Topic: Dockside Trouble with Mach


Date: 2015-03-10 21:34 EST
"We got a down and out here!" A yell from an EMT as that gurney rolled in from the ambulance bay. Nurses and specialists flocked as they chased after the speeding ambulance crew, reports given in a symphony of chaos spoken in lingo of numbers and archaic phrases. Finally a gruff looking individual wearing the white overcoat of his profession came sprinting along in tired green scrubs.

"What the hell happened to this guy?" The man's voice was gravely from over use and a bad pack a day habit, gray eyes looking over the limp figure. Dried blood was crusted around the man's nostrils and ears, around lips frozen in a wry grin, blue eyes locked in a thousand mile gaze.

"Got an automated emergency response beacon called in to dispatch about thirty minutes ago for a med-emerg down at the docks." The lead paramedic rattled off from her clipboard as she kept pace. "When we arrived on scene we found this guy face down on the docks. Unresponsive to A, V, and P stimulus. Not much further up on the pier there was a large puddle of what we assume is his blood. No external injuries noted nor signs or symptoms of further hemorrhaging. No signs of head or neck injury. BP 96 over 50 pulse 44 and holding steady since arrival. Pulse ox 72 with shallow, unlabored breathing. Temp 92.3. Saline started IV, no other interventions."

The physician grumbled as he chewed on all the information presented. "We have any idea who this breathing corpse is?"

The woman rifled a bit through he notes. "Found some cards and ID on him. Identified as an Elitia Turner, 31 year old male. Human pure, non-morph. Comes from....The Unified Taj Republic?"

The physician grumbled before calling out. "Anyone know where the hell that is!" "

"Tang!" Another woman came jogging up to the rolling triage as they pushed into a room, the allied health crew moving to transfer the lumpy form from the ambulance to the hospital gurney. The elderly woman looked haggered but well put together. "A planet reached by portal, non-native." The woman explained as she took the transfer report from the paramedic, glancing over the initial assessment. "Anything else? Profession?"

The woman shuffled a bit through the demographic information sheet which had options for every sort of critter, creature, and in-between that an emergency responder could encounter in a realm like Rhydin. "Um....looks like goes by 'Mach'....a soldier I of his cards identified him as a lieutenant....a 'Class A2 Sub 3B Bounty Hunter' for the..."

"Fuck!" The new physician exclaimed. "This must be Capt Danub's replacement...didn't think I'd see them so soon." A hand rose to scrub the scowl from her face as the older woman moved bed side, a pair of gloves snatched and pulled on as she snagged a penlight from her coat.

"Mr Turner!?" A snap of fingers next to this ears as she shown that light in distant blue eyes. "Elitia!?" Light moved to other eye. "Mach!?" Forming a fist with her free hand she rubbed her knuckles hard into the lifeless bodies sternum. Light off and pocketed as she turned to one of the lead nurses.

"Alright, run a CMP, CBC, Coag profile, and a STAT Type and Cross. Get me 2 units emergency release blood and someone find a couple of healers, no one fancy just with some endurance. Have them start q5 minute low level revive and a minimal regen spell. When he starts responding stop the magical treatment and switch him over to supportive care. He'll need a banana bag, high cal nutritional support, and for the love of God do not give him pain meds!"

The wiry nurse shot the doctor a look."But there are no signs of injury....shouldn't we do a CT scan before we start in on magical interventions" And he's still breathing and has a pulse, he's not a candidate for revival measures!"

A wave off of the man's objections. "It's not for injury....he's suffering from an Acute Spirit Detachment Fugue state. Probably juiced a spell too hard and dipped below his tolerance. The regen'll help rejuvenate his natural mana and the revive is like a paddles for his soul. Just make sure not to give him pain meds when he comes too....guy probably suffers from S.A.D.S if not the disorder."

The nurse grumbled under their breath as they turned to enter the order, the gruff doctor now approaching the woman. "How the hell does someone juice a spell too much in this place?"

A wry look cast from the matronly doctor. "Most people where I come from can't naturally use such unprocessed magic as spews out from the Nexus. So either they use it with the aid of enchanted baubles or caster items while in the presence of processed magical energies....or they use their own surplus."

"Hmph....seems damn stupid to me using your life like that." Grays ticked a disapproving look back to the lumpy Mach on the gurney before he turned to step out of the room.

"It's not like it doesn't regenerate....but yeah, folks like that aren't exactly bright or of healthy mind to begin with. Probably a Sweat Dealer....those guys are near pathologically reckless." The woman followed after.

A quirk of brow. "Sweat Dealer?"

Weathered yet skilled hands waved off the question. "An old military catch program to find dummies like him and make them into fatalistic weapons of war. The programs been nerfed now and you don't usually see a lot of the folks recruited by it still running around....typically because their all dead."

