Topic: Waiting for the All-Clear

Matteo Alessi

Date: 2020-10-20 13:03 EST
Playing checkers wasn't exactly what Matteo had in mind for his honeymoon, especially when the person he was playing checkers with was his new bride's kid sister; but the last few weeks weren't about honeymooning anyway. Not really. It was more about lying low so that the Puglianis didn't find them.

They had been able to relax some of the restrictions in the last week or so, but until Vince gave them the all-clear, they couldn't move out and about openly from their little hideaway. It was hard on Nora, to be forced to live in relatively close quarters with her sister and new brother-in-law, but she had handled it like a champ, only really asking for a little company once a day. Besides, Matteo had yet to beat her at checkers, and she was determined he never would.

"King me," he said as he moved a black checker onto the row farthest from his home row. "What's up" You're not paying attention," he told her with a concerned frown on his face.

The teenager blinked, glancing up abruptly. "Sorry," she apologized. "Kinda lost in thought for a second there." The focus of her thoughts gave themselves away when her gaze flickered toward the front of the house - Adriana had been out for a little over an hour. Nora was worrying.

Matt followed her gaze, practically reading her mind. "She's gonna be okay, Nora. She hasn't been gone that long," he told her, assuring himself with that statement, along with her.

"I know, I just ..." She shrugged, rubbing a hand through her hair as she dropped a tile on his new king, and moved a piece of her own, stealing another two of his pieces in the process. "It's been all about how dangerous it is the last month or so. It feels weird not having her right here, you know?"

"Damn," he muttered as she took two more of his pieces, despite his king. "Nora ..." he started, ignoring the game for the moment so that he could focus his attention on her. "It's gonna be okay. Promise," he told her, hoping he was right. "Addie tell you we're planning on going legit?"

"Kind of?" Nora managed an awkward laugh. "She said something about only running hotels, not the casinos, and handing over all the illegal stuff to someone else I'm not supposed to know the name of."

"And who might that someone be?" he asked, casually moving his king around the board to capture three of her pieces. He was well aware who she was referring to, but he wanted to see if she had the right name.

She narrowed her eyes, studying the board for a moment before choosing to land her chosen tile on the very back line of his side. "Someone called Vince?" she ventured. "Danny mentioned him a couple of times. Said he was a good guy, just real scary if you're on the wrong side."

He frowned as he placed another checker atop hers, even if she hadn't asked him to make it a king. No matter how careful he was, she always managed to beat him somehow. "He is a good guy, so long as you're on his side, and we are. You're bound to meet him one of these days. He's been kind of like a father to me."

"Does that kinda make him my uncle?" she asked with a faint quirk to her lips. She scanned the board, no sign of any discomfort in the way the game was going. Quite where she had learned to play checkers this well was anyone's guess.

"Well, that's better than being your godfather," he said, making a small joke that might just be over her head. "Where did Addie say she was going?" he asked, as casually as he could, though he was starting to worry, too.

"The bank," Nora reminded him, her frown returning. "I don't know why, she never tells me all the details. She had the blonde wig on, though. She looks so stupid in that thing."

"Mm," he murmured thoughtfully, as he moved another piece forward, though he was more concerned with Addie than the game. "If she's not back in half an hour, I'll give her a call, okay?"

"Okay." It was a relief to know that Matt was just as concerned as she was, but Nora felt a little guilty for being so obvious with her worrying. She hadn't meant to get him worked up.

He always lost at checkers anyway, but now that his mind was on Addie, he could barely focus on the game, and it showed. "I don't know how you always manage to beat me," he remarked with a sigh.

"I'm just that good," she countered, tilting her head at him. She added quietly, "Danny taught me. I got sick a coupl’a years ago, spent months just being at home, and he kept me company. Told me if I ever beat him at checkers, he'd buy me ice cream on the Strip. I really enjoyed that ice cream."

Matt frowned at the mention of Danny, who'd been killed a few weeks ago by the Puglianis. "I'm sorry. He seemed like a decent guy," he told her. He hadn't known the man very well or for very long, but he'd known how much he cared for Adrianna and Nora.

She was quiet for a moment. "I know I should've said it at the time, but ....thanks for making sure we could say goodbye," she said. "Meant a lot to be there."

