Topic: Deal With The Devil

Mara Mallory

Date: 2013-05-15 20:10 EST
Dreven City: Late Autumn 1259

The room was quiet. The windows were shut against the cool autumn wind and the sound of the city dwindling into nightfall. The only light came from the fire in the hearth, illuminating in soft relief the sleeping face of Mara's beloved as he lulled in the healing slumber the potion had brought upon him. Already the bruises and cuts on his face had faded, though there would still be a little pain when he woke. A healer could only do so much, and Mara did not have the money to pay for a Vivomancer. She had done only what she could, and now waited quietly for the potion to finish its work.

She felt soiled, filthy, marked beneath her skin by the bargain that had been made. Elise had drawn a bath for her, left food for Duncan when he woke, and had left her grieving young mistress in the gloom to wash away the feeling of Stefan's hands on her. Even through the cloth of her gown, his touch had burned, leaving her feeling grimy from his closeness. Could she endure a lifetime of that"

The flickering firelight illuminated her face, too, so solemn and heartsore in the darkness. Stefan had his wish; she had seen the power he held over her. It broke her heart to know that Duncan was in danger, that what had been done to him that afternoon was nothing compared with what else might be done, should she try to defy the Del Sol heir. He had waited barely an hour before sending her his terms. It was a cruel joke, it had to be. The letter had arrived wrapped about a bouquet of white roses, a lover's offering from a black heart.

You will break with Duncan Mallory. You will not speak of what passed between us. You will swear your servant to silence. Should you make any attempt to defy me, be it in word or deed, Duncan Mallory will die. If you run, I will hunt you down, and he will see you defiled as the last light of life leaves his eyes. You know I can do it. You are mine, Mara. You will quit your place in the Mallory-held rooms and move yourself to the Del Sol manor by the end of this cycle. You and I will be wed before Yearpass, and you will dance with me before the entire city. They will see that Duncan Mallory has lost you to his enemy, not through force or this unkind necessity, but because you love me better. You will make sure everyone believes it. One step out of line, one word in the wrong place, and Duncan Mallory dies.

The thought of doing any of it reviled her, repulsed her, broke her heart to consider the pain she would have to hand out to the one person she loved more dearly than any other. But what could she do' If she defied Stefan, Duncan's life was forfeit. She couldn't bear to live with that pain, that knowledge; the understanding that because of her weakness, her own dearest love was dead. If she broke his heart, at least he would continue living, and perhaps someday he would have his own revenge on Stefan Del Sol and his stinking kin. She wept with the knowledge. So close to achieving their dream, and it had been snatched from them.

And Duncan must never know how. He would only know that she had rejected him, turned her face away from him, turned cruel and cold and heartless barely a cycle before their freedom was assured. She would have to summon all her strength to keep him safe, to keep him alive. He could still escape, leave the city, be safely away from Leandra and her hateful brother. Away from the sight of the girl he loved, wedded to his bitterest enemy. It was horrifying to imagine; a lifetime of loneliness and pain stretching out ahead of her, with no comfort but the presence of Elise and the memories of happier times, cut short by pettiness and jealousy.

With a sudden, violent jerk of her hand, she cast both roses and letter into the fire, the bath water splashing with the motion, lapping in ever cooling waves against her skin. Duncan must never know, she told herself harshly. He must live. I can do this, for him. But oh, how it tore at her aching heart to think of it, to steel herself against the pain that was coming for her and play the besotted bride for a despicable man. A man who didn't want her so much as he wanted to see Duncan brought low by love. But a broken heart was nothing to death, and death was something she would not allow Duncan to seek, not so young as he was. He had to live, he had to find a purpose beyond the city. Perhaps he would even find love someday, far away from her and the poison her love had brought into his life. She had to cling to that hope, beyond all else. Duncan would live, even as she died inside. It was the only way.

The potion did its work, but it was hours before there was any movement from Duncan. He was deathly still and pale, though his heart was still beating and his chest rose and fell with every breath. Most of the damage that had been done by Stefan's goons had healed, but the healing process itself had taken a toll, leaving Duncan sore and weak. They had not meant to kill him, but to make an example of him - to show Mara how much power Stefan wielded and how far he was willing to go to have his revenge on Duncan and have Mara for his own. He could just have easily had Duncan killed, but it was far more satisfying to let him live, knowing he and Mara could never be together, letting him believe that Mara loved Stefan more. It was nearly morning by the time Duncan stirred, golden rays of sunshine - as gold as Mara's hair - casting a soft glow to the room and stirring him from rest.