The gruff doctor sighed wearily. "Sounds like a tough lot. Well, think I'll catch a break before the next dumbass is wheeled in."

A smirk escaped the elderly physician. "You mean a smoke break, you know those things are killing you right?"

The man grinned toothily. "I better, I tell that to patients at least ten times a night!" And with a wave the man wandered off down the hall back towards the ambulance entrance.

As for the woman she gave one last look to the room as a couple of young women in white robes pushed in. A weary moment passed before a sigh escaped her. "Guess I better call in to the military branch office to learn what I can of this 'Mach'....sure I'm going to be seeing a lot of him..." Another sigh and she would turn to walk off for the charting room.

"#$%^@$&@#$@%^$*(&^^%^%$##@$%!!!!? Erupted Mach in the background but the yelling didn't phase the doctor in the slightest.


Date: 2015-03-12 23:54 EST
Dr. Ibanez walked into the pod station tiredly, weathered hand breaking apart the fog of sleep upon her features. "Hey Ken, how's 13C doing?"

The young nurse didn't even look up from the terminal which he was typing away into. "Discharged."

The woman paused."Discharged...?" And something snapped. "ON WHOS AUTHORITY!"

Ken shied away from the matronly doctor though his fingers continued working on that progress note. "Dr. Greer....not that he had much choice, the patient was stable and being taken into custody by military police from a Taj division something or another..."

The woman glared down at the young nurse a moment longer before an exasperated sigh escaped her. "Why didn't anyone come get me!?"

The nurse shrugged. "You were asleep. And there was nothing really to hold the patient on anyway, we were just feeding him and taking bets which nurse or tech he'd actually get to give him their number first..."

"We were observing him for..." Fingers pinched at the brow. " The military's probably better equipped to deal with that patients needs than we are. Just....let me know next time okay..." A sigh escaped the woman as she took one last look at chart on the discharge pile. Picked up by military police....well, she could at least hope for the best for the man. Another errant thought crossed the woman. "So did we have a winner?"

The man continued to type with mild disinterest. "Ashley."

Ibanez sighed. "I should have known....damn....and I thought Rose or Gerry would have been the first to give that man their number..." Already fishing out a few bills she slapped them into the nurses waiting hand with a grumble.

= = = = =

A thin smile pulled as blue eyes blue watched the man in gray military fatigues step into the small, drab room carrying a simple metal tray. Upon the tray was a small plastic cup of water and what looked like a brick of bird food except much less appetizing. Mach waggled his fingers friendly like to the man, his hands held aloft by the handcuffs which kept him restrained to the simple metal bed. "Hey there Timmy, didn't know you did bed side service."

"Screw you Eli, and it's Staff Sergeant Mullen to you trash." The thick necked man dropped the tray on Mach's stomach unceremoniously as he pulled up the only other piece of furniture in the cell to sit upon, big hand moving behind to pull the file that was tucked in the small of his back.

Mach looked at the unappetizing cube and then back to the stern man that was already leafing through the contents of the folder. A few worthless clacks of teeth at the MRE before a friendly smile was offered to the soldier, a wave of hand causing the attached handcuff to clank against the bed rails. "Think you forgot something there SSgt Timmy." A mischievous grin offered to the man.

Amber eyes looked up from the file, a twitch on thick features. "Yeah....your right." Reaching over he picked up that brick of foodstuff, a bite taken and chewed as he returned to reading the file. "Got some questions for you, so why don't you make yourself comfortable and we'll start."

"Your so gracious." A grumble from Mach as he lied back in the bed.

Mullen may have cracked a dark smile at that. "So....what were you doing at the docks?"

A smirk escaped Mach. "Taking a romantic stroll of course."

A weary look from SSgt Mullen. "Taking a romantic stroll by yourself at the docks early in the morning which nearly kills you because you're powering your own spells like a dumbass."

Mach shrugged. "Well, seemed romantic at the time?"

"Mana spectral analysis shows that you cast one low level, one high level, and one super user level of spell in a brief half hour to an hour time frame. The discharged cartridge found in your caster at the scene was a Type 27 I.F.F.U.C with all five charges used and three shots fired. You shouldn't even be able to pull off a stack charge spell?"

"Well, I thought I could and shucks howdy if I didn't pull it off." Toothy grin at that interruption only earned Mach an annoyed twitch from the sergeant.

"You shouldn't even be able to pull it off so why in the hell where you casting one in the first place."

Another shrug from the handcuffed man. "Just wanted to try it yeah' Hey, can I get a smoke" I haven't had a smoke in ages?"

"You just cast Niflheim, a class S3 spell, on a whim?"

