Topic: Positive

Katrina Nichols

Date: 2015-01-24 10:56 EST
The Nichols House was finally a happy place to be. After a baptism of fire with heartache and death, it had waited many long years to see that pain washed away with the arrival of the couple who now filled it with their laughter and their love. Slowly but surely, they were beginning to bring the beautiful building back to life, restoring the century-old monument to one man's faithful love with a love of their own. There was, however, one thing that might slow that work down a little for a little while, and Kit was the one who knew about it. She was running down the stairs from the upper floors at this precise moment, calling out for her husband excitedly. "Rand" Rand, where are you?"

He wasn't too difficult to find as the smell of food cooking would lead her to the kitchen where he was making breakfast, but just to be sure, he called back when he heard her shouting his name. "In here!" From the smell that was coming from the kitchen, it seemed there was coffee and eggs involved. He had yet to dress, loafing around in the old worn bathrobe that had seen better days, while he moved about the kitchen.

His merry tempered little wife burst into the kitchen in her pajamas, socks making her skid a little on the wooden floor, and virtually bounced into his arms, heedless of the fact that he was cooking at all. "It's positive!" she declared brightly, legs wrapped about his waist as she waved a very important little plastic stick around between them. "Third morning in a row, it's positive!"

Taken completely by surprise by his new bride's excitement, he dropped the spatula he'd been using to tend the eggs with a clatter to the floor to catch her as she bounced into his arms, staggering backwards before he lost his balance. "Kit! I'm trying to make..." he started, trailing off as his brain caught up with what she was trying to tell him. "Wait, what? Positive" What's positive?" he asked, craning his neck to see what she was waving back and forth in his face.

He tended to view Kit's occasional outbursts of hyperactivity with a certain amount of indulgence, which was no doubt why she had decided to embrace her excitement this morning and share it with him, after having been so carefully not increasingly excited over the last couple of days. "This!" she laughed, slowing in the waving of her hand to show him that the little stick in her grasp was, in fact, a pregnancy test.

"Three mornings in a row?" he asked, arching both brows as he tried to wrap his head around this. They hadn't been together too long, but long enough apparently to cause the little pink stick to show a positive result. "Does that mean....Are you....Are we..." He trailed off again, almost as if he was afraid to say it.

"We are!" Her bright smile reappeared as she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. Screw burning the eggs, this was far more important. It wasn't as though she'd been secretive about the whole thing; they may not have discussed this exact moment, but they knew one another well enough to know that it wasn't a bombshell they couldn't survive. "We're going to have a baby, Rand!"

It wasn't like he didn't know that such things happened or could happen, and it wasn't like they were taking any real precautions to prevent it from happening, but he still looked more than a little shocked by her news. It wasn't a bad thing - it was just so unexpected that he was stunned into silence, even as she threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. "Are you-are you sure?" he stammered, though he thought three days in a row was more than enough proof.

Her arms loosened a little as she drew back to look into his eyes, her delighted excitement fading a little at his stunned, stammering response. "As sure as I can be," she said quietly. "I should make a doctor's appointment to get the blood test, I suppose, but ....well, even if they did the urine test, it would still come out positive." Her brow furrowed uncertainly; she'd been so sure this was good news.

"Shouldn't-shouldn't you be sitting down or something?" he asked, looking her over as she drew back from him. He didn't know the first thing about babies or the process involved in having them, other than for the obvious. "Bloody hell! The eggs!" he exclaimed, snapping out of his silence, and drawing her by both hands over to the table. "You sit and relax, while I finish making breakfast! You're eating for two now!" he said, his insides doing somersaults of nervousness excitement.

Kit jumped as he suddenly exploded into action, lurching with him to be sat down at the table while her husband displayed all the signs of a man in panic. "Um ....sweetheart, there's nine months to go," she pointed out through a slightly bemused smile. "I'm not suddenly going to stop being able to do everything that I have been doing, you know."

