Topic: A Special Bond

Mara Mallory

Date: 2016-07-01 00:49 EST
It was amazing how quickly the sound of a baby crying in the middle of the night became commonplace, at least to those who weren't immediately involved in stopping the noise. Mara had finally convinced Duncan to stop trying to wake up and stay awake with her when she had to feed Deirdre in the night, which often meant she was alone in the darkness with their daughter. Not that she minded, but there were times when her thoughts turned to darker days - days when she'd had to move fast every time Rob made so much as a sound, to prevent Stefan from waking and taking his rage out on her helpless son. Even now, she was quick to respond when Deirdre woke in the night, often moving downstairs to make sure she didn't disturb anyone while settling the little girl back to sleep again.

Tonight was no different. Deirdre woke, whimpered, and Mara was lifting her out of the basket just as the first full-throated cries made themselves known, cuddling the baby girl close as she slipped from the bedroom. "Oh now, you shush," she murmured as she moved to the stairs and down toward the comfort of the family room. "So you've got a mushy bottom. That's fine, we can deal with that and then you eat and sleep. Deal?"

Now that Mara had convinced Duncan to stay in bed, he did just that, not even so much as his eyelids fluttering when baby Deirdre whimpered awake. If Duncan thought Mara was getting up and taking her downstairs just so not to wake him, he would have protested, but what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him, so to speak.

Rob, however, was a different matter. The nightmares that had plagued him when they'd first come to Rhy'Din had become less frequent, yet, he still sometimes woke in the night and looked to his parents for comfort. He was trying to break that habit, now that he wasn't a baby anymore. After all, they had another baby to take care of who needed them just as much as he did, if not more. But tonight, he had heard his mother creep down the stairs alone, and feeling restless, he'd crept out of bed after her. As much as he adored his father, there was a bond between the boy and his mother that he could not explain.

It hadn't taken more than a day for Mara to fall back into the habits that came with raising a newborn baby, and speed when it came to late night changes was definitely a skill she was glad to have retained. By the time Rob reached the family room, she was already settling down on the couch, Deirdre propped comfortably on a pillow to begin feeding.

"Don't bite, you cheeky little mite," Mara was scolding her fondly, her voice barely above a whisper in the warm glow from the fire. Some instinct borne out of years of protecting him made her look up to find Rob creeping into view. A smile found its way onto her face - his smile, the one that had always been just for him - and she raised her free arm, inviting him to come and sit close with her. "Can't sleep, sweetheart?"

He'd tried to be quiet, not only so he wouldn't wake his father or Elise, but so that he wouldn't startle his mother or sister either. He wasn't jealous of his sister exactly - it was obvious he adored her - but sometimes he wished she didn't take up all of his mother's time. He shook his head at her question, frowning a little worriedly that she might send him back to bed, but then she wouldn't be smiling at him and lifting her arm to him to invite him close. He went to her without hesitation and snuggled in beside her as he gazed over at his baby sister. "Does it hurt when you feed her?" he asked curiously. He'd been too embarrassed to ask such a thing when his father and Elise were around.

"Sometimes," she told him, wrapping her arm about his shoulders as he cuddled in beside her, pressing a kiss to his hair. "Babies are born knowing how to suck, but sometimes they need to learn how to get their mouth in the right place. You never hurt me, but DeeDee clamps down and sucks without knowing if she's going to get anything out of it."

"Why is she different?" he asked uncertainly, as he watched the two of them from his spot tucked under his mother's arm. He'd thought all babies were the same and suckled the same, but then, what did he know about babies"

"Because she's her own person," Mara told him fondly. "No two people are ever the same, and that starts from before we're born. It would be a very boring world if everyone was alike, wouldn't it?" She smiled at him, gently stroking his hair. "What's wrong, love?"

Her answer made perfect sense to him, but then, her answers usually did. He shrugged at her question, not entirely sure himself. He thought too many of their conversations started this way, and he wanted to change that, but he was only twelve years old and a long way from being grown up. "You and Papa were best friends once, weren't you?" he asked, looking up at her with adoring, trusting eyes as blue as his father's.

Mara's smile softened as she looked at the past, before the darkness and upset, to the years she and Duncan had spent as friends. "Yes, we were," she nodded, glancing down just once to make sure Deirdre was all right before giving Rob her full attention. "He was my best friend. For a long time, he was my only friend, but even if I'd had others, I would have wanted Papa to be my best friend. We did everything together - he used to steal me away from my lessons, and take me riding. Elise never caught us until I was already out of the window."

"You used to sneak out of the window?" he asked incredulously, eyes wide. It was hard to imagine his parents ever being his age, especially his mother who'd done most of the raising of him. There was a reason he was asking these questions, but he wasn't sure how much he wanted to tell her. "What was Papa like when he was my age?"