By contrast, Mara had barely slept at all, tormented by her bargain with the devil and her guilt that Duncan had been harmed just to make Stefan's point. She had not dared to settle into the bed with Duncan, not wanting to disturb his sleep, curling up beneath a blanket on one of the chairs by the hearth to doze fitfully. The fire had damped itself, nothing but smouldering embers by the time Duncan began to stir, the dawning light illuminating the girl curled there. She was pale in that golden light, the darkness beneath her eyes a testament to her sleepless night, but for now, at least, she seemed to have found a little peace. Exhausted, she had succumbed to the need for sleep only an hour or more before the dawn rose, and even her dreams were dark with foreboding.

He was more boy than man in those waking moments, groggy, disoriented, and confused at first as to where he was until recognition dawned and he realized he was at the apartments that had been provided for his beloved. He realized, too, with alarm that she was not in the bed with him, and his heart leaped with fear as he was slow to recall the events of the previous evening. "Mara?" he called, his voice weak, throat parched as he turned his head to sweep his gaze over the room in search of her. He stifled a groan as he tried to prop himself up onto an elbow to find her, sore and weak, but not in nearly as much pain as he had been the night before.

She started awake, as wide-eyed and fearful as he in those first moments of awakening, terrified that her dark dream would prove to be a reality she was already trapped in. Relief shone bright in her green eyes as her gaze fell on Duncan, a quiet sob marring her smile as she twisted up from her perch in the chair, throwing off her blanket to stumble to the bed. "You're awake." Her hands curled to his jaw, lips pressing a fervent kiss to his lips. I'm so sorry.

He dropped back onto the pillows as she came to him, too weak and weary to get out of bed just yet, feeling drained and dizzy, but well on his way to healing the hurts caused by Stefan's goons. His arms reached for her, drawing her closer, returning the sweetness of her kiss with one of his own. He could taste her tears and knew she'd been crying. "What happened?" he asked, slow to remember.

Her breath shuddered in her throat, wishing she could tell him the truth, everything that had passed the day before. But he was so weak ....No. She couldn't do that, she couldn't put him in any more danger than she had already. "You were attacked," she told him unhappily, perching herself on the edge of the bed, her slender fingers stroking lovingly along the line of his temple and jaw. "Out on the street. They took your dagger, and your money pouch, and they dumped you. Elise and Cook brought you here."

He narrowed his eyes as he tried to remember, all of it slowly coming back to him in the light of morning. It seemed like just a dream - a dark dream where there was nothing but pain and suffering. "Thieves," he said, remembering, no knowledge of Stefan's treachery or of Mara's witness to the attack. "They-they must have followed me here," he told her, believing that was what must have happened. "I tried to stop them..." he muttered, wondering if he hadn't put up a fight if they'd just have robbed him and left him in one piece. He touched his fingers to his chest, searching for the ribs he knew had been broken in the beating and finding them whole. He looked to her with confusion coloring his expression, knowing she must have had something to do with his healing, and then he remembered the potion. "How long?" he asked, unsure how long he'd been there. Was it only last night?

Mara Mallory

Date: 2013-05-15 20:11 EST
"One night," she assured him, knowing he would worry over the time it had taken him to heal. "I ....We would have got a 'mancer, but, well, I don't have enough money for one. So we got a potion from the healer two streets over. He said it wouldn't heal everything perfectly, but most of it would be gone by the time you woke up, and the pain should ease off, what there is left of it." She hesitated, anguish in her eyes for a brief moment before she willed her voice to react to what she had to say. She had to make a start somewhere. "Maybe you should stay away from here, until you're properly healed. If you were hurt again, I would never forgive myself."

He narrowed his eyes up at her again, not quite understanding what she was asking of him or seeing the logic in it. "They were thieves, Mara. It's not your fault." He sighed. "It's my own fault. I should have been more careful. I was in such a hurry to see you..." He frowned, remembering the bouquet of flowers he was bringing her, gone now. They were only flowers, but for some reason, they seemed a deeper loss than the money or the dagger. His father was going to have his hide when he found out, but there was nothing that could be done for it now. "I'll be more careful next time."

"But, Mal, they were waiting for you," she protested softly. "They could be waiting for you again, any time you come this way. Please ....just a couple of days, until you're properly healed. I-I couldn't bear it if you were hurt again." She leaned down to him, her lips caressing his once more, willing him just to concede this one time. Forgive me. I can't watch you die. I won't.

