Topic: Random RhyDin #37

Paige Connelly

Date: 2011-02-22 19:57 EST Paige Connelly Staff Reporter

Hello Again, My Fellow RhyDinians!

If the this were an actual election, we know who wouldn't be needing a recount! Seems that the citizens of RhyDin are demanding a rematch between Matt Simon and Tasslehofl Momus. This time in the voting booth. Whoever decides to run in this year's election, you know we'll be around to cover to it!

On to more current events in town. Koyliak VanDuran-Simon kicked off Fashion week in a grand style at the Red Dragon Inn on Sunday evening. Combining fashion and art in a spectacular display that was met with warm approval by the patrons who attended.

Looking around the bullpen here at the RhyDin Post, I could think of a few of our reporters that could benefit from attending such events. Including myself!

How about you? Do you consider yourself to be a fashionable person"