hell have y'been, Boy?! Ah been waitin' damn-near three days fer your sorry hide! Y'better've gotten a scoop t'defy all scoops fer this li'l shenanigan o' yers!"

Malcolm Atsedes never cringed in front of anyone. Until now.

"Uh, Ma'am, uh, yeah. I got a good scoop n' fer it, I got th' shit beat outta me!"


Screaming matches were no stranger to Rhy'Din. Good thing, for that's what Ada Huchinson's office turned into. It was a combination of both man and lady being pissed off at each other and the general Rhy'Din populace. It was this combination that spurred the anger and thus, the snarking match.

In the end, it was more or less a draw.

Malcolm still had his job and Ada got a decent start of what could be a juicy little bit for her current story.

Now, Ms. Huchinson had the possible gold-mine she'd been waiting for. And Malcolm Atsedes had a real chance at getting out of Rhy'Din in one piece.