Topic: Properly, At Last

Eleanor Marshall

Date: 2018-10-28 09:29 EST
((Contains material of an adult nature.))

"Anchors aweigh!"

Five months after stepping down onto South American soil for the first time, Eleanor was back on the deck of an ocean cruiser, older and wiser and happier than she had been when she had first landed. She was a wife now, and out of her cousin's clutches. It had been no trouble at all to pay off the crew Jay had hired to escort them when they returned to Manaus, and take the river to Belem, where they had booked passage back to England on The Pride of the South. The only moment of tension had been the last day, in which the ship had docked in Georgetown to take on last passengers and supplies. They had worked hard to stay out of sight, having their belongings retrieved from the hotel in the port and brought on board without the knowledge of the waiting Walter. By all accounts, he had been enjoying the ladies of ill-repute for the last five months; he certainly had quite the reputation himself now.

But finally the ship was pulling away from the dock, heading out to sea, and Eleanor could stand at the railing and breathe in the salt air with a soft smile. She may have caused something of a stir among the other passengers, but had insisted on remaining in her snug pants and comfortable clothing. There would be time enough to wear skirts and such the closer they got to England.

The stop at Georgetown had made Jay a little nervous, not because he was doing anything wrong but because he didn't want a scene if her cousin were to show up. He knew there would be those who'd think he'd only married Eleanor for her money, but he didn't much care what anyone thought. They were wrong, plain and simple, and now that they were married and setting out to sea, there was no reason to hide any longer. In fact, he was more than happy to shower her with affection, for any and all to see.

"There you are," he said, as he came up beside her on the deck to take a lean beside her, the salty air literally like a breath of fresh air after the heat and humidity of the jungle. He leaned close to press a kiss to her cheek, not really caring if anyone was watching or not. "Happy to be going home?"

She laughed softly, smiling as he kissed her cheek. Alex was, no doubt, still making the most of the opportunity to sit in the library on board and read without mosquitos trying to eat him, which meant she could enjoy time with her husband without a pang of guilt over neglecting her friend.

"My home is with you now, Jay," she reminded him, sunlight glinting on the golden band that encircled her finger as she raised her hand to his cheek fondly. "Have you decided where we should live yet?"

"That's not my decision to make," Jay replied, leaning his arms against the rail as he turned his head to face her. "It's not really something we need to decide right away," he said. After all, it could wait until after they visited Paris, couldn't it"

"No, it isn't," she agreed, tilting her head toward him. "And what about you, Jay?" she asked gently, gently tugging her hair out of her face. "You've been in South America for a long time. How do you feel about going back to Europe?"

Jay frowned, but not because he was sad or upset; only because it was a question he hadn't yet dared ask himself. "I don't know," he replied, reaching over to tuck her hair behind an ear, though with the wind blowing the way it was, it wasn't likely to remain there. "It's changed, I suppose." Just like he had. Healed, he hoped, though the memories would always haunt him.

"One would hope so," she mused softly. "We can live anywhere, within reason, of course. But first we will settle my father's affairs and visit with your sister, whom I am longing to finally meet."

"I assume Antarctica is out of the question," he said, smirking. He just couldn't resist teasing her after what she'd just said, knowing there were at least a few places in the world neither of them would want to inhabit. It was open to debate whether South America was one of them.

"Within reason, I said, darling," she laughed back at him. Her hand dropped to his wrist, raising his arm up and over her head, asserting her desire to be held and a complete disregard for anyone who thought a married couple should be discreet in their affections.

"I was wondering what you meant by that," he said, chuckling. He let her put his arm around her, only too happy to comply with her wishes. He didn't much care what anyone else thought either. It was hard to believe, but she was his wife, after all. He smiled at the thought of that. "Tell me again that you love me," he whispered in her ear, as he put both arms around her.

"You know that I do," she whispered back to him, twisting about until she could wrap her own arms about his waist too, tilting her head to touch her nose to his with a soft smile. "I love you very much, husband-mine."