"Yeah' next time I gotta do it for a female audience, I be that would wet a few panties. Hey, about that cigarette?""

"Have a care Elitia!" Mullen snapped. "Your little "whim' caused tens of thousands of dollars" worth of damages to private owned boats and to a couple of the piers at the dock" that's infrastructure damage, serious shit."

A sigh escaped Mach. "Yeah, in pursuit of a dangerous bounty. That means it's covered under incidental damages insurance."

The sergeant snorted dismissively. "Really?" Convenient that. And who is this 'dangerous bounty' that you apparently failed to apprehend."

Mock look of hurt crossed those rugged features as the man sat up in the bed. "Case 3789UB2A20672733"

Puzzlement crossed the other as they thought about it, recognition setting in before he shot Mach a 'really?" sort of look. "You were after the "The Zorro Slasher??"

Sly grin crossed Mach. "One and only."

"You worthless motherfucker, that's just a dummy case that any asshole and dipshit claims when they do something illegal and you know it."

"No, no, I swear it was them' had the mask and everything!" Mach nodded emphatically.

"Lying scum. Fine. Then why did you cast Niflheim in your pursuit of "The Zorro Slasher?"" Air quotes used as the man leveled a hard gaze on Mach.

"To try and stop their escape." Those words rang clear as a crystal bell of truth. "They were leaving by boat and it was the most efficient means."

"Freezing a forty meter round column of the harbor from bay floor to top was the most efficient means of stopping them." Disbelief dribbled from the sergeant.

"Yes, it was. But suppose you wouldn't know that being a paper pushing, pencil dicked, desk?" Those last words escaped in a whiffle of gasped breath as the sergeant hammered his fist down into Mach's stomach. Amber gaze burned with anger as Mullen glared at the man swallowing down air. Looks like that touched a nerve.

A moment longer as the sergeant removed his fist, other hand straightening out his sleeve before he regarded the file coolly once more. "So you froze the dock trying to keep "The Zorro Slasher" contained". so where are they?"

Mach grinned through that grimace as he sat up once more. "More willy then I it seems....cast a flying spell on his boat...damn thing grew wings and..." A flapping motion of restrained hands in demonstration.

"So why didn't you cast a lightening spell to bring them back to earth."

"Unresponsive after one more cast....S3 multi-charge spell....'The Zorro Slasher' the words that come out of your mouth actually cross through your brain first?"

"Claiming your not as stupid as you are" That's a first." A snort as the man finished that nutritional cube, licking his fingers before taking up that cup of water to take a drink.

"Eh....full of surprises I am. So is your game to bore me to death or are we done here because everything else should check." Shrugging, or more rolling his shoulders to work out the tension from the odd positioning they were forced to maintain.

Ambers watched Mach over the rim of the cup. "One more thing. Who helped you."

A brow quirked. "EMT's....after the med emerg call from my phone..." Please tell me your not so incompetent that you missed that slight detail."

Leaning back mildly, SSgt Mullen would snap his wrist, the cup and it's remaining liquid sent flying to strike his prisoner in the face. "Someone cleaned you up. There was a bloodied cloth remain at your primary....puddle....where you obviously fired that S3 spell. So who helped and left you before the paramedics found your sorry ass?"

Mach sputtered as the water splashed over those rugged features, a clink as the handcuffs bit into his wrist as that autonomous reaction was to wipe off his face. A shake of head to cast off the rest before a wry grin pulled on him. "Oooooh....I remember now, a lamia living under the piers came up to see what all the ruckus was about."

An unimpressed look. "The cloth looked to be from a shirt from a normally proportioned human female..."

And that grin grew. "Did I mention that I'd totally pork that lamia if ever I saw them again?"

The interrogator pinched the bridge of his nose, a sigh escaping him. "So you were trying to get romantic walking around the docks, fought 'The Zorro Slasher' who flew away, and got tended to by a lamia that you didn't hit on only because you were passed out..."

A chuckle escaped Mach. "Well, when you put it that way it sounds a little far fetched, but then you never did have a way with words."

The man shook his head as he stood, that folder snapped shut before he tucked it away into the small of his back. Stern amber gaze was settled on Mach for a moment, that grin still upon the man. It was likely a very bad idea but Mach still waggled his fingers friendly to the sergeant....a move which pushed the man over the edge as he finally snapped the back of a meaty hand across Mach's features turning the glib man and slamming him into the bed rails. "Fucking garbage, you'll be doing the world a favor when you finally bite it..." A sneer before the sergeant turned to storm out, Mach simply chuckling through the pain.

= = = = =

The sun had risen, shown, and dropped by the time an M.P. arrived to unlock the manacles that pinned Mach's hands up, the woman stiffed lip and serious in her business. Of course it was likely the fact that she was releasing him which saved her from being inappropriately commented to or touched by the rogue.