"Mmhmm," she nodded, her eyes sparkling in the dim light. "I wasn't very well behaved. I would climb out of the window so Elise didn't know I was going until I was gone. She used to scold me for it, the same way she does now when I do something silly." She laughed quietly at that memory, gentling as he asked about his father. "He was a lot like you," she said quietly. "He was a little bit shy, and he liked to ride, he liked books. He didn't get on very well with his father, which was sad, but he had his mother, and he had me. They didn't like him spending time with me, but he did it anyway. He did it because he liked my company, and he was always brave enough to stand up for me."

"When did you know you wanted to marry him?" he asked further, though he knew it would be many years before he would have to think about marriage. It was something Maggie had said earlier that got him thinking about it.

Mara didn't really have to think about that, but she made a show of it for her son's sake. He didn't need to know that she remembered every moment of her time with Duncan down to minutest of details, each day seared into her memory as a shield against what came afterward. "I knew when I was fourteen," she told him gently. "And a few months later, when I got my first grown up dress, he knew, too. It took us a long time to admit it to each other, but when we did, we made plans to get married as soon as he came of age. If things had happened that way, we might have been married the day after your father turned seventeen."

"Fourteen?" he echoed, brows furrowing. That was only two years from now, give or take. He turned quiet a moment, deep in thought as he debated how much to tell her. She had always been his closest confidante - at least, until he'd met Maggie, but there were still things he couldn't tell his best friend, mostly things about her. "Maggie asked if I wanted to marry her and make babies someday," he said quietly, feeling his cheeks flush with embarrassment.

Mara Mallory

Date: 2016-07-01 00:50 EST
Mara was very careful not to let her amusement show. She knew, in a way Rob never would, that thoughts of marriage and babies came naturally to girls, especially when they were allowed to be a part of a happy family and watch it grow. "And how did that make you feel, Rob?" she asked him gently. "It's just an idea right now, but your feelings will always tell you whether it's a good idea or a bad one."

He shrugged again, unsure about that. He liked Maggie a lot. She was his closest friend in all the world, and it didn't matter to him that she was a girl either. They shared almost everything and enjoyed each other's company, though he sometimes worried she might find someone she liked better someday. "I think I want to be an actor someday. Will Papa be disappointed in me if I become an actor?" Rather than follow in his footsteps, it seemed. "Maggie said I could do both. Lots of people at the Shanachie do both. If I was going to marry anyone, I would probably pick Maggie, but that means I'd have to kiss her and stuff."

"There's no rush, love," his mother assured him in her gentle way, touching her cheek to his hair. "Don't be in such a hurry to grow up. You have plenty of time to make these decisions about your life - not just about who you might marry, but who you want to be, as well. And you have so many choices - choices that your father and I never had. If you want to be an actor, then be the best actor you can be. So long as you are happy, your father will burst with pride every time you take to the stage. I will, too. But no matter what you choose, love, I will always be proud of my little man."

"I liked being in Oliver. It was a lot of work, but it was fun! And everyone was so nice and helpful." And he had made some new friends - friends who shared his love of the theater. As fond as he was of Maggie, he got the feeling she only went to STARS because of him, and that made him frown a little. "You and Papa love each other but you don't do everything together, do you, Mama?" he asked, a little worried again. He didn't want to hold Maggie back from anything she wanted to do, but he was afraid of growing apart.

"Oh, sweetheart ....just because you love someone, it doesn't mean you need to be with them every single moment of every day," she chuckled gently. "It helps if you like the same sort of things, but you don't have to like them in the same way. Papa likes horses; he likes tending to them, and training them, and breeding them. I like to ride them with him. And I like my garden - I like weeding and planting and turning the soil. Papa likes the garden, but have you ever seen him pull up a weed without complaining about it?" She grinned down at her son. "We share each other's interests in very different ways, but we're not always together. You need to be your own person, but sometimes it can take years to find out what it is that you enjoy doing. Some people don't find out until they're older than Elise, but on the way, they try everything they possibly can."

All of that made perfect sense, and yet, he still wasn't sure. "But what if I want to be an actor, and Maggie wants to be something else?" he asked, though it wasn't so much their choice of future profession that worried him but the path each might take to get there. What if one of them went away to school somewhere or what if he joined a traveling acting troupe" "Why didn't Papa stay?" he asked, blurting the question that was perhaps at the heart of all his worries.

"Rob, lovely ....if you truly love each other, you'll find a way to be together," Mara told him with absolute confidence. After all, she and Duncan had managed it, eventually. His question, however, made her frown, tears pricking her eyes for her naivete and poor decision. "Papa had to leave, because I made him go," she told her son honestly. She had never lied to him, and she was not about to start now. "I loved him so much that I put him in danger from Stefan, and I was still a child in a lot of ways when Stefan made his move. He convinced me that the only way for Papa to survive was if I married Stefan, and I believed him. It was the worst decision I ever made, and I will always regret it, I will always feel guilty for it. I broke Papa's heart, and I did it deliberately, and I will never forgive myself for it."