What was he supposed to say to that' A kid her age shouldn't have to deal with this, shouldn't have to look over her shoulder and worry about getting killed or worse. She shouldn't have to attend a funeral at her age or worry about something happening to her older sister while she was out running errands. "You don't have to thank me, Nora," he told her. "Danny cared about you, and I care about you, too."

"Just because I don't have to say thank you doesn't mean I shouldn't," she pointed out. "Addie always remembers, and people usually like her for it. Right?" Her head jerked toward the front of the house at the sound of a car outside.

"I'm pretty sure people like Addie for other reasons, too," he said, following her gaze and exhaling a slow sigh of relief. There was a small chance it wasn't Addie, but it was unlikely. "See" What did I tell you?"

"Yeah, yeah." Nora rolled her eyes, smiling at his "told you so" moment even as she waved a hand in his direction. "You still suck at checkers." As they spoke, they could both hear the hydraulic lift lowering a car down into the underground garage, content in the knowledge that it was definitely Addie home.

"Try me at a game of pool sometime," he challenged with a grin. He was a lot better with a pool cue than he was with a checkerboard, or so he believed. "Should we go say hi or stay here and pretend we weren't worried?"

Matteo Alessi

Date: 2020-10-20 13:04 EST
"Pool cues are taller than me, that's just an unfair advantage," Nora countered with a giggle. Her eyes softened at his question. "You should go and tell her off for worrying you," she suggested impishly. "I'll tidy up - I want to have a swim anyway."

"I could teach you," he suggested with regard to playing pool. Of course, that wasn't going to happen anytime soon without a pool table handy. It looked like it was checkers, for now. He chuckled a little at her suggestion. "And face the wrath of Adriana" No thanks."

"Awww, are you scared of your little woman?" Nora teased him, packing up the playing pieces with a grin. "Did you give Addie all your pants when you decided to make it a real marriage?"

"Make her mad and she might cut off my bedroom privileges," he told her with a wink as he moved to his feet. Whatever it was that had kept Addie, he was sure there was a good explanation.

"I do not want to know about your bedroom privileges!" the teenager exclaimed, her expression twisted in a confusion of laughter and disgust.

"Aren't you a little old to be asking about the birds and the bees?" a familiar voice interrupted - Adriana, leaning in the doorway with a bemused smile on her face.

Matt chuckled again. "I was just telling her what might happen if I made you angry," he explained, without going into too many details. He didn't really want Addie to know that he'd been worried about her - that they'd both been worried.

"Oh, really?" His wife looked intrigued by the idea, pushing out of her lean to come further into the room. "I wonder if you could come up with punishments even more tortuous than I could?"

"That depends on who I'm punishing," he admitted with a teasing wink and a dimpled grin. It was probably a bit much for the teen, but it was Addie he was referring to.

"Okay, I'm out." It was definitely too much for Nora, though she paused before leaving the room to nudge her sister on the way past. Addie snorted with laughter, glancing over her shoulder before turning back to Matt. "I can't leave you two alone for an hour without you divulging sex secrets?" she asked teasingly.

At least, they were laughing. It was a good sign, he thought, given the events of the last few weeks. "No secrets. I was just teasing her," he explained. He looked over to see if Nora was still lingering or if she'd left. "She was worried about you," he confessed quietly.

Addie's smile faded a little guiltily. "I wasn't gone any longer than I said I'd be," she defended herself, though she obviously felt guilty for laying the burden of worrying on both of them. "But everything is done. The deeds are sorted, the businesses have been legally separated. All we need to do now is get things signed over."

"It doesn't matter," he said, with a wave of his hand, dismissing the unspoken and unnecessary apology. It went without saying that they were going to worry about each other. "When do we do that?" he asked, leading the way into the kitchen so he could put a fresh pot of coffee on.

"When your boss decides he wants to make it official, I guess," she said, belatedly removing her jacket as she turned to follow him. They had been indoors for so long, in such a relaxed environment, that it was a little strange to see her dressed up to present herself to the world. Just yesterday, she had been wandering around in rainbow covered pajamas and bare feet; today, she was back in heels and a smart dress, her hair tamed back into an elegant up do. "Any news on your end?"

"Not yet," he told her. "But I'm sure we will soon. Vince doesn't mess around," he added, as he grabbed a can of coffee from the cupboard and started scooping it into the coffeemaker. He didn't seem in any big rush to be getting back to Vegas.

