Topic: Bumper Family Pack

Demeter Ashton

Date: 2017-01-02 11:18 EST
Moonlight on snow. It was Demeter's favorite thing, her favorite feeling; a gentle soothing of the feline instincts that battled against her gentler human nature. And Neville had somehow managed to arrange their wedding to take place in the moonlight, under the northern lights, in the snow-laden landscape of Finland. And not just their wedding - his twin, Dorian, would be marrying his own sweetheart tonight, as well, not to mention a certain surprise they had all been holding close to their chests. She and Seren were holed up in the glass-domed igloo that belonged to Seren and Dorian for this visit, putting the final touches to the gowns that Miranda Granger-Bennett had managed to whip up just for them.

She turned to look at Seren, grinning at the sight of the redhead huffing at a strand of hair that refused to be restrained. "You look lovely," she promised her friend fondly. "Go and look at the snow, it'll calm you down."

"I am calm," Seren protested, but did as she was told. She couldn't deny she was desperately excited. "I can't believe you're not going to be wearing even a cape," she added, brushing her fingers over the fur-trimmed hooded coat that was an integral part of her own wedding gown.

"Ah, but I have that hot little tiger problem," Demi chuckled, twirling her finger to make Seren face through the glass. As soon as the redhead was turned away, she discreetly unlocked the door to the lower floor of the suite, turning to check the fall of her own hair in the mirror. "It's a beautiful night."

It was only when Seren's back was turned that the surprise made itself known. The door to the lower floor creaked just a little as it was pulled open, and a dark-haired beauty with a familiar face found her way into the suite, touching a finger against her lips, silently telling Demi to keep her secret a moment longer. She was dressed in long ivory gown, covered by a burgundy velvet coat that fastened at her waist. Her dark hair was pulled back from her face, a rivulet of curls cascading over one shoulder, a bouquet of ivory roses clutched in one hand.

"A beautiful night for a wedding," Delilah said, announcing her presence. "What do you say we make it three?"

If Seren had been paying closer attention, she might have heard that creak, or recognized the scent of a friend she hadn't seen in months. Concentrating as she was on obediently calming down with the view through the glass, she let out a gasp of shock and delight as that familiar voice made itself known. Spinning about, heedless of disarray to her hair or her dress, she squealed, running over to throw her arms around Delilah. "You're here! What are you doing here" Oh, my gods, you look stunning! You're here - how are you here?"

Delilah laughed at her friend's reaction to her presence, wondering if she yet realized exactly why she was dressed as she was, despite the hint she had already offered. "Do you really think Kit and I would miss our best friends' wedding?" she asked, returning the hug, a little more carefully than the one that was given. It might not have been clear the way she'd said it, but she was including Seren in that statement of friendship, not just Dorian. She offered Demi a wink, grateful the other couple hadn't mind sharing their day with them.

"But you're ....and they ..." Seren pulled back, finally taking in the truly gorgeous dress Delilah was arrayed in. "You're getting married!" Her accusing gaze took in Demi, who was smirking happily behind her own bouquet of winter greens. "You!" Seren pointed at her. "You arranged all this?"

Demi shook her head. "No, Dorian and Neville arranged all this," she told her friend. "All I had to do was get the dress, flowers, and suit to the right people at the right time."

"So are you!" Delilah exclaimed with a laugh. That much was obvious. "Your brother is here, too," she told her with a warm smile, unsure whether Seren already knew this or not. Four couples, linked through bonds of blood and friendship, here to celebrate and witness the most special day of their lives.

"Really?" For a moment, Seren looked like a little girl in her mother's best gown, far too young and excited to be a fully grown woman about to get married. "Everyone's here! Oh, that's so wonderful!"

Demeter let out a yelp as Seren's arm encircled her neck, pulling both her and Delilah close for a very tight embrace that involved a lot of cheek kissing.

Delilah didn't know Seren's brother or his mate very well, nor did she really know Seren all that well either, but she was hoping to get to know them all better. After all, for a long time, they'd been the only family Dorian had had, and in a way, it connected them all like family. "Darling, you're crushing my bouquet!" Delilah warned with a chuckle.

