Topic: Flickering Flame


Date: 2017-05-30 05:09 EST
May 25, 2017

Snap. Snap. Snap.

That lone cobalt blue blinked at the sharp report of fingers clicking next to his ear, his gaze shifting to the source of the sound. Short and rather rangy looking, the offending woman done up in hobo chic of dingy second hand wear glared up at him, sun baked features twisted in a scowl. "Hey asshole, where do you get off ignoring people!" How would you like it if I just gave you the dumb and stupid stare like some fucking fish outta water if you asked me a question?"

Blinking through some dryness and the haze of confusion Mach didn't even stop to consider the words that tumbled out of his mouth. "Pretty sure I'd be kinda relieved that you were silent?"

"Entitled prick!" The grungy woman sneered as they spat at his feet. "Stingy shit can't even give a lady a smoke....You'll get yours, just wait asshole, you'll get yours!"

He watched as the woman stormed off, part of him wanting to call out some nasty retort while the rest of him was riddled with guilt as he realized what this was all about and wanted to try and catch up and apologize. Neither was done though as he knew better than to provoke such a situation further, especially over something as simple as a smoke. Instead he mulled over the words as he worked to catch his bearing, a soft smirk escaping him. "I'll get mine, huh?" Trying to shake off that dark bit of humor that crossed him as he muttered those words the schmooze set off once more, continuing with his day.


Date: 2017-07-08 00:32 EST
"Maaa~ach. Hey! You okay?"

The aggravatingly waving hand which suddenly filled his field of vision drew a mild grimace from the hunter as he shied back from the unforeseen interloper. Blinking back the feeling of dryness that burned his lone cobalt blue eye Mach focused on the scene before him. It was the same poker game he'd been playing for the past hour or so, the motley crew of fair weather acquaintances still gathered around the dingy table. The only difference now seemed to be that a few of them were watching him with various expressions of curious drawn on their faces with the most curious being the dark hued man that was so shoving their hand in his face. "Jeez, was I drooling?"

A few eyes rolled and a couple of chuckles were earned by his dryly sly words, most of those gazes returning to their respective hands save a few persistent gawkers. "More like you were out to lunch. Seriously, you went space cadet there."

Mach felt the corners of his mouth grow taut, the frown that tried to pull its way on rugged features flipped upside down into a wry grin as he settled back in his seat, a glance cast down to his hand. "Sorry, sorry, was thinking about this dame I've been" "putting the screws to", if you catch my drift."

Now this rid him of the rest of those curious gazes though a few did simply alter to jealousy instead. The man next to him snorted mildly as they leaned back. "Really?" You were so zoned out thinking about a girl?"

"A ginger thank you very much! And one hell of a foxy babe too. I mean a fine bubble butt perfect for cushioning and a rack with pep and bounce when-"

"Alright, alright! Sheesh, what are you, fourteen!?"

A nonchalant shrug was offered. "Hey man, horny teen is my spirit animal, yeah' Anyway, if you saw the miles of legs on this girl-"

"Shut up, man! Sheesh, fucking horndog. So how "bout it, you in or you going to wet yourself?"

This caused a bit of a pause in the schmoozes little game as he looked back to the fellow. "We're calling?"

The burly man snorted dismissively, head shaking as they looked at him pityingly. "Man, I didn't think you were this skeezy. Whadya think we been doing these past few minutes while you were off in lala land?"

"Minutes?" He caught himself from sounding too surprised as a smile coiled autonomously upon his features while he stretched back. "Damn" good imagination?" And now his smile turned into an impish grin which only drew out the disgust from the other.

"Fuck" just tell me are you in or not?"

"Like I think you losers got anything on me, bring it!" Bravado worked in his tone as he cast a final glance down at his hand. Pushing a stack of chips into the pot he waited a moment, reading the gazes of the others which prompted him to push another and finally a third pile in. When had the stakes gotten this high!" Settling back for a moment he glanced down at this cards, a touch of truth finding the bravado of his expression as he finally laid out his hand. "Full house, nine high. Read"em and weep ladies."

A wave of groans washed over the table, more than a few hands thrown down in frustration which only worked to water his pie eating grin. Bravado for the win! He was just reaching out to claim his pot when another voice rose above the murmurs of disappointment; sharp 'tsks' causing his muscles to tense as though he were just caught sneaking into the cookie jar. "A full house is a pretty nice hand" but it don't beat a straight flush."

Blue eye blue looked to the smug fellow with the scarred jawline as they tossed down their cards letting them slide with an annoying flare. It was pure showboating, a tendency of this one that Mach should have seen from a mile away, but then he must have missed their neon sign like tells during" well, he just missed them. It was something he kicked himself over as he sank back into his seat, the crooked grin on the older satyr only adding insult to injury as they now reached out and took the pot.

"Yeah, yeah, live it up lambchop, I'll be taking that back" after a little smokie outside. Gotta cool off my"well, yeaaaah, don't wait up." Impish little grin held to him as he pushed away from the table, the expression riding the wave of groans from his fellow deviants until it finally deflated as he pushed out into the warm evening. Crossing over to the rail that enclosed the porch of the disreputable establishment, he worked to fish out and light up a cigarette while enjoying the salty sea breeze that blew in from the nearby harbor. Taking a contemplative drag off the cancer stick his lone cobalt eye watched the dull ebbing glow of the burning cherry.

"Mintues, huh...?" Mildly muttered words to no one in particular as he settled with his thoughts in the coming dark. "Well....shit."