"He's very thorough, isn't he?" she asked thoughtfully, resting a hip against the counter to watch him playing with the coffee pot.

"He doesn't like to take any chances," Matt replied, going to the sink to fill the carafe with water before filling the coffee maker. "Besides, we're on our honeymoon, remember?" he asked, flashing a smile her way.

Addie let out a startlingly loud snort of laughter, automatically raising her hand to cover her mouth and nose even as she blushed at the ridiculous sound she had just made. "Pretty sure honeymooning with your wife's kid sister in tow isn't the honeymoon of your dreams."

"Are you kidding?" he said, flipping the switch to turn the coffeepot on. "This is the longest vacation I've taken in years!" The truth was he couldn't remember the last time he'd taken any time off.

Her smile softened, letting him deflect the comment with ease. "I'm just glad you two get along so well," she said. "I never need to worry about what you might be doing to each other when I'm in a different room."

"Should I teach her how to box?" he teased further, a smirk on his face as he moved closer, arms sliding around her waist. "Did I mention how sexy you look?"

"You might stand a chance of winning against her if you did that," Addie teased him fondly, her cheeks flushing with a pleased blush at his unstudied compliment. "I thought maybe you liked what you were seeing when your jaw hit the countertop this morning."

"It wasn't that bad, was it?" he asked, chuckling in amusement. He wasn't going to apologize for it though; she looked like sex on legs at the moment. Of course, he didn't mind how she looked in her pjs either.

"It was adorable," she assured him, letting her own arms rise to slide up and about his shoulders. "You're lucky Nora didn't notice, though. I might have come home to find that you'd tied her up in a cupboard and gagged her for good measure."

"I'm not that cruel. I'd just send her to her room," he said, though he wasn't sure if he had that kind of authority over her. He wasn't her father, after all. "Where did she learn to play checkers?"

"Danny taught her," Adriana told him. "She, uh, she managed to catch tuberculosis when she was ten, and it was a very long few months of keeping her quiet and calm while the antibiotics did their job. Danny decided he was going to give her an incentive to do something quiet that engaged her mind, and it totally worked."

Matt's expression changed, looking momentarily alarmed, though Nora's illness had been quite a few years ago. "Tuberculosis?" he echoed. "I didn't think people got that anymore." He didn't bother to ask if she was okay, as she seemed perfectly fine, but he knew that was nothing to sneeze at.

Matteo Alessi

Date: 2020-10-20 13:04 EST
"Some people do. It's not a death sentence anymore, but let me tell you, keeping a hyperactive ten year old in bed is worse than a ten mile jog in winter!" Adriana was smiling, but her eyes reflected the pain she felt in remembering how useless she had been while Nora was so sick. "She's fine now. She's just got to be a little more careful with herself when she gets coughs and colds."

"Jesus," he muttered to himself. He'd lost people, too, but nothing like that. "I'm glad she's okay," he said, though that much was obvious. "That explains the checkers though," he added with a chuckle.

"Yeeeeah," Addie drawled. "You should ask to see her do some origami sometime. That is a pretty useless skill, but very impressive." She smiled, gently drawing her fingers against his cheek. "We didn't deliberately keep it from you," she promised. "It's not a big bad secret. It's just not something that comes up in conversation much."

"It's okay. We really haven't known each other very long, have we?" he asked, though he wasn't expecting an answer. There was still a lot they didn't know about each other, but he knew enough. "We'll keep her safe. Don't worry," he assured her, not for the first time, before leaning in to brush a kiss against her lips.

"Mmm ..." She smiled into his kiss, answering it with her own before murmuring back in a teasing tone. "We've been married almost four times as long as we knew each before you proposed."

"No regrets, Mrs. Alessi?" he asked as he brushed his nose against hers, his body pressed dangerously close. Of course, she had regrets, but hopefully, none that included him.

She laughed softly, not at all resistant to the insistent closeness they were suddenly sharing. "None," she promised, her voice husky with unmistakable desire. She couldn't resist teasing him a little more, though. "Just wondering when you want me to start delivering on those half-dozen kids you were muttering about in your sleep a while back."

He blinked, looking a little taken aback by that statement. "Half dozen! Are you sure" That's a lot of kids." No one had that many kids these days, not even if they were Catholic.