"Oh, pish, they're just flowers," was Seren's response, though she did take pity and back off a little. "The buds Kit's most interested in are underneath all that velvet and satin. How do you get them so perky?"

Delilah laughed at Seren's brazen remark. "And here I thought you were shy and demure," she remarked, not bothering to offer a serious answer to her question. "You both look lovely. I got a peek at the boys, and they look very handsome. I'm not sure which is more handsome than the other!" she teased, knowing there was very little difference between the brothers, seeing as they were twins.

"Dorian," Seren said, at exactly the same moment Demi came out with, "Neville."

The two women looked at one another and laughed.

"All right, let's all agree the most handsome man here is Emrys," Seren compromised with a snicker, gently twisting one of Delilah's curls.

"Are you ready, ladies?" Demeter asked with a gentle smile, flicking her own hair back over her shoulder. "They'll be wondering where we are."

What a picture they made - Delilah, bold in red velvet and soft satin; Seren, demure in crushed ivory velvet trimmed with fur; and Demeter, daring the chill in a backless gown that sparkled like the sky above them.

"I think you're both forgetting someone," Delilah reminded them both with a grin. After all, in her eyes, Kit was not only the most handsome man in the group, but the most handsome man she'd ever met. "I have been awaiting this day for a long time," she said, smiling softly as she linked an arm with each of them, the bouquet precariously clutched in one hand.

Bending to scoop up her own bouquet, Demi chuckled at the warmth between the other two. "They're all the best men for the job," she said placatingly, glad Delilah didn't seem to have noticed that she wasn't wearing any kind of protection from the weather. "Shall we then?" She gave them both a little tug, drawing them out of the glass-domed igloo and out onto the light-dappled snow.

Demeter Ashton

Date: 2017-01-02 11:18 EST
Oh, Delilah had noticed. There wasn't much that escaped her notice, but she'd chosen not to comment on it. Dorian had explained about their little pack, and being a Rhy'Din native, she hadn't found it so strange. "I hope we can become better friends," she told the other dark-haired beauty with a friendly smile, before Demi gave them both a tug to draw them out into the snow, where the others were waiting for the weddings to begin.

"I'm sure we will," Demi smiled, just as warmly. "We're going to be family in less than an hour."

On Delilah's other side, Seren beamed happily. She had been delighted enough with the surprise of having her wedding arranged for her, but to have their friends joining them, and her brother too was wonderful. Wonderful enough that soon she was pulling the other two through the snow toward the carefully packed down circle under the dancing lights in the sky where their respective other halves were waiting.

Emrys and Marissa were there, as promised, dressed in their best finery to suit the spirit of the day, though neither of them looked particularly comfortable to be wearing such fancy or confining stuff. They did look happy to be there, though - Marissa clinging to Emrys' arm and claiming him for her own. She beamed a smile at the three brides, two of whom she considered close friends. And awaiting those three brides were three equally handsome men, all dressed in black, nervously but happily awaiting their brides.

There was no sense of formality here, no measured gait to a traditional tune that bores everyone silly anyway. Seren abandoned Demi and Delilah to hurl herself at her brother and his mate, hugging them close, murmuring her thanks for their being there at all.

Emrys kissed his sister's hair gently, tucking the hood up about her face as he drew back to wrap his arm about Marissa once again. "I'm not the man waiting for you, pup," he told her, and with an almost guilty gasp, Seren whirled about to face Dorian with a bright smile as the others finally joined them.

Kit and Dorian were turned out in black velvet, the pair of actors looking a little more flamboyant than the more traditionally clad Neville, who was wearing a black fleece-lined jacket atop a white shirt and bow black bow tie.

Marissa laughed as Seren launched herself at them in welcome, touching a fond kiss to her future sister's cheek. She said nothing, letting Emrys speak for them both, urging the redhead toward the man who was impatiently waiting for her.

All of them were severely under-dressed when compared with their minister, who was so bundled up it was a wonder he could see, let alone administer a wedding service. With Kit drawing Delilah into his arms with a soft kiss to the tip of her nose, Seren wound her hands into Dorian's grasp, the tip of her own nose brushing his as she smiled.

And on their other side, Demi was greeting Neville in her own fashion, her feline side rubbing her cheek to his as she, too, smiled. "You look very handsome."