Though he was still young and did not completely understand the ways of love, he understood the evil that was Stefan. He knew how the man had coveted his mother and how much he'd hated Rob's father. He knew that Stefan had hurt his mother, and that if it hadn't been for Stefan, his father might not have left. He knew all this somehow, and yet, he needed his mother to help him understand it. "But Papa loves you," Rob pointed out, gentling his voice. "And he came back."

"Yes, he came back," she nodded, sniffling back the tears that would always come when she remembered that terrible day. "And he saved us, both of us. He didn't just come for me, sweetheart. He came for you, too. Because he loves us both. Love is a very powerful thing, Rob. It can make us do some terrible things trying to protect the people we love. But it also makes us brave and strong, and soft and vulnerable. It is the best feeling in the world, to love someone and have them love you back."

"I love you and Papa and 'Lise and DeeDee," Rob said, as though needing to assure her of that, looking from his mother to his sister and back. "I promise I won't let anyone ever hurt her ....or Maggie or Caleb or anyone I care about," he said with a determination that was far above his age.

"I know you won't, love," Mara murmured, kissing his hair tenderly. "But I hope you never have to stand up to anyone who wants to hurt the people you love, and if you do have to, that we will be able to stand with you, and protect you while you protect us. Because we love you, too, and we feel the same way."

"I'm sorry about Stefan, Mama," he said with a frown. "I should have protected you," he murmured sadly, though what could he have done when he'd been just a small boy"

"No, sweetheart, you shouldn't have," she told him quite firmly. "I let Stefan do those things to me, because I was protecting you. I was protecting my sweet boy, because I had failed to protect his father. I know it seems strange, but I am very proud of the way I stood up to Stefan, in my own little ways, and making sure he didn't touch you was a little victory over him. Don't ever regret not knowing, love. You were never meant to know."

Ah, but he knew a little. He had not been so unaware not to know that his mother had suffered at Stefan's hand, though thankfully he did not know the extent of her injuries or he might have killed the man himself. "He can't hurt us anymore, can he, Mama" He can never hurt us again." Of course, there were other evils in the world and other threats, but in his innocence, Rob hoped the worst was over.

"No, love, he can never hurt us again," she promised him, and it was a promise she and Duncan had made certain of before ever leaving Shadokhan. Duncan had ended Stefan, and she had killed Leandra, and though she would always feel regret at having blood on her hands, she knew it had been the only choice. "He will never hurt us ever again."

He drew a deep breath, seeming almost relieved to hear that, though he'd certainly heard it before. The nightmares were slowly fading, and it was in good part due to his new life here at the Brambles. "I like it, Mama," he told her, almost shyly. "Mrs. Jodie said I can come to dinner anytime I like," he added, a little proudly.

Pleased to feel him relax a little under her arm, Mara kissed the cheek nearest to her. "Well then, you will have to tell Maggie that she is welcome to come to dinner here anytime she likes, too," she told her son fondly, glancing down at his little sister. "Would you like to burp her?"

Mara Mallory

Date: 2016-07-01 00:51 EST
He beamed a smile back at her, pleasantly surprised that she'd anticipated he'd ask if they could have Maggie to dinner, too. He looked a little skeptically at his baby sister, however. "She won't throw up on me, will she?"

She laughed softly. "Only if you bounce her around," she assured him, gently raising the now dozing Deirdre from her breast to settle her onto Rob's shoulder, draping the cloth over his pajamas. "Rub her back, and gently pat it," she told him. "She'll burp hugely, and then go to sleep."

He nodded his head and did as his mother instructed, carefully settling his baby sister against his shoulder and rubbing her back gently. "Like this?" he asked. She'd only been born a week or so ago, and he knew he still had a lot to learn about babies and little sisters.

"Perfect," Mara praised him, keeping her hands to herself. She knew it must be difficult, having to share his parents with a newborn baby, but she hoped that keeping him involved with his baby sister might take the edge of that jealousy a little. "You're a natural."

"That's what Mr. Granger says about my acting!" Rob told her proudly, a proud smile on his face at her praise. "Do you think she'll like me?" he asked, turning his gaze toward the small bundle against his shoulder. He had already fallen in love with her, and the thought of her not liking him was almost enough to break his young heart.

A small bundle who burped, dribbled a little onto the cloth, and nestled in a little closer to his neck as she sighed and fell asleep. "There is nothing that could stop her from loving you, Rob," his mother promised him fondly. "You're her big brother. You'll be her hero for years to come. And as for the acting, well ....Mr. Granger knows what he's talking about, doesn't he" I think you should definitely trust his opinion."