Date: 2017-09-26 12:12 EST
Mach had worked a bevy of jobs in his life; odds and ends here and there to earn extra scratch to maintain his chummy and vice laden lifestyle. A necessity given that high paying hunts weren't (gratefully) an all too common occurrence back home in Tang. Of course this meant that the man had picked up a veritable bevy of skills to fill the downtimes, including no small amount of experience cooking. Hey, what dame could resist a man that was more than just a pretty face and a one sausage meal in an apron"

And so it was with no small amount of grace which he brandished that kitchen knife to great effect, muscle memory from hours spent as a short order cook or line prep assistant serving to help him make short work of the pile of slightly scuffed and bruised vegetables before him. Another reason, he mused, as to why he knew his way around the kitchen as he worked to turn the damaged produce into something nutritious and edible; a throwback to his youth of begging and stealing food to try and support himself and his family. Not that he had begged or stolen this current haul. No, not unless 'being tripped into a vegetable stand at the market in pursuit of a band of ornery brownies' was considered a new and fashionable form of thievery.

The only plus side to that particular circus of a hunt was that the owner gave the damaged products to him out of gratitude for stopping the rampaging house spirits rather than demanding he pay for them as had happened to him in the past. Sometimes being a hunter meant being a badass cult dismantling juggernaut of grit and will, sometimes it was being a punching bag for a collective of mischievous creatures that were more prone to shoe polishing than violence " it really was a roll of the dice. But he wasn't complaining - give him a sore back, wounded pride, and bruised veggies any day over flesh flaying, arm roasting, and getting blown to hell and back! And when life threw in a collection of slightly damaged peppers, chilies, squash, onions, and tomatoes then what better than to make pasta sauces and salsa with them' Maybe not lemons and lemonade but hey, if he was anything it was adaptable.

Or so he thought as he paused noticing the bamboo cutting board he worked on was far more red then it should have been. Looking to the knife still firm in the grip of his prosthetic hand he noted the drip of dilute blood which stained the onions and chilies he'd been working on grotesque shades of pinks and rusty browns. Shifting his attention a little further over he finally caught sight of the culprit, brilliant crimson dribbling rather quickly from....was he missing the tip of his finger!" "Shit!?

Dropping the blade he snatched the dishtowel tucked around a suspender so as to staunch the flow of blood, the makeshift pressure dressing held in place by the injured hand while he worked damage control of the ingredients. It wasn't like it was a complex process as he had been planning to prepare, cook, and jar his creations for later use by himself; not make gifts for vampires. Though it wouldn't exactly have been a waste to continue using those tainted ingredients since he did keep company with a few of the blood sucking persuasion but then he really wasn't feeling so forward thing thinking at the moment as instead he just bitterly trashed all the chopped vegetables with the knife and board dumped unceremoniously into the sink.

With this taken care of he finally let the rag slack so as to inspect the damage done with a mild frown, the flow of blood already staunched thanks to his improved healing yet a good millimeter or two was still missing; apparently sheared clean from his pointer finger though he couldn't for the life of him remember when he'd done it. Or perhaps what was more disturbing was the fact that he hadn't noticed the self inflicted wound even after it had occurred which let him merrily continue chopping ingredients without so much as a pause until he saw the consequence of his action. That frown only grew as he continued to stare down the damaged digit marbled red from both abuse and the dried vitae which still clung to it. A surreal experience to be sure, knowing what he was gawking at was his own hand but...

Shaking away that thought which started to bubble up he averted his attention away from his head, focusing instead on tugging at the knot holding the apron in place. A few tugs here and there and the protective garment was stripped and discarded onto a nearby stool as he wandered off to the living room. Cooking could wait; at this moment what he really needed was a smoke so he could focus and concentrate and try, maybe, to find some of the curse words for his injury which were worryingly missing much as the excruciating pain, or anything really, he knew he should have been feeling.


Date: 2018-01-01 10:57 EST
The older woman worked to keep the inherent scowl off their features while pushing through the vinyl curtain which offered a modicum of privacy amid the crowded rows of occupied gurneys. Tis the season' for illness and injuries it seemed, or at very least rampant alcoholism given the acrid smell of cheap booze and sweat which assaulted the nose. Not that the stench of desperation and destitution was the cause for the doctor's sour mood. No, that dubious honor belonged to the sheepish grin of the hunter laid out on the gurney before them. Leather chapped legs crossed casually at the ankles giving him an almost leisurely appearance as he fiddled around on his phone with gloved prosthetic hand, the natural one resting daintily at his side in a hastily constructed danger orange foam cast.

"Ruth, baby, we really gotta stop meeting like this." A scoff escaped the physician as he tiddled his fingers friendly like at them, those glib words only adding fuel to that scowl that curdled wizened features.

"Oh shut up Turner." The woman's words were more frank than caustic, born of skewed rapport than any true malice" or at least he kept telling himself that. Letting his attention drift back to his phone the woman moved to the little portable terminal so as to look at his chart. It was all very customary at this point and rather telling of just how often he landed himself in the emergency room just to be checked out so as to assuage EMT liability. Swiping out a few messages he barely registered the doctors movements" right until they proded the grapefruit sized lump in the middle of his arms.

He just resisted the urge to yank back that abused limb though he couldn't hold back the sharp yelp which escaped him nor the sour look he shot the matronly woman. "Shit doc, don't they teach you not to touch the swollen bits in med school!?"

"Regular med school, sure. Army med school teaches us that you lot can suck it up." The woman spoke frankly as they prodded that lump once more with gloved finger, their brow knit in concentration despite his continued growls of complaint. "What happened?"

Gritting his teeth he sucked in a hiss as he settled back trying to ignore the woman's less than gentile bedside manner. "L-Low velocity MVA like the chart should say. It's nothing much, I just ran into a wall."

"Did that wall have a flapping skirt and tits?"

"Wha-?" His words were sharply cut by the snap of teeth as the woman probed another wound. "OW DAMN IT! Fuck! No, I wasn't distracted by eye candy, shit!"

"Then why did you hit that wall?" Mach felt himself ready to snap at the woman's drab line of questioning but that concerned expression of theirs quickly stole his snippy words. Following their gaze he noted a slowly weeping laceration, a few inches long and held together by a couple of emergency staples. It wasn't anything particularly special, especially for a person who'd just tried to go through a brick wall at 40 kph but then hunters weren't exactly just regular people.