Neville smiled almost shyly, unaccustomed to compliments, as it were, except from her. "You're beautiful," he replied quietly, touching a tender kiss to her cheek, his breath warm against her neck and ear, his words for her alone. It wasn't just the way she looked, but everything about her that he found beautiful, and very soon, she was going to be his, until the end of their days.

As the minister cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the three couples toward himself to begin the ceremony, Emrys tucked Marissa close to his side, dipping his head to murmur to her as he noticed something. "Why is it all three of those men have somehow managed to mate with tiny women?"

"Is that all you managed to notice?" Marissa whispered back with an amused smirk. It wasn't so much the women's height that Marissa noticed as it was the light that shone in their eyes, especially once they were paired up with the men they so adored. That same look lit Marissa's eyes when she looked on her Emrys, but she only squeezed his arm in a mild warning to keep quiet so that the ceremony could begin.

"I thought I wasn't supposed to notice anything else about other women," he grinned back to her, touching a kiss to her temple before he subsided obediently, making an effort to at least look as though he was paying attention. But the ceremony was just words, at least to a were. In her brother's eyes, Seren was already as officially mated as she was going to get, as were Neville and Demeter. And judging by the way each wore the scent of the other, their friends were there, too.

His own sister was one of those tiny women, but Marissa had never stopped to wonder why he'd chosen her, when she was clearly the tallest of the females present. She only smirked further at his remark, not bothering to remind him that one of those women was his sister, and another was about to become kin through her chosen mate. The bonds and links between the small group were strong ones, not only those of blood but also of friendship.

Some women might have envied those brides - envied the stones they wore on their fingers, or the ornate gowns that they wore with such beauty and grace. Maybe they'd have envied the vows that they promised and were promised, or the romance of it all, but not Marissa. She was perfectly happy and content with the private bonds and vows she had shared with her Emrys, and was genuinely happy for the three couples who were sharing their own vows tonight. She smiled as she witnessed them each exchange words that would bind them together legally, knowing they were equally bound by heart and soul. She had earlier prayed to the goddess for a blessing - to bless each couple with health and happiness and fertility, knowing the rest would come of their own accord, as it had for her and Emrys.

It was a shame no one was there to capture on film the kisses that ended the ceremony, for in one moment all three couples showed off what bound them together in three very different ways. From Kit dipping Delilah back to smother her in a kiss that was as dramatic as it was loving, to Seren throwing her arms around Dorian's neck to kiss him soundly through her grin, to the restrained passion that marked Neville and Demeter's kiss, there was no mistaking the deep bonds that bound each couple to one another.

Marissa murmured another blessing as the couples exchanged kisses, before turning to kiss her own mate. There was something that had changed between them, and they had news of their own, but this was neither the time nor the place to share it just yet. "I love you," she whispered tenderly against his lips as she, too, showed him how much she cared for him.

Enchanted by the simple ceremony, even if it was utterly superfluous in his eyes, Emrys smiled with Marissa as those bonds were made superficially official, turning into her kiss easily as his arms wrapped about her, holding her close. "I love you back, kitten," he murmured against her lips, nuzzling close for a long moment before a loud whoop from close by declared that Seren, at least, had come up for air.

Demeter Ashton

Date: 2017-01-02 11:19 EST
Dorian and Neville looked equally happy, and but it was Delilah who threw her bouquet into the air first, the thing landing neatly in Marissa's hands, though she was not planning on following in their footsteps with a traditional wedding. She laughed to find it there, and plucked a single flower from the bouquet to tuck it behind Emrys' ear with a grin.

"We should go inside before we all freeze," Delilah warned, though she wasn't sure if the others were feeling the cold as much as she and Kit were.

"Oh, definitely," Demi agreed, putting on an affected shiver for Kit's sake. "There's spiced cider to warm up with!"

"Oh, that sounds lovely," Kit nodded. Despite the chill he was feeling, he had wrapped an arm about his new wife to keep her warm, but presented with the walk to the shared igloo they had rented for their little celebration, he did something different. "Come on, Lilah, up and at 'em." Bending, he hoisted his beautiful bride up and over one shoulder, moving to wade through the snow as the quickest route to the igloo.

