Topic: Multifarious Mass Murder Leaves Eight Dead

Darien Fenner

Date: 2010-06-16 15:17 EST Senior Columnist: Madu Adeniji

Multifarious Mass Murder Leaves Eight Dead June 16, 2010

WEST END, RhyDin —- Eight men and women were found dead in a warehouse located in West End early Monday Morning. Experts peg the causes of death as anywhere from bullet and knife wounds to magic-induced trauma.

"I've never seen anything like it," Brian Carram, West End coroner, said. "Usually in a scene this big you see some kind of consistency in terms of method. But it's almost like eight different suspects came in to murder eight different people. It was a circus act, you see. A bloody, horrifying circus act."

Authorities on site claimed the victims" ages and species varied, but all had a connection to both local and interrealm businesses and industries, including but not limited to noteworthy U&M Trading Incorporated and lesser-known West End Surety Financials. Investigations reveal that the upper levels of the unleased and otherwise unassuming building were remodeled and utilized as conference venues by the victims.

Local shipping expert and financial pundit Tarlin Zyung was positively identified by his assistant as one of the victims of this brutal attack.

"I've been Mr. Zyung's personal assistant for thirty some odd years. I've controlled this desk and access to him, while providing him with clerical help," Denna Junan, witness on site, said. "Mostly though what he does doesn't go on any records, so the clerical work has been pretty easy."

Added Junan: "He was a good man. There were many who wouldn't agree with some of his business dealings, but you can't keep your hands lily white if you're going to do any real cleaning, now can you?"

According to Junan, circumstances had been relatively routine that night, with the exception of a heated discussion between Zyung's business partners.

"They were stirred up over this Governor business," explained Junan. "There's been a lot of dark noise, a lot of shifting and trouble brewing in response to the idea that someone might be coming in to make things orderly. I mean, we've got order, but it is our kind of order. You know what I mean' Mr. Zyung just wanted to keep people calm, give them peace of mind that those changes weren't anything to worry about."

No word yet on possible motive, but local authorities are currently looking for two women that left the scene before the crime was reported. According to Junan, both were unarmed and might have served as eyewitnesses to the murders.

"I'm just horrified," said Junan. "If those hoighty toighty know-it-alls had just left it all alone. Why'd they have to go and play politics" Were they getting too bored with their social calendars" I just don't get it. All they've done is rile people up with their nonsense. And they'll be over and done with before you know it, but good people, good people will be hurt by it. Don't they understand simple Ripple Effects" It's RhyDin for the love of a Higher Power! We live by the Nexus, we die by the Nexus! One little ripple and it just all ends."

C.E.O. of U&M P"tur Hinrik declined comment on the case.

Anyone with any information is urged to contact West End Security Inc., who is currently heading the investigation.

"The Road to a Dream" with player's permission. Thank you!]]