"I don't think I'll ever tire of hearing you say that," he said, leaning his forehead against hers. "I love you, Ellie. I have for a while. I was just too stubborn to realize it," he quietly confessed.

"Even with my appalling lack of education in certain wifely matters?" she teased softly, nuzzling to him for a long moment. A dowager walking past them with her own unmarried daughter tsked loudly and pinched the girl's arm to make her stop looking at a couple who clearly cared about one another deeply.

"That is easily remedied," he said, his arms tightening around her. Jay smirked as the older woman walked past, tossing a wink at the younger woman, though it wasn't of the flirtatious variety. "Are you anxious to begin your education?" he asked, that teasing gleam still in his eyes.

"I have made you wait for over a month," Ellie murmured in amusement, though the truth was more that their journeying had been so rough, even on the settled roads, that they'd had only the energy to sleep at night since their wedding.

"Some things are worth waiting for, love," he told her gently, meaning her, of course. He'd been nothing if not patient, waiting until she was ready, until they were both assured of privacy and were both well rested from their long trek through the jungle. But he didn't plan on waiting forever.

Her smile softened, surprised and touched by his gentle assurance, her hands tightening on his back as she swayed into him with the motion of the ship. "We won't be missed until dinner," she offered with shy speculation.

"Hmm, true. How long do you think Alex will remain in the library?" he asked, hopefully. His mouth strayed to brush a kiss against her cheek, not daring to go much farther so long as they were in public.

"Until he hears the dinner gong, I would assume," was her giggling reply. "I am sure he will guess where we are if he comes looking sooner."

"So long as he doesn't come looking in our cabin," Jay said. He cast a quick look around as if to see if anyone was watching before taking hold of her hand and tugging her toward the stairs that led to the lower level and the guest cabins.

Eleanor Marshall

Date: 2018-10-28 09:29 EST
She skipped along after him, ducking in through the hatchway at his back as butterflies multiplied in her belly. "Do you really think Alex is the sort not to guess what we may or may not be up to?"

"What does it matter what Alex thinks?" Jay said, slowing down so that she could catch up with him. He didn't want her to trip and fall in his rush, after all. "We're married, El. I am willing to bet Alex knows what goes on between a married couple."

"Well, no," she conceded, relieved when he slowed enough to let her keep up without jogging. "I believe he is aware that a husband and wife require time alone."

"Then let us hope he has the sense not to come looking for us until dinner," Jay said, as he started down the stairs, hand in hand, at an easier pace. It wasn't like he was trying to hide from Alex, but his wife came first - especially when they hadn't really had a proper wedding night.

"Perhaps I am not the only one eager to consummate our promises belatedly," she teased, skipping down the stairs with him. Her fingers squeezed his fondly. "We have three weeks at sea, darling. I'm sure Alex won't begrudge us a few days to really get to grips with this marriage business."

"Perhaps we should lock ourselves in our cabin for a few days and order room service," he suggested with a grin, though he'd hardly keep her prisoner there if she wasn't agreeable.

Her cheeks lit up in a sweet blush as she laughed in answer. "Jay, I require fresh air once a day at the very least," she reminded him impishly. "And no, I do not mean by hanging out of a porthole."

"I suppose," he admitted with an exaggerated sigh. "You will just have to make it up to me when we get to Paris," he teased further, as they reached the guest cabins and went in search of their own.

"Such hardship, Captain Marshall." She giggled, tucking her fingers into his trouser pocket to find the key to their cabin suite as he lead the way. "However shall I cope with such a demanding husband?"

"Not too demanding, am I?" he asked, smirking as she went fishing in his pocket to find the key to their cabin. He was delighted to find she was growing less shy by the day. He waited until she turned to fit the key into the lock before moving close, his breath warm against the back of her neck.

He was rewarded with a soft gasp as he crowded in against her back, as the key turned in the lock. "Just demanding enough, darling," she promised, each word a soft breath. She pushed the cabin door open, twisting to take hold of his collar and pull him inside with a surprisingly wicked giggle.