Delilah shrieked with laughter, taking the opportunity to swat her husband's backside as he carried her inside, her laughter echoing through the small clearing and into the night.

Seren snorted with laughter, one finger immediately tapping the end of Dorian's nose in a warning not to even think about it.

"I wouldn't dream of it," Dorian assured Seren, especially since it would be sort like stealing Kit's thunder. Instead, he snagged her hand and tugged her toward the igloo to join the others. Neville and Demi weren't far behind, though Neville was arching a curious brow at his new wife, knowing she wasn't likely to be cold, despite the weather and her lack of outerwear. Something was definitely up, but he wasn't sure just what that something was.

With Kit and Delilah leading the way, Seren and Dorian not far behind them, Demi smiled at her husband, glancing back briefly toward Marissa and Emrys. Something in that glance made her smile deepen as she took Neville's arm. "It's not my place to say," she told him softly, kissing his cheek. "But I'm sure we'll find out soon if I'm right. Come along, love."

Neville followed her glance to the last remaining couple, but lacked the feline or lupine senses to know what was going on. Marissa tugged at Emrys' arm, keeping here there a moment longer while the others departed. "Stay a moment?" she asked, with a questioning and almost hesitant look in her eyes.

About to follow the others, Emrys paused, turning back to look down at his Marissa with curious eyes. "What is it, love?" he asked her softly, surprised to find her looking so vulnerable all of a sudden. He raised his hand, sweeping her hair back off her face to cup her cheek tenderly. "Did you see a tree you want me to piss on and mark as ours for all eternity?"

She frowned further at his remark, knowing he was teasing and not wanting to get angry with him for it, especially on such a happy day as this, but she needed him to be serious, if only for a moment. How was she even supposed to respond to that' Normally, she might have responded with humor, but what she wanted to tell him was too serious and too near and dear to her heart for such coarse humor as that. She knew he was only trying to make her laugh, after all. "I have something to tell you, and I need you to be serious for a moment, Emrys."

The frown was more than enough to warn him that he was being inappropriate, the teasing look in his eyes swiftly replaced with the familiar sincerity that she had no reason to doubt. "I'm listening, kitten," he assured her, stroking his fingers through her hair. "I'm always listening." He leaned close, kissing her forehead, wanting to calm the obvious trepidation she was feeling. "Tell me."

She sighed, frowning further, not because she had bad news, but because she was unsure how she felt about it exactly. There was some fear certainly, nervousness, but excitement, too, and she was certain he would be overjoyed with the news. There was no easy way to tell him, and so she decided to simply be direct. "I'm pregnant," she told him simply, chewing at her lips as she waited to see how he reacted to the news.

For a moment, Emrys was absolutely still, blinking rapidly as he absorbed what she had said. Still ...."Excuse me?" he said, his tone torn between shock and amazement. "You're ..." His hand made circling motions over her flat stomach as his eyes begged her for confirmation of what he thought he had just heard.

"I wasn't sure, but I am now. I'm pregnant, and I have been for a few weeks now," she confirmed, almost holding her breath to see what his reaction would be. She knew how much this meant to him, perhaps even more than it meant to her, and he knew how fearful it made her, but there it was. It had happened, and she hoped it was more reason for celebration than not.

"We're ..." Again, his voice trailed off, but the shock was dying from his eyes, replaced with awed wonder. If he had been in wolf form, his tail would have been wagging excitedly, yet in this form, the only real clue was the ridiculous grin spreading over his face. "That's fantastic!" With a whoop, he lifted her up off her feet, spinning her about with a joyful laugh, and just as suddenly putting her down as gently as he could. "I'm sorry! Did I hurt you? Any of you?"

"No," she assured him with a smile, resting her hands against his chest as he set her back on her feet, that silly bouquet getting crushed between them, the rose still tucked behind one of his ears. "I'm fine. We're all fine, as far as I know," she told him, with a small frown. She didn't really know for sure, as she hadn't been to a doctor yet, but she assumed so anyway.

"I love you," he beamed, cradling her face in his hands as he drew her close for a slow kiss. "I cannot wait to see you with our children. You will be a truly inspiring mother, I just know it."