"You're the one who talks about it in your sleep," she countered laughingly. "You know you've already given them names" It's adorable. Not sure how I feel about Fastidia as a name, though ..." Her eyes sparkled teasingly, daring him to challenge her on how much of this was just to see him squirm.

“Now, you're teasing me," he said, hoping that was the truth. He couldn't imagine them with one child, much less six, but maybe his subconscious mind thought differently.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not," she said with an impish twinkle in her gaze. "How are you going to prove me wrong, hmm?"

"I don't know. How am I?" he countered, a teasing smirk on his face as he moved even closer to corner her against the cabinets, arms reaching out to hem her in.

There was barely even a hair's breadth between them now, and Adriana was still smiling her impish smile, inwardly delighted by the way they responded to one another so naturally. She didn't even mind being completely surrounded, not if it was by him. "You're smart," she murmured, her breath teasing his lips with each word. "You'll work something out."

"Mmhm," he murmured, leaning so close he could almost taste her breath upon her lips, but before he could kiss her, he turned his head to brush a trail of slow kisses down the side of her neck.

Just the slightest touch of his lips to her neck was enough to earn him a staggered breath against his ear, her hand rising to curl her fingers into the nape of his neck as she shuddered. "Straight for the kill, mmm?"

"Would you rather I tickled you?" he asked her, pausing only momentarily to ask her that before continuing the attention he was paying to the side of her neck.

Her nails gently warned him against tickling; her reaction was generally a violent one. "Don't you dare," she breathed, husky voiced already as she tried to press even closer.

His hands moved around her back to look for a zipper. She was done up so tight in that dress, there were very few ways to get into it without taking it off, but he was nothing if not resourceful. His hands drifted to her waist to lift up on onto the counter, where his lips had far better access to her cleavage.

His hands could certainly find a zipper, but he seemed to have other things on his mind. Adriana laughed softly as she was picked up and parked on the counter, the skirt of her dress riding up her thighs as her legs parted to pull him closer into their increasingly tangled embrace. "Hungry, baby?"

He only murmured a slightly muffled response as his lips were too busy to form words. His hands found that zipper while his lips did their best to distract her, but instead of pulling it all the way down, he only tugged it down far enough to give him more cleavage to kiss. He knew he had to be careful, in case Nora decided to interrupt, but he was having too much fun to stop.

She gasped, arching into the teasing play of his lips against her skin, fighting to keep any moans to herself in case her sister overheard them. Nora wasn't stupid, but she had, on occasion, displayed a truly stellar ability to cock block her own sister entirely innocently.

It was right about then the coffee pot let them know it was done brewing with its last burbled spurt of coffee into the pot. Matt smirked as he came up for air. "Coffee?" he asked innocently, as if nothing had just happened between them.

He found her flushed and squirming, and it was entirely his fault. She glared at him good-naturedly, pulling him into a fierce kiss. "And you call me a tease."

He chuckled against her lips before surrendering to her kiss. He hadn't managed to get her to tell him whether she'd been teasing him about his dreams or not, but it hardly mattered. Tit for tat, as they say, and he thought he gave better than he got.

In this instance, she definitely wouldn't argue with that, but she did slither to the edge of the counter to regain her feet and straighten her clothes. "Don't blame me if one of these days, Nora gets a crash course in male-female reproduction because we forgot to close a door."

Matteo Alessi

Date: 2020-10-20 13:05 EST
"She's thirteen. She's overdue for the birds and the bees talk, don't you think?" he said, helping her to her feet and reaching around to re-zip her dress. "By the way, you look hot," he added, whispered close to her ear.

"She's had the talk," she assured him, biting her lip as he whispered into her ear. "God, Matt, your voice does things to me when you do that."

"Remind me to whisper sweet nothings in your ear later then," he told her, taking a teensy nibble of her earlobe before pulling away.

"You're so bad for my composure," she complained, but it wasn't really a complaint and he knew it. The sound of running footsteps from the stairs to the back door caught her attention, followed by a faint patter of feet on patio stones before a loud splash. Adriana snorted. "I guess she's swimming this afternoon, then."

"That's what she said," he told her, an mischievous smirk on his face as he'd known this all along. "What about you, Mrs. Alessi" How would you like to spend your afternoon?" he asked, reluctantly moving to pour them each a cup of coffee.

"Well, I don't have any plans," she said, flushing just a little with pleasure as he addressed her by their shared surname again. "Why, were you considering something nefarious, Mr. Alessi?"