He couldn't help but grin as she pulled him inside their cabin, all too eager to finally show her what it really meant to be husband and wife. He kicked the door closed, pausing just long enough to lock it. No one was going to interrupt them this time.

Inside and in private, Ellie's confidence failed her for a moment, her shy uncertainty flaring as she looked up at Jay. But she trusted him to teach her what she didn't know; to teach her how to be a good wife to him, even in this. She knew he wouldn't let her make too many mistakes. "What happens now?"

"Don't think about it too hard. Just let your instincts lead the way," he told her, moving close. His hands moved to unpin her hair, eager to slide his fingers through the silken waves of chestnut. If Adam and Eve could figure it out, so could she.

She couldn't help smiling as he drew the pins from her hair. He'd watched her loop it up morning after morning; he knew exactly how many pins there were and where they went, and within moments, her hair was uncoiling over her shoulders under his touch. "But I always think about what I'm doing," she murmured teasingly, her fingers playing softly at his sides. "Are you sure I should not in this instance?"

"Quite sure," he insisted, as he combed her hair out with his fingers before leaning close to touch his lips against her cheek, leaving a trail of kisses along the side of her neck. This was definitely not the time for thinking or even for talking, and yet, he whispered, "Do you trust me?"

Blushing with sweet anticipation as his lips brushed her neck, Ellie's hands tightened in the folds of his shirt, her body swaying into his with unspoken eagerness. "With everything I am," she promised in a breathless gasp, tilting her head to let the tip of her nose skate the length of his neck, her own warm breath swift to follow against his skin.

He had practically seduced her once already, but even so, he'd left some things unfinished between them, until they could be officially married and had some semblance of privacy. That time seemed to be now, so long as no one came knocking on their door. For the first time, Jay allowed himself to really relax in her presence, in hopes this time they would consummate their marriage for real. He let himself breathe her in, his body reacting to her touch, her scent, the very softness of her - everything about her, making it very hard for him to resist her particular feminine charms. She had told him she trusted him, and yet he didn't want to alarm her, taking things as gently as possible. His own breath hitched at her touch, heart beating hard in his chest. He'd had other women before, but none he'd ever wanted as much as he wanted her. His fingers found their way through her hair, his lips leaving a trail of kisses against her neck, before his hands trailed downward to attempt the many fastenings that kept her shirt in place.

She swayed with him, shivering in delight at the sensation of his hands through her hair, amazed again at how intimate that feeling was when it was so very chaste. But chaste would not last as his long, clever fingers found their way to the buttons on her shirt, and impatience held its own sway over her in its own turn. As she felt the soft fabric loosen to reveal a peach silk brassiere, her own hands found their courage, tugging his shirt from its tuck at his waist to slither her palms beneath.

Thankfully, she was scandalously clad in trousers and shirt, and though she was adequately clothed, it was far easier to divest her of those clothes than it was of a dress and all the underthings that went along with it. He was eager to explore her once again and discover new ways to make her sigh with pleasure. He gently drew her onto the bed, shedding his own jacket and shirt, before deftly peeling away her layers, even as his lips explored the soft, tender flesh that lay beneath.

She all but purred under his touch, no need to be silent here in privacy that was all their own. Despite her blushing embarrassment at being laid bare to his eyes and hands, she lay back against the bed wearing nothing but a shy smile, reaching for him to join her in that relative comfort. "I thought it was your turn?"

He smiled as he lay down beside her, his fingers idly tracing a line down her body from her neck to her belly and everywhere in between. "There's time for that later. I thought I'd show you what it is to be a husband and wife," he said, wondering just how naive she could really be.

"Properly this time?" she asked, eyes heavy with loving lust sparkling with teasing amusement as well. "We really should make it truly official, after all." She giggled, rolling toward him to beg a kiss with smiling lips.

He smirked at the way she'd put that. There was nothing proper about it really, though he supposed that was a matter of opinion. "I do not want to alarm you, love, but there may be some pain the first time," he said, feeling obliged to tell her, though he wondered if it wouldn't have been better not to warn her.