She wasn't so sure about that, but she did smile a little at the thought of him as a father. "And you will be a wonderful father," she told him, fingers curling possessively into his jacket. Maybe it was sudden, and they weren't really ready to be parents yet, but who ever was" If there was anyone she wanted to have children with, it was him.

He nuzzled at her tenderly, wrapping his arms about her waist to pull her in close. "We'll have to think of names," he murmured with a smile, kissing the tip of her nose. "Oh! It's cold out here - I should get you inside!"

"Emrys, I'm pregnant, not sickly. I won't break just because I'm carrying our ....our children," she said, with a moment's hesitation, only because she wasn't quite sure what they were having yet or what to call them. Was there more than one" How would the mix of their blood affect their children" Was there any way to know these things in advance" She looked worried for a moment, as if there was something else she needed or wanted to tell him, but was unsure if this was the right time.

Demeter Ashton

Date: 2017-01-02 11:19 EST
He seemed to sense her hesitation for a moment, pausing to kiss her once again. "One or many, pup or cub, I don't care," he told her softly. "I love you, and I'll love them. You are the center of my world, Marissa, and nothing is ever going to change that."

"I know," she told him, her forehead coming to rest against his. "I know," she repeated softly, perhaps more for her own sake than for his. She knew what he was telling her was the truth, and she took comfort from that, knowing that no matter what happened, no matter how things turned out, he would love her. Of that, at least, she was certain. "We should go inside or they will wonder if something is wrong."

"We should." And despite her mild scolding of only a few moments ago, he was determined to carry her there, even if she fought him every step of the way. Grinning, he bent to lift her up into his arms, cradling her close to follow in the footsteps left behind by the three newly-wedded couples already inside.

"Emrys," she scolded him mildly again as he lifted her into his arms, but she did not go so far as to tell him to put her down. Instead, she circled her arms around his neck and buried her face in his hair, breathing him in. "I love you," she whispered, tears stinging her eyes where he could not see them.

"You can spank me later," he promised her fondly, tilting his head to help her hide her face against his neck and hair as he advanced through the snow. He was thrumming, delighted with her news, but he was trying to keep a lid on it, knowing her pleasure was tempered with fear. But whatever happened, they would go through it together, and come out of it together, always.

Marissa knew it was likely at least one or more of their friends already knew, already sensed the truth, but so far, no one had said a word. Perhaps they were waiting to be told or maybe they were just waiting for her to tell Emrys, but whatever the reason, she wasn't about to steal their thunder on their wedding day by making that announcement today.

Thankfully, Kit was paying attention as they reached the door, or Emrys would have had to pin Marissa to the wall in order to get inside. As it was, the door was already open for them, and shut smartly behind them to keep out the cold, and judging by the close to hysterical laughter emanating from Seren and Delilah, the alcohol was already flowing. It was going to be a very merry night.

Of the three couples who'd just been married, it was Delilah who raised her glass in toast of the young couple as they rejoined their party. "Congratulations!" she told the pair. "Baksheesh!" she told them. Good fortune in her native Romany, a language and traditions she shared with very few. Apparently, either someone among them had already guessed their news or Delilah had more talents than she was willing to admit.

Behind Delilah, Demi's eyes widened, her gaze immediately seeking out Marissa's with a mouthed promise that she had not spilled the beans at all. She only knew because she was also a tiger, and could spot the subtle change in her friend's scent. She had no idea how Delilah knew.

"Congratulations?" Seren turned to her brother and his mate, her own eyes wide with innocent interest. "What happened?"

"It is not my news to share," Delilah replied. "But it is happy news," she said, nodding her head to the couple and moving to join Kit and kissing his lips just because. Perhaps one day they, too, would decide to settle somewhere and raise a family of their own. The time seemed to be drawing nearer.

Taken aback, Marissa did not know what to say but only curled herself deeper into Emrys' arms.

"Oh ....pants to you, then," Seren responded to Delilah, sticking her tongue out at her friend. She could tell that Marissa was a little off-balance, and thus, she wasn't going to push to know this news. "Someone told me there would be food!"

Kit laughed into Delilah's kiss as he heard this. "Dorian, have you not been feeding her properly?"