Turning his lone cobalt gaze back to his phone he shrugged in a blas" manner. "Oh, you know, lapse of concentration and such. Didn't see a sexy mama but that don't mean I wasn't imagining one, yeah' Don't recall the specifics, all I know is I sorta zoned and yeah?" Hazarding a glance to the woman he noted a distinctly unbelieving look as they drew something from the pocket of their smock and stuck it to his brow. "Oi! What the hells is-"

"How often have you been fading out Eli" For how long?"

The concern struck harder than any sort of barb or witty jab. "I-It's nothing to be concerned over Doc. Come on, you telling me your mind never wand-"

"How often." Firm and commanding was the tone, likely something the woman had picked up in the military.

Offering another shrug he averted his lone cobalt blue gaze from the authoritative inquiry. "I" it's only a few times a day-"

"A few times a day!?"

"It's not that bad. Usually short, yeah' Nothing too long" usually."

"Right." Growling irritably they ripped the strip from his brow with no excess of kindness. "And I bet you were doing a menagerie of parlor magic while riding your motorcycle which explains this low level magic toxicity." They tossed the strip onto his lap so he could see the dark ichor color that stained the reading window far from the vivid green that was healthy.

"Well, I was off from a hunt-"

"Don't dick with me Eli." Moving close the woman loomed over him, their expression dour. "You know dissociative disorder is not something you can just keep ignoring, especially at such an advance stage. I'd say you're well into Stage 4 at this point-"

"Oh come on, it's not that bad Ibanez! So I've been zoning more than usual, that isn't anything out of the norm for hunter in Rhy"Din, yeah' The Nexus screws with folks like you and I, or you telling me if we stripped your ass that you'd not have any sort of magic toxicity going on just living here."

The woman's features churned at his defiant tone, moving from anger through bitterness before finally growing weary as they let out a tired sigh, stepping back while shaking their head sadly. "This isn't something you can just weasel or smooth talk your way out of Eli. It's obvious the regeneration efficiency is starting to fail due to saturation, your wounds say as much-"

"Hey, last time I checked walls weren't-"

"-and your at tolerance for boosting your regenerative regimen because of your severe neurological damage. Tell me, how far up does that go?"

Aggravation worked on his rugged features as they tried to talk over each other though that last question quickly stole the wind from his bluster. Following the woman's tired gaze he now noted a couple of green safety caps hanging from his fingers, suspended by the silvery needles that punctured his flesh. "Are you fucking psychotic!" You don't go sticking shit into people when they're not paying attention!"

"Your the one who didn't feel them to begin with?" Looking over his features her eyes thinned ever so slightly. " can't even feel them now, can you? Please, by all means, concentrate."

He tried to keep the tension off his features, to release the clench of his teeth as he'd been concentrating on doing just that long before her prompt. Looking away he shook his fingers vigorously so as to dislodge the needles. "What do you want from me doc" You obviously think you have me pegged so what?"

His tone had the woman shooting him a bitter look. "What do I want' I want you to live you jackass! This is serious! More serious than just riding your deathtrap of transportation into wall! If you keep going at this rate then-"

"I know what happens!" These words were clipped from the angry yell that rose up from the bubbling cauldron of frustration and irritation that boiled within, stemmed less he drew the ire of security. "I know what happens Ibanez."

"And so what, your resolved to just go out' You just want me to patch you up so you can go out and give up?"

"Give up?" He almost growled at these words, a hard glare cast from his lone cobalt eye. "I'm living my life by my terms. I'm not "giving up.?"

The woman shook their head, fingers rising to pinch at the bridge of their nose in what looked to be an attempt to stem their or frustration. "What you're doing is charging into the embrace of death, giving up on life. With treatment-"

"I could be a husk of who I am, just waiting for death to take me in a few years because the damage is still done. Is that the "living" you think I should do' Is that your definition of not giving up?" Bitter indignation crossed matronly features as the woman clenched her teeth apparently contending with the fatalistic question he dealt with day in and day out. "I know what?s happening, and I know where this road leads. It's my decision to walk it, yeah?"

Shaking there head the woman let out another angry sigh. "Damn it all you thick headed bastards are all the same. You call it a road you tread when it's nothing of the sorts. And what?s worse is you use that same logic to try and excuse the hurt you invariably cause by keeping everyone at arms length because you're all so sure you know what?ll inevitably happen if you don't."

Mach let out a soft sigh of his own before lifting his shoulders in a mild shrug not really interested in debating that. "Whatever, I'm falling apart and it insults your professional pride, neither of us is getting what we want but thems the breaks. And on that note how about my breaks, yeah' If I can just get my bone set I'd gladly be on my way."

They glowered at him for a long moment after he shut down that line of debate. They both knew the stakes and the playing pieces in this disagreement and they both knew the doctor was on the losing side. They had no right to dictate his life and even if she tried to blow the whistle on his dubious fitness for duty they both knew the government which he served was more than happy to side with him if it meant turning a blind eye and letting the threat that he was be taken out naturally. It was a system that had driven the physician from the very universe of her birth but even a planet and multiple dimensions away they were still haunted by the ghosts of her chosen profession. Finally they turned away from him. "Radiology will be down to get you, make sure nothing else is out of place before one of the residents gets you patched up. Don't worry, far be it for me to keep you from your "living".? And with that the matronly woman stormed through the vinyl curtain once more feeling perhaps a little relieved to be amongst tried and true desperation and destitution which didn't hide behind such a deceptively charming smile.


Date: 2018-05-29 03:48 EST
“Whadaya mean I’m ‘tapped’ on my regen!"” Mach a touch of hostility creep into his tone as he barked into the intercom; the only connection between him and the military pharmacist that stood on the other side of nearly ten centimeters of ballistic grade glass and a wall augmented with ceramic armor plating. The level of precaution almost bordered on paranoid until one considered the cornucopia of battle enhancers, miraculous concoctions, and military secrets that were entombed within. Of course it also gave the balding, rubber necked yokel in the worn down smock a far too smug air of safety as they peered at him from behind thick, black rims.