Eleanor Marshall

Date: 2018-10-28 09:30 EST
"Or none at all," she countered. "I have been riding since I was a girl. My mother said that a woman who rides often rarely feels pain in her marriage bed. I do not quite understand just how that works, however."

"Indeed?" he said, brows arching upwards, a hopeful smile on his face. He didn't want to cause her pain, only pleasure. "I suppose that is true. Shall we find out?" he asked, rolling over on top of her, though he hadn't yet removed his pants.

She giggled again as he rolled her to her back, unconsciously arching up to him as he found his place to settle over her, arms reaching to wrap about him and push impatiently at the snug cling of his trousers. "I do believe you are wearing far too much, husband-mine."

Perhaps it was his turn to be shy, but he found himself blushing a little at the thought of baring himself completely to her. "So I am. Shall I have you close your eyes?" he half-teased, feeling a little self-conscious, despite the fact that he was no virgin.

"Would you like me to?" she countered sweetly, trailing teasing fingertips over his bare back with a rippling touch, acutely aware that she was far more bare than he in this moment. She bit her lip, making a show of closing her eyes for a few seconds before opening one to peek at him.

"You are a cheater," he teased, tapping her nose with his finger before rolling off her again and to his feet this time to go about baring himself to her. He wasn't sure why he was feeling so awkward and shy suddenly when he never had before. "At least, pretend to close your eyes," he chided.

She laughed again, and this felt better, easier. It was more comfortable to treat this as something enjoyable, some impish mischief they were about to embark on together rather than some intimidating rite of passage. Rolling onto her stomach, she closed her eyes, giving him the privacy he felt he needed. "I will see you eventually, you know."

"Yes, yes, I know," he said, turning his back on her so that he could unfasten his pants and tug them off without her staring at him, even if she was supposed to have her eyes closed. Whatever had possessed him to make love to her in the middle of the day instead of waiting for darkness" He had no reason to hide though, but for the faded scars left behind by the war.

That hint of shame in himself, the soft suggestion of irritation in his voice, warned her not to tease any more. Despite her eagerness to look and touch, she forced herself to remain on her stomach, her back to him, lowering her face into the fold of her arms as she waited with toe-curling impatience.

It was more comfortable for them both when they were laughing, but the laughter would come, once the tension was broken and they both felt more at ease. His pants hit the floor with a thump, and then he was moving back onto the bed and turning her to face him. No words needed to be said in that moment; he simply kissed her, letting his actions speak for themselves.

She melted into his kiss, shy but eager, uneducated but longing to learn, her hands hesitant only so long as it took to be sure that he did not mind her touch wandering. She was wholly in his hands and happy to be there, filling the cabin with happy sighs of softly astonished pleasure with each moment that passed.

He was still afraid he might hurt her, but he knew a few tricks to making things easier, and he wasn't too shy about using every trick he knew to ready her for the inevitable. They were husband and wife, after all, and though he was patient, he couldn't wait forever. She was in the hands of her teacher and her husband and her soon-to-be lover. He was patient and gentle, where gentleness was warranted, coaxing her body to readiness with warm kisses and soft caresses.

It seemed to her that he knew her body better than she ever could herself, seeming to understand exactly where and how to touch and tease, to coax her into that shocking, wonderful release she had tasted once before at his hands. Yet even as she felt herself coming down from that flickering rise, she pouted playfully back at him.

"We already did this."

"We did," he agreed, an almost wicked smile on his face as he covered her with his body, unable to hide his desire from her any longer. "Close your eyes, Ellie," he urged her, though it was mostly just a ruse to distract her from what he was about to do.

Her lips curved in a lazy smile as she obediently closed her eyes, stretching with luxuriant ease against the rumpled sheets. "When I open my eyes, do I get a surprise?"

"In a moment," he promised, taking her lips and distracting her with a kiss more passionate than any he'd offered her before. It was only when he judged she was distracted enough, aroused enough, ready enough that he showed her what it was to be husband and wife, claiming her body for his own and offering his, joining the two of them as one in heart and mind and body.