"Yes, but....You're in a family way now, Kit, don't want to do anything that might hurt you or the baby," he said, his face turning pale at the thought of that. "Oh, god....we're going to have a baby," he mused aloud, lowering himself into a chair before he passed out.

She eyed him with a certain amount of amusement, one brow raised above her smile. Of all the reactions she had been expecting, it hadn't been this, though perhaps she should have considered it. There was, after all, a part of him that had lived at the beginning of the 20th century, when a woman was expected to stop everything the moment she realized she was expecting and become even more useless than she had been before. Whereas these days ....If Rand was harboring any thought that she was going to quit working just because she was pregnant, he was in for a nasty shock. "Yes, we're going to have a baby," she agreed fondly. "I didn't suddenly lose the use of my arms and legs. I'm just ....a little bit more for a few months, that's all."

"I don't know anything about babies," he murmured aloud, more to himself than to her. They had sort of discussed this possibility in a roundabout way, but he had never thought it would happen so fast. And then something struck him suddenly that he hadn't thought of before and he looked over at her with that look of shock and amazement on his face again. "I'm going to be a father."

"You're going to be a wonderful father," she agreed softly, leaning forward onto her elbows as she watched him come to terms with the unexpected news she had just dropped on him from a great height. A thought occurred to her, and she laughed suddenly. "My mother is going to hit the roof," she snickered wickedly. "Pregnant bridesmaids aren't really on her wish list for her wedding."

"I'm sure she'll forgive you since you're giving her a grandchild." Not "we", but "you?, as if he wasn't as important to the equation as she was, at least, not to her mother. "She'll just have to get over it," he added. His thoughts regarding her mother weren't a very big secret - he was trying to like her, but he found her to be a little too selfish for his liking. He did like her fiance, though, and hoped he would make her a better person. "Are we really having a baby, Kitkat?" he asked, leaning forward to reach for her hand.

Katrina Nichols

Date: 2015-01-24 10:58 EST
Neither one of them had a particularly high opinion of her mother, but perhaps Rand was right. Perhaps, for all her display of horror at the thought of it, a grandchild would help heal some of the wounds between Amelia Clarke and her daughter. But right now, her mother's opinion was the furthest thing from Kit's mind. Her hand curled into her husband's tenderly, stroking her fingertips over his palm as she held his gaze. "Yes," she told him softly. "Yes, we are."

"You don't think it's too soon?" he asked a little uncertainly. There was a part of him that felt like he'd known her forever, and then there was the Randal who had found himself on her doorstep in the middle of a rainstorm by what seemed like pure coincidence. "Do you think it will be a boy or a girl?" he asked, his excitement at least momentarily overcoming his fears.

She faltered at his uncertain query, biting her lip as she looked down at their joined hands. "Whether it's too soon or not, it's happening," she said quietly. "We'll just have to cope with it." Her gaze flickered up to meet his once again, though, at that first sign that he might actually feel some excitement over something that had sent her into hyperactive joy. "I don't know," she admitted. "It's been all girls on my mother's side for about seven generations."

"Then I suppose we'll have to break the tradition or keep trying until we do," he said with a smile at last that should reassure her that he wasn't upset at her news, only taken a little off-guard. "Then again, the thought of having a daughter is a tempting one." A little girl just like her mother.

His smile was more than enough to send the tension gathering in her shoulders scattering to the four winds, deeply relieved to find that he wasn't angry or upset so much as truly surprised. "You don't mind, do you?" she asked softly, needing to hear him say it. "I know we didn't exactly plan this to happen so soon."

"The best things in life aren't planned, Kit," he reminded her, smiling reassuringly, blue eyes soft with love and affection. He had never planned to wind up on her doorstep; he had never planned on marrying her. Even the soldier had never planned any of this, and yet, look at how it was all turning out. He leaned closer to touch his lips to hers. No, he wasn't upset or angry, though there was always going to be a little worry where a family was concerned. A family was all he'd ever wanted, after all. It was more than he could have ever hoped for.