“Exactly that – you’re tapped out. I can’t increase your formulary and I can’t increase your prescription amount.”

“Yeah, yeah, ok, fine, whatever. What do I have to do now to get an increase now - more therapy, new hunt quota, Romanii want me to take AA for morality…"”

It looked like the older man was sighing as they pinched at the bridge of their nose though the intercom didn’t seem sensitive enough, or more likely attuned, to pick up such sounds of despondence. “No, Cpt. Turner, you’re not being barred from having more due to some mitigating circumstance, I just can’t give you any more than you’ve been prescribed.”

He didn’t bother hiding the exaggerated roll of his lone cobalt eye at the other’s words. “Oh bullshit. Let’s stop this beating around the bush crap, yeah' I know you have to keep a surplus of the stuff just in case of some sort of FUBAR situation so don’t even try to pretend that you don’t have any on hand for a boost.”

This apparently warranted a level glare from the man, their own annoyance rising through the shroud of sleepy apathy. “Yeah, I do have plenty on hand, but I literally can not give you any more. You’re at your limit Mach – saloons closed.”

“My limit' Please, you folks have been saying that for years!” He stifled the dismissive scoff that rose in defiance to the sick feeling in his stomach. “Look, I just need a bit stronger dose is all. Nothing much, just enough to keep ahead of the damage - ain’t easy being the lone assault hunter on point you know.”

The older man’s aggravation deflated some as they shook their head, the increased furrows giving them a dogged look. “I know it isn’t easy, but that changes nothing. You’re at your limit Turner… your hard limit. Saturation, tolerance, physiology… we can’t push your body any further than we have-”

“I know the risks Bob - chance of cancer, physiology changes, possible basal or organ reorganization, dotted line, dotted line, dotted line crap-”

“Is where you’re at right now! If I boost you anymore it’s not going to be ‘risk of’, you’ll suffer from a cancerous cascade and I know you know that ain’t a pretty way to go.”

Frustration welled as he slammed that leather clad prosthetic into the bullet proof glass impotently, the mechanical hiss of the defense turrets turning his direction from their mounts doing little to stem that gnawing sickness that churned at his core. “Then what the hell am I supposed to do when I got fuck all trying to take my ass apart out there, huh!" Ask them to be more fucking gentle!”

The pharmacist cringed back from the muted thump before their shock slipped into a mask of clinical objectiveness. “I’m sorry Cpt. Turner, in good or even bad conscious I can’t give you a boost. It’ll kill you faster than ‘fuck all’ out there.” He grit his teeth against the bitter truth the old pharmacist dispensed, his mechanical fingers creaking softly under the tension of how hard he flexed that hand trying to throttle his indignant rage.

Apparently this maelstrom of emotion shone brightly upon rugged face as the others features softened a touch, concern eroding their stoic mask. “Look, if things really are that bad then maybe it’s about time you hang up the mantle" Give up the hunt and take an easier posting… you know there are things you can do-”

Once again the man was taken aback by the hard resound of his metallic fist against the protective glass. Another thump and another followed though each seemed less angry than the last until finally Mach just pressed two fingers into the glass, pointing at the fellow as a lopsided grin pulled over his visage. “Fiiine!” Exaggerating the word playfully he shot the man a mockingly rueful glance. “No easy road for me. Jeez, spoilsport.”

His words were almost sing song in quality causing that hesitant concern to twist into a look of confusion at his whiplash inducing change in tone. Staring at him incredulously for a few moments a hint of understanding seemed to spark though he had no intention of sticking around as they put all the pieces together. Feigned friendly point turned into an easy wave as he turned about to leave the claustrophobic room. “Can’t blame a guy for trying. I’ll see you later Bob, don’t work too hard, yeah"” And before they could squeeze a question, observation, or objection in edgewise he was gone.


Date: 2019-04-14 20:36 EST
"'Ewo, 'ewo fren. Wecom 'o Chanjinka Opothcry – seyer o' dweems an' drats. Sae es Bram, popri-"

"Bram, Bram, stop!" He visibly winced under the assaultive attempt of a wizened mystic accent. In reality it sat somewhere between earther Chinese caricature and drunken high elf thrown into a concrete mixer and artlessly spewed from the broad mouth of an orc that's been dropped on it's head a few too many times during childhood. "Seriously, didn't I say you should drop that act?"

"Oh! Match, lo'!" The attempt of pseudo mystic quickly vanished into the crunchy cockney that was the actual way the purple orc spoke. "Long time, long time. Thought ya maybe bought a ranch, aye?"

"Bought the farm." The correction was mindless as he wandered down the isle to the back counter, blue eye blue looking about the many vials, jars, bottles, boxes, and assorted other containers holding the menageries of gods knew what of alchemist ingredients. He noted that Bram had finally taken down those few offending vessels of flagrantly illegal ingredients so at least something was sticking from their interactions. "You really should avoid idioms if you're not sure of their use, yeah?"

"Oh aye, aye, I know no idioms. Remember, see?"

The broad, proud grin that plastered the elder orcs face worried him. Did, did they think that humans actually bought farms to die on' He knew Bram wasn't too savvy on humans but surely they weren't that ignorant!" Then again they could have just been that brain damaged from testing a few too many potions and ingredients on themselves. A traditionalist for better....and much more worse. "Yeah, sure. Keep it up."

"Oh aye, trust me."

"Not hardly."

This garnered a boisterous guffaw from the orc, massive hand slamming against the counter like a stone tablet. "Funny! Anyway Match, what I do ya for" The usual or looking for something new" Got some dragon spleen with tar blood – good for health. Maybe some fairy wings, fresh plucked – great for mixing sweet dreams!"

He waved off the over-energetic sales pitch before it turned into an hour long listing of all the orcs latest and greatest acquisitions. "No no no Bram, I'm here for something different but specific."

"Different and specific" My middle names! What be it ya seek?"