"I don't know. How do you feel about leaving Nora alone in the pool?" he asked. Yes, she was thirteen, but accidents could still happen. He fixed her coffee the way she liked it before handing her a cup. He wasn't going to make any more suggestions until he had her answer.

"I think she's sensible, and she's probably taken her laptop out there with her, so she won't be in the pool too long," Addie predicted, curling her hands around the cup he handed her. "In fact ....she's probably setting up some kind of selfie shoot for herself so she can Photoshop herself in Greece or somewhere. Apparently we're on a European vacation, did you know that?"

"Are we?" he said, turning to face her as he took a sip of his coffee. "Where would you like to be?" he asked curiously. "You know, it's not out of the question. No one would know us there."

"We are," she chuckled, perching herself on one of the bar stools comfortably. "We started off in England, then we moved down through France and Spain, through Austria, did Italy, and now we're in Greece. She's reading up on all the tourist spots, too, so don't be surprised if we really do end up doing trips to those countries." She grinned at him. "I'd love to go to Europe sometime. Maybe not doing all the countries in two months, like Nora's doing mentally though."

"Any particular place in Europe?" he asked, taking a lean against the counter while he sipped his coffee. Maybe when all this was over, he'd take her on a proper honeymoon. Or maybe they'd bring Nora along and make it a family vacation.

"You know, I've never really thought about it properly," she said. "Probably France, or Italy. Somewhere with more to do than just sit by a pool. I want the history and the architecture, you know?"

"There's not much point in going to Europe if you're not going to explore the culture," he agreed. "Have you ever been?" he asked further. There were still so many things they didn't know about each other.

"One weekend in London when I was eight," she told him laughingly. "I got a really up close and personal view of the inside of a Ritz suite. I had more fun on the plane, to be honest. What about you?"

"Italy when I was twelve," he told her. "My parents were more into vineyards than anything else, though, so I'm afraid I didn't get much out of it but a fondness for wine."

"I guess it would be an adventure for both of us, huh?" she said with a smile. It would be a while before either of them would feel comfortable to leave Nora anywhere for more than a few hours, but it was a sweet little dream.

"When this is all over," he said, making an unspoken promise with those words. Whether they brought Nora along or not was something they didn't need to decide now. They had the rest of their lives ahead of them, after all - at least, he hoped so.

"With luck, it won't be long now," she agreed, sipping her coffee. "I guess I should show you her Instagram, huh' She's been taking covert pictures of us for her holiday album on there."

"Is that a good idea?" he asked, wondering just who might be looking at those pictures. They couldn't risk the wrong people tracking them down yet again. Their lives depended on secrecy. That's what lying low was all about.

"She's good at disguising who we actually are," Adriana promised him. "She shows me the pictures before she posts them - makes sure I can't clarify the images with my software before they go up."

"So, what do I have my face replaced with Mickey Mouse or something?" he asked. He wasn't particularly knowledgeable about such things as social media and Photoshopping.

"She's pretty good at it, actually," the proud big sister told him. "She removes a certain number of pixels from identifying features, which means they can't be reconstructed. There's no way to positively identify a face without those pixels."

"But why bother then?" he asked, not quite understanding the point. If you couldn't post photos of people's faces, what was the point of posting them at all"

"It passes the time?" she suggested with a gentle smile. "She doesn't want to tell her friends she's been under house arrest for three or four months when we finally get back to normal. She doesn't want them to worry, or to ask her uncomfortable questions. And she's enjoying her little project. If there was harm to it, we'd find something else for her to focus on."

Matt nodded, a frown on his face. "It has to be hard on her to be away from her friends," he said. Especially with only two boring adults for company.

"They're in contact. There's just so little she can tell them about what's really going on." Adriana sighed, looking out through the window to where her sister was now wrapped up in various towels and blankets, entirely focused on her laptop.

Matteo Alessi

Date: 2020-10-20 13:05 EST

"I'm sorry, Addie," he found himself apologizing, though none of this was his fault really. "I promise I'll make it up to her. I'll make it up to you both." Sooner, rather than later, he hoped.

Her fingers curled around his as she shook her head. "This isn't your fault, Matt," she reminded him. "Do you even know how much you've given us" For the first time in a long time, we both feel safe, and it's because of you. That's not something to ever apologize for."