"Really?" he asked, eyes wide with wonder. It was the mention of him being a hero that put that look on his face. His father was a hero; he knew that much. It was something to strive for, especially when he didn't think he'd ever done anything heroic.

"Really." Reaching out, she stroked his hair back off his forehead, not bothering to worry about the late night. If he was tired in the morning, then school could be missed for one day. This was more important in a lot of ways. "You know the way Caleb looks at Maggie" That's the way DeeDee will look at you when she starts focusing properly."

Rob couldn't help but giggle, remembering something that had happened earlier that night. "Cal stuck his tongue out at Maggie at dinner." He was pretty sure that wasn't the look his mother meant, but it made him giggle anyway.

"Well, that was rude of him," Mara chuckled. "But then, it's not always rude when you do it to tease someone you love, is it?" She shifted closer, wrapping her arms about both her children to cuddle them close. "What did Maggie do?"

Now that baby Deirdre had gotten her burp, she was settling down to sleep against her brother's shoulder. "She laughed," he said, smiling up at her. He enjoyed being with Maggie and her family, but there was no place he liked better than his own home.

"There is a lot of laughter up at the main house, isn't there?" Mara smiled, cuddling in to enjoy this quiet closeness. She didn't get enough time like this with her son, so when it happened, she made the most of it. "They're a very merry family. Is Marin still teaching you the piano?"

"A little, when I'm not too busy with school and chores and the theater," he replied. "You should come with me next time. They were all asking about you and the baby and wondering how things are going."

"That sounds like a lovely idea," she agreed with a nod. "I haven't been out of the house in a week, and I'm starting to hate the sound of my own voice!" Giggling, she rocked him automatically - he might have been too big now for proper lap hugs, but she was going to hold onto hugs of all kinds until she was old and gray.

"Maybe you should go there for tea ....or ask them here. I could send a message for you," he suggested, always eager to please his mother however he could. And the women at the main house had asked after his mother and sister, eager to get their hands on the little one and share some gossip over tea.

"Oh, I think it's about time Deirdre got a look at the outside world, don't you?" Mara smiled. "Maybe we could all go to dinner up there one night this week, straight from school" A proper visit with all of us, what do you think?"

"I think they'd like that," he said in agreement, looking down at the bundle on his shoulder again. "Do you think we should put her to bed?" he asked, uncertainly. He didn't mind holding her, but he was starting to get sleepy himself, and he knew his mother should get some rest, too, before his sister woke her again.

Mara's smiled softened once again, touched by the care and concern her little boy gave to his sister. "Mm, I think we probably should," she agreed quietly. "Would you like me to take her" She can get quite heavy when she's asleep." To her credit, she didn't reach for the baby; the decision belonged to Rob as to whether he would let Deirdre go or not.

"I think so," he replied, after a moment's consideration. It wasn't that he didn't want to hold her anymore, but he was getting sleepy again and he didn't want to drop her.

"All right, my little love," and there was Elise's influence on Mara, shining forth in the way she addressed her son from time to time, "let's put all of us to bed, shall we?" Taking his baby sister from him, she balanced the tiny girl against her shoulder, rising to her feet and opening her free arm to him once again. The message was clear - there would always be room for Rob in Mara's arms and in her heart, even when his little sister was so very needy.

"Yes, Mama," he replied dutifully as he followed her to his feet, stifling a yawn. They had only sat together for a little while, but in that short time, she had calmed his worries and reassured him that there would always be a place for him in her life and her heart, no matter how many little sisters or brothers came after him.

For a long time, it had been only them, and they had weathered storms together for years. Nothing could break that bond; there would always be a special place in her heart for her son. With her arm wrapped about him, Mara made her way back up the stairs and into Rob's bedroom, pausing only to deposit Deirdre back in her basket on the way.

He climbed back into bed and beneath the covers, surprised to find she had followed once Deirdre was settled in. In some ways, he missed having her all to himself, but he wouldn't have traded his family for anything in the world. It wasn't just the two of them anymore; they were a real family now.

Tucking him gently under the covers once again, Mara sat on the edge of the bed, her fingers stroking through his hair as she hummed their old lullabye quietly. It felt like it had been a long time since she had settled him to bed herself, though in truth he was getting a little old to be tucked in anymore. But every now and then, he let himself be coddled, and she adored it. Leaning down, she kissed his forehead softly. "Sleep well, my little love," she whispered to him. "Dream of stages and theaters, and a best friend who loves you."

"Love you, Mama," he murmured back at her, surrendering himself to sleep once again, knowing he was safe in his bedroom here at their cottage at the Brambles. He fell asleep with a smile on his face, not just because of her, but because of the new life they shared here in Rhy'Din that was at last full of hope and love.