Topic: Challenge for the FireStar: January 6

Darien Fenner

Date: 2010-01-07 19:41 EST
RhyDin Sports Sports Columnist: Peter Pham

Challenge for the FireStar Recap: January 6 January 7, 2010

Attention RhyDin:

Recorded copies of the challenge for the FireStar between Overlord Ticallion Carter and Pslyder are now available for purchase at the RhyDin Post for eight dollars or five copper. Please make check or money orders payable to the Post, and include your name and mailing address on the request form. Footage is available in dvd or holodisk form, and includes commentary by everyone's favorite Sports Guy Peter Pham, and retired dueler Chris Reed. Shipping and handling fees not included in price of purchase.

Darien Fenner

Date: 2010-01-07 19:48 EST
- The RhyDin Post's black and gold logo flashes with an epic, orchestrated introduction theme. The logo spirals off the screen, and displays a high-tech news studio with flat screen television sets, and a massive, glossy black desk. Two men sit behind the desk. To the left (Peter Pham) is in his early thirties, of Asian ethnicity, has gelled black hair, and is in a black suit. To the right (Chris Reed) is of Caucasian ethnicity with dark brown hair, is in his late thirties, is wearing a gray suit, and has a vertical scar running down one side of his face. Both men, equipped with headsets, smile at the camera. -

Peter: Good afternoon, RhyDin. I'm Peter Pham, sports columnist for the RhyDin Post.

Chris: And I'm Chris Reed, former dueler. Tonight, we have the opportunity to bring you an exciting dueling highlight from the Outback!

Peter: It's daytime, Chris.

Chris: We're in a studio! They don't have to know that! For all they know, we're in the middle of a volcano.

Peter: Uhh' Right. So today, we're privileged to bring you -

Chris: - Interrupting. Yells with bravado. - We're risking our LIVES to bring you sports, RhyDin! The magma could come oozing in at any moment and melt our very bones! I can hear the walls sizzling, RhyDin! We are near our doom, I say! Doom! Doom!! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!

Peter: - Stares at Chris impassively. - Are you finished"

Chris: - Surly. - Yeah, I'm finished.

Peter: - To the camera again. - Sorry, RhyDin. The consequences of dueling: One too many blows to the head results in too many brain cells lost.

Chris: Hey. I resent that.

Peter: Why don't you take your pills and tell our viewers what?s been going on with the Duel of Fists lately, Chris"

Chris: - Throws a pen at Peter, then looks at the camera. - Well folks, I don't know what the obsession is with Opals lately, but in the last week alone there has been a huuuuuuge influx of challenges for the wonky stones. I'm talking about four challenges in seven days. That's ridiculous!

Peter: It's one big Charlie-Foxtrot, Chris. Clearly there's some kind of ulterior happening going on we don't know about' or the fighters are just trying to throw sportscasters like us off.

Chris: I heard it was started by Dragoon-Talandor. I'm concocting conspiracy theory as we speak.

Peter: God help us. Anyway! We're delighted to bring you the second of four, featuring Overlord Carter"

Chris: A double threat, ladies and gents! Woop, woop!

Peter: " As I said, Ticallion Carter, holder of the FireStar Opal, and Fists Emerald, Pslyder.

Chris: I've seen Pslyder around the dueling venues for a while. But I have to tell you, Pete" I still have no idea what he is. Sometimes I see wings, other times not"

Peter: Maybe he's a reptilian hybrid of some kind"

Chris: Gotta be, the kind of punch that fella packs.

Peter: Now, due to time constraints, we can only bring you one of the fights from this challenge. We've decided to cover the last one just for the sake of consistency.

Chris: It's not a bad pairing at all, Pete. Pslyder's renowned for brute strength, while Carter's known for strategy. We'll see how this one pans out.

- Roll footage, Round 1. FL/FaDO 0-1 Carter. -

Carter: He starts off with defense, a step forward here and as Psly reaches out he steps to the right and throws that elbow.

Pslyder: Reaching up to catch an incoming fist, but grabbing nothing, as that elbow came in hard.

Peter: And we're off to a rocky start, ladies and gents. It appears Pslyder's not quite as agile as he looks, despite his hybrid frame.

Chris: Carter's just as fluid as he is with swords, Pete. Look at how easily he outsteps that grab; almost like he anticipated The Tank's attack.

Peter: The Tank" Pslyder's not big enough to be "The Tank."

Chris: I'm kinda feeling it. He just feels like a "Tank" to me.

Peter: Riiiiiiiight"

- End footage Round 1. Roll footage, Round 2. LS/FaLP 0-2 Carter. -

Carter: He barely has time to take note of Psly spitting something out. Once that leg comes in, he's jumping up and coming back down with that right leg extended. A sort of makeshift axe-kick.

- Rewind. Slow motion and zoom in of Ticallion's evasion. A white arrow traces the line of Pslyder's sweep, and crosses an X over where it would have landed. -

Chris: Here we see the perfect aim on The Tank's part, but it looks like the Overlord is just a little too quick for him. A shame, because that would have been a beautiful hit!

Peter: I am still not sure about that name"

Chris: It's already growing on me. Pslyder "The Tank" Whatever His Last Name Is!