If there was pain, it was brief and easily ignored, the only sign of it the sharp gasp that interrupted her tender moan as he claimed her for himself, sealing them together after far too much of a wait, finally fulfilling a promise made more than a month before on the night they had exchanged their vows. And with no undue shyness borne of societal pressure - for she had not really moved in society at all, and certainly not closely enough to be infected with the affected longing for such as this - Ellie rose to the occasion with warmth and enthusiasm, marveling, reveling in the feeling of finally being a wife.

His first thoughts and concerns were for her comfort, but as soon as he realized she was in no pain, he sighed with contentment. He had waited so patiently for this moment and now that it had come, he didn't want it to end; and yet, his body didn't agree, eager and impatient for relief. Despite his impatience, he was a tender lover, offering soft kisses and caresses as their bodies moved together. This first time might be awkward, but their love could only get better from here.

Fingers entwined, breath passing back and forth between them, they moved together - awkwardly, yes, not without some fumbling and discomfort at times on both sides, but that was easily disregarded. Indeed, it brought the laughter back; the laughter they had both missed when the tone had grown serious and shy, an education in itself for Ellie to find that making love could be funny as well as passionate.

When they were through, they lay in each other's arms, sighing and smiling and in awe of what had just happened between them. Even Jay - a man who was no stranger to romantic trysts - seemed in awe of the heat of love and passion that had blazed between them. His mouth captured hers in a soft, no less passionate than before, but filled with more warmth and tenderness than every kiss he'd ever shared with any other woman.

"Did I hurt you?" he asked, as his lips parted hers briefly, a worried look on his face.

Breathless, flushed with unaccustomed, unexpected amazement, Ellie clung to him as he kissed her, her lips curving in a soft smile at his worried query. "If you did, I did not notice," she promised him, drawing a featherlight touch along his cheek. "Though now I see why you did not let us do that in the jungle."

Eleanor Marshall

Date: 2018-10-28 09:30 EST
It was for her that he'd restrained himself in the jungle, unwilling to risk the rest of the expedition know what was going on inside their Captain's tent. He smiled to know she finally understood. "Do you forgive me?" he asked, already knowing she did. He touched a kiss to the tip of her nose, his arms going around her to hold her close.

"Hmm ..." Her eyes glittered teasingly as he drew her into his embrace. "I think we may have to go around again, just to be sure I have totally forgiven you," was her rather wicked little suggestion. "We should be thorough with these things, don't you think?"

"Oh, I agree. Quite thorough," he replied, with an almost wicked grin, eyes flashing with amusement. "I'm afraid I may have corrupted you, wife," he teased in return, his body stirring with rekindled desire, almost of its own volition.

"You don't seem afraid, darling," she countered with an impish little giggle at the sensation of his body rising to the challenge, as it were. She eased closer, teasing her lips against his. "You seem rather pointed, in fact."

"Mmm, certain ....appendages, shall we say, seem to have a mind of their own, though I can hardly protest," he remarked, the earlier shyness between them evaporating as they got more comfortable with each other. "Do you think you are up for the challenge, Lady Marshall?" he asked, using the formal title she would have to adapt now that they were married. "You did say something about owing me, I believe."

Her eyes flashed with delight at his offer. "Oh, I am very eager to learn, husband," she promised hopefully. "You are willing to teach, I hope" This could become interminable for you if you leave me to my own devices."

"My darling wife, I have endured far worse hardships than this, I can assure you," he teased in return, as if suffering her attention might be difficult. The fact that he had endured far worse was not without merit, but that had been a much different kind of suffering than this kind of torment.

She giggled again, brushing another kiss to his lips as her fingers began their curious trail down his body, skimming over scars she intended to cover with kisses to dip lower still, just to see his reaction. "You will never have to endure such things again."

