Topic: M. Night Shyamalan?s ?RhyDin: The Movie? Plot Twist Leaked

Darien Fenner

Date: 2013-08-30 22:42 EST Post Intern: Matt Dawson

M. Night Shyamalan's "RhyDin: The Movie" starring M. Night Shyamalan Plot Twist Leaked August 30, 2013

The startling plot twist to M. Night Shyamalan's upcoming thriller, RhyDin: The Movie was incidentally revealed over the RhyDin extranet today via several leaked pages of the film script, just days prior to end of shooting.

RhyDin: The Movie, starring M. Night Shyamalan and with several guest appearances by M. Night Shyamalan has been in production for the past year and a half, and has been the talk of Westplace College of Film ever since it was announced that Shyamalan would, in fact, be shooting in RhyDin.

"Some people have some weird grudge against him, but I find M. Night Shyamalan to be an utter genius who truly embraces the mentality of your typical coffee-shop film student," said Quint Raidder, 24. "What's more, his twists are impeccable. Like the one about the guy that was actually dead" Or the other one about the woman who thought she was alive and was actually dead" Genius, I say! GENIUS!"

The plot itself follows an unassuming orc named Gregg (Shyamalan), who fights his way across the country to seek out his estranged ghost foster family that lives in a haunted elevator by talking to trees and strange merpeople in pools. On the way, he meets charismatic love interest and paranormal archetype Ada Gird (played by local pirate, Aja Bird), and several other unique individuals whose complex character developments inspire new conflict he is forced to overcome with secret invulnerability powers he never knew he had.

SPOILERS: According to the coffee-stained scans leaked, amid chaotic scrawls of JAMES CAMERON BLOWS there appear to be unfinished notes by Shyamalan indicating that the portal to RhyDin is, in fact, the gateway to hell, and all of the dead returning to RhyDin turn out to be personal demons designed to torment the newly dead. In an astonishing twist, Gregg is a demon himself.


In an additional twist, Aja Bird also turns out to be M. Night Shyamalan.