Peter: What if he hasn't got a last name"

Chris: Way to be an as* and ruin my fun, Pete. - Laughter. -

- End footage Round 2. Roll footage, Round 3 and 4. FaDO/FaDO 0-2 Carter; FL/LS 0-3 Carter. -

Peter: Now here in Round Three we see Carter and Pslyder taking a breather. Pslyder seems like he's getting a little frustrated by Round Four, though.

Chris: Looks like it, Pete. He's a little over-eager to get a point on the board, and it's costing him. That grab leaves him completely open for Carter's quick footing. Literally.

- End footage Round 4. Roll footage, Round 5. FaAB/JB 1-3 Carter. -

Pslyder: Coming up from the mat, and letting the punch land on his arm, before rolling it over to trap it, sending out a stiff-fingered jab in response.

Carter: Throws that right-cross out again now and pays for it as the punch lands harmlessly into arm. Psly's punch doesn't do the same, it catches him square in the jaw and he goes reeling again.

Peter: Youch! Pslyder's bones have to be made of titanium for him to land that kind of counter.

Chris: I'm telling you! That's why I think we should call him -

Peter: - DON"T say it.

Chris: - Laughter. -

- End footage Round 5. Roll footage, Round 6. FeJB/LS 1-3 Carter. -

Chris: Now this is really interesting here, Pete. Pslyder's second-guessing himself, so he goes in for a feint, rather than an actual blow.

Peter: I don't see why, Chris. Carter's down. He would have landed it, no sweat.

Chris: I imagine he's feeling the pressure. Six rounds down, and only one point' Hell. I would be.

- End footage Round 6. Roll footage, Round 7. FaDU/SpK 2-3 Carter. -

Pslyder: Dropping down under the kick, rushing forward with the shoulder into the supporting leg.

Carter: He brings that right leg up and swings it around high overhead. He's trying to clothesline Psly, but that doesn't go well. The rush sends him falling back to the mat with a grunt.

Peter: Oh, wow! Pslyder's definitely closing in on Carter here. Maybe he's that much quicker than he looks.

- Zoom in to where Ticallion's leg sails harmlessly overhead. White circle around where Pslyder's shoulder connects with Ticallion's leg. -

Peter: He's ducking" he's ducking" he's ducking" and bam! Right there!

Chris: That's ridiculously fast thinking on The Tank's part, Pete!

Peter: - Sighs. -

- End footage Round 7. Roll footage, Round 8. FL/JB 3 All. -

Chris: Ah ha! The grab finally works for him! I'm willing to bet Pslyder's feeling the adrenaline rush about now.

Peter: It seems that way, Chris. The Overlord completely miscalculates that one and pays for it. Up, up, and away!

- End footage Round 8. Roll footage, Round 9 and 10. JK/LS 3 All; HK/SnK 3-4 Carter. -

Peter: Well" I gotta say Round Eight was a little" interesting.

- Slow motion of Pslyder sailing over Carter in Round 9. A drawn-in, arcing white arrow traces his trajectory. -

Chris: Look at him fly! The guy doesn't even need wings, after all.

Peter: I suppose Carter's lucky that one didn't hit, at least.

- Camera pans back to Round 10; slow motion where Ticallion connects a kick to Pslyder's chest. -

Carter: That powerful hook buys him a precious split second that alows him to throw a forward kick out into Pslyder's chest and pre-empt the haymaker.

Chris: Oof! Let's hope The Tank is made of steel after that one. That had to hurt!

Peter: That makes it match point in Carter's favor. I wonder if Pslyder's got enough stamina to level it off again?

- End footage Round 10. Roll footage, Round 11. FaDO/LS 3-5 Carter. -

Carter: Sweat trickles down his caramel colored brow now as he steps back in, instincts force him to sweep that right leg out hard again and he manages to connect with Psly's legs as he attempts the juke.

Pslyder: Attempting a juke to the side had him finding the sweep the hard way, landing harshly on the mat.

Chris: Oh, man! Did you see that, Pete" I swear, Carter had barely a flicker of recognition before he dropped!

Peter: Absolutely, Chris. He saw Pslyder trying to make off sideways, and he went for it.

Chris: Nice trip, see you next fall!

Peter: That's five to three, Carter. Since the win before this was awarded to the Overlord as well, it means that he retains the FireStar!

- Camera pans back to the studio, where both men are chatting amiably. -

Peter: I have to say, it looked like Pslyder was making a comeback for a minute there.

Chris: The Tank's got some skills, Pete. But Carter is the one everyone should be watching out for. He's a silent threat.

Peter: Not really that silent, Chris. He is the Overlord after all.

Chris: But it wasn't a bad effort on his opponent's part, either. Well fought, gents!

Peter: That about does it for this challenge, RhyDin. Thanks for tuning in, and remember to stay sporty!

- Camera fades, but talking continues. -

Chris: I still have to figure out what Pslyder The Tank is exactly"

Peter: You could go out there and do research, occasionally. You know. What us real sportscasters do"

Chris: Or you could just do it for me.

Peter: And what, be melted by all that dooming lava outside"

- Laughter. End Tape. -