Topic: 21twelve Studios Script Leak!

Darien Fenner

Date: 2011-05-04 01:09 EST Senior Columnist: Mitchell Wrieze

21twelve Studios Script Leak! May 4, 2010

As far as we can tell, 21twelve Studios in RhyDin has definitely decided to get on board with the vampire fad for its premiere motion picture.

Early yesterday morning local press obtained copies of what seem to be three scenes from the flick. They had reportedly circulated briefly on the intra- and extra-nets, RhyDin's versions of electronic information-sharing networks. Though at first many users doubted the pages' source and authenticity, that 21twelve promptly acted to take down the leaked script only fueled the notion that the pages were, in fact, the real deal.

The initial skepticism that ensued probably stemmed from a few things that seemed to be missing from the script - most notably the name of its author or authors. Then again, 21twelve wouldn't be the first film studio to engineer a "leak" to generate a massive boom in publicity and public interest. That one of the released scenes takes place in the bedroom would also be a conveniently Hollywood maneuver. After all, sex definitely sells - especially in RhyDin.

"From what I can tell, it looks pretty romantic," Frederica Montoya, 31, said. "If they get the....ahem....consummate scenes right, I think it could be a pretty excellent movie."

"Oh my god! Vampires!" commented Mila McMerron, 14, outside the film studio. "I hope they cast people with really great hair. I think vampires should always have really great hair."

While incredulity is still high, if the leaked script pages are the real thing a few details can be gleaned about the setting, plot, and key characters:

1. A portion of the film takes place in sixteenth-century Spain on Earth. 2. While no villain has yet been revealed, the plot seems to revolve around seeking some kind of reconciliation with the vampiric and human identity. 3. And, as obvious by what has been already mentioned, the protagonists seem to be vampiric - both before and after the Change.

Ultimately it's up to RhyDin to decide. But whether or not these pages are actually authentic, one thing is certain: the leak has definitely sparked interest, whether 21twelve wants it or not.

What do you think, RhyDin" Is this a movie you'd want to see"


Men and women dressed in Spanish 16th century finery are clustered in groups talking, or entering or exiting the Cathedral. A young man - NOAH HYATT - is sitting underneath an orange tree, eating a fruit. He is dressed conservatively for the time in all black; his flat cap is on the ground next to him. He is very handsome - black hair and beard and incredible blue eyes. JULIANA CROWE exits Cathedral after confession and approaches NOAH. He jumps to his feet and bows deeply to her.

NOAH HYATT My Lady Cuervo.

NOAH takes JULIANA'S hand and kisses her knuckles.

JULIANA CROWE I'm sorry, my lord, but you have me at a disadvantage. You seem to know me, but I do not know you.

NOAH HYATT I am Noah Hyatt, a humble tailor from Cadiz, seeking his fortune in Seville.

JULIANA CROWE I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Noah Hyatt, humble Cadiz tailor. What were you doing just now"

NOAH HYATT You have caught me out, my lady. I was praying.

JULIANA CROWE I shan't tell anyone your secret if you promise to keep mine as well.

NOAH HYATT Of course, my lady Cuervo. I shall take it with me to the grave.

JULIANA moves closer to NOAH, lays her hand on his arm and whispers in his ear.

JULIANA CROWE I only go to confession when Father Frederico is present.

NOAH HYATT The old deaf priest' Your secret is safe with me, my lady.

Church bells ring, signaling the monastic hour of Terce, putting the time at approximately 9:00 am.

NOAH HYATT (CONT'D) Is it mid-morning already? Oh, I have somewhere to be, my lady! I must apologize, but I must leave. It was so nice to meet you at last. I hope to meet you again, my lady Cuervo!

NOAH runs off through the cloister of the church and disappears from sight. CATALINA ORTIZ appears at JULIANA's elbow. Both sigh longingly as they watch NOAH disappear.

JULIANA CROWE He is too young, Catalina. For either of us.

CATALINA ORTIZ Yes, I am afraid my days of chasing handsome young men are over, cari"o Juliana. Bartolome might object.

JULIANA CROWE How does he know me" How do you know him for that matter"

CATALINA ORTIZ Come. Let's go back to my house and I shall tell you all about our little tailor from Cadiz.


JULIANA and NOAH are lying in a large 4-poster bed. the room is lit only by moonlight. they are nude and have obviously just been intimate.

NOAH HYATT Will it hurt"

JULIANA kisses NOAH, trying to distract him. He pushes her away, intent on having his answer.

NOAH HYATT (CONT'D) Please, Juliana. Does it hurt to become... what you are"

JULIANA sits up and looks out the window. Her voice is soft and thoughtful when she speaks again.

JULIANA CROWE Yes, it hurts. Your body dies, Noah. It expels all the unnecessary ...fluids. Your heart stops beating, your stomach stops working, your ...Well, let's just say you'd better enjoy my body while you can.

NOAH HYATT We won't be able to make love any more"

JULIANA CROWE We'll be able to make love, but you won't find it enjoyable as you do now. Feeding is like sex to a vampire.

NOAH looks frightened and JULIANA turns to face him. She takes him in her arms again.

JULIANA CROWE (CONT'D) I will be with you, Noah. Now. Then. Always.

NOAH HYATT All right. When I return from Cadiz, you can Change me.


Two weeks after, NOAH returns from saying his goodbyes to his family in Cadiz. He is very drunk and hammering on the gates of JULIANA's villa. She arrives wearing night clothes.

JULIANA CROWE What do you think you are doing" I have been worried sick!

NOAH HYATT I have come to die, my lady Cuervo. My blood is yours. Take it as you wish.

NOAH bares his throat, tearing away the collar of his shirt.

JULIANA CROWE Idiota! "Qu" haces" "No tiene usted verg"enza"

Subtitles: Idiot! What are you doing" Have you no shame"

NOAH HYATT Shame! You ask me if I have no shame" What about you, my lady Cuervo' You have ruined me for all other women. You have taken my virginity, my sanity, and now you want to take my life"

JULIANA drags him inside, upstairs to her bedroom where he throws himself down atop her bed. He is crying.

NOAH HYATT (CONT'D) My mother cried, Juliana. My father cursed you. They think you're taking me to the New World, to live in Mexico and they'll never see me again. I lied to them, mi coraz"n. I lied to them so I could be with you. I've never lied to them before.

He becomes angry. JULIANA restrains him gently and holds him while he cries. He whispers "I'm sorry" over and over and it is unclear to whom he is apologizing - JULIANA or his parents. Finally he expends his grief and stands, leaving JULIANA's bedroom to stand at the railing to her balcony. She follows, stands next to him.

JULIANA CROWE You don't have to do this, Noah.

NOAH HYATT I want to do this. I have to do this. I want to be with you forever. I never want to be without you. But I'm so terrified, Juliana.

JULIANA CROWE I know. I know you're terrified. But I will be with you, right here beside you. Forever, Noah. Forever.

NOAH nods and JULIANA takes him back inside. They make love one last time and once they are finished, JULIANA feeds from NOAH, draining him to the point of death. Then she bites a gash in her wrist and feeds NOAH her blood. He is Vampire now.