He wasn't so sure he agreed with her there. So long as there were men whose hearts were full of hatred and who craved power, there would never be any lasting peace, but this was neither the time nor the place to debate it. Even if he wanted to, how could he when she was so thoroughly exploring him, as he had her" He only sighed with pleasure and contentment, his fingers tangled in her hair.

And she was thorough, determined to learn everything there was to learn about pleasing her husband as he had pleased her. Admittedly the ending did surprise her somewhat - no one had ever told her men's parts did that - but she was absolutely delighted with every other reaction she drew from him.

He tensed as he neared the end, that hint of shyness and even trepidation returning momentarily before he pushed past it. He was mostly worried about shocking her, assuming this was not the sort of behavior becoming of well-bred, young ladies. He whispered her name, a moan of pleasure upon his lips, perhaps more shocked than she was that she had dared go that far.

And his reward for allowing her to go that far" A bright, tender smile that shone as she crawled back up to stretch out beside him, peppering his cheek with sweet kisses, quietly delighted with her small triumph. "All I have to do is do that once more, and we're even," she murmured impishly.

For some reason, there were tears in his eyes when she returned to his arms, so touched was he with her courage, that she had dared do that for him - not for herself, but for him. It was more than anyone had ever dared before. "I'm afraid I will be forever in your debt, love," he told her, his voice strangely quiet, nearly overcome with emotion. What had he done to deserve someone as beautiful as her"

Surprised to find him so overcome, Ellie gathered him into her arms, her fingers combing gently through his hair as she kissed his temple. "Is it truly so strange that I should wish to please you, darling?" she murmured to him affectionately. "I love you."

"You never cease to amaze me," he whispered back, not trusting his voice. He didn't mean it in a sarcastic way, but honestly and sincerely - he had truly never met anyone before quite like her.

She nuzzled close to him, smiling her gentle smile. "I rather think we are both of the same mind when it comes to one another," she assured him, her palm resting over his heart. "You may have to grow accustomed to feeling amazed."

"I am amazed every day I wake to find you beside me," he told her, just as quietly, but no longer sounding like his voice might break with emotion. "I love you, Ellie. I truly do. I never thought I'd be so lucky as to find someone like you."

"Was your life so very lonely?" she asked, concern furrowing her brow. She knew nothing of the way he had lived before she had met him; indeed, she had only seen him attending to business, and now, as the happier newly-wedded man with a bright future ahead of him.

He smiled a little at her question. The answer was bittersweet in a way. "Not so long as Liza was around," he admitted, obviously missing his sister, though for some reason, he had not decided to join her in Paris.

"She will be around again," Ellie assured him, careful not to ask why he had not joined his sister in Paris. The war had ripped a generation into pieces and left them to put themselves back together again without help. The why didn't need to be expressed.

"She will, and she is going to adore you," he said, not for the first time. She hadn't asked why he hadn't joined his sister in Paris, and he saw no reason in explaining. The war had damaged him, just as it had so many other men like him, but it had not damaged him beyond repair.

"I am flattered that you are so certain of that." Ellie laughed softly, nestling into his arms now his moment of unsettled emotion had passed. "I must confess, I am very much looking forward to meeting her."

"I have to admit, I'm looking forward to seeing the look on her face when she learns we are married," he said, blue eyes bright with amusement at the prospect of that.

"I don't understand why you insist on keeping it as a surprise to spring face to face," his wife commented, but she was an only child. She didn't know that this was also a means of expressing affection, albeit a slightly obscure one.

"It's better than a Christmas present, don't you think?" he countered, with a grin. She might not understand what it was like to have sibling, but when they got to Paris, she was going to find out. "So, tell me ....Why never you and Alex?" he asked, merely curious.

She tilted her head to meet his gaze, surprised by the question. "Why did we never marry, you mean?" she asked, just as curious in her own way. "I suppose it never occurred to us. I am very fond of him, but he is just my friend. What I feel for you is leagues apart."

Eleanor Marshall

Date: 2018-10-28 09:30 EST
"Would you say you love him like a brother, then?" Jay asked. There was a point to his question, if she let him get to it. "You've known him all your life, haven't you?"