Dorian and Neville both looked a little confused, but seemed to sense it was not the time to ask. If Marissa and Emrys had news to share, they would share it in their own time. "There is no stopping her when she wants to eat," Dorian replied with a chuckle, almost relieved that Kit had somehow managed to change the subject. It was not the first time Delilah had seemed to know something before anyone else did.

"Then I should hope you have some kind of signal when it's time to drop your trousers," Kit grinned at his friend, hoisting Delilah off her feet for a moment to swing her about before setting her down again.

Seren snickered wickedly, goosing Dorian just because she could. "I think we're embarrassing the sensible couple in the room," she declared, nodding to where Demi and Neville were sat together, far less exuberant but no less loving than any of the rest of them.

Dorian grinned, catching Seren's hand to pull her close and reward her groping with a kiss.

Watching nearby, Neville smiled, flushing just a little at Seren's remark. "Well, someone has to be, I suppose," he pointed out.

Meanwhile, Marissa was wiping away her tears before anyone noticed.

"I think I should take offense at being called sensible," Demi suggested with mild amusement, tilting her head toward Neville with a querying smile. "I think we're dignified, personally."

At that, Seren let out a loud laugh. "The woman who parades around naked in front of open windows, dignified?" Cackling, the redhead sagged against Dorian, hooting with laughter at this appraisal.

"How naked are we talking here?" Kit asked, flashing his own wife a teasing grin as he did so. "Ground floor windows, or upper?"

Under the cover of all this silliness, Emrys snagged a drink for Marissa, gently wiping her face dry before kissing her forehead. They really were an amazingly mismatched pack.

"Why do you think I've installed blinds?" Neville parried with a grin.

"My mother always used to say, 'If you've got it, flaunt it,'" Delilah added, raising her glass to Demi before taking a seat on Kit's lap. "Do you know what this party is lacking?" she asked further. "Music."

Nearby, Marissa smiled gratefully at Emrys, knowing he was probably bursting to share the news, which they would in good time, but Seren and Dorian deserved to know first.

Demeter Ashton

Date: 2017-01-02 11:20 EST
"Music, we can do," Demi nodded, rising fluidly to find out where the player was. She and Neville had put together the mix that would be playing, so it could safely be said to be eclectic.

"I'm too hot now," Seren complained mildly, pulling the gloves off her hands. She fumbled for a moment with her hooded coat, shucking it off her shoulders to reveal the dress underneath. "Ooof, that's better!"

Delilah, too, was peeling off her coat, revealing the gown she wore beneath. Now that they were inside, it was too warm for outer-garments. She moved to her feet, tugging Kit up with her to be the first to make use of the music. Dorian appraised Seren's gown with an adoring smile and an admiring gaze, as he helped her with the coat. Neville looked over at Marissa and Emrys with a small worried frown as Demi tended to the music, hoping all was right with their guests.

Catching Dorian's appreciative look, Seren smirked, leaning in close to murmur against his ear. "I couldn't decide on the underwear so ....I didn't bother."

Demi snorted with laughter, her hearing too good not to hear that as she returned to Neville, stroking one fond hand through his hair. Her gaze followed his, glad to see a little more equilibrium returning to the Alphas of their group.

Emrys caught their concern, nodding to them with a smile. "Care to dance, kitten?" he asked Marissa, actually offering to do something they both knew he had next to no talent at.

Dorian chuckled, shooting Demi a look at her laughter, knowing she must have overhead that remark. The lack of underwear would only make things easier for him, once they were left to consummate their marriages. "All the better for me," he replied, a whisper of breath tickling her neck and ear.

"What's going on?" Neville asked Demi quietly, returning Emrys' nod and sensing some news that had gone completely over his head.

Meanwhile, Marissa was astute enough to know there was some whispering going on in the room and was happy to escape, even if only momentarily, with Emrys. "Only with you," she told him, taking his hand.

As Emrys took his mate into his arms, waltzing despite the fact that the music really didn't fit that step at all, Demi curled her arm about Neville's shoulders, leaning into him where he sat. She dipped her head, brushing a kiss over his brow. "I'll tell you later," she promised him. "Too many sharp ears in here, and it isn't really my place to pass it on, anyway. Besides, wouldn't you rather fixate on how utterly edible I look in this dress?" She winked at him, one hand capturing his to pull him up onto his feet. "We'll light a candle for Nellie tonight," she told him softly, leaning close. "I need to thank her for letting me have you."