That enthusiasm was catching but in this circumstance it only served to make him feel more self-conscious than he already was for this little trip. ", I was looking for something know....performance between the sheets."

"Between the sheets?" Ouch, that quizzical look almost hurt! It was probably a good thing he couldn't have children as he was sure he was not equipped to handle such honest inquiries on such subjects.

" know....the-" He shook his head as he caught himself about to go down the idiom hole which was well established to likely be a dead end of frustration. "-sex."

The bushy, purple slab that was the orcs brow knit some in concentration before shooting up. "Oh! Oooooooh. The ol' mating gift isn't doing it, eh' I get ya, must be very hard for creatures so bland." Ok, no, this pitying look was much more painful than the quizzical one. "I have good stuff, will light loins of any female! Mating guaranteed! Will have to sign waiver but-"

"No, no Bram, I don't....wait, waiver?"

"Very effective! Gotta use in closed quarters and I would plan on not going out for several days, may, nay, will get mobbed. How ya think I get dragon spleen?"

", wait, no, no I got someone wh-w-wait, dragon spleen?" His hands flew into the orcs face. "DON'T EXPLAIN! Shit! I'm not even going to ask why you have that or why you even offer it-"

"Needs make demands-"

"NO! Just, no. What I need is something for....keeping it up a-"

The grin that held to the orcs features fell into a scowl. "Is that what need" Come on Match, I am artist! Ya humans got a pill for that so ain't of any demand for-"

"Bram, shut up and let me finish!" He hated coming here because almost every purchase, even his usual supplies for hunter potions, always devolved into a back and forth match between the two of them. "Like I said, I need something know....and feel it. Or maybe just to run the body through the motions."

Watching the orc he waited until he saw that twinkle of thought in their beady green eyes before pulling his hand away. Their anvil like jaw ground back and forth for a bit before they looked up at him. "Wait....ya can't feel yar...?"

A flush of color burned on his cheeks as he shook his head sullenly. "It's from a....medical condition....but I've been loosing feeling to extremities and, well, yeah....extremity." There was no way the orc could know about the unique problems faced by hunters such as himself. Then again the soul reason he was here, as aggravating as it could be, was because he was sure Bram wouldn't care for the reason either. Say what he will about the orc (and he said a lot of things) but they understood discretion...

If not subtlety as another boisterous guffaw thundered from the proprietor. The dirty glare he shot Bram did nothing to quell their humor. "BRAM!"

"Oh, sorry, sorry. That was unprofessional. Serious problem, aye..." They struggled to bury a chuckle, meaty hands clasping for control. "Ahem. Aye. Hmm....that is strange condition. How can't feel?"

"Nerve damage..." Or close enough for the orcs need to understand. Hells, even he didn't fully understand the mechanics of the neuropathy associated with magic induced dissociation.

"Hmm..." The sparkle of mirth finally shifted to thought as the orc scratched at their chin contemplative. After a bit they shuffled off the box they stood on to appear taller, moving to vanish into the backroom of the store though their heavy voice still carried easily. "If yar nerves are shot nothing doing. If still working somewhat a booster might do ya but gotta be careful with dosing or ya'll nut faster than a virgin given to their first Grollkeg."

Ambling back into the storefront the orc set down a couple of vials filled with, what best he could tell, were rather onerous looking liquids. Moving around the counter now they moved out among the shelves of their own products, a seriousness set on rocky features. "Otherwise could work on yar head since it is the pleasure palace. Fairy wings, siren's tongue, nymph water, salamander blood....can craft a pretty strong drug called 'Lust' with such."

"Mind altering drugs don't really work on me, remember?"

"Drug drugs, maybe. This is different. Maybe work, maybe not, worth a shot if ya can't shoot I think." Bringing over a few more bottles to the counter the orc leveled a rather critical gaze on him. "How much motions ya looking to run through?"

Mach was not a prudish individual. If anything he fell well into the deviant side of the perversion spectrum but even he could feel embarrassment when answering clinical answers about his sexual health. How stupid was that' Trying to cover the heat in his cheeks he looked away from the orcs stare. "Err, a-all of them."

"Thought what you sowed was dead and worthless?"

"It's got value for value."

This only drew a confused shake of head from the orc. No, they didn't understand but again, they didn't really care as they wandered back out among the isles. A few moments later and they returned with a jar that contained....tadpoles!" "Right. Well stick one of these up yar bum and yall finish in ten ta thirty depending how fresh they are."

"What in the hells are those!?"

"Braghaurst eggs."

His brow knit as he tried to recall what those were though Bram paid him no mind as they ambled back behind the counter, another vial removed from beneath and placed among all the varied vessels before they fetched a parchment and quill from nearby to start writing. It took a bit but he finally came up with an answer....which worked wonders to drain all the embarrassed flush from his face and instead replace it with an angry one. "You mean a parasite!"

"Aye." They answered in a non-pulsed manner, focused on their writing which was, as always, remarkably clean and legible for someone with such meaty mitts.

"Why would I shove a parasite up my ass!?"

"Ta nut."

Ok, yeah, that was expected. Come on Mach. "Okay, but I'm not looking to become parasitized! Don't those things burrow into your sack and.." He could get behind some masochism but the thought of the life cycle of a Braghaurst made even him shutter.

Finishing with their writing the orc finally looked up, the bottle they'd retrieved from behind the counter nudged. "That's what this is for. Will kill them before they get far along. I'd save this option as Plan C, aye' Fall asleep before you take this and..." Oh jeez, even Bram shuttered at the thought!

Looking out over the gathered menagerie of ingredients Mach couldn't help but feel a touch overwhelmed....and depressed. To be robbed of even such a base pleasure, of one of the few things he could control in his life (and abuse by many folks opinions) really left him feeling windless. But then this was the insidious death that awaited all hunters less they were 'lucky' enough to eat a firebolt to the face. Biting back those bitter thoughts he looked up to note Bram leveling a mild gaze up at him. "Ya know, I don't give a wit about your problems. Na wit for na wit, aye' But ya ever think maybe you ought talk this out with your mate seeing as this does affect them too?"

