Topic: Ow and Ouch


Date: 2006-03-30 23:31 EST
A loud *POP* from the campfire had everyone flinching, followed by much laughter. One person even cried out, "OW!" When asked what was the matter, came the quiet reply of, "Nuthin'." However, the exclamation brought the next tale to mind. . .

'An old RhyDinian mann caught a wonderful bird in his garden one day. Whene'er it snapped its beak, gold pieces would fall out of it. But the richer the old mann got, the meaner he became.

Whene'er his servants' wages were due, he would order them to go to the marketplace to buy him ow and ouch. "If you come back without them, instead of wages you will receive a hundred strokes of my cane," he would say. They always preferred to remain at home and lose their pay.

Then one day he took a clever young lad into his service to hjelp in the kitchen. When his wages became due, the old mann sent him to the marketplace like the others. "If I bring you ow and ouch, will you give me your magic bird?" the boy asked. The old mann grinned quite wickedly, but agreed.

So the boy ran into towne. On the way he took two gourds, into one of which he put a wasp, in the other a bumble bee. Then he hurried back to his master. "I have brought you ow and ouch," he called out. "Put your finger in the gourds, and you will see!" As soon as the old mann did so, the angry wasp stung him. "Ow, ow, ow!" he cried. "Did I not tell you that I brought you ow?" laughed the young lad. "Put your finger in the other gourd, for there you will find ouch!"

But the old RhyDinian mann had had enough. He had to give the boy his magic bird, and he ne'er sent anyone to the marketplace for ow and ouch again.'