Adjusting his shirt with numb hands as he got up, it would take a minute or two for the man to finally rise to his feet, following the guard stiffly down the hall from that cramped cell to the checkout area. SSgt Mullen was waiting there, his expression displeased as he held that small box of personal effects.

"My story hold enough water to float by on eh....not that the brass would want to bother trying to replace me if it didn't..." Spoken mildly to all the wooden faced soldiers that watched as he put back up that gun belt, a run of fingers over each of the vial tops taking a mental head count. Satisfied he'd look back to the sergeant. "Guess everyone needs a hobby though. My personal affects?"

The sergeant almost growled. "One wallet with sixty three in pack of cigarettes already damaged upon shitty silver crappy caster..." Mach lit up at the return of those two items, a bent cigarette already plucked and planted between his lips, the lighter palmed.

"Oh yeah, gonna enjoy this baby. And snap too it Timmy I've missed like a half dozen social engagements thanks to your green ass..." Reaching for that phone it would slip between his grasp as the sergeant threw it down, curb stomping boot slammed down fracturing the display.

"What the hell was that you god damned limp dicked cherry boy!?" Mach's outrage was evident even as Mullen sneered, a step into Mach's personal space grinding his heel into that phone.

"You listen well you piece of trash, we all know your trouble and I'm watching you....waiting for you to fuck up bad enough where I can put the bullet in you myself." The man nearly frothed as he spoke.

For Mach he simply stared down that man, one of the MP's moving to intervene though a hand raised by Mach would silence such interventions. "Get. Off. My. Phone. Staff. Sergeant. Timmy."

The burly sergeant fumed, a moment longer spent matching fierce amber with cold blue gaze before the man stepped back, heel off the phone. Lieutenant Mach would wait a moment before leaning down to pick up his broken device, a sad look cast as it lit up but nothing could be seen through that destroyed screen.

Mullen's voice was still filled with venom, those ambers seething with hate. "You watch yourself....and you best tell the other trash you hang around with to watch out too....I will go after all your garbage associates to get at you. That slut....Zynn. That witch....Rena. That pink haired bitch...Serah..."

Mach had been the model of dopey and affable until those words left the sergeants mouth, those boyishly handsome features turning hard as his own fury rose. In a blur his fist rose in a sharp hook making contact with that square jaw sending the sergeants head snapping back. Shock hung on the man's features as he staggered, hand instinctively moving for the gun on his side to try and quell the pissed off was a poor choice. Drawing from the holster the man wouldn't even get it half raised before Mach got hold of his wrist and that gun, twist of both as he jerked the man around into a submission hold, the gun stuck by the sergeants finger trapped in the trigger guard. Mullen yelped as Mach wrenched his arm up, a sharp cast of smoldering blue gaze keeping the other two M.P.'s from intervening before he leaned forward to speak to the man in his grasp, his voice chillingly venomous.

"You do not go after my friends....don't ever talk to them, don't ever look at them, don't even mention them, don't ever think of them....because if you do Staff Sergeant Mullen no power in the Nexus will stop me from finding and destroying you..." He twisted that gun a little more, the sergeant howling in agony as his finger was contorted to it's limits. "I guarantee it."

The MP's recoiled at that sickening crack and pop, the sergeant dropped unceremoniously to the floor as he cursed and wept in equal measure holding that broken hand. A brush off of hands, a sigh, and that stone cold expression melted away from those rugged features leaving a weary expression. He cast a look back to one of the dumbfounded M.P.s "Have this man arrested for attempted assault on a superior officer and for destruction of government property..." A tap on the pocket that contained his phone. "I'll be back tomorrow to question the suspect." Nothing but business as Mach spoke before he turned to leave.

A few steps taken before he paused hearing a decidedly lack of arresting sounds. A blue eyed gaze cast back to the female M.P. that looked uncertainly down at her superior. Mach could feel for the girl who looked far to fresh and loyal to want to be stuck between a rock and a hard place....but then again life never was very fair. "Did I stutter?"

Eyes snapped to Mach who gave his best stink eye. " sir! I....I'll get on it right away sir!" The girl paled as she stuttered, fumbling for her handcuffs. Well....Mach didn't think he had that good of a stink eye. A lazy salute back to the girl before he turned and continued on his way, that destroyed phone pulled out to cast another forlorn look to it. He couldn't make out much but he did see that he had missed a lot of messages and calls, one part of a name in particular noted.

"Damnit....survived the night only to get killed later....just my luck.? A wary smile pulled into a smirk as he stepped from that small detention center and back out into the streets of Rhydin.