Topic: July in Review! Fabulous Comebacks and Odd Circumstances!

Darien Fenner

Date: 2010-07-30 21:22 EST Gossip Columnist: Emmet "The It Man" Bane

July in Review! Fabulous Comebacks and Odd Circumstances! July 30, 2010

RhyDin, my lovelies, this city is a lot like Hollywood back on Earth. And I'm not talking about the fancy parties and the rampant sluttiness. I'm not talking about the living in sin or the revolving-door romances. I'm not even talking about RhyDin's infamous insta-babies and Velcro commitment obligations. What I'm talking about is the comebacks, and of course the oddball moments that make you scratch your head.

RhyDin is better than Hollywood in that respect, obviously. While celebrities back on Earth would drop off the face of the planet for a few months to be involved in stints of rehab, RhyDinians literally drop off the face of the planet to' uh' drop off the face of the planet. But as some brilliant folks here say, "No one in RhyDin stays dead for long." Coin that phrase. Patent it. Put it on a t-shirt, and send the Post some royalties. Our people will call your people.

And then there are the obvious what-the-heck moments that have the potential to truly keep you up at night. And it doesn't even have to be a Tara-flinging-frozen-fish-into-the-Inn-proper kind of moment. It doesn't even have to be a cannon-open-firing-on-the-Inn moment. Some of the things that go through these peoples' heads just make us here at the Gossip Column gape and say, "what were you thinking"!"

Don't believe us" Well let's start off with one of the biggest comebacks RhyDin has to offer recently, shall we"

We're talking about GEM, RhyDin! That's right! The amazingly fabulous and slightly mannish she-elf Gemethyst is alive and well after sixteen months of no word breathed to a single soul. Apparently the explanation for her absence can all be summed up in a conversation she had once reunited with Alain, which went something like this:

"Didn't you die?" "I did. I got better."

Well if that ain't soundproof logic, I don't know what is. Apparently the odd circumstances and reasoning followed Gem right on back to RhyDin, however, because it seems like her reconciliations with old friends just kept getting weirder and weirder. After leaving Archmage Vinny high and dry and turning him down for a date (BURN!), Gem got reacquainted with folks by joining them in an outdoor voodoo, shaman-like screaming ritual one night. Scariest of all is that particular event was headed by none other than serious lawman Lucien Mallorek. Um' what? Did someone hand out shrooms when our sources weren't looking, or is RhyDin just descending further and further into insanity' Rumor has it Lucien, Sylvia, Gem, and precious Miss Kate danced around in circles for a little under an hour. I knew it. All those embarrassing monikers had to get to him eventually. It was only a matter of time before he snapped!

Word has it Gem caught up with Fio at some point, also. Well if that isn't an awkward situation. For those of you out of the loop, Ali (now Fio's flame) and Gem used to be a thing, up until she" uh' bit the dust (kind of). Fio seemed more than pleased to see her alive and well, but naturally Gem appeared a little tense about being in her company. No word yet on what Ali thinks about all this, but all of us here really hope it doesn't upset him. Lord knows the man needs a break!

Get this, though. Remember back when we were talking about filling a phrase book with Sin-isms to make billions of dollars off it' Well it's a smarter idea than you might think! Rumor has it he predicted Gem's return not long after her "death" became public. Better yet, he predicted that the return would happen in a matter of months, and staked a promise on it. O.M.G. I am never doubting Sin again!

Speaking of, guess who marched his smexy self back into the Red Dragon Inn earlier this month' I think about a half dozen interns (both male and female) fainted when they heard about Sin's fabulous - albeit brief - comeback. Unfortunately he stayed only long enough to mack on Salvador, catch up with Fio and Ali, and then rip our hearts out and stomp all over them by leaving again. It's totally O.K., though. We don't need him. Really. No, really. Go on! Just' just leave us all behind! It's not like I count the days until he returns or anything. That would be weird. " Right"

Looks like Riley's doing amazingly well following her messy resignation. One of the many reasons we fell in love with her to begin with is her in your face "screw you? attitude towards anyone that gives her guff. Well claws are out ladies and gents! No word yet on how things are going with her and her men - that's right, I say men, because she's been spotted with both David and Daniel! Is she our next mef-in-training" RhyDin, this city is bathed in sin, and I absolutely LOVE IT! Well, long story short, it looks like she'll still use any excuse to make her enemies quake with fear. Speaking of which, what is the deal with Riley and Driscol's assistant, Erin? They seem all smiles and peaches for the most part, but my sources had the distinct feeling that if sharp objects were within reach when they chatted one evening, things might have gotten bloody. Weird!

And on that note, if we didn't love Erin enough already, sources tell me she totally accepted an invitation to Jake and Mira's wedding recently! That promises to be the wedding of the season! If you readers love us, send us pictures!