She leaned into him, across the table top, lips soft against his own. "I love you, Rand." Though it had been the ghost of the captain who had taught her how to love him, it was Rand, the living man, whom she loved more than anything. "And we really are going to have a baby. Isn't it wonderful?"

"Mmhmm," he murmured back, that soft smile still on his lips. Though he hadn't jumped up and down and shouted at the top of his lungs, that didn't mean he wasn't happy. How could he not be happy when he had her" "I'm still going to spoil you, and that includes breakfast," he warned her happily. Assuming she wasn't having any morning sickness yet.

"Mmm, sounds lovely," she murmured in agreement, unable to resist the urge to round the table and curl up in his lap. It was her favorite place to be, as evidenced by the sheer frequency with which his tactile little wife managed to finagle herself a place there, no matter what they were supposed to be doing. "I made you burn the eggs," she said softly, no repentance on her face at all.

"No bother. I can make more," he replied, winding his arms around her waist to as she settled herself in his lap. "Unless you have something else on your mind," he added, wondering if she was even interested in breakfast at all anymore. He laid a hand against the flat of her belly, a little in awe of the fact that there was supposed to be the start of a baby slowly growing inside her. "Is there really a baby inside there?" he asked, unable to hide the awe from his voice.

Kit bit her lip, startled by how overwhelmed she suddenly felt as his hand covered the place where their child was beginning to grow. Swallowing hard, she smiled through the glisten of happy tears, nodding. "There really is," she promised him, her own hand falling to cover his, the beautiful ring both parts of him had gifted her with sparkling on her finger, marking her forever as his. She laughed a little at her silly reaction, sniffing back the tears. "We're starting a family, Rand."

He was quiet for a long moment, his gaze focused on the hand that was lingering gently against her belly, where soon the child they had conceived would make itself known. It wasn't so much that he didn't know what to say as he didn't trust his voice not to betray the tears of joy that he was struggling to hold back. If her reaction was silly, then that made two of them. There were so many thoughts going through his head, he wasn't quite sure how to put them into words - or even if he should voice them. "It's incredible, isn't it?" he finally managed in a quiet voice.

Breakfast didn't seem important in this moment, when the truth settled into both of them as they lingered together in the warm quiet of their kitchen. This was a moment that could never even have been imagined a year before; when only a part of him had known her, when she had resigned herself to only being able to touch him on one night of the year. And yet here they were, married, together, caught up in the wonderment of that first moment when the reality of creating a life together came crashing down in tender amazement. "It is," she agreed softly, resting her forehead to his temple, her arm curled about his shoulders in loving affection. "Almost too much to hold onto."

"But we will hold onto it, Kit," he said, lifting his head to meet her gaze, tears clouding his eyes. "We will hold onto it and hold onto each other always," he added, raising a hand to touch his fingers to her face in a gentle caress. "I know you wanted to wait, but we'll make it work. I love you, and I really couldn't be happier."

She kissed him, smiling as her own tears threatened to fall, pouring her fingers through his hair with all the adoration she felt right there, in her touch. "We can do this," she whispered to him, her excitement still there, still palpable in the air between them. "Being with you, I feel as though I could anything. I love you so much." Another kiss, warm and tender, not asking or demanding anything. Only wanting to share with him the loving wonder of knowing that, somewhere inside her, his child had taken root.

If she had voiced that, he would have disagreed, calling the baby their child, not his. It had taken the two of them to make a child, not one - a child who was part of him and part of her, a child who would forever be the link that connected them. "I suppose we'll have to decide on a nursery sooner rather than later," he said, smiling through his tears, once he'd returned her kisses.