There had been a time when he might have been saddened at the mention of his late wife's name, but today wasn't one of them. Somehow, he knew in his heart that Nellie would have wanted him to go on and to find happiness, even if that meant being with someone else. He smiled as she pulled him onto his feet. Whatever was going on between Marissa and Emrys was none of his business, after all, and Delilah had assured them that it was good news. "And I need to thank you for helping me live again," he added, taking her into his arms and kissing her, despite being surrounded by onlookers.

She smiled into his kiss, curling her arms about his neck as he kissed her, answering it with as much love and passion as she could muster, utterly unashamed of the fact that there was cheering going on not too far away from them. As they drew back from one another, she whispered to him, "I'll lay odds 3 to 1 that Seren gets knocked up in the next week."

"I heard that!" the redhead announced, half-shocked and half-laughing, lit up with a brilliant blush as she hugged into Dorian's arms.

"Do you want to place bets on who gets there first?" Dorian called over to the other couple, with a teasing gleam in his eyes, but it was Marissa who was blushing at the question and trying hard to pretend she wasn't listening.

"Is that a challenge?" Neville shot back at his brother and sister-in-law, practically mirroring Dorian's expression.

"What have I missed now?" Kit demanded of the brothers, laughing at the fact that he was probably the only person in the room without even an inkling of what was going on. "Honestly, you doggie types and your hearing."

"Doggie?" Demi protested with a feigned gasp. "I do believe we have just been insulted."

"Not all of us have your enhanced hearing, love," Neville pointed out, taking Kit's side. As far as he was aware, only he and Kit and Delilah had not yet been turned.

"Cats and dogs," Dorian pointed out helpfully, though that was not technically correct. Most lycans would be insulted to be confused with a canine, but they were all among friends.

"There's only one person I will fetch for, however," Emrys pointed out, choosing to join in with the silly good humor.

"As it should be," Demi agreed in amusement. "The cat is, of course, supreme ruler of the household."

"That's going to make your household interesting, isn't it?" Seren snickered playfully at her new sister-in-law.

"I could choose to become a wolf," Neville pointed out, though it was more likely he'd chose Demi to turn him than anyone else, if and when he did choose to be turned. As it so happened, he'd already made a decision about that, but like whatever news Marissa and Emrys seemed reluctant to share, so was Neville.

"We are not having wet dog smell in our bedroom," Demi informed her husband with a raised brow, sending Seren off into giggles once again.

"Everywhere else in the house is just fine, just not the bedroom," Kit clarified, safe in the knowledge that he and Delilah generally only argued about who slept nearest the door on any given night.

"Wolf," Marissa corrected, speaking at long last now that Emrys had shared his two cents. Of them all, she was the only one who shared both bloodlines, but had chosen the tiger over the wolf. She was also the only one who would have offspring of mixed blood, assuming Demi eventually turned Neville.

"Cat, dog; human, lycan," Delilah remarked. "What does it matter so long as we love and accept each other, despite our differences?"

Demeter Ashton

Date: 2017-01-02 11:20 EST
There was a pause before Seren offered up her opinion. "You know just robbed us of at least twenty minutes of ribbing there," she informed her friend cheerfully. "I think we should give you the bumps for it."

"Some may have needed to hear it," Delilah replied with a soft smile and a nod of her head toward Marissa and Emrys, who seemed to have returned to the safety of their own private cocoon for the moment.

"She has a point," Neville pointed out, thinking he'd finally sorted out what was going on here. "We can tease each other all we like in private, but there are those who take the differences seriously."

"Embracing our differences is what makes us strong, all of us," Demi added, smiling softly as she looked around at them. "We're all family here, no matter what our differences are."

Emrys smiled, grateful to them for slipping away from the teasing as he swayed with Marissa.

Kit raised a brow, glancing down at Delilah. "Since when did little miss motormouth become a peacemaker?" he asked her playfully, touching a kiss to her lips. His glance was very brief, but it was for Delilah to follow - toward Seren, who had suddenly lost her smile.