She gave him no room to protest, kissing him before he could say a word. He felt even more confused at her request. She had never asked him to stay away before. In fact, he had thought she'd do just the opposite and ask him to stay until he was feeling better, but instead, she was sending him back out into the city, away from here, away from her. "But..." he started, protesting weakly. "I thought..."

"You can't go back on your own, not until you're healed." She knew what his protest was, and she knew if she didn't change her tack, he would get suspicious. Stefan's petty plans could wait a day or two; he'd get what he wanted. Mara nuzzled tenderly to Duncan's lips, feeling the pain of a goodbye she couldn't give him, her heart bleeding for the pain he would feel in the weeks to come. "Stay or go, but don't use these streets again until you're strong enough," she told him, tucking her feet up onto the bed as she stretched out beside him. "Don't take the risk, not for me."

Even more confused at what he perceived as conflicting statement, he furrowed his brows up at her questioningly. He looked far too pale, blue eyes filled with confusion and anguish. "Do you want me to stay or do you want me to go?" he asked, unsure what she was asking him exactly. She had told him he should stay away, but nearly in the same breath had told him he couldn't leave on his own. What was it she was trying to tell him"

She drew back, looking down at him with more fervent love in her eyes than she had ever shown him before, an edge to her tenderness that only she knew was desperate despair. "I want you to stay," she promised him, forcing herself not to cry, not to give away any hint that what she wanted no longer had any bearing on what she did. But a few more days ....not even Stefan could deny her that, not when she had promised a lifetime to him in exchange for Duncan's safety. "I love you, Duncan."

He saw the love in her eyes, the warmth, and knew that she still loved him, that she'd always loved him, that she still belonged to him. He visibly relaxed, a warm but weak smile on his face. The hurts of the night before were nothing compared to what he'd feel like if he ever lost her. He brushed a thumb against her cheek, gentle and loving. "I love you, Mara, with everything I am."

She kissed him to hide the tears that welled in her eyes, taking refuge in the loving passion he had taught her, that they had learned together, gentle for the sake of his injuries as her lips plied his with kiss after tender kiss. Her hand smoothed down over his side, the sparkle of amethyst and pearl on her finger a cruel reminder of the promise they'd made to one another not so very long ago. Whatever I do, whatever I say, don't ever forget that I love you.

There would come a time when he'd doubt her love, when he'd even hate her for the decision she had already made, not knowing until later it had been Stefan who'd caused her betrayal, but at that moment, he knew nothing of the bargain she'd made with the devil. He only knew that he loved her and that she loved him, and he wasn't going to let anyone get in the way of their happiness. Ever. He kissed her again, his lips lingering against hers, wordlessly promising her his heart, telling her of his undying love and devotion. As he gently pulled away, he thought he tasted tears on her lips again, and he touched her cheek, thinking those tears were tears of happiness, of joy that they were together, or perhaps tears of worry at his hurts. "Don't cry," he told her, reaching to pull her against him and hold her close. "I will always love you, no matter what," he promised her softly, weaving his fingers into the gold silk of her hair.

No, you won't. You'll hate me, sooner than you think. But she didn't say it, curling into his arms as his fingers caressed through her hair, hugging as tightly to him as she dared. She wished she could offer him the same reassurance, but she knew that anything she said now would only make the pain worse when she broke with him. He would never trust her again once Stefan announced their betrothal, once she had been forced to turn her back on the only man she would ever love. That hurt, more than anything else. Her lips brushed his skin as he held her, savoring what could be their last embrace. Any moment, it could all be over. "Duncan?" she murmured, wondering in her heart if she was being selfish once again. "When you're strong enough ....will you make love to me?" Give me one last memory to cling to.

A smile could be heard in his voice at her request, holding her close to him, his fingers combing through her hair, like soft strands of silk against his fingertips. "I will make love to you whenever you wish. You need not ask me that, my heart." He pressed his face against her hair, kissing her, breathing her in, her scent filling him with longing, despite the fading aches of his healing injuries.

Unseen, her eyes filled with tears once again, damning Stefan and his cruel revenge to all the levels of hell. But this time they did not fall, suppressed by a strength she had never known she had until this moment. She rose over him, pressing her lips to his once again, taking what he promised her, giving back her heart, his to protect no matter what else happened to them. Her heart would always be his. If all she had left were these final days, she would burn them into her memory like a scar, a wound she would keep raw through all the days of her life, a reminder of the love she had lost. And unknown to them both, these last days would leave her with something else to hold onto, buried deep inside. A little spark of life that would always be theirs, no matter what.

((Poor kids. Got a feeling the next backstory scene is going to be a weepy one. Muchos thankos to Duncan's player - AWESOME as always!))