Katrina Nichols

Date: 2015-01-24 10:59 EST
She laughed softly, nuzzling to him in the quiet all around them. "I'll have to child-proof the workshop," she agreed, her first thought to protect their child against the many ways it could come to harm. "I'm sorry I dropped it on you so abruptly. I was - I am - so excited. I know I said I wanted to wait, but now it's happened couldn't feel more perfect."

"It's rather like a Christmas present, but so much better," he said, his smile warming and widening. His arms went around her again to hold her close, safe in his arms. "Would you mind very much if I took the day off" I don't think I'll be able to focus on work, and I'd like to spend the day with you." Fortunately, he worked for a partnership who was very accommodating and understanding of his sometimes unorthodox schedule.

Her eyes lit up with warm delight at his quiet offer, her smile as bright as he could have wished for. "Why would I mind?" she asked him with a soft laugh, nipping the end of his nose for asking such a question in the first place. "Just as long as you're not abandoning someone who needs you." Her fingertip tapped his nose now, impish mischief to match the censuring twinkle in her eyes. "I know I won't be able to work today. Without you, I'll probably just lie in bed feeling my own stomach and giggling like an idiot."

"All day?" he asked, with a chuckle. That was a long time to lie in bed and giggle. "Well, since I've decided to take the day off, what would you like to do today?" he asked, catching hold of her hand as she tapped his nose, looking amused.

"Well, you could always lie in bed and giggle with me," she suggested playfully, wriggling her fingers in his grasp. "But first, you need to call in, and I need to make an appointment. After that ....I'm making breakfast, no arguments." Stern wasn't exactly an expression that came easily to her merry face, but she did try. She had a feeling he was going to try and insist on treating her like brittle glass for a while.

Probably for the next nine months, maybe more, but time would tell. There was a part of him that was very old-fashioned and believed in not only the sanctity of life, but that a woman - especially one with child - was to be cherished and protected, and he intended to do just that. "I wish my mother was here to see this," he admitted reluctantly. "And Katherine. She would have loved a great grandchild." He had a feeling the two women were somewhere in the great beyond having a good chuckle over all of this, but there was no way of knowing for sure.

Her smile softened, touched just a little with sadness for the losses they had both suffered in the past years. "I know," she murmured, curling her arms about him in a warm embrace. "But they know, too. I mean, if we know anything, it's that there is life after death, right' And if there really is, then I can virtually guarantee that Nana has your mother sitting right next to her while they watch all this, eating her homemade toffee and cackling triumphantly about matchmaking across generations."

"I had her toffee once....on All Hallow's Eve, years ago," he mused quietly at a memory that did and didn't belong to him. "That was one thing about Halloween....Your grandmother always made sure I was never alone that one night a year. It was the one night a year when we could really be friends. She never let me down, not even once. Every year, she would plan something new, something different. We would almost always end the night at the piano. No one ever knew. She never told anyone, but it was why she never went anywhere that night....because she always spent it with me." He paused a moment, tears coming to his eyes again for the part of him that had known and adored her grandmother. "And then, there was you," he added with a smile. Whichever Randal she loved more, it was the Captain who had loved her first and the Captain whose memories were attached to this house and to her grandmother.

Kit's smile deepened as he offered up this memory of her grandmother. She would never fully relieve herself of the guilt she carried for not being more present in Katherine's last years, knowing there was more she could have done to assuage the old woman's loneliness. And yet, if she had been more present, would the Captain have fallen in love with her" Would he have trusted her enough that everything that had happened since then would still have happened" She didn't know, and did not care to ask why or how, even now. "And now you're even more stuck with me, you poor man," she teased her husband affectionately, brushing the tip of her nose to his.

"It's confusing sometimes," he started, frowning a little, even as she teased him. "It feels like the memories are mine, but they're not. It's like there are two of me living in the same body." He had mostly made peace with it, but it was still a little confusing at times.