He felt a fiery rebuttal boiling up but he put the lid on that before it could spill out. Clenching his teeth he shook his head slowly. "No wit for no wit, yeah?" He didn't share what concerns and fears he had of loosing himself with his state sponsored shrink, why should he try explaining things to some apothecary he went to for below board ingredients" Anyway, they barely understood humans to begin with much less what sort of problems, stupid as they may have been or not, he faced.

No, he came to this apothecary for a specific need and a specific reason. And past the somber look that weighed down his usually jaunty expression it must have been obvious to the orc what that specific reason was. Rather than press further they simply nodded, their expression softening once more to friendly store clerk. "Right ya are. So what option ya want?"

Looking over the selection before him he took in a deep breath, holding it a moment before letting it out in a defeated sigh. "All of it. Ring me up..."


Date: 2019-09-29 00:21 EST
Half broken but flirting, it was turning out to be a night like any other for the hunter! A rather....parabolic....journey brought to him by a wind mage had seen him cruising into Rhy'Din General yet again to harass the night staff there as he got proper treatment....or it would have if Mach were a responsible individual. Instead, busted up thanks to the forces of gravity and Newton's Fifth law of smacking into the ground, Mach had found his way to a much more fitting venue for a bastard like him to seek aid – The Golden Perch Inn. 

What' All he needed was a place for his regenerative potion to do it's thing....albeit painfully slow. Hence any place of recuperation absolutely must have alcohol and unsuspecting folks to pass the time with till his body decided to piece itself back together. Sound logic by his accord and it was going mostly swimmingly: annoyed a tendress – check, poked fun at the humorless – check, prattled like a chimp with whoever was unlucky enough to be present – check. Swimmingly!

Of course things couldn't go exactly as planned, oh no, wouldn't be his life if that were the case! Finding himself on the fussing end of a recent acquaintance he couldn't help but to at least play along since he'd pegged the girl dead to rights that they couldn't ever have mustered such a....albeit very shy....sternness. Go Alexia! He really should do something to assuage their fears but they seemed content enough trying to make him comfy while he pal'd about as he was keen to do. What harm could there be in accepting a bit of sympathy, yeah'

"I like to be all three pending how what the situation calls for. Good to be deaf sometimes when you're in the military." He grinned at the former governess though his attention was swiftly stolen by rum which had been so bluntly delivered. Garrish umbrella and all – perfect....though the delivery did lack the requisite flirt he'd requested. 6 out of 10 wouldn't order from them again less his leg was, right.

Of course what they failed to provide in flirts they made up in spades with sound advice: 'Your dilemma—-Mach—-is that you'd taken the fall incorrectly.' Ouch. Hole in one there but he wasn't about to admit that the only reason why he'd been launched was because he'd sort of faded out in the middle of his fight with said wind mage. And therein lay the inherent danger of continuing the hunt when ones spirit barely had a tentative attachment to ones body. He was damned lucky he came to just before he hit the ground or else he may have hit head first and yeaaaah – melons and high velocity impacts didn't mix well.

Not one to admit such though he'd offer a friendly but hollow smile to the tendress. "Y-Yeah, that I did. Shoulda rolled but too much flailing and crying so..." He chuckled anemically trying to laugh things away though this died with a start as the hairs on the back of his neck rose on end along with that shiver that ran up his spine - magicka. Blue eye blue snapped to Alexia to find them; large, dark eyes closed in concentration with frail hands on either side of his abused knee....and a misty purple aura with little flits of sparks surrounding them!

At first, he felt a slight relief of sharp pains. Then, eventually, dull aches faded, swelling dissipated, torn tendons began to knit and mend within. As they held on his knee grew to feel warm with healthy blood flow. Even a few regular aches and pains began to relent under their ministration. It was magical healing - a miraculous gift to almost anyone who received such and yet to him it was something much, much different – it was poison.

His typically jovial expression twisted with a touch of panic as he quickly considered what to do in the face of the gentle warmth washing over him, making him feel all better and healthy....shit. Shit! Finally arriving on what was probably the least pride damaging solution the schmooze reached out, catching the waif of a girls shoulders so as to draw them into a hug and away from his knee with her uninvited ministrations. "Whahey, wowowoah, yeah, I'm, I'm fine, really! N-No need to go abouts with the purple and the glowing and the-"

. . .

Blinking tiredly, his gaze slowly swept across the depressing monochromatic landscape that stretched before him. Ashen sand reached out unblemished to the horizon of dull overcast skies illuminated by a ring of light eclipsed by some hidden obstruction. The monotony of the still, gray world was only broken up by the gentle lapping waves of the inky black ocean to his right....and the soft rustle of black robes to his left.

The figure was tall, voluptuous yet gangly with white flesh that was inviting and repellent in equal measure. Squinting at the figure he hazarded they were female though he couldn't quiet get a good bead on them. It was as though they weren't really there and yet, there they were, him with a thin smile holding to ruby red lips from their skull painted features.

"Elitia Vance Turner." The voice, inviting like velveteen sheets, reverberated airless in his mind not disturbing the woman's expression as they judged him with obsidian eyes.

"Shit....we gotta stop meeting like this..." A sigh escaped him as he lifted the cigarette in hand for a drag, a moment spared for mild inspection of the fully organic limb which held the cold cancer stick. Wait....stop meeting" Did he know anyone or anything like this" "So....this is what's up now" Thought there's usually a game or something to..." He fell silent as he spied the gray oak table next to the spindly figure. Huh. That wasn't there before though what was more curious was why he even said that to begin with.

Autonomously his feet carried him to the lone seat opposite the apparition, his glossy dress boots barely disturbing the ashen sand he tread upon. Adjusting his dress brown uniform slacks he straddled the simple stool, his form soon falling forward in a comfortable hunch over the familiar table, fingers feeling the hunter green felt top. "So, what's the game today....tonight' Midday' Now. What's the game now?"

