Topic: Crazy Camby's Conspiracy Column

Darien Fenner

Date: 2014-07-05 11:42 EST Blogger: Camby Colson

Nobody Cares for the Carrots Anymore July 5, 2014

You think you know the way of the world" Buckle up, RhyDin. But you better not be using those generic buckles allocated through the local government, because those are the nickel-plated ones conscripted through Alpha Xi Nine, a subsector of the Thiruvian provence that specializes in the exportation of dermatitis ointments. What you need is to get you some rope, and tether yourself to your vehicle with good, old-fashioned ace-wrap " the kind that saved Jake Thrash's knee back in "08. For the love of the Star Kin, don't tie yourself to an AUTOmotive, though. And none of those four-legged creatures, neither. They intercept RASG transmissions through their teeth and contaminate our water supply with radiation.

Oh, and how they say carrots are the cure, but you know WHAT" Guess WHO grows the carrots in our city"! You guessed it. Supremacist dragons, who continue to lie in wait for their mothership to return and activate a beta-carotene transferal agent that robs us of our theta waves and turns us into drones. Mindless drones. DRONES, I TELL YOU.

Sheridan Driscol had the right idea when he fled Matt Simon's apathy rays. Had them installed into the governor's office, Simon did. Surest way to ensure his reelection. They emit pulses every other term, but at a frequency only high enough for musically inclined humanoids to discern. Driscol's got some elf in him, which was why he was more susceptible and had to recover deep underground in RhyDin's hollow core with the reptilians. As I understand it, he has known them ever since he arrived in RhyDin. They taught him to shed his skin, which is perhaps why he does not age conventionally like we do.

They've got it all wrong on him, you see. The gossip is all wrong. I have him figured out. They say Sheridan Driscol is engaged to some guy named Icarus. But they have it backwards. Icarus is ENGAGED. Project Icarus, that is. Project Icarus is engaged, and it's a secret plot to overthrow Matt Simon's pervasive radionetwork that monitors all of RhyDin's communications. Have you ever seen Icarus" No. Icarus is a keyword.

Come on, people. Use your heads.

Next thing you'll tell me, Michi isn't really the cherubim heralding a golden age. Then ask yourselves this, RhyDin. Why are elections late this year" WHY ARE ELECTIONS LATE"

Keep your eyes peeled!