She drew her fingertips against his cheek tenderly, wishing there were some way she could help in these moments when the ghost and the man seemed to be asserting their separate lives within him. "I can't imagine what it's like for you, darling," she murmured softly, stroking her thumb over the furrow in his brow. "All I know is how much I love you. I thought I had lost you once, and you saw what it did to me. I don't ever want to feel that again."

"No," he said, the frown softening. "I'm not going anywhere, Kit. I'll never leave you through any choice of my own. I love you. In some ways, I have always loved you." He brushed a soft kiss against her lips, needing her to know he meant what he said. "I've wondered sometimes if I wasn't born in this body for this very purpose."

She blinked in confusion, not understanding those last words, even as his kiss lingered on her lips. "What purpose?" she asked curiously. "To be everything I could ever have wished for" Because I am fairly certain Isabelle loaded the dice for both of us, somehow."

"You don't really think it was just a coincidence that I ended up here, do you? That I look just like him?" he asked. They had discussed it a little, but he didn't really like to talk about it much. It was almost as if there were two souls in one body, though it was more like a piece of his soul had been left behind before finally being reconnected again.

She bit her lip, reluctantly shaking her head. "I never really questioned it," she admitted quietly. "I would never have let myself believe I loved you, if ....if you hadn't still looked like you. I know that doesn't make any sense, but it's true. I was perfectly determined to die of a broken heart before ever letting myself heal over."

"But when I first showed up on your doorstep, you didn't know me and I didn't know you. I only looked like someone you had loved, and now, here we are. Perhaps there is no explaining these things, but I know one thing for certain - I know the curse was broken. I know things, I remember things that I never experienced, because he's a part of me now. Maybe he always was. If that's the case, then when you fell in love with him, you fell in love with me, too." He chuckled, shaking his head as it all started to get a little too complicated, even for him. "I'm sorry. I know it doesn't really matter, but sometimes it gets confusing, even for me."

Katrina Nichols

Date: 2015-01-24 11:00 EST
She smiled gently, nuzzling to him with tender warmth. "Well, I know what isn't confusing at all," she promised him in a low tone. "I love you. I'm going to have your baby. And I couldn't be happier than I am when I'm with you. It is absolutely impossible."

That made him smile, forgetting his confusion, at least for the moment. "I can't argue with that," he replied. "I love you, too, Kit. You make me happy. Happier than you'll ever know, but, um....I think we should probably make breakfast before it's lunch time," he teased.

She giggled, nipping at his lips briefly before moving to slip from his lap, combing her fingers through his hair. "You need to call in," she reminded him playfully. "I will make breakfast today. So there." She stuck her tongue out at him with a mischievous wink, wriggling her fingers at him. "Shoo."

"Yes, dear," he said, laughing at her silliness before pulling himself to his feet so he could make the phone call. He wished there was someone he could call to share the good news with - some friend or family member who might share their excitement, but there was no one. No one except her mother, and it wasn't up to him to give her the news.

They'd have to tell Amelia eventually, of course, but today was about them. This was their news, their surprise to share and be excited over, to revel in the first blush of knowing that two had become three without it ever being suspected. As Rand moved for the phone, there came the familiar crash of his wife manhandling the skillet onto the stove. It sounded as though he was getting bacon, at the very least.

Bacon or not, he had just been given the second greatest gift in his entire life and that gift was that of the promise of a child and the start of a family. Not a family to replace those that they'd both lost, but to honor their memory and to welcome a new life into the world and into their lives. What was it people sometimes said - that a newborn baby was God's way of saying life should go on' Though Randal wasn't terribly religious, maybe this was God's way of forgiving him and giving him the hope of a new life and a new family to love.

It was all the confirmation they needed that this truly was meant to be. There might always be a little confusion, but there was clarity to hold it back. In this house, that had known so much tragedy, there would finally be uninterrupted joy, in the love and laughter of a young family who had always been destined to call it home.

((No end of happy for these two! Well ....we did kinda put them through hell first. :grin: Many thanks to Rand's player for indulging me!))