"The game, as always, is of your choosing. This place is one of your-"

"Construction, subconscious, blah, blah, blah..." He spoke derisively though he wasn't exactly sure why. Something about the figure just made him uneasy, snippy. "Whatever." Shifting he peaked at the red Aviator backed cards that sat before him, two laid neatly in a row, face down, with a pot already set in the table. Right, obviously Texas Hold'em. Why didn't they just say....reverberate....tell him!"

Mindlessly his other hand moved to a stack of chips he knew wasn't there before but he was certain would be there when he wanted them....what a strange place. He wasn't sure whether it was the complete lack of sense that anything made here or the dead, oppressive look that just saturated everything here which unsettled him more. Riffling the chips lightly brought a frown to his lips. "Oi, kinda stingy here aren't we?" He motioned to the pittance of chips he had; hardly enough to play for any length of time. "I got more than this, yeah?"

"Do you."

That matter of fact answer sent a chill of his spine though he shook this off. "Right..." Peeking at his pocket once more he finally snagged a couple of chips, tossing them into the pot. "Call."

Demurely, bone thin fingers moved to the pot, three chips left in the wake of the deliberate movement. "Raise."

"Check." He chewed the filter of his cigarette a little as he tossed another chip into the pot. "So....The healing was too much, eh?" He smiled thinly at the fractured memory that bubbled up: warm hands on him trying to keep him together, yelling, anger, talk of folks being put down....that....that was how things went, right' His features scrunched just a smidgen as though the uncertainty left a bitter taste in his mouth. Looking to the woman he of course couldn't read their reaction from that hard to focus on face.

"I suppose it was, but that is not the reason you are here."

This warranted a tick of brow. "Whaddya mean that's not the reason' Magicka bad, and so I go to crossroads-" Right, that's what this place was – crossroads! "-when stupid bad finds me. Play a game, win my way back....that's how it goes. That's how it's always gone."

"Has it" Another blunt answer, the skeletal figures movements gratingly slow as they dealt the flop. "Perhaps you understand less about this place then you think."

Petulantly he mimed the words back at the figure while looking over the flop - a pair of twos and a suicide jack; he could work with that. "Oh, well then, how am I wrong then, eh?"

Shifting he cast an annoyed look to the figure even though he wasn't exactly sure why he was so annoyed. For their part they didn't react to his bad juju, slender hands simply folding before them. "Have you ever won anything in this place Elitia Vance Turner""

His mouth snapped open to shoot something smart at the woman but nothing smart came to mind. Huh....did he ever win anything here" "Well..."

"Do you even play to win here Elitia Vance Turner""

"What' Of course I do, let me tell you I-" Looking back to the tabletop saw nothing of the game before. Gone where the chips and Aviator cards, replaced now with an immaculately stacked pile of colorful Uno cards – a red four on top. "-what?" Peaking at his 'pocket' now showed a menagerie of colored Uno cards, most of them reverses and skips, you know, all those dick move cards he so enjoyed. Had he been saving these up. No! This wasn't what they'd been playing! "Seriously!" You're screwing with me now, yeah' Big joke me, huh' How friggin petulant can you be trying-"

"But that is just it - I have done no such thing to you this visit Elitia Vance Turner." Suddenly he was senses were assaulted with the feel of cool, supple flesh flashed across his palms, his heart rate shooting up as he was enveloped in carnal need. Lips smearing white and red across his, the taste of cigarette smoke and ash lingering as clothing was ripped asunder, the waves a starting rhythm which to...

"FUCK! What in the hells!?" The stool toppled soundlessly into the ashen sand as he bolted up and away from the now empty table, hands quickly coming to feel for the familiar itch of his woolen uniform. "Just what the fuck was that!" What are you trying to pull you-!"

"Oh' Not to your liking Elitia Vance Turner. Memories then""

Gone were the sensation of sin, his head filling instead with the staticy reverberations of comms buzzing into his ear: 'Wing pack inbound, AA to bearing-', 'Armor to point bravo, artillery provide close fire for-', 'Hunter group omicron to D7, bring up support of fire teams taking Delta.  Hunter group tango to dazzle-'. The comfortable warmth of spring which washed over him was ruined by the 30 kilos of gear and armor that clung to him broiling him alive while the subtle bouquet of grass and freshly rained upon woodlands was overpowered by the pungent smells of gun smoke, ozone, and burnt flesh.

Around him squads of soldiers rushed down the fortified hill in spurts and starts, each team providing covering fire as they closed in on the enemy line pinned down on the road below, trapped among the smoldering wreckage of their personal carriers and light mobile armor. Pinned as they were the enemy certainly weren't taking the assault lying down as reports of return fire and gulches of flame speared out from the impromptu cover lashing and striking down at his countrymen. Behind he could feel the deep thuds of the close support mortars bombing the broken column though these quickly began to fall silent as teams hurriedly broke down their gear so as to retreat back to the treeline. 'Wyrm wing of 8 incoming 78 west speed 96 alt 200. AA maintain current targets - Delta sector support to engage. Close artillery switch heat lancers and-'

A hand on his shoulder had him spinning wildly, the comforting heft of the caster rifle drawn close though the sensation was fleeting as now he stood on an....ashen beach' Panic washed over him as he quickly stumbled away from the black robed figure which had touched him. What the-!" Where the-!" Gasping for anything which to ground himself he instinctively drew the trusty caster that weighed heavily on his side, the weapon thrust out at the woman as recollection kicked in. "STOP! Stop messing with me! Whatever the hells you're after I-"

"What I am after"" This had the gaunt woman tilting their head curiously. "I am after nothing but to understand you Elitia Vance Turner. Even now you do not recognize this place or it's shape despite your bravado. You do not, can not remember can you. And yet you continue to lie about it as though it will help you in some manner, it is a curious behavior."

Their words, a blunt statement than an inquiry, struck home only flaring his panicked anger. "Sh-shut up!" The heavy weight of the caster was thrust more threateningly at the figure, finger on the trigger.