The redhead was still hugged into Dorian, but there was guilt in her solemn expression now, clearly feeling chastised for her gentle teasing and not really understand why it was such a delicate subject.

Neville hadn't meant to chastise Seren; only to point out that among friends, such teasing was acceptable, but outside their tiny circle, it was not so safe. All of them were natives of Rhy'Din, and all of them knew how tenuous relations could be between humans and non-humans, especially during these trying times.

Dorian caught Kit and Delilah's glance and frowned a little in return, turning to Seren to touch a kiss to her forehead. "But we are among friends, and our friends know that we love them, no matter how much we might tease," he said, tipping her chin upwards so that he could kiss her.

Marissa sighed, wondering if it was her that the conflict was all about. After all, it seemed they all started walking on eggshells as soon as she and Emrys arrived, and she wondered if perhaps she should have saved her news for later. She turned to the group suddenly, in hopes of mending whatever uncomfortable rift her presence might have caused.

"We are different, it is true," she said, linking her fingers with those of Emrys. "But Demi is right. It is our differences that make us strong. Others could learn a lesson from us. Each of us is different," she said, looking to each in turn. "I come from mixed blood - human and tiger and wolf. My foster mother was fey. I have cousins who claim they are descended from the gods. But we all want the same things in life. We all want to be accepted and loved for who we are, not what we are. These children I carry inside me will also be of mixed blood. I cannot claim to know the future, but I know that they will have the love of human and tiger and wolf. They will know what it is to be part of a family, not only that of a mother and father, but that of uncles and aunts and cousins and friends. A family, a clan, a tribe, a pack. Whatever you choose to call it. That is what we are, despite our differences, and that is what we will always be."

"Children?" Seren's head snapped up, her eyes wide as she met first Marissa's gaze, then Emrys. "You're ....oh my gods!" And there was her smile again, bursting over her face as she abandoned her husband to pounce on her brother and his mate, congratulating them with as much enthusiasm as love. "Oh, they are going to be so loved," she told them, stroking her cheek against Marissa's. "How could they not, with such wonderful parents?"

There were tears in Marissa's eyes again, but they were happy tears, deeply touched by Seren's show of affection. "I didn't want to steal anyone's thunder," Marissa explained, as she hugged Seren back, genuinely fond of the other woman and glad they were now officially sisters. In some ways, if it hadn't been for Marissa, Seren might not be here with them today, and though few knew the truth, she had promised the Seren of the past that she would know love and happiness in the future. That promise had become truth when she had met Dorian, and so, they had come full circle.

"Oh, pish on our thunder," was Seren's warm response. "We all know today was just an excuse to wear a pretty dress and have an awesome party, we've all been committed for yonks. This is news! And it's amazing news!" She dropped to her knees, planting a loud kiss on Marissa's midriff before Emrys pulled her back up again.

"Go and kiss your husband," he told his sister with a laugh, rolling his eyes as she bounced back to do just that.

"There will be more such news in the future, I think," Delilah mused quietly, more for Kit's ears than anyone else's. She smiled up at him, as if she knew something he didn't, but didn't go any further than that.

Dorian met Seren halfway, an arm going around her to drag her back toward Emrys and Marissa, so that he, too, could offer congratulations. "You never need worry about stealing our thunder. We're family," he told them, reaching to hug them both.

"Well, I'd say it's time for a toast," Neville said, taking to his feet and lifting his glass.

"To family," Demi declared, raising her own glass. "No matter how different we are, or how far away we might be, we'll always be family. Oh, crap, you don't have glasses ..."

"I got it, I got it," Kit declared, hurrying over to Emrys and Marissa with a couple of water glasses. "Someone needs to refill Seren's happy juice before she runs out again."

Dorian wasted little time in doing just that, making sure Seren's glass was full and then going around to make sure they were all topped off, before they all toasted the day and the future. "To family," Dorian echoed Demi, lifting his glass like the rest of them, a happy smile on his face.


The word was repeated around their circle, an affirmation of something they had already known but never acknowledged aloud. Though they had all been rejected, one way or another, at the very start of their lives, it didn't matter now. Here and now, they had found each other - lovers, friends, siblings, and all - and found in each other something far greater than the families that had rejected them would ever have. They had each other, and there was more to that than any one of them could have predicted.