There was a "yeah, but" on the tip of his tongue, but he didn't bother to say it. Yeah, but what about Danny, for starters, but what was the point' He sometimes wondered if it should have been him, instead of Danny. She could probably read his thoughts from the look on his face, though he didn't say a word.

She held his gaze for a long moment, reading what he wasn't saying in his eyes, and still shook her head. "When are you going to stop blaming yourself for something that was not your fault?" she asked quietly. "You saved us. They saved us that night, too. And Danny didn't throw his life away because someone asked him to. He kept a promise he'd made. He wouldn't have been able to live with himself if he hadn't."

He didn't say anything, as nothing needed to be said. He might eventually stop blaming himself, but for now, the most important thing was keeping Addie and Nora safe. Danny had given his life to do just that, and if faced with the same decision, Matt could do no less. That wasn't what bothered him though. "I should call Vince. See how things are progressing," he said, despite the fact that he'd just assured her that they weren't out of the woods just yet.

Adriana smiled gently. "You should always do what you need to do," she told him. "And I'll always be here when you come back from it, no matter what it is."

To be honest, I'm not eager to go back," he confided. Life was simpler here, with just the three of them, but he knew it couldn't last forever.

"We won't go back," she reminded him. "We're going straight, even if we stay in contact with them. Hell, our hotels are going to be the safest in Vegas, with every family keeping watch over them as neutral ground."

"No, I mean to Vegas," he said. Vegas wasn't really home for him anyway. New York had always been home. It was hard to tell what felt like home anymore.

"Oh." She laughed a little at her misunderstanding. "Well ....I'd like to stay a little longer in Vegas, for Nora's sake. Maybe when she goes to college, we could settle somewhere else."

"Maybe," he murmured thoughtfully. If they were switching to the hotel business, the possibilities were endless. "It's something to think about anyway."

"It's only four more years until she starts looking at colleges," Adriana assured him. "Think you can hold out that long" I mean, there might even be a baby by then."

He arched a brow at the mention of a baby, a smile slowing curling his lips. "But not six," he remarked. Not unless they had multiple births, God forbid.

"And definitely not called Fastidia," she agreed with a grin, leaning over the counter to brush a kiss to the tip of his nose. "Go and call Vince. You're just going to fret over it until you hear him tell you to be patient."

"He's gonna start thinking I'm a worry wart," Matt said, though that was not too far from the mark. He did worry, where Addie and Nora were concerned. It was a strange feeling, after being alone for so long.

"I don't think so," she said, her smile just a little mysterious. "I think he's going to be wearing a shit-eating grin as soon as he realizes how many times you're going to call him before this is all done. The man singlehandedly gave you a wife and a little sister, Matt - give in and accept that he's the pushiest guardian angel in existence."

"Is that what you think he is?" Matt asked, looking amused. "I think he's more like a fairy godmother," he said, finding that analogy far more amusing than the one she'd provided.

"Only if he's dressed like Helena Bonham-Carter from the live action Cinderella," she qualified with a low chuckle. Now there was a mental image Matt would now have to contend with when talking to Vince.

Matt chuckled. "Like I need that image in my head," he murmured. "Give me a kiss and wish me luck," he said, not waiting for her to do so before moving in for the aforementioned kiss.

His kiss found her smile, and an answering kiss of her own, delivered with sweet tenderness as she nuzzled to him. "You don't need luck," she murmured.

"A little bit of luck wouldn't hurt," he told her, smiling into her kiss. "Why don't you go for a swim' I'll join you in a bit," he suggested. The daily call to Vince didn't usually take more than an hour at most.

"You read my mind," was her soft response, one last kiss given before she drew back. The weather wouldn't stay perfect for swimming much longer; she intended to make the most of it for as long as it was comfortable to do so.

"It's gonna be okay, Addie," he assured her. Or maybe he was assuring himself. He hoped he was right. He didn't want to lose them the way he'd lost his family back home.

"I know it will." Her eyes were utterly sincere as she looked up at him. "I've got you, don't I?" She winked at him, rising from her stool to turn, making her way out of the kitchen to the stairs.

"Yeah," he murmured, wondering how many times she'd said that to Danny, or at least, thought it. He'd been her guardian angel for years, but now it was up to Matt. One way or another, he was going to keep her and Nora safe, even if it killed him.