Topic: Random RhyDin #18

Paige Connelly

Date: 2010-06-28 01:03 EST Paige Connelly Staff Reporter

Hello once again, RhyDin!

Last week, we asked where you like to sit when visiting the Red Dragon Inn. A lot of you love to sit at the bar and why not, you get a great view of the entire place from there.

This week, I would like your help justifying the polls to the editor. Well, actually I want to justify it to Bane. It seems he wants more space for his gossip column.

What do you think of the poll, RhyDin?



Date: 2010-06-28 01:21 EST
Dear Miss Connelly,

I think Bane should meet the infamous Stew and see what gossip it has to tell. It is sentient after all. Then again, it might eat him and you'd have more room for your polls and interviews!


Colleen MacLeod