Topic: No Relief in Sight for Marketplace Price Hikes

Darien Fenner

Date: 2011-06-29 15:36 EST Junior Columnist: Renmah Gysseth

No Relief in Sight for Marketplace Price Hikes June 29, 2011

R.D., RHYDIN —- In an article filed by the RhyDin Business Bureau earlier this month, investors and customers indicate that a growing number of merchants with businesses in the RhyDin Marketplace and its surrounding areas have been increasingly hiking their prices, prompting outrage and cries of protest from their usual customers.

In some areas of the Marketplace vendors have raised prices as much as fifty percent, citing increasing raw material costs as one of the reasons for the inflation.

"RhyDin has only so many shops that we can go to," said Malle Marquis, 31. "Say what you will about ease of entrepreneurship here, but when push comes to shove there are only a handful of businesses that actually stick around that you can rely on. Where am I supposed to go when I can't afford those goods anymore?"

"It's just the way it is," Richard Middleton, owner of Middleton Manufacturing, said. "I have to take care of myself first. What I mean by that, of course, is being able to afford my own goods. That is, the materials I purchase from other companies to sell. Because their prices are going up. And I have to pay for them. I have to raise my prices too."

So far there has been no word as to whether the GAC has advised the governor to intervene on behalf of the economy, but then the price hike has only carried on for about a month. Still, shoppers predict that if the problem really lies with suppliers as merchants say it does, then there is a chance that prices may not go down at all.

Some sources speculate that the increase was influenced as a result of the bombing of the GrangerGuild Dyeing Workshop on the fourth of June. That Saturday morning saw the deaths of forty-eight GrangerGuild employees, including Mrs. Gwendolyn Granger, wife of Dominic Granger, who is the Professor of Anthropology at the RhyDin Museum. According to reports filed by the Watch a few days later, the fire was deliberately started within company property after what amounted to a tremendously fatal drive-by shooting.

"If you ask me, they're all covering their butts," Thomas Vigner, 45, said. "Maybe they're saving up for something; I don't know. But one thing is certain " none of those vendors want what happened to GrangerGuild to happen to them."

Regarding the unsolved Granger case, the Watch respectfully asks that anyone with any information please come forward, so that the suspects may finally be brought to justice.

"Rhy'Din Kakure-Kai", "Kan'yu", and playable "Paying More?", all with players' permission. Thank you!]]