Topic: Four Killed by Waterfront Car Bomb

Darien Fenner

Date: 2011-06-04 18:35 EST Junior Columnist: Renmah Gysseth

Four Killed by Waterfront Car Bomb June 4, 2011

An unregistered van exploded on Bridge Street today, in what the local Watch has called a "ruthless bombing." Our sources have confirmed that four people were killed and nineteen others injured, including a local business leader who was the apparent target of the attack.

It is unknown if the attack was politically motivated, and so far no groups have claimed responsibility.

"Whether or not it's terrorism is irrelevant," said Lt. O'Brien of the Westbridge Rifles. "Innocent people got hurt. We'll do everything we can to bring the perpetrators to justice."

Anyone with information regarding the Bridge Street bombing is encouraged to contact their local Watch unit.

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