"You have been here many times before and yet again you look out with unfamiliarity where before you used to take to this place with assured, almost familiar swagger. How tattered your spirit has become to no longer retain your memory of this place" As you are losing your grip on the realm of the living so too are you losing that which you are to the ether."

"I said shut up!" As much as he tried, as much as they goaded him he couldn't recall anything about this place or ever having been here before. Well, of course he wouldn't, he'd never been to such a strange place before....right' Yet even that rang hollow as deep down he couldn't shake the feeling that they weren't lying to him. No. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had been here before, many times, but the memories were no longer there. Why else would he so blase about how disturbingly still everything was here, why he approached and sat down at that table as though it were the naturalist thing" Squeezing the trigger back to the first break point the weapon began to whir ominously as the charge generator spun up. "Let me out of! I'm done playing your games."

The skeletal figure simply stared blankly down the barrel of his growling caster, their obsidian orbs piercing straight through him. Regarding him a moment longer they finally shook their head sadly. "The bell tolls for you Elitia Vance Turner. Your hour of dissolution is nigh no matter what demands you make or violence you may bestow. None of that matters in this realm between, the junction between life....and death.

More images"....sensations"....memories"....experiences rushed into him. He saw himself throttling up Tin Penny Way trying to make up time traveling from the Marketplace to the Docks....wasn't this what he did this morning", it was similar but he certainly didn't run straight through a bend as this iteration did, their expression annoyed and yet distant, unfocused. Without flinching he....they rode straight into a building, the impact tossing them over the handlebars and hard into the brick wall. Ouch, that had to hurt and yet he knew it didn't simply because his spirit wasn't there to acknowledge the abuse suffered by his body.

He watched as the EMTs arrived to the scene, how he was rushed to Rhy'Din General. The medical team worked on him with speed and professionalism same as they had dozens of times before when he arrived through their doors yet this time he noted Dr. Ibanez looked haggard and defeated as they slapped their diagnostic strip across his brow. All three little windows on the strip changed color from green to red and finally to black – complete spirit dissociation. The other medical team gave the older woman aghast looks as they stopped rushing along with the crash team, as she left them to take care of the pest. She would likely get a reaming for that he was sure but she'd have the last, bitter laugh on that account as she knew the futility of what they did now. Still, that look on their features he was sure would haunt him if only he could remember....or perhaps it did which was why he felt so uncomfortable seeing it now.

The injuries he....they, they suffered were nothing overly severe. It wasn't like he traveled the major boulevards and streets of Rhy'Din that'd let him really open the throttle. A few broken bones, a couple of fractured vertebrae, some contusions and the sorts. Hells, he'd have been a model for the life saving abilities of wearing a helmet since his head was perfectly intact despite the impact and yet as hours turned to days and days turned to weeks the man would not awaken. Specialist, sages, and quacks of every field would come and go poking and prodding the schmooze in every way possible and yet nothing would rouse him. His body was healed but nobody seemed to be home to use it.

Soon enough U.T.R.A. officials would come and collect him against the wills of a few folks he apparently did a poor job of alienating. It was disconcerting to watch, the agony, the heartbreak as his plug was pulled and nature was left to take it's course. A mercy really as an unoccupied body like that was just the perfect vessel for possession. Last thing he ever wanted was to become some meat puppet for one horror or another which he fought his entire time as a hunter to protect folks from.

Whether there was a memorial service for the likes of him in Rhy'Din or not he would not know as his vantage was stuck with the Mach stiff. Home to Tang he would go for after-death processing: implants were removed, samples were taken, and scribed iron spikes were driven into his skull destroying any possibility of probing his pickled brain for secrets or possessing his form. And then as all hunters he was given a proper military cremation at blistering temperatures far hotter than normal cremations. Nothing but a a tombstone could ever remain of a military hunter or mage as even their ashes made, morbidly, for rather exotic ingredients.

The robed figure stood once more before him, the soundless waves of those black waves now lapping quietly but, he felt, with growing intensity as if the very void was reaching out for him. Damnit. He shook his head against the experience, wanted to deny it and yet it just struck such a chord with him. That wasn't reality....but he knew it had been, for some poor timeline of him. Or perhaps it was a mirror into the future, what would happen to him given enough time. Damnit! 

"You understand Elitia Vance Turner what this place is once more. But you will forget again because there is not enough of you left to retain this lesson. It is a cycle, vicious as any that has made up your life. I do wonder how that sits with you?"

His features scrunched angerly at the monotonous words that just jeered at him, the howling caster in hand leveled once more as he pulled the trigger through the second break. For their part the woman simply smiled knowingly as the spell manifold collapsed, a fireball coallescing before the tip of the caster before-

. . .

"-heellen amf..." And suddenly, just like that, life returned to that lone cobalt blue eye which started to blink like mad at the burning feeling caused from being dried out....was it obvious he wasn't blinking any during his mental absence"

He smacked his lips trying to work the extreme dry mouth feeling free as he tried to get a take on the situation. Damnit, right in the middle of a bar with mousy one tending to him and everything, way to go worthless body! He could no longer feel Alexia in his arms but could still hear their stutteringly mewling in guilt at what they'd 'done' to him, the tone heart wrenching. Oh sure, she really shouldn't have just gone about trying to give heals to random assholes but still, this was not the way she needed such a lesson! He needed to do damage control STAT, assuage her guilt and fears while playing off the rest of this as a joke and-

"Mach!" The name was spoken stern from a humorless voice he was sure he knew. Was that ol' Cris-py Cream"  Naw, that didn't-

And suddenly pain flashed up his jaw as he felt a hand make firm, hard contact with his dreamy face. Autonomously his body moved against the attacker, military CQC and a thug life guiding his actions as he blindly attempted to assail his assailant right back! Aaand out the window just went any hope of a smooth damage crap.

(Big thanks to Crispin, Alexia Longbow, and everyone else who participated in the fun play which inspired this post!)