Topic: Alignment, Ahoy! Get Your Telescopes Out!

Darien Fenner

Date: 2013-08-23 14:22 EST Junior Columnist: Maisha Otieno

Alignment, Ahoy! Get Your Telescopes Out! August 23, 2013

Cosmic enthusiasts and stargazers alike eagerly await the celestial triple alignment that take place in the sky today, and will be visible this evening between 2030 and 2100 RhyDin Standard Time.

During civil twilight hours, RhyDin's two moons, Arabrab and Trebor, will be in triple conjunction with the G-3 class star RhyDin currently orbits. Typically, Arabrab, the larger of the two moons which orbits in a wide circular pattern, and Trebor, which orbits in a tight-knit elliptical pattern, maintain a consistent distance apart of anywhere from twelve hundred to millions of miles apart. But they have been cycling together while moving ever closer to each other this month, and in just a few short hours both will be lined up neatly with the largest and closest star to RhyDin, creating what promises to be quite the celestial show.

Triple conjunctions are somewhat rare but not unpredictable, according to astrophysicists at the University of Westplace. The last one was in July 2006 and the next one will not occur until November 2019.

Barring weather interference, the formation should be visible even in places with bright city lights, though a clear view of the southeast horizon is necessary.

In related news, The RhyDin National Weather Service issued an advisory bulletin this morning regarding possible minor technological outages that may interfere with RhyDin transmissions. Due to the location of the alignment, cosmic spikes from a particularly sensitive node in the Nexus may impede satellite and wireless frequencies. All issues are expected to resolve in fewer than 24 hours.

Any local professional or amateur RhyDin photographers are encouraged to submit their documentation of the alignment, and will be featured in next week's print of The RhyDin Post.

this post. This is a 100% optional event that anyone or everyone is free to take advantage of. Minor to moderate technological issues can affect your character or businesses however you like for any period of time during this alignment. PM me if there are any questions.]]