Darien Fenner

Date: 2010-07-30 21:29 EST
Speaking of weddings though, RhyDin, here is where I need to smack myself upside the head. So I was sympathetic when the original mef Maranya wedded and bedded two very good-looking fellows to sate her inhuman womanly desires. I was even sympathetic when she flirted shamelessly with Porthos and that Scottish dude after she was hitched (a gal's got needs, right") But this! This is too much! According to her man Antonio, Triple-A is adding a fourth party to their little harem - Chryrie Nightstar! Apparently he popped the question one night in the Inn, and when she agreed, he bought a whole round of drinks for everyone present. Excuse me" What' I could see the triangle thing working out. Well" I couldn't, really, but I could kind of guess. But what does that make this" A rhombus" A delicious rhombus of love" I've heard of a three-way, but a four-way" They're setting the standard for bedroom etiquette, it seems. I don't think I've made up my mind on this business just yet, though I would kill to know exactly what was going through the studly Antonio's head when he decided on this course of action.

I was almost appalled, RhyDin. Almost. And then the original mef had to go and announce that she is having twins. TWINS. Now I'm all confused with mixed feelings. Let me get my hands on some vanilla rum and I'll get back to you all in the morning about it.

In happier news, Z'ev and May Queen Lilliana seem to be doing most excellently, and word has it Lilliana's mother wants to have a sit-down with him in the future at some point. Uh-oh! Looks like things might be getting serious for these two! Please, please for the love of all things, don't rush this. " Or if you do, puh-lease invite us to the party! Gypsies throw the best parties, after all!

Speaking of rushing things, though' Remember back when Sarah had fur" Well apparently she doesn't anymore, and wound up dropping Bru'l's company like a hot potato in favor of dueling veteran Mur's. While none of my sources have seen Bru'l around lately, apparently Mur and Sarah have been falling all over themselves in like (I say like, because "love" is kind of a loose term with these two). One thing I do approve of, though, is the constant match-and-rematch thing they have going on, where they always seem to be wiping the floor with one another inside the dueling rings. That's one way of getting tension out, I suppose. I mean, personally I'd rather perform another kind of exercise, but hey, to each his own!

They're not the only ones making googly eyes in the dueling venues, though. Vex and mini-mef Montgomery have been spotted on at least a half-dozen occasions spooning ringside while friends beat the snot out of each other. And she claims they're not an item' Puh-LEASE! We're not complete idiots, just tend to be blinded by love most of the time. Sources tell me they're quite cute together with the snuggling, but the fact that they do so in the presence of violence kind of rubs me the wrong way. That broad seems like she has kinks I don't even want to touch with a ten-foot pole!

Ex-Governor Kitty has been doing a heck of a lot of bartending lately, and it has made me so ridiculously happy it's not even funny. She's like a protective mama to the patrons, RhyDin. A full-chested, very dangerous mama who will bite off the heads of anyone who tries to even think about giving her kiddies the stink-eye. Tass and Kitty seem to be doing as fabulously as ever, and also have conveniently been delighting in macking on each other in the presence of blood and violence and gore. Though for some reason this particular circumstance doesn't seem quite as odd as the one between Vex and Montgomery. Maybe it's because the Kitty couple's kinks are already well-established!

Back at the Inn, my sources caught a glimpse of old-fashioned Lite hanging with some bouncy little thing named Lydia one night. At some point Lydia looked like she was ready to talk some serious business with him, and the two were spotted retreating off for a booth to have a private conversation. Are we out of the loop again" What happened to the gorgeous arm candy Lite was spotted with during the Midsummer celebration' Word has it this beautiful babe was then spotted rushing out from behind the closed curtains for the bar and asking for towels and alcohol before she returned and closed them again. O.M.G.! The Red Dragon Inn is a PUBLIC establishment! Have some class, you two! Sheesh!

So rumor has it Alain has stepped down as head of DeMuer Exports. What"! Is this a joke" Tell me this is a joke! Excuse us, but wasn't his rugged, business mogul air an intrinsic part of his identity or something" Apparently he's keen on picking up brewing, and recently did his best to try and get the dazzling Sophie to join him in his business endeavors. Well" I guess if it's what you love, right' Sophie didn't seem terribly worried about his business plans, and the two seemed very comfortable together until Alain introduced her to some broad named Atalanta. He claimed she was some kind of business partner and friend, but sources tell me there was an interesting vibe that was going on between the two of them. Alain doesn't strike me as the kind of fellow to ruin the dazzling Sophie's day with infidelity, but I definitely sense some unrequited infatuation on one end or the other. After all, once Atalanta was introduced, she seemed nervous and way too eager to rush out of the place as quickly as humanly possible! Interesting! We'll have to see how that turns out!

Sources tell me Fiora was back, thank GOD, and doing business Thursday evening! Does this woman ever stop working" Word has it she was trying to push a new bit of real estate on wordsmith-tender Keaton, who I am also relieved to see behind the bar again! What was I saying about comebacks" Seriously! You throw a Des, Skid, Grem, Eless, Mason, or Locke my way now and I'm going to fall all over myself in glee. You know what? Throw a Kazzy or a Tucker in there, too, and I may just have to throw a RhyDin Reunion Bash! More information to come!

As always, stay smexy, stay sinful, and stay sassy, RhyDin!