"I suppose I would," she mused thoughtfully. "I don't believe anyone expected us to remain friends past childhood, but ....Well, I cannot really imagine my life without Alex there to keep me from making silly mistakes."

"And you have never hoped to surprise and shock him in some way?" Jay asked, coming to the point of his line of questioning. Or did Alex know her so well that it was almost impossible to do so"

"Oh, goodness." She laughed softly, shaking her head. "Unless you count the time I put a frog in his pocket during a formal dinner, I don't believe I have ever done so."

He laughed, pleasantly surprised to learn this about her. "I would have liked to have seen that," he said, quick to add, "Though I do not think you should repeat it, just for my benefit."

"Oh, but it would be so funny," she mused mischievously. They both knew she wouldn't - she was a lady to her bones. She sighed happily, tracing her fingertips up and down his arm as they lay together. "I do not think I have ever felt more at home than I do in this moment, with you."

He arched a brow at her statement, more than a little surprised, despite his own words of love and affection. She had only known him a few short months, while she had known Alex nearly all her life. "I think I know what you mean," he admitted. "I can no longer imagine my life without you."

"And you were so dead set against having anything to do with me at first," she laughed, prodding his stomach with a playful finger.

"Yes, well ....I was only trying to protect you," he explained, though she probably knew that already. In the end, he'd decided the only way to really protect her was to accept her offer and lead the expedition, rather than leave it to someone else who might prove less than trustworthy.

"I thought you were filthy, rude, a complete scoundrel," she informed him in amusement. "I was so sure I wouldn't like you one bit." Her bright smile showed itself all over again. "I am awfully glad I was wrong."

He laughed again. "Georgetown is a long way from home," he said, as if that was his excuse for not giving her a very good first impression. In fact, he would have been hard pressed to get much farther away from home than that.

"Where is home, love?" she asked innocently. They had plenty of time to decide where they wanted to live, but she couldn't help nudging him toward a preference, at least.

"London," he replied, without hesitation. "Though it hasn't felt like home in a very long time," he added with a small frown. He wasn't sure Paris would feel like home either. Ever since the war, he felt like a man without home, without a country. If it wasn't for his sister, he might have felt like a man without a family, too. "I have been thinking about moving to the States. I hear horse racing has become wildly popular there."

"Truly?" Ellie's reaction was one of interest, not disdain. "I know very little about the United States, but it is a land of opportunity. It would be a true fresh start, for all of us." And there was her innocence playing again - she believed that Eliza would be with them, no matter what they chose.

He smiled, understanding that she was including Eliza and presumably Alex in that equation, if they so chose. "I am not sure Liza will leave Paris so willingly," he pointed out, but perhaps it was better to cross that bridge when they got to it, so to speak. First things first, after all.

"Perhaps she will wait for us to be settled, wherever we choose to be," she murmured thoughtfully, still tracing her fingers over his skin as she looked up at him. "I am sure we will raise some award-winning thoroughbreds, wherever we are."

"I hope so," he said, frowning a little with undisguised worry. "You don't think it's foolish of me" I'm sure I could find employment elsewhere." There was that worry niggling at him again that others would think he had only married her for her money.

She rolled her eyes at him, smiling fondly. "I do not believe that following your own heart is ever foolish," she told him firmly. "And I am rather interested myself. We will be in business together as well as married, love."

"Partners in more ways than one," he murmured, as his lips captured hers once again. He seemed to be rising to the occasion, once again, as it were, content to wile away the entire afternoon in bed with her. It was rather liberating to know they weren't needed anywhere ....unless Alex came looking.

She made a soft noise of agreement against his lips, her hands rising to curl to his jaw and shoulder once more, reveling with him in the knowledge that they did not need to be anywhere until dinner. She had never spent the day in bed before; she had a feeling she was going to develop a taste for it now.

He couldn't think of a better or more enjoyable way to pass the afternoon than to spend it making love to his new wife. After all, in the middle of the ocean ....what else was there to do"